Entering the villa, Gao Feng opened his eagle eyes and started to check.

There are four figures in the villa, one white for ordinary people, three golden for suspicious..

Looking at the three golden figures, Gao Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. The three brothers and sisters are not simple.

He walked quickly to the edge of the villa wall, and then Gao Feng started to climb up.

He quickly climbed to the window of Minglou's bedroom. Gao Feng saw through the window glass into the bedroom. At this moment, Minglou was sitting at the desk and looking at the documents in his hand.

Gao Feng reached out and took out the prepared flying knife from his waist. A note was tied to the flying knife.

Throw it in there!


There was a crisp sound, the glass shattered, and the flying knife was nailed directly to the desk. Ming Lou, who was looking at the document, was startled by the sudden shock, but he reacted instantly, reached out from under the desk, took out the pistol and aimed at the window direction!

However, there was only broken glass slag by the window at this time, and there was no half-person figure.

Ming Lou stood up from the chair with a gun and walked quickly to the window to look outside, and saw a blurry figure outside the villa in the distance running towards the distance, and instantly disappeared into the night!

Looking at the disappearing figure, Ming Lou returned to the table, and he stretched out the dagger that was nailed to the table.

"Big brother!"

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Mingcheng rushed in with a pistol.


Ming Lou shook his head, he opened the note on the dagger and glanced down, his expression changed suddenly!

"Acheng, what's going on on the 76th these days?"

Minglou asked in a deep voice.

"There is no action, no... Wang Manchun seems to be counting the radio stations of some businesses and newspapers these days."

Ming Cheng thought for a while and then said.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Hearing Mingcheng's words, Minglou's face changed drastically and he scolded.


Ming Cheng was stunned.

Looking at Mingcheng in a daze, Minglou directly handed the note to Mingcheng.

And Mingcheng's face changed greatly after seeing the content on the note, but then he thought of something and asked in a low voice, "Brother, could this be a trap? Are you trying to test us?"

"Whether it's a trap or not, we can't just sit back and ignore it! If it is true, then we will lose a lot!"

Minglou said in a deep voice.

"Brother, then I will inform them immediately."

Ming Cheng is about to leave.

"Wait a minute, it's too late for you to go alone. If the radio car on No. 76 has already opened up to search, it's already too late! I'll go with you, you go to inform the poisonous scorpion, I go to inform Uncle Li, the two of us Split up!"


After speaking, the two quickly left the room.

Half an hour later... Mingcheng arrived at the hiding spot of Wang Tianfeng's group. He knocked on the door three times, then coughed three times. After doing this, he put down the prepared note and left quickly.

After he left, the door was opened, Guo Qiyun picked up the note on the ground and closed the door again.

On the other side, Minglou arrived at the door of a private house.

Three quick knocks and two light knocks on the door, and soon the door was opened, and Uncle Li appeared in Minglou's line of sight.

Seeing Uncle Li's eyes in Minglou is very surprised!


"Emergency information, contact all comrades immediately, and suspend all radio activities!"

Ming Lou said in a hurried tone.

Hearing Minglou's words, Uncle Li's eyes were even more surprised.

He leaned out and looked outside, then said to Minglou, "Come in, I also have some situation here."

Minglou nodded and walked in.

The two came to the room in the inner room. After opening the door, Minglou saw Cheng Jinyun sitting in the middle of the room, and there was a leather case on the table next to her, and there was a note on the leather case.

"Hello team leader."

Seeing Minglou coming in, Cheng Jinyun hurriedly stood up and shouted.

"Well, sit down."

Minglou nodded, then walked to the table, picked up the note on the box and looked at it, his brows suddenly wrinkled!

The content on this note is actually the same as the content on the note he received! The handwriting is the same! Obviously the same person!

At this time, Cheng Jinyun opened the leather case, revealing the $200,000 in it!

Glancing at the dollars in the leather suitcase, Minglou turned his head and looked at Uncle Li next to him.

"About 40 minutes ago, that mysterious man found Cheng Jinyun, and then put the box and note at the door. Like before, he didn't meet him."

Uncle Li said.

After he finished speaking, he asked again, "How did you know the information?"

Minglou took out another note from his pocket and handed it to Uncle Li. Uncle Li was stunned when he saw the contents of the note!

"¨"This is... the same person! How did you get this piece of paper?"

Uncle Li asked in surprise.

Then Minglou explained everything about how he got the note on his side.

After listening to the whole process of Minglou, Uncle Li and Cheng Jinyun, who were sitting next to them, frowned and began to think.

Seeing the two people who were thinking about it, Minglou said at this time: "We can speculate now. First of all, based on this note, we can infer that it is the same person, then this person's code name is Feng, and he knows that Comrade Cheng Jinyun is from the Red Party. Identity, I know that I am the identity of the military commander, but I don't know that I am also the identity of the Red Party..."

"Why do you say that?"

Cheng Jinyun asked in doubt.

"If he knew the identity of my Red Party and not the military commander, then he would only pass on this information to you, then it would be unnecessary for him to pass information to me."

Minglou pointed at Cheng Jinyun and explained.

After hearing Minglou's explanation (good Zhao), Cheng Jinyun nodded.

"So who knows the identity of your military commander and Cheng Jinyun's identity as a red party? And this person has strong financial resources and a large intelligence network, otherwise he would not have obtained such information, and he would give us a sum of money every time. ."

Uncle Li said at this time.

"Financially strong... The intelligence network is very large, and I know that I am the identity of the military commander..."

Ming Lou frowned and muttered in a low voice.

for a long time...

A guess came to his mind!

"Maybe I guessed it!"

Minglou said.

"Oh? Who?"

Uncle Li and Cheng Jinyun hurriedly asked.

Looking at the eager expressions of the two, Minglou said, "Juntong has two action teams on the Shanghai side, and the one I can contact is the second action team! Another action team is the first action team! "superior.

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