Spy Shadow

Chapter 957 Huge Humiliation

Director, when will we move?

Xiao Wu came to Bao Shengqun's office. As soon as the appointment was issued, he couldn't wait to go to the Intelligence Department.

There was no one in my old office, right?

Bao Shengqun raised his head. The appointment had just been issued, but his old subordinates hadn't come yet, and they would probably arrive soon.

Moving is certain. Now that he is not the Director of Telecommunications, he cannot stay here.

No, even if there is, get rid of him.

Xiao Wu said with a smile that the director of their department is the boss of the intelligence department. He should use whichever office he wants. Now it seems that the director does not want to use Weng Zixing's previous office.

That's right, Xu Lin and Weng Zixing both worked there. If something happened to them, that office was unlucky.

Don't say similar words again in the future. I'm warning you. I can treat you as invisible when someone gives you a small favor, but if you do something wrong behind my back, it won't be as simple as driving you away.

Bao Shengqun's tone suddenly turned harsh. He knew Xiao Wu's temperament and his love of vanity.

When he was in the Supervision Department and the Intelligence Department, he was a consultant, and he didn't even ask what Xiao Wu was doing.

The Telecommunications Department is mainly about technology, and there is nothing here. People usually give Xiao Wu some respect, but Bao Shengqun never talks about him. After all, he has been with him for so long, and he is the only one who is waiting for him when he is in the most difficult time. It is understandable to let him get some benefits.

But the Intelligence Department is different. It is very complicated there. Not only does it hold real power, it is also a place where others are watching.

If you are not careful, you may be framed.

Xu Lin is the result.

Xiao Wu's lack of intelligence could easily be targeted and become his flaw. However, after following him for three years, there was no credit but hard work. Bao Shengqun did not want to replace him at this time.

But he must be warned first.

Director, don't worry, I will never talk nonsense again.

Xiao Wu was shocked, even more frightened. He didn't expect that the usually kind director had such a terrifying side.

Pack your things.

Bao Shengqun nodded. For the Telecommunications Department, Deputy Director Su Shanchun took over as director. Su Shanchun was Ye Feng's employee. He was transferred back to the headquarters from Shanghai to be Bao Shengqun's deputy. His original intention was to check and balance supervision. As a result, Bao Shengqun was not greedy for power at all. Su Shanchun Shan Chun can do whatever he wants.

Now that Su Shanchun takes over as the director, it has little impact on him. Before, his power was almost the same as that of the director, but now it is just a name change.

However, when he arrived at the Intelligence Department, Bao Shengqun had no choice but to leave everything to his deputy, otherwise he would take the blame if something went wrong.


As soon as he left the office, Bao Shengqun saw a lot of people standing outside, led by Huang Shunwen, the chief of the first section, and all the old members of the Intelligence Department came to pick him up.

Let's go.

Bao Shengqun smiled and nodded. He did not need anyone to send him to take office. Originally, Ye Feng wanted to send him to take office in person, but Bao Shengqun refused.

Weng Zixing was captured and then executed. It was not suitable for him to take over in a high-profile manner. He could just go by himself.

Besides, he was very familiar with the Intelligence Department. He had been there for seven years and later served as a consultant there for a period of time.

Ye Feng agreed that Bao Shengqun's replacement was indeed not suitable for being too high-profile.

Ye Feng understood that Bao Shengqun was thinking about him.

Chai Wenyi, deputy director of the Intelligence Department, was waiting at the door with his people.

After Weng Zixing's accident, Chai Wenyi walked around and inquired about the situation. He was from Ye Feng and had approached Ye Feng. If something really happened to Weng Zixing, he hoped that he could take over as the director.

Even after the news of Weng Zixing's accident came out, many people believed that Chai Wenyi would be promoted to director.

He was originally Ye Feng's confidant, and was transferred to the Intelligence Department together with Xu Lin. After Xu Lin's downfall, Weng Zixing became the director. At that time, he was indeed unable to compare. Whether it was in terms of rank or relationship with the director, Weng Zixing was superior to him.

This time something happened to Weng Zixing, everyone in the overall situation was optimistic about him, and Chai Wenyi would definitely take over.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway, and he missed the throne of director again, and Bao Shengqun became the new director of intelligence.

The director would rather use Xu Laogui's people than him, which made Chai Wenyi very dissatisfied.

He understood that the director had long known that something had happened to Weng Zixing.

Even Bao Shengqun's appointment as director was a result decided before by the director, otherwise Weng Zixing would not have announced Bao Shengqun's appointment as soon as his deeds were made public.

The director had deceived him.

Chai Wenyi was depressed and didn't want to come to pick up Bao Shengqun, but his subordinates persuaded him that anyway, today was the new director's first day on the job, so there was no need to turn against him.

Maybe Bao Shengqun in the Intelligence Department will be like the Telecommunications Department, who doesn't ask anything about anything. Then won't his deputy director be almost the same as the director?

When Bao Shengqun was offended, he did not decentralize power, and he was the one who suffered the most.

In the end, Chai Wenyi was persuaded, but he was limited to greeting him at the entrance of the Intelligence Office. It was impossible for him to go to the Telecommunications Office to pick someone up.

Director Bao.

Seeing Huang Shunwen and others approaching Bao Shengqun, many people greeted them one after another.

Bao Shengqun smiled in return and went to his previous office. Weng Zixing's office was temporarily vacant.

Seeing that he didn't use the director's office, but the one he used when he was a consultant, Chai Wenyi breathed a sigh of relief.

His subordinates were right. Bao Shengqun was Xu Laogui's man and kept a low profile. He used the original office to tell everyone that he would not ask anything as before, so that the power of the Intelligence Department would fall into his hands.

Bao Shengqun did not handle the handover, and Weng Zixing had no one to hand over to him when he was arrested. He could just handle it himself.

As for the Telecommunications Department, Su Shanchun was in charge of everything before, and all they needed was a signature.

Ye Feng has an order to go to the Intelligence Department first and stabilize the Intelligence Department first.

Call everyone above the team leader to a meeting.

When the things were moved into the original office, Bao Shengqun immediately ordered that someone would help him sort them out.


Xiao Wu hurriedly ran to inform, and soon all the team leaders and section chiefs who were still there came to the conference room.

One section chief is missing, and two team leaders are missing.

It was all because Weng Zixing was captured by people from the Second Military Intelligence Bureau.

You all know what happened to Director Weng. He betrayed the trust of the bureau and committed so many evil deeds. He deserves the blame.

Bao Shengqun said lightly, but no one spoke.

Who doesn't know that the bureau chief reaped the benefits of what Weng Zixing did, and Bao Shengqun even helped Weng Zixing with his plans.

Now when Weng Zixing falls, it is all his fault.

The Intelligence Department is very important. The war situation is tense right now. We need to help the committee members share their worries and help the bureau committee members achieve results. Now I will announce the personnel appointments first.

Bao Shengqun took out the documents he had prepared in advance. He knew he was coming to the intelligence office as soon as Weng Zixing was arrested, and he had already prepared these things.

You Zhenyun, you are going to be the section chief of the second department. Can you lead the second department for me?

Bao Shengqun first called his name. The original deputy section chief of the third section, You Zhenyun, was from Weng Zixing. He had wanted to be promoted to section chief, but unfortunately there was no position.

Although Huang Shunwen had no real power, he was Bao Shengqun's face. Neither Xu Lin nor Weng Zixing touched him. He had always occupied the position of section chief and would not give it up.

Thank you, Director.

You Zhenyun was overjoyed. A big pie fell from the sky. The problem that Weng Zixing failed to solve for him when he was there was unexpectedly realized by Bao Shengqun as soon as he took office.

Chai Wenyi's face was ashen, You Zhenyun was not his person.

Bao Shengqun made personnel arrangements when he came up. What did he want to do?

Guan Runchun, you are transferred to the position of deputy leader of the internal affairs team.

Bao Shengqun continued, and Guan Renchun raised his head suddenly. He is now the deputy section chief of the first section. When Weng Zixing was there, he was equivalent to the section chief. The former section chief Huang Shunwen had no control over anything. He had the final say.

Huang Shunwen was overjoyed. He had long disliked Guan Runchun, but the old officer was kind to him and kicked Guan Runchun away as soon as he took office.

Director, why? Guan Runchun asked hurriedly.

There's no reason, it's an order.

Bao Shengqun's voice suddenly became louder, and Ye Feng fully supported him. Even though he had just come back, he was the greatest authority in the Intelligence Department.

With his former subordinates, Xu Lin's confidants who Weng Zixing suppressed before will naturally come closer, and the remaining people will not be a concern.

Yes, Director.

Guan Runchun endured his resentment and responded in a low voice. He did not expect that Bao Shengqun would operate on him as soon as he arrived.

Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile in the future and stop suppressing Huang Shunwen, but now he has gone to the housekeeping department of the internal affairs team.

The housekeeping team serves everyone, at best they are housekeepers, at worst they are servants.

Especially for the Intelligence Department, once they make a mistake and affect their mission, the punishment will be very severe.

The internal affairs team does not have a deputy team leader. The previous deputy team leader was executed by Weng Zixing for making mistakes. Apparently the deputy section chief and the deputy team leader of the internal affairs team are at the same level, but how many people are there in the internal affairs team?

Besides, the internal affairs team has no real power, so if he were transferred there, he would be demoted.

Bao Shengqun made several more personnel adjustments, including deputy section chief, team leader, and even deputy team leader.

All the old departments were promoted.

Bao Shengqun's old team was overjoyed. Many of Xu Lin's people were kicked away by Weng Zixing and had no say at this time. Those promoted by Weng Zixing all looked to Chai Wenyi.

They cannot object to the appointment of the director, but the deputy director can.

Director Bao, do you, the adjustment bureau chiefs, agree?

Chai Wenyi finally spoke. Bao Shengqun didn't want to be the boss. In this case, he would not only lose power, but might even lose his original interests.

For his own sake and for the sake of others, he must speak out.

You can ask if the bureau chief agrees. What I am announcing now is an order, and you will follow it all. If you don't want to obey, you can do it, but it is best to think clearly. The Intelligence Department is not like other departments. It is easier to get in than to get out.

Bao Shengqun stood up and showed his strength for the first time.

In fact, when he was the deputy chief of the Operations Section, Bao Shengqun was a strong person, but his temperament changed after he was betrayed by his confidants and his wife and son were all killed by the Japanese.

If he wants revenge, he can't be so forceful.

Now that he had a son again, in this world, the Red Party might really be able to take over the world. He was already helping the Red Party, so even if the Red Party came to power, he would still be able to find a good future.

So he really has nothing to fear. This time he can help the Red Party do more. The Intelligence Department must be completely in his hands.

Don't worry, I will go.

Chai Wenyi refused to give in, and Bao Shengqun ignored him. It would be fine if Chai Wenyi cooperated, but if he didn't, he would be told to get out.

It's true that Chai Wenyi is Ye Feng's man, but Ye Feng needs him now. The two of them are more like partners. If Ye Feng wants to secure his position, he needs his help, otherwise if Chu Lingyun gets into trouble, Ye Feng himself will not be able to protect himself.

For Ye Feng, if he can give up Xu Lin and Weng Zixing, he can give up Chai Wenyi.

Meeting dismissed.

Bao Shengqun ignored him and forcefully announced the adjournment of the meeting. This time he only appointed a section chief, who was not yet his. The main reason was that his people had been suppressed for too long and their ranks had not been raised. They needed to be promoted slowly.

Secretary, Bao Shengqun is so hateful. He kicked away many of Director Weng's predecessors when he first arrived. He and Director Weng had a good relationship before. What are you doing? Is it cool to leave?

After the meeting, Chai Wenyi immediately came to Ye Feng to complain, citing Weng Zixing as the reason.

It's okay if I don't say it, but Ye Feng gets angry when he mentions it.

Weng Zixing sold him cleanly. If the old man hadn't planned to deal with him, he would have shed his skin this time even if he didn't die.

Even so, he was bleeding heavily, and later he would give Chu Lingyun valuable antiques, which was another huge sum of money.

It's all Weng Zixing's fault, he deserves to die.

No one is cheating. Wengzi deserves it for his crimes. He deserves it. What do you mean by speaking for the people who committed Wengzi's crimes?

Ye Feng shouted, Chai Wenyi was stunned and immediately lowered his head.

He knew that what he said was wrong. His understanding was limited and he had no idea about Weng Zixing's betrayal. Saying this was just adding fuel to the fire.

Boss, you deserve to be punished for your humble position. Weng Zixing really deserves it.

Chai Wenyi lowered his head, while Ye Feng glared at him: Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Put away your little thoughts and cooperate with Bao Shengqun. If Bao Shengqun is dissatisfied with you and doesn't want you, I will take you away immediately. You will be transferred to Wuhua Prison.

Wuhua Prison is still there and still belongs to the Intelligence Division of the Party Communication Bureau.

The warden of Wuhua Prison is at most equivalent to the section chief of the Intelligence Department. He is the deputy director. Even if he becomes the highest official in Wuhua Prison, he will be demoted.

Besides, it's very remote over there, with nowhere to go and no shops. Only those who have been assigned will be sent to him. If he really goes there, his life will be over.

Secretary, don't worry, I will cooperate with Director Bao well.

Chai Wenyi was shocked and hurriedly expressed his position. What did Bao Shengqun do to the director to make the director support him so much?

I shouldn't have come this time. It seems that I will have to keep my tail between my legs in the future, which will be worse than when Weng Zixing was here.

get out.

Ye Feng scolded Chai Wenyi away. Fortunately, he didn't want to promote him at first. He would definitely get himself into trouble if he was like this.

Chu Lingyun already knew about the Party Communications Bureau.

Bao Shengqun returned to the Intelligence Department and became the director.

There is no need to worry about the Party General Bureau for the time being. With Bao Shengqun here, they won't be able to cause any trouble.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, actually wanted to seek peace.

Bao Shengqun reported everything. This was a major matter and must be reported. Chu Lingyun knew it clearly, even more than Ye Feng knew.

Since the peace was requested, the Party Communications Bureau will no longer dare to provoke my sister, and everyone in the school is now safe.

As soon as the rumors in the Party Communications Bureau subsided, the Ministry of National Defense issued new appointments.

Director Zheng performed well and did a good job in the second hall. These things left a deep impression on the old man. After Deputy Director Hu was transferred, the vacancy of deputy director has been there. The old man promoted Director Zheng. Become the new deputy chief.

When the news spread, people came everywhere to congratulate Director Zheng.

Secretary Zheng, congratulations.

Despite his busy schedule, Chu Lingyun came to his new office to congratulate him and gave him a nice gift.

Director Zheng likes money, just give him money.

One hundred thousand dollars is not a small gift.

The cooperation between Chu Lingyun and Deputy Chief Zheng is good. Deputy Chief Zheng is very cooperative with his work. Now there is no harm in getting promoted and having a good relationship.

Haha, Ling Yun, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I might not be able to get promoted.

Deputy Chief Zheng was very happy. Deputy Chief Hu used to focus on national defense supplies, otherwise he would not be so greedy and make so much money.

After Deputy Chief Zheng took over, he was responsible for the same tasks.

He won't go as far as Chief Hu did. He should make a profit, but he needs to keep up with the necessary logistical support, and he won't fool people with too many things.

You deserve this, it has nothing to do with me.

Chu Lingyun said modestly, saying so, in fact, it does have something to do with him.

It is said that the eldest son helped Deputy Commander Zheng to take over this time.

It was Chu Lingyun who brought down Deputy Chief Hu. It was because of Chu Lingyun that Deputy Chief Zheng got in touch with the eldest son. They cooperated many times and left a good impression on the eldest son.

It was also because of Chu Lingyun that Director Zheng appeared in front of the old man many times, and coupled with his own walking and operating relationships, he finally succeeded in taking the position.

I will hold the second hall temporarily, but it won't last long. You should be prepared in advance.

Deputy Chief Zheng put away his smile. He didn't want to give up the second hall. After all, the small treasury in the inspection room had hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue every year, which was a lot of money.

After they switched to selling without collecting, their profits were actually higher.

I understand, don't worry, the income from the inspection room is still yours, I will not give it to anyone else.

Chu Lingyun knew his little thoughts and went out of her way to reassure him.

Hearing what Chu Lingyun said, Deputy Chief Zheng laughed again. Chu Lingyun was sensible and considerate, but it was a pity that he could not be promoted, otherwise he would be the best candidate to take over the second department.

That is not possible now. Chu Lingyun is only the director, at the same level as the director. It is extremely difficult to skip the deputy director and directly become the director.

It would be okay if it was purely a matter of skipping a grade. Chu Lingyun's strong connections could help him do it, but the key was the old man's attitude.

For the sake of the eldest son, the old man would not raise Chu Lingyun so quickly.

Director Zheng was promoted to deputy director. Some people were happy and some were worried.

Zheng Guangtao was the happiest person, not because his uncle's position became bigger, but because after his uncle was promoted, he left the second hall and went to the headquarters. His uncle was too close to him in the second hall and would beat him at every turn.

It's better to go as far away as possible, so that you can't reach yourself.

Others in the inspection room didn't care much, including Fang Like. He was a subordinate of Chief Zheng, but he was very smart and did not cling to Chief Zheng. Now he is doing well in the inspection room and has been promoted to colonel.

He is not too old, less than forty, only a few years older than Chu Lingyun.

Although they are not at a high level now, once the eldest son takes over, all of them will be promoted quickly. The general will not be a problem for them in the future.

Now that the inspection office has high prestige and power, and Deputy Chief Zheng will be able to take better care of them after being promoted, Fang Like has no worries.

Chu Yuan didn't even care. Jia Changguo and the others were Chu Lingyun's people. Whether Vice-Chief Zheng was good or bad had little influence on them.

Shao Wenchang is also not worried.

The Military Intelligence Bureau was founded by the deputy chief. They are the direct descendants of the deputy chief. In the future, they will still be personally controlled by the deputy chief. The Second Office is purely in name and has no command authority over them.

I had a special conversation with him before the deputy chief was promoted. After the deputy chief left the second hall, he asked him to cooperate more with the inspection room.

For the cases handled by the Inspection Office in the future, even a little bit of the cracks between their fingers will make them feel full, even to the point of being stuffed.

Shao Wenchang has already tasted the benefits, and he will do this without the arrangement of Deputy Chief Zheng.

What worries me is the other division chiefs, who work for Deputy Chief Zheng.

The promotion of Deputy Director Zheng this time will not be able to lead them. Although the position is higher, the county magistrate is not as good as the current manager. Who knows whether the future director will be able to serve him well?

Secrecy Bureau, Qi Limin was very excited.

His name as director has always been inconsistent. In fact, he is the deputy director. The director has always been concurrently held by Deputy Director Zheng.

Deputy Chief Zheng now has a higher position, heavier work, and so many departments on his hands. There is no reason to continue to serve as the director of their Secrecy Bureau.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he would take off his nickname as soon as possible and become the real director.

This is something that Boss Dai didn't even do back then.

Ye Feng was equally happy. Without Deputy Chief Zheng in the second hall, there was one less person to boss him around. He was not even willing to go to Chu Lingyun to ask for peace.

Fortunately, Bao Shengqun persuaded him.

He is promoted, and now he is also the director of the second hall. If he really doesn't go, the small shoes will make him wear more awkwardly, and the small shoes will mess up the big plan. There is nothing wrong with lowering his head.

Bao Shengqun completely established his footing in the Intelligence Department.

After being warned by Ye Feng, Chai Wenyi did not dare to raise any opinions to Bao Shengqun and did not actively cooperate. However, he would complete the work assigned to him seriously and did not dare to delay.

Bao Shengqun has been in charge of the Intelligence Department for many years and is familiar with everything here. With the support of his old ministry, he has no problem controlling the Intelligence Department.

Time passed slowly, 47 years finally passed, and a new year ushered in.

The Inspection Office distributed New Year's Day benefits, which were 50% more than last year.

After changing its strategy this year, the Inspection Office made more money. Chinese goods are very popular abroad, especially porcelain and tea. The transportation industry has not fully recovered after the war. Chu's Trading Company has more ships and takes this advantage. .

A large number of ships will be delivered next year, and the business scale of Chu's Merchant Guild will expand by then.

The benefits were good, and the bank was relieved. They never pressed Chu's company to repay the money, but instead tried to find ways to get Fang Shiyi to get a loan.

Fang Shiyi was completely numb to the loan and completely obeyed the boss's wishes and asked for the money.

The more the merrier.

The devaluation of the yen has accelerated during this period. The Americans themselves do not want Japan to retain its currency. If Japan had not insisted, their yen would have been abolished.

The United States controls Japan, and a large number of American goods hit the Japanese market. It is difficult to maintain the yen, and depreciation becomes inevitable.

As for legal currency, Fang Shiyi had long stopped looking at it.

He was not angry enough to see that the legal currency did not care about the common people at all. Fang Shiyi never thought that the currency of a big country would become like this.

If the party does not make changes, I am afraid that no one will be willing to use legal tender in the future.

A few days after New Year's Day, Qi Limin finally got his wish. Deputy Chief Zheng resigned from the position of director of the Secrecy Bureau, and Qi Limin officially took over. The Secrecy Bureau has since gotten rid of the constraints of someone other than his own as the chief official since the establishment of military unification.

Principal, everyone has checked everything. Here is the report.

Chu Lingyun came to the camp. After more than a month of investigation, one hundred and twenty guards and their family members, a total of 2,335 people, were investigated.

Thank you for your hard work. Put your things here. Don't leave any files there.

The old man nodded. The investigation results did not satisfy him. It was not that he was dissatisfied with Chu Lingyun, but that the guards around him really had the ability to be bribed by others.

There aren't many, just three.

Not to mention three, even one could pose a fatal threat to him at a critical moment. You can imagine the old man's unhappiness.

It is a pity that the briber is not General Lee, otherwise he could use this bargaining chip to force General Lee to withdraw from the vice presidential campaign again.

Don't worry, principal. Not only are there no files, but after all investigations, I have strictly ordered the people in the inspection room that no one is allowed to mention this matter in the future, otherwise they will be severely punished under military law,

Chu Lingyun understood the old man's worries.

The old man agreed with Chu Lingyun's approach, but he couldn't be happy in his heart.

There are more than 2,000 people, and there are more than 600 people with problems.

Except for a few people whose families are not good and whose parents and relatives are honest, or whose parents are absent, almost everyone has problems.

There are many people who take human lives lightly.

This was the guard closest to him. His family was so dissolute that it could easily become their weakness and leverage. Unfortunately, he could not encourage the guard.

At most, it can only imply that if you confess early if there is a problem, he can be lenient or not deal with it.

If something really happened, Chu Lingyun could guess with his toes whether these guards would confess.

Who is not afraid of settling accounts in the future?

Even if the old man really forgives, they can't stay with him. Once they lose this position, they won't have so many privileges.

All I can say is that Guo Dang is hopelessly rotten from top to bottom.

The Inspection Office has meritorious service, but cannot be rewarded. This mission will not see the light of day.

The old man will reward them in other ways in the future. Next, Chu Lingyun will help the eldest son with the review, but the eldest son's side will definitely not be as detailed and cumbersome as the old man's side.

The old man was very busy, so Chu Lingyun didn't stay here long.

After the task was completed, Chu Lingyun once again distributed many rewards and gave holidays to the people in the inspection room.

On New Year's Day and this time, the lowest person also received hundreds of ocean rewards, and the harvest was very rich.

The core group of eighteen people has the highest reward, at least three thousand oceans per person.

The three team leaders, Chu Yuan, Fang Like and Jia Changguo, each had six thousand.

Especially Fang Like, who received more than 10,000 yuan in rewards in a year, plus dividends of more than 20,000 yuan, making him a real nouveau riche.

Not only did he buy a bigger house, he also bought hundreds of acres of land, and he lived a very comfortable life.

Sheng Qun, the inspection office has finished its work. Should I go find Chu Lingyun?

Ye Feng called Bao Shengqun into the office. He really didn't want to bow to Chu Lingyun, but the time was up and he couldn't go.

If he doesn't go to Er Chen's side, he won't be spared.

It's time to go, we can't delay it any longer.

Bao Shengqun nodded, and Ye Feng sighed. He prepared three gifts for Chu Lingyun, an ancient painting, a piece of blue and white porcelain, and a pair of fine jade bracelets.

Three items cost him more than 20,000 yuan. This gift was indeed not light.

Not only lose money, but also lose face.

If you are eloquent, come with me. I have asked Deputy Chief Zheng, and he will help us make peace.

When looking for someone to entertain Chu Lingyun, the middleman can't be too bad, otherwise he won't be able to invite people.

This time, it was Xiao Chen who greeted him, and Deputy Chief Zheng was willing to help.

Chu Lingyun and Deputy Chief Zheng were close, so it was impossible not to go if Chief Zheng invited him, but asking Deputy Chief Zheng for help was not that easy. Just asking him to invite Chu Lingyun out, Ye Feng paid twenty gold bars.

He is now the deputy chief, and having less money is an insult.

No matter how small a thing is, it costs a lot.

Yes, seat.

Bao Shengqun responded, he knew that Ye Feng was a bit embarrassed, and Ye Feng was indeed far inferior to Qi Limin in this regard. Now that Qi Limin has become the real director, the constraints from above have been reduced.

The place to eat was decided by Deputy Chief Zheng, Lao Xiangji.

Lao Xiangji is of a higher standard than the Jinling Hotel. The management here is very strict and ordinary people cannot enter. In addition, it is quiet, which is very suitable for their meeting today.

Compared with the money given away, the cost of eating today is negligible.

Ye Feng took Bao Shengqun to Laoxiangji early.

The shopkeeper was so charming that when he saw Ye Feng, he came over to say hello: Director Ye, you are here. Who do you have an appointment with today? Do you want to go into the room and wait?

No, you go ahead and do your work. I'll just wait at the door.

He lowered his head on his own initiative, so waiting in the room would make people think he was insincere.

Okay, I have something to ask you.

The shopkeeper left with a smile. Fifteen minutes later, several cars drove up, and Deputy Chief Zheng and Chu Lingyun got out of the cars.

Chu Lingyun was leading Chu Yuan and Zhao Dong. Zhao Dong was a bodyguard and always protected Chu Lingyun.

Deputy Chief Zheng took Zheng Guangtao with him.

What left Chief Zheng speechless was that his nephew would rather ride in Chu Lingyun's car than be with him.

Is he that scary?

Didn't I just beat him a few times? It was because he made a mistake and it was for his own good to improve his memory. Why didn't this child understand?

Secretary Zheng, Director Chu, thank you very much for taking the time to take advantage of your busy schedule.

Ye Feng came up to him immediately and shook hands with a smile. Deputy Chief Zheng was very considerate and proactively said, It's our honor to be treated by Director Ye.

Honor is built on gold bars. Without gold bars, no one would care to eat his meal.

Deputy Chief Zheng is not someone who can't afford food.

Secretary Zheng, you are really good at joking, please.

Ye Feng made an invitation and took them in together. The shopkeeper noticed the guests Ye Feng was receiving.

He knows Deputy Chief Zheng, he is a regular visitor here.

He had also met Chu Lingyun. Kong Sanling had hosted a banquet for this person last time, which left a deep impression on him.

Chu Lingyun followed closely beside Chief Zheng, only half a step back. Ye Feng led the way politely and treated both of them with respect.

This made the shopkeeper a little surprised.

Chu Lingyun suddenly turned around and looked at the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper immediately smiled and lowered his head slightly.

He is the shopkeeper, and it is normal for him to smile to his customers. The people who come here are rich and powerful, and there is no one he can offend.

After glancing at the shopkeeper, Chu Lingyun and Ye Feng entered the room together.

Ye Feng entertained guests, with Deputy Chief Zheng taking the lead, followed by Chu Lingyun, and finally him.

Bao Shengqun, Chu Yuan and Zheng Guangtao were on the other side.

Six people eat together.

Chu Yuan and Bao Shengqun happened to be sitting together. He knew that Bao Shengqun was the intelligence director of the Party Communication Bureau. He used to be the director and was recently promoted.

Xu Laogui's old friend, nephew and son-in-law, can be so valued by Ye Feng, this Bao Shengqun is not simple.

Zheng Guangtao was heartless and subconsciously sat in the seat furthest away from Chief Zheng.

Guang Tao, sit here.

Chu Lingyun noticed Chief Zheng's expression and immediately waved. At this time, Chief Zheng would not get angry, let alone teach Zheng Guangtao a lesson, but it would be hard to tell after returning home.

In public, as the nephew of Vice-Chairman Zheng, and the person brought here by name specifically by Vice-Chairman Zheng, sitting so far away would make people laugh.

Yes, Director.

Zheng Guangtao curled his lips and reluctantly sat next to his uncle. Chief Zheng's eyes were like knives, which made Zheng Guangtao feel uncomfortable all over.

Secretary Zheng, our director has great respect for you. While we were waiting just now, we talked a lot about your great achievements in the past. I admire you very much for your humble position.

Bao Shengqun saw that there was a problem between the uncle and nephew, and hurriedly reconciled the situation. With the step, Deputy Chief Zheng immediately became humble.

The family is in an unfortunate situation. We need to deal with it when we go back. Now is not the time.

Director Chu, we belong to the same industry. You are the best person in our industry. Our director often uses the cases you have solved as examples to educate us. Today I finally meet you in person. I respect you.

When the banquet began, Bao Shengqun was very active and continued to guide the atmosphere.

Halfway through the drink and the conversation was getting heated, Ye Feng finally said: Director Chu, I was lax in handling you before and I caused a lot of offense. Please forgive me and I'll give you a toast.

This is to put down your posture and take the initiative to apologize.

Chu Lingyun smiled but did not speak, and did not even touch the wine glass.

If an empty apology works, what else do they need?

Targeting him like this, even wanting to kill him, just talk about it?

Director Chu, our director really respects you. We know that you like gadgets, so we specially prepared a small gift for you as an apology.

Bao Shengqun's role was highlighted again, helping Ye Feng to speak, otherwise Ye Feng would not be able to step down today.

The gift was in the room, and Bao Shengqun brought it over for Chu Lingyun to appreciate.

The items are good, but the value is too high, so I can't accept them.

Chu Lingyun shook his head. This alone was not enough. If Ye Feng was not sincere and he came to eat today just for the sake of Chief Zheng, he would deal with him later.

Ye Feng's butt was dirty, Weng Zixing bit him last time.

Chu Lingyun has ready-made evidence and clues.

It's true that being greedy for money can't do anything to him, but what if he does something that violates the old man's bottom line?

It's impossible to be red, and the old man won't believe it casually.

But the old man's taboos don't stop at this, such as the relationship between Ye Feng and General Li or others.

Just a little bit closer and he could be shattered to pieces.

Director Chu, don't worry. From now on, our Party Communications Bureau will fully obey the guidance of the Supervision Office. We will do whatever you ask us to do.

Bao Shengqun understood what Chu Lingyun wanted and said hurriedly, it would be even more embarrassing if he didn't mention Ye Feng.

Chu Lingyun looked at Ye Feng.

Director, didn't you say today that the inspection office is doing so well? With their supervision and guidance, our future work will be carried out more smoothly.

Seeing that Ye Feng hadn't spoken yet, Bao Shengqun was a little anxious and had to remind him.

Ye Feng wanted to save face and suffer. He came here to apologize. Saying soft words won't kill anyone. So much money has been spent. What's the point of saying something nice?

Yes, Director Chu is our role model, and we really admire him.

Ye Feng finally spoke, not to mention that everything he did today was in vain, and Chu Lingyun was going to attack him later.

Chu Lingyun still didn't move, while Bao Shengqun winked at Ye Feng.

Sheng Qun is right. I often educate subordinates in the Party Communications Bureau. The inspection office is our beacon. We feel more at ease with the inspection office. The inspection office helped us a lot last time and cleared so many Black sheep, I have always wanted to thank you, but I never found the opportunity, and today I finally have it.”

Chu Lingyun picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the food in front of him. Bao Shengqun's face turned green.

What's the use of saying all this? It's obvious that they want a commitment from you.

Say it first, I don’t really want you to do it.

Ye Feng, since you know that the inspection office is doing so well, you should obey the inspection office in the future and don't listen to those slanderous words and cause misunderstandings again.

Even Deputy Chief Zheng couldn't stand it and reminded him loudly. Ye Feng's face turned red and he finally said: What Deputy Chief Zheng taught us is that from now on, our Party Communications Bureau will resolutely obey the guidance of the Inspection Office. What is needed from us, Director Chu? You can just give the order.

Ye Feng really didn't want to say these words. If he did, they would be lowered than the inspection room.

The Inspection Office is just a division-level department of the Second Department. They are almost at the same level as the Second Department. You can imagine Ye Feng's grievance at being manipulated like this by a department below him.

Director Ye is serious. It's all for work.

Chu Lingyun finally picked up the wine glass, and Bao Shengqun breathed a sigh of relief. The matter was finally done.

There is really no way to explain Ye Feng's temper.

What was originally a good apology is now not only less effective, but also appears to be extremely insincere.

Fortunately, this problem has been overcome for the time being.

This is good. The Party Communications Bureau cannot be really close to the Inspection Office, and that is not possible. They will still fight openly and secretly. This situation is beneficial to the Red Party.

That's right, it's all for the sake of party fruits and seats. Let's all have a drink together.

Deputy Chief Zheng did not accept the gold bars in vain and continued to help smooth things over, finally easing the situation.

After having enough wine and food, he actually didn't drink too much. Ye Feng was not sincere enough and the wine was a bit disappointing.

Chu Yuan and Zheng Guangtao helped take things away. These were good and good things. Chu Lingyun would not be polite and would just take them away after giving them away.

Accepting bribes has little impact on even Ye Feng, let alone him.

On the way back, Ye Feng's face was ashen. It was disgusting. It was so disgusting. Chu Lingyun forced him to say what he didn't want to say. It was not only aggrieved, but also humiliating.

Boss, please don't take it to heart. The more arrogant Chu Lingyun is, the better. He has offended so many people now, and he will definitely die badly in the future.

Bao Shengqun seemed to speak for Ye Feng, but in fact he fanned the flames and intensified their conflicts.

That's right, he didn't deserve a good death.

Ye Feng nodded fiercely. Today he was completely trampled by Chu Lingyun. Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything now and didn't dare to make any rash moves.

I must get rid of Chu Lingyun when I find an opportunity in the future to avenge today.

But he understood that it would be difficult for him to do it.

Being able to drive Chu Lingyun out is the greatest victory.

That bastard Qi Limin, why did he squeeze Chu Lingyun out? If Chu Lingyun had still stayed in the military command, even if he had become the director, this kind of thing would not have happened today.

The Bureau of Secrecy has no supervisory authority over them.

But fortunately, at least the goal was achieved today, Chu Lingyun gained face, and there was no reason to attack him again.

If he really does that, Chu Lingyun will give people the impression that he is a different person.

Recommend a new book by the master who once had a sense of direction. It is sleazy and funny, and has constant slutty moves. It is definitely worth reading.

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