Two days later, Gao Feng took a ship to Baodao, and then took a plane from Baodao to Chongqing.

After arriving in Chongqing, Gao Feng first found a hotel to stay, and after a night of rest, Gao Feng took two boxes to the military headquarters the next day!

Arriving at the Military Command Headquarters, Gao Feng went straight to the bureau's office.

dong dong..

"Come in.."

There was the sound of the bureau seat, and after hearing the sound, Gao Feng opened the door and walked in.

At this time, in the office, a lieutenant colonel reported to the bureau seat. After the bureau seat saw that Gao Feng was coming in, he first motioned Gao Feng to sit on the sofa and wait.

Soon the lieutenant colonel left the office after reporting the work, and the bureau stood up from the desk and said with a smile: "Haha, Gao Feng, it's really hard for you."

Gao Feng hurriedly stood up and said, "Thank you for your concern!"

"Well, there are two reasons for calling you back this time. The first is that because of your outstanding performance in Shanghai during this period, we have obtained a lot of information that is beneficial to our war, so the principal decided to promote you to major general."

After finishing speaking, the seat took out a box from the drawer next to it and handed it to Gao Feng.

Gao Feng took the box and opened it and looked at it. Inside was the rank of major general!

"Because of the particularity of our work, we can't hold a celebration banquet and promotion meeting for you. We will keep everything simple. The military uniforms and certificates will come down tomorrow, so remember to come and get them."

The bureau said with a smile.


Gao Feng hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"Okay, sit down, sit down..."

The bureau seat pressed his hand.

After Gao Feng sat down, he continued: "The second thing, the principal has newly established a Military Commission Investigation and Statistics Bureau. This department is actually the same as the Shanghai Military Intelligence Station, but with greater powers to manage the nation's intelligence work. , I decided to make you the deputy director."

"I don't dare to be a lowly post! The bureaucrat's ability to hold a low post is limited, so I can't hold this position 々"! "

Gao Feng's face changed, and he hurriedly waved his hand and said.

Looking at Gao Feng's somewhat frightened look, the bureau chief smiled again and said: "Hehe, don't be humble, among the people I know, if you don't have this ability, I think others don't have this ability. "

"But...but in Shanghai..."

Gao Feng hesitated.

"Don't worry about Shanghai, Wang Tianfeng's second team is still in Shanghai. He is also very capable. Let him take over your team for the time being."

"That's good.."

Gao Feng said with a sigh of relief, but then he thought of something and hurriedly put the two boxes under his feet on the coffee table in front of him.

The two boxes are very large, one meter five in length and one meter in width. When the two boxes are placed on the coffee table, the coffee table makes an unpleasant creaking sound.

"Officer, I have a special situation to report to you."

Gao Feng whispered after putting the box on the coffee table.

Seeing Gao Feng's mysterious appearance, the opposite family couldn't help but ask with a smile, "What is the situation to report? So nervous?"

After he finished speaking, he saw Gao Feng open the two boxes.

Looking at the things in the two boxes, the smile on the bureau's face gradually disappeared, and then the whole person stared at the two boxes with wide eyes!

A box of penicillin! And a box of dollars!

"Where did the money and medicine come from?"

The seat of the bureau looked away from the box, looked at Gao Feng and asked in a deep voice.

"I bought these drugs from a Chinese-American named John. I earned the money and gave it to you."

Gao Feng said.

The seat of the bureau was stunned for a moment, then he silently closed the box of money, and then pointed to the drug and asked, "The details of this drug must be explained in detail, and there must be no concealment!"

"Before the Japanese attacked Shanghai, my team and I retreated to the French Concession, and then I rescued an intelligence dealer in an accident. Most of the intelligence I had before was purchased from him. After I verified it, I passed it on here, and after a few times like this, our relationship became more familiar, and once he told me something..."

Gao Feng talked about the process very vividly, and the bureau chief listened intently. He couldn't help but ask, "What did I tell you?"

"He said he could get penicillin, the last accident was because Lao Mei chased him down and wanted to take the penicillin formula from him..."


In an instant, the seat of the bureau changed his posture when he heard the story, he stood up from the chair and stared at Gao Feng with wide eyes in disbelief.

"You said he had the recipe! What about others! Did you control it?"

Bureau seat asked with a trembling voice.

"No, his situation is very complicated and he can't control it at all. In addition, he also told me one thing, they have already started to build a factory, and now the factory is put into production, and the price of buying penicillin from him only needs the old American One-third of the price over there, and they guarantee that their penicillin is better than the old beauty!"

Gao Feng shook his head and continued in a low voice.

When the seat on the other side heard Gao Feng say that he couldn't control the other party, he was still a little frustrated, but after hearing what Gao Feng said later, he stood up again and pointed to the box of medicines and asked, "¨¨ "This is the medicine that was obtained from that person? How much is this box?"

"This box of 100,000 dollars..."

Gao Feng said.

"One hundred thousand?!"

An unbelievable expression appeared on the bureau's face.

If you bought this box from Laomei, you might not be able to buy it for 800,000 yuan, but the person Gao Feng said only needed 100,000 yuan to buy it!

This is one third!

It's a tenth of the price!

"Gao Feng! What you said is true?"

(of Wang Zhao)

The bureau seat stared at Gao Feng and asked.

Hearing the words of the bureau's seat, Gao Feng hurriedly said loudly: "Everything that Beizhi said just now is true!"

"Okay! Come with me!"

The bureau stung Gao Feng for a moment, then nodded and walked out of the office. When he reached the door, he thought of something and said to Gao Feng who was following behind him, "Take those medicines with you!"


Gao Feng nodded hurriedly.

Soon the two of them walked out of the military headquarters. After reaching the door, the two got into the car and drove in the other direction.

Half an hour later, the car passed through numerous guard posts and finally flew to the gate of a courtyard.

Seeing this yard, Gao Feng took a deep breath!

This is to meet the big man!

PS: Chapter 113 has been revised. If you feel that the beginning of this piece cannot be connected, it means that you have not revised it before reading it. Just read 113 again, and you will not be charged.

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