"No, Mr. Estein, our work place is temporarily set at **. The future work place has not yet been established. When it is established there, I will take you to your work place. Here in ** For a while, I can only let you discuss and study the theory for the time being... but I believe it won't take long."

Gao Feng sat in the co-pilot of the car and said with a smile.

"**? Feng, how long do we have to stay in**? I mean how long do we have to wait before we can officially invest in research?"

Szilard asked with a frown at this time.

"Half a year, at most half a year."

Gao Feng said.

After hearing half a year, Szilard, Estein and the others looked at each other, and then ignored Gao Feng, who was sitting in the co-pilot, and began to discuss directly. After the discussion was over, Szilard said: "Okay Feng, We can wait half a year, but please promise that in half a year we have to see what we want to see."


Gao Feng nodded.

Soon the car arrived at the airport, and then the group got on the plane.

After tossing and turning for three days, Gao Feng and others returned to Shanghai. On the way, Gao Feng vaguely explained his identity to the five scientists, telling them that his identity here was Japanese, and his name was Masao Takahashi. Just call yourself Mr. Takahashi.

For Gao Feng's identity, these five scientists don't really care! As long as it's not NS, you can be anyone else, as long as you can give them sufficient funds and other things, they don't care about that.

When the ship arrived at the pier, because Zhuang Xiaoman was not notified in advance, Gao Feng and other six people could only call a few rickshaws to the headquarters of Fenghe Chamber of Commerce.

Half an hour later, the rickshaw arrived at the entrance of the headquarters. As soon as Gao Feng got off the bus, he saw Xiaohubei walking out of the headquarters.

"Mr. Takahashi! You're back!"

When Xiaohubei saw Gao Feng, he shouted with excitement on his face.

"Well, I'm back, where's the vice president?"

Gao Feng nodded and asked.

"The vice president is inside."

"Okay, I see. By the way, these five are my very important guests. You can arrange accommodation for them to ensure their safety."

Gao Feng pointed to the five of Estein and said.


Xiaohubei nodded hurriedly.

Then Gao Feng turned his head and translated with Estein and the other five, and asked them to follow Xiaohubei, and Xiaohubei would take them to rest.

Regarding Gao Feng's arrangement, the five Esteins didn't say anything, but nodded hurriedly. After all, they are only scientists, and their bodies are very weak. The journey of the past few days has made them almost fall apart. A place to take a shower and then have a good night's sleep.

After arranging the five Esteins, Gao Feng entered the Fenghe Chamber of Commerce.

Soon after arriving at Zhuang Xiaoman's office, Gao Feng didn't knock on the door, he just pushed open the door and walked in.

Zhuang Xiaoman, who was lying on the desk and writing a document with her head down, raised her head when she heard the voice. After seeing Gao Feng coming in, she was stunned for a moment, then she asked with surprise on her face: "Why are you back? "

"Oh? What? Can't I come back?"

Gao Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Zhuang Xiaoman hurriedly walked out of the desk, then came to the door and closed the door, then threw himself into Gao Feng's arms.

"Two months!"

Zhuang Xiaoman, who threw himself into Gao Feng's arms, said something in a muffled voice.

This time is the longest separation from Gao Feng since she met Gao Feng!

"Two months? I've been gone for so long?"

Gao Feng was a little surprised.

He thought he had only been there for a month, but he didn't expect that it had been two months, and it seemed that he had been so busy that he forgot the time.

"Well, it's been two months."

Zhuang Xiaoman nodded, then she wrinkled her nose and left Gao Feng's arms.

"It smells so bad, you came here directly?"

"Well, I'll be here as soon as I get off the ship."

Gao Feng nodded.

After he finished speaking, he went to the chair at the desk and sat down.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Zhuang Xiaoman's charming face showed a blush, and she whispered expectantly, "You can't wait to see me?"

Gao Feng was stunned for a moment. He looked at Zhuang Xiaoman suspiciously. How could she feel that in two months, she had become bolder?

You must know that she didn't dare to say such words before, or just like the act of jumping over directly.

"Okay, let me tell you about the situation over there."

Gao Feng waved helplessly.

Looking at Gao Feng who avoided the topic, Zhuang Xiaoman rolled his eyes, then walked across to Gao Feng and sat down.

"I have cleaned up all the forces in the area over there. In addition, I did not buy the medicine there, but directly built a factory and produced it myself.."

Next, Gao Feng talked about everything he had been there for the past two months.

Listening to Gao Feng's narration, Zhuang Xiaoman's expression changed from surprise to shock, and finally became natural again!

Gao Feng has done so much in just two months with thirty-seven people!

Maybe only Gao Feng can do it!

"The five scientists I've been looking for have already been brought here. In a few days, I'll leave for Shanghai to find a place where I can build a research and development base."

"Going out? What exactly are you going to develop? Is it so important?"

Hearing that Gao Feng said he was going out, Zhuang Xiaoman frowned and asked.

"Well, it's very important. If the research is successful, only one weapon of that kind can kill hundreds of thousands of people!"

Gao Feng nodded, his eyes full of enthusiasm!

As a traveler, he knows what the future will rely on to speak!

Not relying on people, not relying on someone's army, but relying on that thing!

Whoever has that is the boss!

"What?! One kills hundreds of thousands?!"

Zhuang Xiaoman widened his eyes and looked at Gao Feng in disbelief.

And Gao Feng nodded with a smile.

"Doesn't that mean we can end the war with just one?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked hurriedly.

"Well, almost."

Gao Feng nodded again.

"What needs to be done? How long will it take to do it? Or I'll find a place with you tomorrow?"

Zhuang Xiaoman asked hurriedly.

Gao Feng's words completely subverted her world view! She knew that Gao Feng couldn't lie!

At this moment, she is even more anxious than Gao Feng, because Gao Feng said that he will marry her after the war is over! .

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