Hearing the words of Yoshizheng Fujita on the other end of the phone, Gao Feng raised his mouth and said, "Actually, Mr. Fujita can understand best, after all, I am not representing an individual, but the entire Takahashi family. When this incident was spread to China, the consequences were too serious, so I was also very angry at the time and didn't control myself."

"Hehe, Mr. Takahashi did the right thing, so I will immediately call Yoko Nantian over and ask her to kowtow and apologize to you in person."

"No...no, this is too unnecessary. I just wanted to talk to Mr. Fujita on the phone this time. In fact, Section Chief Nantian is very capable."

Gao Feng smiled and refused directly.

After finishing speaking, Gao Feng thought of something and continued: "By the way, Mr. Fujita, I have one more thing here, I think Feng Manna on No. 76 is very good, such a capable person should sit in a good position. go up."

"Feng Manna? Okay, I see."

On the other end of the phone, Fujita Yoshimasa was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said.

"Well, then I won't disturb Mr. Fujita."

After Gao Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Fujita Yoshimasa put down the hung up phone, and then called out his adjutant.

"Go and call Head Nantian."


The adjutant nodded and hurriedly left.


Yoko Nantian came to Yoshimasa Fujita's office.

"Baga! Did I tell you before, don't provoke Masao Takahashi! Your head was eaten by a dog!"

After seeing Yoko Nantian coming in, Yoshimasa Fujita began to scold!


Yoko Nantian kept his head down.

"Fortunately, Masao Takahashi didn't really blame you! Come on, get out of here now!"


Yoko Nantian turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

But at this time, Fujita Yoshima stopped her again.

"Who is Feng Manna?"

Fujita Yoshima asked.

"Feng Manna is the Deputy Chief of Intelligence Section No. 76."

Yoko Nantian said hurriedly.

"Well, does she know Takahashi Masao?"

Fujita Yoshima continued to ask.

"Hey, yesterday..."

Yoko Nantian nodded and said what happened yesterday.

After listening to Yoko Nantian's words, Fujita Yoshimaa nodded and said, "No wonder...you go to No. 76 immediately and let Feng Manna be the section chief and Wang Manchun as the deputy section chief."

"Hey, this subordinate understands!"

Yoko Nantian said hurriedly.

"Well, let's make arrangements now."


Yoko Nantian left the office after speaking.

Half an hour later, Yoko Nantian personally arrived at the No. 76 headquarters and announced Feng Manna's order to serve as the chief of the Intelligence Section.

In the Intelligence Section, everyone was stunned when they heard Yoko Nantian's order!

You must know that Feng Manna is on the 76th, her ability is not very outstanding, if not relying on the intelligence network left by her father Feng Zixiong after the death, she would not be the deputy section chief at all!

She is also a transparent person on weekdays!

But such a person became the section chief, and the capable section chief became the deputy section chief!

This confuses most people.

However, Wang Manchun knew why, because Feng Manna accompanied Masao Takahashi for one night yesterday! She became the section chief the next day, but she became the deputy section chief because she refused!

This made her feel very uncomfortable! In her opinion, jobs should be based on ability!

Her uncle told her that the Japanese army is like this, whoever has the ability can climb farther, but now it doesn't seem to be what she thought, and it is not what her uncle said!



The secret room of Zhuang Xiaoman's villa.

Gao Feng sat in a chair and looked at Gao Feng who came over with a telegram.

"Don't show it to me, you can translate it."

Watching Zhuang Xiaoman hand over the information, Gao Feng waved his hand and said.


Zhuang Xiaoman nodded and began to interpret.

Looking at the information above, Zhuang Xiaoman frowned, then looked at Gao Feng.

"Did you guess the order over there?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked suspiciously.


Gao Feng nodded.

"The 100,000 people don't care?"

Zhuang Xiaoman frowned and continued to ask.


Gao Feng asked back.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Zhuang Xiaoman opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"How to save 100,000 people? In the rear of the enemy, to rescue these 100,000 people, at least 300,000 to 400,000 people need to get through the Japanese defense line and establish a safe escape route, but it will not cost 100,000 soldiers' lives in this way. ..  

Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoman didn't speak, Gao Feng spoke again.

"How about we get them to the experimental base?"

Zhuang Xiaoman hesitated.


Gao Feng directly shook his head and refused.

It's not that he didn't think about this matter, after all, he couldn't watch 100,000 compatriots being transported away as 'slaves'!

But he can't do it!

Arrange these people to the base?

First of all, lack of food is a problem. In addition, there are inevitably a few dishonest people among the 100,000 people. Gao Feng can't take risks!

In addition, how to transport these 100,000 people is also a problem!

It's impossible to transport it in the backpack of the People's Reassurance System, right? Besides, the system backpack can't hold living things.

"Then what do we do?"

After hearing that Gao Feng refused directly, Zhuang Xiaoman asked.

"Go get some weapons, the more the better. Their fate is up to them to choose, whether to kill two Japanese soldiers to death, or be treated as 'slaves' for the rest of their lives, all depends on their choice."

Gao Feng waved his hand and said.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Zhuang Xiaoman was taken aback.

"You're going to give those people the weapons to fight for themselves?"

Zhuang Xiaoman frowned and asked.


Gao Feng nodded directly.

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements now."

After Zhuang Xiaoman finished speaking, he turned and left.

Two days later..Night..

In a prisoner of war camp outside Shanghai, Gao Feng appeared in a dormitory inside the prisoner of war camp.

Said it was a dorm..

But there was not a single bed, just some hay on the ground, and the smell of excrement and urine was in the air.

The prisoners of war lay curled up on the ground.

Teeth chattering in his mouth.

They were already frozen and didn't notice Gao Feng in the corner at all.

Looking at these people, Gao Feng's thoughts moved, and a huge wooden weapon box appeared in front of him. The box was covered with three or eight covers and a lot of bullets.

After putting a few boxes in a row, Gao Feng left here.

And not long after he left, a prisoner of war discovered the weapon! .

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