After Gao Feng said these words, he saw Zhuang Xiaoman looking at him with a strange expression.

"What's wrong? What's your look?"

Gao Feng asked with a frown.

"Blue Rouge offended you?"

Zhuang Xiaoman wondered.

"You don't know the situation at the Brotherhood, don't worry, Lan Rouge will definitely arrange it well."

Gao Feng waved his hand and said.

"Okay, listen to you."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded.

Then Gao Feng and Zhuang Xiaoman chatted for a while before leaving the headquarters.

Three days later, Gao Feng left Shanghai again. Originally, Zhuang Xiaoman wanted to follow, but Gao Feng refused.

After all, his own job is intelligence. If Zhuang Xiaoman follows, what if there are tasks at the headquarters during the period?

Therefore, there must be one left in Shanghai. Zhuang Xiaoman is the person Gao Feng believes most, and only Zhuang Xiaoman can be left.


On the ship, Gao Feng was standing on the deck. He carefully studied the map he got from the captain. The ship he was doing was a small private ship with only the captain. The rest of the people on the ship were brought out by Gao Feng. team member.

"Go and call the captain."

Gao Feng then said casually to a team member next to him.

The group nodded hurriedly and walked away quickly.

Soon the captain came hurriedly from a distance. He came to Gao Feng and asked respectfully, "Mr. Takahashi, what are your orders?"

"How far is this place?"

Gao Feng asked, pointing to the location where more than a dozen islands were drawn on the land.

"Ah, there is still a day's voyage to this place. Mr. Takahashi, are we going here? This place is an isolated island with no one."

the captain asked suspiciously.

"Are all islands? How many ships pass there?"

Gao Feng asked.

"They are all isolated islands. There are basically no boats to go there. After all, if you go from there, you will not only detour but also have many reefs in Haiti. Larger boats cannot travel at all, and only small boats like us can travel."

The captain said 1510.

"Well, I see. I hope the ship can only reach here by this time tomorrow, and I will give you double the price."

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Takahashi, thank you..."

The captain said hurriedly, and after that, he hurried to live.

After the captain left, Gao Feng looked at the island group on the map with a satisfied expression on his face.

The reason why he left Shanghai this time was to find a place to build a base, and where is the safest place to build a base? Except for the South Pole and the North Pole, there are only uninhabited islands left. At this time, many large uninhabited islands have not been developed. , there is no one on the island, so the choice is also an island.

the next day...

When the boat arrived at the destination, Gao Feng ordered the captain to circle around the island group first, and then Gao Feng asked the captain to drive the boat to the largest island in the middle of the island group.

The boat was fine. Gao Feng and a group of team members got off the boat and then observed on the island.

As Gao Feng looks more and more satisfied, the island has a large area, dense trees, and fresh water. A large experimental base can be established in the middle of the island!

After watching the island, Gao Feng brought people back to the boat, and then signaled the captain to go back.

The captain's heart was strange, but he didn't ask any more questions, he started the ship and left the island.

Three days later, the ship returned to Shanghai.

After getting off the boat, Gao Feng paid the captain and left the dock.

After Gao Feng left, the captain also left the dock, but he didn't see a team member who had been with Gao Feng before him was following him.

A day later, the captain died at home.


After determining the location of the base, Gao Feng arranged for people to go to the isolated island for construction.

The most important thing in this era is manpower!

**It's not easy to get people over here, but the old beauty can do it! Therefore, Gao Feng directly sent someone to pass the news to Lan Rouge, and explained all the things and locations of the establishment of the base as well as the personnel needed.

After receiving the information, Lan Rouge immediately began to act.

Zhuang Xiaoman also began to arrange for people to go to Lao De to dig people.

Headquarters of the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce.

In the office, Gao Feng looked at the Chamber of Commerce's shipments and purchase list during this period. When he saw Ming's purchase list, Gao Feng's brows suddenly wrinkled!

There is nothing wrong with the list, and the money should be right, but Ming's bought a lot of medicines in these short two months!

Very many..

Even an ordinary person can see the problem when he sees this purchase list!

"Go and call the vice-chairman............"

Gao Feng said to Xiao Hubei outside the door.

"Understood, Mr. Takahashi."

Xiaohu nodded and hurriedly left.

Soon Zhuang Xiaoman came to the office.

"looking for me?"

After entering the office, Zhuang Xiaoman walked over to Gao Feng, sat down and asked.

"Look at this list."

Gao Feng handed the list to Zhuang Xiaoman.

And Zhuang Xiaoman took a look at the list, then put it on the table and said, "I know about this, and I reminded them side-by-side, but they didn't listen to it, it seems that the battle ahead is very tight. , otherwise it wouldn't be so risky."

"Even if the war is tight, it must be carried out under the guarantee of your own safety! If they do this, there will be problems!"

Gao Feng frowned and said.

"If something goes wrong, shall we help or not?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked hesitantly.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoman's words, Gao Feng pondered for a moment, and finally he sighed and said to you: "Help... help! The trouble you caused yourself. Clean it up yourself!"


On the other side, number 76..

Wang Manchun is in the office looking at the information that has been passed down recently!

When she flipped through one of the documents, she paused for a moment, because this document belonged to the Ming family!

She and Minglou were lovers before, but after her uncle became a traitor, she and Minglou separated!

In her opinion, the reason why Minglou separated from her was because of Minglou's sister, Mingjing!

So she doesn't have any goodwill towards the entire Ming family!

"Come on!"

Putting down the information in his hand, Wang Manchun shouted loudly.

Soon a member of Intelligence Unit 76 walked in.

"Senior Wang..."

"Well, where is the warehouse No. 20 mentioned in this information?"

Wang Manchun asked coldly.

"At Yunlong Wharf."

The team members hurriedly said. .

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