Hearing Gao Feng's words, Junko Muto was stunned, then she shook her head and said seriously: "Takahashi-kun, you are wrong, although the future belongs to the victors, history will always remember what the empire did, we may be able to The future will give these people a better life, but what they are suffering from now is also caused by us."


"Takahashi-kun, I... I want to go out for a walk... alone..."

After Muto Junko finished speaking, she stood up and walked into the distance.

Seeing Junko Muto leaving the office, Gao Feng also stood up with a strange look on his face.

He's a spy...

"Mr. Takahashi...Miss Junko is out."

At this time, Xiaohubei ran in from outside.

"You follow along to see if you don't encounter any danger."

Gao Feng frowned and said.


Xiaohubei nodded hurriedly and turned to leave.

After Xiao Hubei left, Gao Feng sighed and left the office.

Because Xiaohubei drove with Junko Muto, Gao Feng could only walk after leaving the orphanage.

Walking on the street, Gao Feng was thinking about the mess, when a car stopped beside him, then the door opened, and a familiar figure appeared in Gao Feng's sight.

"Mr. Takahashi..."

Ming Lou greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Ming, what a coincidence."

Gao Feng said with a smile.

"Mr. Takahashi, who are you? Why are you walking alone on the road? Where's your driver?"

Minglou asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, he has something to do."

"Oh, where does Mr. Takahashi want to go? May I send Mr. Takahashi?"

"Will that delay Mr. Ming's time?"

"No, I have nothing to do."

"Then trouble Mr. Ming."

After that, Gao Feng got into the car.

After getting into the car, Gao Feng said to Mingcheng who was driving in front, "Please take me home". "

"Okay, Mr. Takahashi."

Mingcheng nodded, then started the car and drove towards the distance.

In the car, Gao Feng and Minglou were chatting casually. When the car was about to arrive at Gao Feng's villa, Minglou changed the subject and said, "Mr. Gaoqiao, do your Feng and the Chamber of Commerce sell medicines?"

"What does Mr. Ming want to say?"

Gao Feng asked with a smile on his face.

"Well, it's actually like this, I want to buy some medicines from you.. Do you see the price?"

Minglou said in a low voice.

Hearing Minglou's words, Gao Feng was taken aback for a moment and then said: "Mr. Ming, you should know that now the whole of Shanghai is able to sell drugs, only our peak and the Chamber of Commerce, these drugs can be transported to the mountains and seas, I also pay It has a lot of financial and material resources, so there is nothing to talk about in terms of price, but..."

Gao Feng paused for a while, while Ming Lou hurriedly asked, "Just what?"

"Hehe, Mr. Ming knows that I'm a businessman. I don't care what Mr. Ming wants to buy medicine for, and I won't say it. My purpose is only to make money. The relationship between Mr. Ming and me is not worth selling to you at a low price. , after all, on the black market, I Peak and the Chamber of Commerce are the only one, and I have no shortage of channels..”

"If Mr. Ming can give me a chip that can lower me accordingly, then I can consider it."

Gao Feng's words are very straightforward and direct. After all, he knows that Minglou's identity is not simple, and buying drugs must also be related to that, but Gao Feng can't directly give a low price, so he will definitely be suspected.

And what he said so directly could not only completely dispel Minglou's doubts about him, but also express his position!

He is just a businessman, give him enough bargaining chips, and he doesn't care who sells the medicine to.

Hearing Gao Feng's words, Ming Lou frowned slightly.

After a while he said, "Mr. Takahashi, can you give me two days?"

"Mr. Ming, how can you say let me give you time? After all, I don't mean to force you. It's your wish to do business."

Gao Feng said.

"Uh, Minglou made a mistake, don't take it offend Mr. Takahashi."

After Ming Lou finished speaking, the car also arrived at the gate of Gao Feng's villa.

The car stopped, Gao Feng and Ming Lou got out of the car.

"Well, Mr. Ming, you can contact me anytime if you want medicine, but you know what I mean."

After finishing speaking, Gao Feng turned around and returned to the villa.

After Gao Feng left, Ming Lou got into the car again, and then the car started to leave the villa.

in the car...

"Brother, it's not right for you to buy medicine directly from Masao Takahashi today."

Mingcheng said.

"No way... Now the war is getting more and more tense. Do you know how many comrades on the front line were killed by the Japanese army, and how many were injured without timely treatment? 70%! 70% of the comrades are just because they suffered some A fatal injury, but due to lack of medicine, the wound became infected and became inflamed, leading to sacrifice. This time I had no choice but to do so, but fortunately... this Takahashi Masao is just a profit-oriented businessman."

Ming Lou sighed and said with some fear.

In fact, it was his spur of the moment to propose to Gao Feng to buy medicines!

"¨"Then... what does Takahashi Masao mean? He wants chips, we don't have any chips."

Ming Cheng frowned.

"Why don't you have a bargaining chip, have you forgotten about the eldest sister's Ming family?"

Minglou said.

"What! Big brother, you are crazy. You hit the big sister Ming's idea. Big sister knows that it will really kill us!"

Ming Cheng suddenly widened his eyes and said.

"Okay, okay, I have to think about this matter, how can I get the eldest sister to agree to this matter."

Minglou waved his hand and said with an irritable expression.

Looking at his eldest brother, he sighed. He could imagine that after returning home, the eldest brother told the eldest sister, and the eldest sister was about to kill.


Half an hour later, the car arrived at the door, and Minglou and Mingcheng got off the car and entered the villa.

After Ming Jing, who was sitting in the living room, saw the two come in, the dignified and virtuous face was suddenly covered with frost!

"Yo, isn't this Chief Ming, why do you have time to come to my place?"

Hearing what the elder sister Mingjing said, Minglou and Mingcheng looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Sister, see what you said, this is not my house..."

Minglou smiled and walked to the side of Minglou and sat down.


In the next second, Ming Jing slapped the table directly and scolded: "Stand up for me! Who told you to sit down!" Again.

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