Hearing the words of the seat, Gao Feng was stunned for a moment!

This time I was really stunned!

Because according to his plan, there will definitely be two aspects on the side of the bureau, one is to negotiate with John, and the other is to steal the penicillin formula. John is right, why do you let yourself deal with the fraternity now?

The opposite bureau seat looked at Gao Feng in a daze and asked, "What? Is there something wrong?"

"Report to the bureau! No, but my subordinate has a suggestion. If my mission fails, I suggest that we can find someone to contact John."

Gao Feng said hurriedly.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, the bureau chief smiled and said, "I have thought of this for a long time, and I will contact John personally."

"What! Bureau seat, are you going to Shanghai?"

Gao Feng's face suddenly changed.

"Well, this matter is very important. The principal ordered me to go to Shanghai in person."

The bureau seat nodded and said.

"But Shanghai is too dangerous! What if there is an accident!"

Gao Feng said hurriedly.

"You don't have to worry about this, you just need to complete the task I gave you."

The bureau seat waved his hand and said.


Gao Feng nodded.

"By the way, there is one more thing to inform you. This incident is very important to our army. If we succeed, our soldiers will no longer be short of medicines, and your rank will be further improved."

The bureau seat pointed to the golden star on Gao Feng's shoulder and said.

"Ah.. But the seat, I just got promoted."

Gao Feng's face showed surprise.

"Hehe, what happened when you just got promoted, you should be promoted if you have merit, this is an order from the principal himself! I want to congratulate you in advance here, the youngest general of the party country, and also a lieutenant general, I will have the same rank as you by then. , we are no longer subordinates."

The head of the bureau was a little more emotional when he said this. He vaguely remembered this second lieutenant officer who just came out of the military academy two years ago!

And now two years later, he will become a lieutenant general, reaching the same level as himself.

"Bureau seat, you were my seat before, now you are my seat, and you will be my seat in the future. I hope you will always work under you."

Gao Feng said hurriedly.

"Haha, okay, hurry up and prepare."

The bureau seat smiled and waved his hand.

"Yes! That humble position will be retired first!"

Gao Feng turned around and left the office.


On the way back to the hotel, Gao Feng was thinking about today's affairs. First of all, the bureau is going to Shanghai, and Gao Feng must have a good reception! Although I can't say what to arrange for him on the plane, it is good to get something after arriving in Shanghai.

In addition, Gao Feng can only say that he did a good job of going to the Brotherhood, because now that he is cooperating with the National Army, the Brotherhood on Laomei's side will definitely change.

The last thing is promotion!

This is something Gao Feng didn't expect! After all, the promotion of major general to lieutenant general means that he is on an equal footing with the bureau..

When thinking of this, Gao Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face.


The next day, the confidant sent by the bureau to Laomei sent a message that the location of the Brotherhood had been found, and it was confirmed that the factory did exist, but because the factory was heavily guarded, it was impossible to enter the interior to check the situation.

When the headquarters got news, the bureau ordered Gao Feng to go to Laomei that day, and he also sent a member to follow Gao Feng.

"Gao Feng, find our people first when you get there. After the meeting, you will be the leader and carry out this mission, is that clear?"

In the office, the bureau chief gave Gao Feng the final explanation.

"Yes! Bureau seat, I know it."

Gao Feng said hurriedly.

"Well, let's go, but be careful not to reveal your identity!"

The bureau nodded and said.


"Okay, then go get ready."

The bureau seat waved, and Gao Feng left the office.

On the same day, Gao Feng went to Laomei with his escorts, and the next day the bureau also secretly left Chongqing for Shanghai.

Three days later...

Gao Feng arrived at Laomei's side, and then Gao Feng and his escorts went to the area where the Brotherhood was located.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

It took almost less than a day for the two of them to reach the area of ​​the fraternity.

It has only been a month since Gao Feng left, and this month Gao Feng can clearly see the changes in the Brotherhood area!

People wearing the special uniforms of the Brotherhood can be seen everywhere on the street. Teams of three are walking on the street normally, and the ordinary people in the area of ​​influence have also changed, because the Brotherhood has unified the other underground forces in this area. It also reduced the power struggle, which also made the power area more quiet and peaceful than before.

Coupled with the establishment of the drug factory, the ordinary people in the region have more income, so the ordinary people in the region love the Brotherhood very much.

0 ...... 0

The members of the fraternity also act according to the rules, no longer bullying men and women as before. If compared with the inspectors, the fraternity can be regarded as the inspectors in the dark.

Find a hotel Gao Feng and his escorts stayed, and just stayed in Gao Feng.

On the other side.. the headquarters of the Brotherhood, Lan Rouge, who is sitting in the office, received the news reported by the members.

"Red robe, the target has reached the place."

A black man in a green robe below whispered.

"Well, let's get started!"

Lan Rouge nodded lightly.


The green-robed black man nodded and turned to leave.

After Lupao left, Zhuang Xiaoman also stood up. She packed up, picked up the Brotherhood's development form and factory information during this period, and walked out of the office.

After half an hour...

In the hotel where Gao Feng lived, Lan Rouge came to the door where Gao Feng lived.

She raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Then there was a voice that was not inferior to Gao Feng.


Then the door opened, and a middle-aged man appeared in Lan Rouge's sight.

Seeing Lan Rouge outside the door, the man frowned and dared to ask, but Lan Rouge suddenly pulled a dagger from his waist and wiped it towards the man's neck!

The man's face was startled, and he jumped back in a hurry, but his reaction was still a step slower, and there was a bloodstain on his neck! Small.

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