When Ming Lou said this, his face was obviously solemn!

And Uncle Li and Cheng Jinyun also frowned!

The people present are all spies, whether it's the ** side or the Japanese side, as long as it's a famous espionage fighter, they've basically heard of it!

Just like the Japanese army, they also know the names of famous spies from the military and the Red Party!

Just like Gao Feng!

Gao Feng's information was sent to a special high-level class before the Japanese army captured Shanghai. After all, one person destroyed the entire Japanese military intelligence network in Shanghai, and it was difficult not to pay attention!

It's just that Gao Feng is very careful on weekdays, so the Japanese army only has Gao Feng's information, and there is no photo of Gao Feng.

Everyone present has heard the name Yoshiko Kawashima!

Yoshiko Kawashima is actually not a Japanese, but a down-to-earth prostitute. She can be said to be the biggest female traitor. Someone once judged her, and her value can be compared to an elite armored division~!

Some people call her the title of "Eastern Sorceress"-.

"Yoshiko Kawashima? I see."

Gao Feng nodded and said.

"Then... Minister, was Shirou Kawashima really assassinated by us?"

Seeing Gao Feng nodding, Minglou couldn't help but ask again.

Hearing Minglou's words, Gao Feng glanced at him this time, then stood up and said, "Okay, if there is nothing else, I'll leave first, and the people from Uncle Li's base will contact him after they come over."

After saying that, Gao Feng turned around and left.

After Gao Feng left, Uncle Li and Ming Lou looked at each other.

"Team leader, was that Kawashima Shiro killed by Gao Feng?"

At this time, Cheng Jinyun frowned and asked in doubt.

"should be.."

Minglou thought for a while and nodded.

"Besides Gao Feng, I can't think of anyone else in Shanghai who could do this."

Uncle Li also said at this time.

"Yeah, late at night.. In the absence of any lights, the distance of 500 meters, and Shiro Kawashima still changed into a soldier's clothes, I still can't understand how Gao Feng judged the target and successfully killed it. of."

Minglou also sighed.

On the other hand, Gao Feng didn't know that Ming Lou and others were talking about any confirmation of his target.

After he left Uncle Li, he went directly to Zhuang Xiaoman's villa.

Although it was late at night, Zhuang Xiaoman was not asleep. When she saw Gao Feng come in, she was stunned for a moment, then she frowned and asked, "What mission?"

"I just received news that Yoshiko Kawashima has come to Shanghai and is in charge of the assassination of Shiro Kawashima."

Gao Feng walked to the sofa opposite Zhuang Xiaoman, sat down and said.

"Yoshiko Kawashima? That female traitor?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked.

"Well, tomorrow you can collect all the information about Yoshiko Kawashima and give it to me."

Gao Feng hummed and then said.

"Okay, I see, this Kawashima Fangzi is here, shall we kill her?"

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and asked again.

"It's easy to kill her, but after killing her, the Japanese army will definitely pay more attention to the underground intelligence on the Shanghai side, and more people will be sent over there. We are good at hiding, but all the disguises have clues. The safety of her is very unfavorable, so there is no need to move her temporarily unless it is absolutely necessary."

Gao Feng thought for a while and said.

"okay, I get it."

Zhuang Xiaoman replied.

After getting Zhuang Xiaoman's reply, Gao Feng hummed, then lowered his head and thought about things.

However, because Zhuang Xiaoman was wearing a nightgown, Gao Feng was sitting opposite again.

Slightly stunned, then Gao Feng stood up and said, "Then I'll go first."

After saying that, he turned and left.


The next day, in Gao Feng's office at the headquarters of the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce, Gao Feng was sitting at his desk holding a copy of Yoshiko Kawashima's information and watching it carefully.

Gao Feng also heard the name Kawashima Fangzi in his previous life, but he only had a general understanding and did not read it carefully.

After reading the information collected by Zhuang Xiaoman at this time, I was also a little surprised!

This famous Kawashima Yoshiko really deserves the title of the head of her female traitor!


Then the phone on the table rang.

Gao Feng put down the document and reached out to pick up the phone.

"Takahashi, I'm Masao Muto."

The voice of Masao Muto came from the other end of the phone.


Gao Feng called hurriedly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

"Well, the consulate is going to hold a banquet in three days, remember to bring Junko to attend."

Masao Muto said.

Hearing Muto Masao's words, Gao Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something!

Three days later is Masao Muto's birthday!

"Okay, father, I'll be there with Junko."

Gao Feng said hurriedly.


The phone hangs up.

the other side..

The extra high class, next to Yoko Nantian's office, and Yoshiko Kawashima's office are arranged here.

In this office, Yoshiko Kawashima is holding the information on "Takahashi Masao" in her hand.

Opposite Yoko Nantian sitting there a little uneasy.

. . 0

Being slapped by Gao Feng before and being taught by Fujita Yoshima has made her dismiss the matter of investigating Gao Feng!

But because of Yoshiko Kawashima's arrival, her lost thoughts reappeared!

She felt that there was definitely something wrong with Masao Takahashi!

"It's Masao Muto's birthday in three days, right?"

Putting down the information in her hand, Yoshiko Kawashima asked at this time.

"um, yes."

Yoko Nantian nodded.

"Okay, Masao Takahashi will definitely be there in three days. I want to see him then."

Yoshiko Kawashima said with a smile.

"Miss Kawashima, actually Takahashi Masao has a characteristic."

Nantian Yoko said at this time.

"Oh? What characteristics?"

Yoshiko Kawashima asked.

"He's very lustful. The vice president beside him is a woman, and he is basically inseparable from each other. In addition, last time he was with Feng Manna, the chief of the intelligence department of No. 76..."

Yoko Nantian told the story of Gao Feng's invitation to Feng Manna.

After listening to Yoko Nantian's words, Yoshiko Kawashima smiled and said: "It may be superficial, it may be true, but if it is false, then this Feng Manna and the vice president beside Takahashi Masao must be There is also a problem, you are now sending people to watch these two people."

"Hey! I'll make arrangements now!"

Yoko Nantian nodded hurriedly.

"By the way, one more thing, have you heard the name Gao Feng?"

Yoshiko Kawashima thought of something at this time, and asked again. Small.

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