Go upstairs directly into the study.

Just as Gao Feng was about to ask Zhuang Xiaoman, he took the lead in answering: "The message was passed to the headquarters, directly to the principal. The principal ordered us to find a way to obtain the content of their conversation and assassinate the commander-in-chief of South China."

"Did the principal say what to do with those old German soldiers?"

Gao Feng asked.

"The principal said don't bother, just get their conversation information."

Zhuang Xiaoman said.

"Well, I see. If it's just a unilateral assassination and eavesdropping, it's not that difficult."

"Tomorrow is the New Year, should they come?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked.

"According to what Goro Matsushita said before, it should arrive in Shanghai tomorrow."

"Then we put the assassination site on the dock? The place is the easiest to get."

Zhuang Xiaoman hesitated.

"The pier is not good. There are too many piers in Shanghai. We don't know which pier it is. In addition, even if the assassination is successful, the military officers of the old German will be alerted and cancel this exchange, so it is best to stay in the villa and wait for them. After negotiating and obtaining information, we will carry out the assassination.”

Gao Feng shook his head and said.

"okay, I get it."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.

Then the two chatted about other work content for a while, and they didn't walk out of the study until Junko's knock came from outside the door.

The next day, Gao Feng went directly to the consulate early in the morning.

As soon as he arrived at the consulate, Gao Feng noticed the difference. There were obviously several times more soldiers patrolling outside. In addition, there were many officers in the consulate that Gao Feng had never seen before.

When he came to Masao Muto's door, Gao Feng knocked on the door, and only after hearing the sound from inside did Gao Feng walk in.

"Takahashi-kun, have you done your job?"

Seeing Gao Feng coming in, Masao Muto hurriedly asked.

"My father has already done it. The location of the villa is at No. 56 Wutong Road. I specially hired someone to clean the villa, and the wine and food in it are all ready."

Gao Feng lowered his head and said.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Masao Muto smiled and patted Gao Feng's shoulder with satisfaction and said, "Haha, Takahashi, you are really careful."

"Thank you for the compliment. By the way, father, I saw a lot of people I don't know coming from outside. Are these new recruits?"

Gao Feng thought of something at this time, and asked suspiciously while pointing outside.

"Oh... they all came from Nanjing, okay, Gao Qiao has a lot of things to do here, so you can go back first."

"Okay, then I'll say goodbye first."

Gao Feng hurriedly nodded and then turned to leave.


After leaving the consulate, Gao Feng immediately sent people to arrange eyeliners at all the docks in Shanghai.

It is imperative to know at the first time when those people arrive and from which pier they will land.

After making arrangements, Gao Feng was waiting for news at the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon..

There was a knock on the door from outside the office, and then the door was pushed open and Zhuang Xiaoman walked in.

"There is news."

After coming in, Zhuang Xiaoman said directly.

"The goal is to land at Pier 7. Our people want to get close, but there are too many Japanese guards. In order not to be exposed, we can't get close at all. We can only follow them from a distance. They have not come out until they enter the villa. ."

"Well, how many people? Did the military personnel of Lao Germany and the commander-in-chief of South China come together this time?"

Gao Feng nodded and asked.


Zhuang Xiaoman frowned slightly.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Gao Feng pondered for a moment and then nodded.


At the same time, in the office of the head of the special high school, Yoko Nantian was sitting at the desk looking at the documents in his hand.

The first page of the information is the photo of Goro Matsushita, and the content of the information is all the whereabouts of Goro Matsushita after he landed in Japan, until the last time he disappeared!

dong dong..

There was a knock on the door.

After hearing the voice, Yoko Nantian put down the information in his hand and said, "Come in."

Then the office door was pushed open, and a Japanese officer in the uniform of a major came in.

"Report to the section leader, we have discovered a major situation!"

"Oh? What's the situation?"

Hearing the Major's words, Yoko Nantian's expression brightened, and he hurriedly asked.

"On the day Goro Matsushita disappeared, the last place he was seen was at the Dryden Ballroom. The day after Goro Matsushita disappeared, the Dryden Ballroom was closed and everyone inside left."

The Major lowered his head and said.

"go on.."

The smile on Yoko Nantian's face grew wider, she felt like she was grabbing that little tail!

"We are currently searching for these people, but there are no leads."

Shao Zuo said.

Hearing the Major's words, the smile on Yoko Nantian's face suddenly froze.

Immediately, she frowned and asked, "There are so many people in a ballroom that none of them can be found?"

"Hey, yes, Chief, these people seem to have evaporated from the world."

The Major used a Chinese idiom to describe it.

Opposite Yoko Nantian's brows were even tighter, she thought for a moment and then said, "A dance hall of that size must have a lot of income every day. You should check all the banks in Shanghai to find out the funds and funds of this dance hall. When it was taken, who kept it, and where it was stored, it must be recorded in detail.”


Major nodded hurriedly.

"Well, do it now."


The Major turned and left the office.

After Major left, Yoko Nantian lowered her head and continued to look at the information on Goro Matsushita on the table.

It stands to reason that an assistant at the consulate disappeared, so there is no need for the special high school to take it so seriously. But this assistant knew the news that the commander-in-chief and the military officers from the old German side came over, so this matter had to attract the attention of the special high school!


At this time, Yoko Nantian suddenly thought of something, she picked up the phone on the table and called someone.

Soon another officer came in.


"Well, you go to contact Consul Muto and say that I have important business and hope to meet him."


The officer nodded and turned to leave.


In the evening, near the villa on Wutong Road, Gao Feng, who was wearing a mobile suit, was hiding on a thick tree trunk. He was half-squatting there, holding a mobile receiver in his hand. The receiver was similar to a telegraph. Gao Feng Put the receiver in a fork of a tree trunk, and then turn on the receiver to start receiving the sound from the wired bug in the villa. .

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