"Merge with a group?! Really? That's great for the group leader!"

Guo Qiyun said excitedly after hearing Wang Tianfeng's words.

Guo Qiyun still remembers the last time he worked with a group to destroy Hongkou Airport! A group of soldiers was in charge of intercepting the soldiers leaving from the Hongkou Airport. At that time, there were about four or five hundred soldiers leaving the airport. Although there were not many people in the group, there were definitely no more than forty people!

But forty people almost wiped out the four or five hundred people on the opposite side!

It's been so long, and he still remembers it!

"Well, the above group has already given me the contact radio waves of one group. Now I can contact one group and take over."

Wang Tianfeng said with a smile.

"When will we contact the team leader?"

Guo Qiyun asked hurriedly.

"Contact now!"

Wang Wan walked towards the radio station.

Sitting on the edge of the radio station, Wang Tianfeng began to contact a group, and within ten seconds, the received message was passed on the other side, and then the two sides began to discuss the meeting place-time and so on..


The next day, on the Chongqing side, the bureau arranged for confidants to go to Shanghai to investigate what Gao Feng said. At the same time, they brought in the injured to conduct drug tests. Because drug tests take time to compare, the results are temporary. Can't know right away.

On Gao Feng's side, he came to the military headquarters early in the morning. When he arrived at the door of the bureau's office, Gao Feng knocked on the door..

Then came the voice of the seat.

"come in.."

After hearing the sound, he pushed the door and walked in.

The bureau seat in the office saw Gao Feng come in and said with a smile: "Colonel Gao, oh... I should call you Major General Gao now, wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, the bureau seat picked up the phone on the table and said, "Bring Major General Gao Feng Gao's military uniform and documents, by the way, and also the medals.."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Major General Gao, sit down and wait for a while."

The attitude of the bureau today is obviously much more friendly.

"Thank you, Bureau."

Gao Feng said.

"Hehe, you're welcome."

The seater smiled and waved his hand.

Soon a second lieutenant came to the office with Gao Feng's uniform, certificate and medal.

After taking the seat, it was handed to Gao Feng.

"Major General Gao, because of the information you provided yesterday, the principal specially awarded the first-class Medal of Blue Sky and White Sun!"

"Thank you bureau seat!"

Gao Feng hurriedly saluted.

"Well, by the way, there is one more thing. Because of the intelligence you provided yesterday, it may take a while for you to be the deputy director of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission. You should take a good rest during this time."


Gao Feng said hurriedly.

Then Gao Feng left the military headquarters with the military uniform, certificate and medal.


At the same time, in Shanghai, in the office hall of the puppet government, in the Minglou office, Minglou was sitting at the desk, opposite Mingcheng reporting the latest information.

"Big brother, today Wang Tianfeng sent someone to hear the news that the superior ordered the underground action team in Shanghai to merge the first and second teams, with Wang Tianfeng as the team leader."

Mingcheng said.

"What, merge?!"

Minglou was stunned for a moment.

"um, yes."

Ming Cheng nodded and said.

"What about the group leader? Why merge?"

Ming Lou asked with a frown.

"I contacted a person who works in Chongqing. He gave the news that because of the establishment of the newly established Military Commission Investigation and Statistics Bureau, the former team leader of the Shanghai underground operation returned to Chongqing to serve as the deputy director."

Mingcheng said.

Hearing Mingcheng's words, Minglou lowered his head and thought. Some time ago, he, Uncle Li and Cheng Jinyun speculated that the mysterious person was Gao Feng, the leader of the group, and because Cheng Jinyun had seen Gao Feng, he let Cheng Jinyun Draw Gao Feng's portrait to find Gao Feng!

However, I didn't expect that Cheng Jinyun's painter really couldn't bear to look directly at him. He had been practicing painter for a while, but he didn't expect that Gao Feng was transferred away!

This made Minglou a little unable to react!

"You prepare the car..."

After thinking for a while, Minglou said to Mingcheng.


Mingcheng nodded and hurriedly left.

Two hours later, in the same park, Uncle Li and Ming Lou were sitting in the back seat of the car.

"Just got the news that Gao Feng was transferred and he was transferred to the headquarters as the deputy director of the new department. It seems that we have found him and the plan to win him over is about to change."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

Ming Lou frowned.

"Well, well, there are our comrades in Chongqing, do I need to arrange for someone to contact Gao Feng?"

Uncle Li was silent for a moment, nodded and then asked.

Hearing Uncle Li's words, Ming Lou frowned and said, "Don't contact for the time being, if our previous guesses are all wrong, Gao Feng is not that mysterious person, then our comrades will get in, and we can't take our comrades' lives. adventure."

"Is the guess wrong?"

Uncle Li was taken aback.

"I just doubt it. After all, the speculation has not been confirmed, and there is no guarantee that it is absolutely correct. This time, Gao Feng was transferred from Shanghai. The first and second groups were merged, and Wang Tianfeng was the team leader. I want to use this opportunity to determine our guess!"

0 ......  

"How to be sure?"

Uncle Li asked with a frown.

"The mysterious man can provide so much money, which shows that his apparent identity must be a businessman. In addition, we can contact the members of his team. The members of his team must know the appearance of Gao Feng. We will talk to Cheng Jinyun based on the appearance described by the team members. Compare the description, and if it matches, then you can be sure!"

"This method is good! After it is confirmed, if the mysterious person is really Gao Feng, I am asking the comrades over there in Chongqing to make contact!"

"Okay, that's it, I'll go check on a group tomorrow!"

Minglou nodded.


The next day, Wang Tianfeng and Guo Qiyun left their hiding spot early in the morning and went directly to the French Concession! After arriving at the French Concession, the two found a set of hidden locations based on the address!

It is the headquarters of a company called Fulong Chamber of Commerce.

As soon as the two entered the headquarters, a man walked towards them.

"Who are you two?"

the man asked.

"Oh, we want to buy some goods."

"Buy goods? What goods?"

the man asked.

"Four sweet dates..."

"Only buy four? Did you make a mistake?"

"Did you come by mistake? Haven't you?"

"Well, come in with me and have a look."

After the man finished speaking, he turned and walked inside, while Wang Tianfeng and Guo Qiyun hurriedly followed. Small.

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