"Everyone...stand at attention!"

Behind him, Lan Rouge stepped forward and shouted loudly.


The neat steps sounded!

"Take a break!"


After doing this, Lan Rouge retreated behind Gao Feng again.

And Gao Feng's eyes looked around, he looked at the faces under the hood of more than 400 people, with white skin, yellow and black skin, and their eyes were watching him at the moment! In everyone's eyes - with a frenzy!

The training during this period is not only military skills training, but also ideological and moral-class, referred to as brainwashing!

Gao Feng used a certain marketing method in later generations on these people, whether it was eating, training, or even sleeping, there would also be a broadcast hanging there. That's it, but the effect is still very obvious!

"I don't care what your identity was before, from today onwards, you have only one identity and that is a member of the Brotherhood.."

Gao Feng's voice reached the ears of everyone present.

"I hope you will always remember today, remember this moment! Because today is a moment that can be recorded in history and will be remembered by history!"

"Remember our fraternity.. Remember our duty!"

Speaking of which, Gao Feng's voice suddenly rose, and the eyes of everyone below were burning. They seemed to stop breathing and looked at Gao Feng motionless.

"Everything is false, everything is permitted..."

Gao Feng finished speaking.

Everyone was stunned, they didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Get started now!"

Then, not understanding their reaction, Gao Feng shouted loudly.

And then the 36 white robe members began to order and leave with their own team members.

Watching that 370 people were divided into 36 teams and got into the car not far away, and then drove towards the distance, a strange smile appeared on Gao Feng's face again!


"Team leader, what do you mean by what you just said?"

At this time, the blue rouge behind him asked in a low voice.

"Which sentence?"

Gao Feng asked in confusion.

"It's your saying that everything is false, everything is allowed..."

Blue Rouge said.

"Think about it yourself."

After Gao Feng said a word, he turned around and walked directly into the distance, leaving Lan Rouge standing there.

"By the way, prepare the car and go out with me later."

Gao Feng thought of something and said again.

"Yes, team leader!"

Lan Rouge nodded hurriedly.

five minutes later..

The two drove directly out of the headquarters.

After driving for about 15 minutes, Gao Feng asked Lan Rouge to stop in front of a building with a badge on it that said Inspectorate (you know the reason for the crab).

"Get those boxes out of the car."

Gao Feng got out of the car and said to Lan Rouge.

"Box, what box is there..."

Lan Rouge looked into the car and was stunned before she finished speaking.

There are actually two suitcases in the car!

She was preparing the car and when Gao Feng got in the car, she remembered that there were no boxes at all. Where did these two boxes come from?

She was shocked, but she couldn't think about it, because Gao Feng had already stepped into the inspectorate.

At this time, the inspectors in the Inspectorate are busy with what is happening in the area!

"Sheet, it's all to blame for that damn fraternity that suddenly appeared and killed so many people, and didn't know how to dispose of the bodies!"

"You said that the Brotherhood has won the black hand for so long, why hasn't there been any movement?"

"I heard that they are the devils who came out of hell. Because there are too many things for the black hands to sit on, Satan likes them very much, so he sent his own men to the world to take the black hands down."

"Anything like that?"

"Of course, otherwise why is the Brotherhood silent now?"


As soon as he entered the inspectorate, Gao Feng heard these discussions. He smiled and then reached out and patted an inspector who was passing by with his head bowed.

"Who.. you are.. Shet! The devil! You are the devil!"

The person who was patted on the shoulder raised his head and glanced at Gao Feng impatiently. When he saw that Gao Feng was wearing a strange black dress, he immediately exclaimed.

His voice quieted the noisy inspection room, and everyone looked towards Gao Feng.

Then Gao Feng saw shock and then panic in the eyes of these people. How many of them also showed adoration and fanaticism?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

These few should be the believers of the devil, right?

After being frightened, these inspectors pulled out pistols from their waists and pointed at Gao Feng, but they did not dare to shoot!

In this period, the old and beautiful side was like this. The underground forces were very powerful, so powerful that the inspectors were afraid!

"Everyone put down your guns, I just want to find your chief."

Gao Feng said calmly.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, the inspectors present did not put down their guns, they looked at each other, and then one of the inspectors with a serious frenzy hurriedly pointed upstairs and said, "Our chief is upstairs."

"Ok, alright, Thanks."

0 ......  

Gao Feng nodded and walked directly upstairs, while Lan Rouge behind him hurriedly followed.

After waiting upstairs, Gao Feng and Lan Rouge came directly to the door of the director's office.

Gao Feng knocked on the door, and a middle-aged man's voice came from inside.

"Come in.."

Then Gao Feng opened the door and walked in.

In the office, Director Ham was stunned when he saw Gao Feng and Lan Rouge who came in, and then a look of shock appeared on his face!

However, he was much calmer than the inspectors below. He stood up from his chair, then looked at Gao Feng alertly and asked, "Head of the Brotherhood?"

"Hehe, hello Mr. Chief, don't be nervous, I'm here to give you a gift this time."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

The blue rouge behind him took two steps forward and then placed the two boxes in his hand on the desk in front of Ham.

Looking at the two boxes, Ham was stunned, but he didn't open it and looked at Gao Feng with some doubts.

Gao Feng motioned for Lan Rouge to open the box.

When Blue Rouge opened the box, two boxes of green dollars appeared in Ham's sight! Seeing the two boxes of US dollars, Ham's eyes showed greed!

"Sir, I don't understand what you mean."

the chief asked quietly.

"Mr. Director, this is a gift from our Brotherhood that came to this place to give you. In fact, this gift should have been given a few days earlier, but you should know that we are dealing with something."

Gao Feng said. Small.

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