Spy Shadow

Chapter 801 Public Opinion Offensive

Chapter 801 Public Opinion Offensive

Liaison officers do not have high level requirements, generally the lowest level is Major, but Major Inosuke is no problem at all. Assigning him to No. 76 will make it easier for him to be promoted for meritorious service.

Li Zhiqun planned to attack Inoue in advance.

He wanted to make Inoue like him and trust him. This time he wanted to get ahead of Chen Xiaoer. Without the support of the Japanese, Chen Xiaoer was nothing. He could kill Chen Xiaoer with just one hand. Play to death.

At that time, the secret service headquarters will be completely under his control, and the lost prestige can be regained.

Li Zhiqun, what is he doing here?

Takemoto frowned. What he wanted to deal with was the special high school class. No. 76 really didn't think about it. They were all Chinese and they didn't have a deep relationship with Tuyuan.

He said he was just visiting you to give you some gifts.

Sending me a gift, is he crazy about gain and loss?

Takemoto smiled dumbly. His attitude towards Li Zhiqun was not very friendly. He was the one who caught Li Zhiqun last time and beat him up at the military police headquarters.

The secretary replied: I guess he is afraid that we will target him, so he wants to pay for his life.

It makes sense. Let him come in and let me see what tricks he is playing.

Takemoto laughed, and after a while Li Zhiqun was taken to Takemoto's office.

The office was the one Matsumoto used before. It was not here when Miyamoto was here. Takemoto liked it very much and moved in immediately after taking office.

This office had been his favorite place.

At that time, he thought that he could come in often and report to Commander Matsumoto, but he never dared to think about becoming the owner of this office.

What I didn't dare to think about finally became a reality.

Hello, Commander Takemoto.

When Li Zhiqun came in, he bent at a 90-degree angle. He had learned the etiquette of a little devil very well.

You said you came to give me a gift, what gift?

Takemoto asked directly, there was no need to be in vain with Li Zhiqun, in his eyes Li Zhiqun was nothing.

If Ishihara Hiroshi hadn't agreed, and he was even prepared to kill Jiang Tengkong, how could he possibly like Li Zhiqun.

This is it.

Li Zhiqun placed his suitcase on the table and opened it in front of Takemoto.

It was full of gold bars, fifty in total.

Li Zhiqun was heartbroken when he sent so many gold bars, but thinking that he could kill Chen Xiaoer, the money was well spent.

After he takes full control of No. 76, he can quickly earn back the money.

You can earn more in the future, ten times, or even a hundred times.

Li Zhiqun has great ambitions.

It seems you made a lot of money.

Takemoto looked at the gold bars in the box and said with a sarcastic smile. Li Zhiqun didn't take it seriously: Commander Takemoto, I have been working for the empire, and the people I arrested have real evidence. You are a warrior of the empire and a hero of the empire. I am willing to serve you. Effectiveness.”

Li Zhiqun's words were extremely explicit and directly stated his intention.

He came to seek refuge, not to chat. The money was sent, and if he didn't indicate his purpose, he would be in trouble.

Li Zhiqun is a typical girl who has breasts and is a mother. She had taken refuge with Kubo before, then with Jiang Tengkong, and now with Takemoto.

He will follow anyone who can help him and bring him benefits.

There was no sense of betrayal in his heart.

You're right, why do you suddenly want to work for me?

Li Zhiqun's words made Takemoto very comfortable. He was indeed a warrior of the empire.

Tsuchihara went against the grain and actually wanted to murder Mr. Ishihara. Fortunately, Mr. Ishihara has good luck. Our special agent headquarters is controlled by the Special High School. There is really no way, but I believe that you will not let the existence of the Special High School go. We I was forced to accept Jiang Tengkong's supervision, and now I am willing to follow you and help you deal with Jiang Tengkong.

Haha, you know the current situation. No wonder you have been fine for so long on the 76th.

Takemoto's laughter increased, Jiang Tengkong betrayed his relatives, and the director of the secret service headquarters came to seek refuge. Jiang Tengkong was equivalent to losing control of the secret service headquarters.

Thank you for the compliment, sir.

Li Zhiqun bent down again, and Takemoto waved his hand: I know what you mean. You go back first. I will inform you if anything happens.

Thank you, sir.

Li Zhiqun was overjoyed. Takemoto had accepted his surrender. With Takemoto as his big backer, let's see how Chen Xiaoer would fight him.

After leaving the office, Takemoto immediately went to find Inoue.

Inoue is now in the Intelligence Department and is a team leader in the Intelligence Department. His rank is too low and Takemoto cannot give him a position that is too high.

Position is not important, the key is rights.

No one in the Military Police Headquarters dares to offend Inoue. Who doesn't know that he is the commander's nobleman and has a good relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi.

Many people are envious and jealous. If only they could have known each other when Ishihara Hiroshi was in decline, maybe the commander would be the one.

Why are you here again?

Seeing Takemoto coming back, Chu Lingyun's brows condensed slightly. Takemoto had just left not long ago.

Ishihara-kun, Li Zhiqun from the special agent headquarters just came to see me and gave me fifty gold bars. He wanted to join me, and I agreed temporarily.

Takemoto came here for this reason, and he would run to Ishihara Hiroshi if he had the chance.

The more Toru Ishihara sees him, the more Toru Ishihara will miss him.

Li Zhiqun, are you relying on me?

Chu Lingyun was surprised. Li Zhiqun had a very good nose. Was he aware that the extra-high school course was about to end and was looking for a way out in advance?

Looking for Takemoto is indeed the best choice.

If Hiroshi Ishihara were really Japanese, he would definitely succeed.

Yes, Li Zhiqun is quite aware of current affairs. I can ask him to keep an eye on the Special High School Class first, so that it will be easier for us to deal with them after we get hold of the Special High School Class.

Takemoto replied that Li Zhiqun always lowered his head in front of him, and he did the same in front of Chu Lingyun.

What kind of knowledge of current affairs is this? It's just speculation. Are you willing to have a slave with three surnames?

Chu Lingyun glared at Takemoto, who was stunned. What did Ishihara Hiroshi mean? He didn't like Li Zhiqun?

If this kid dares to lie to me, I'll go find trouble with him right away.

Takemoto said angrily, while Chu Lingyun shook his head: No need, tell Jiang Tengkong his situation and let them fight in their own nests. We can just watch the show. As for the money, you can take it.

Chu Lingyun almost forgot that Takemoto didn't mention it, but Li Zhiqun had made a lot of money.

Chen Zhanli reported that the exact number is unclear, but it is at least several hundred gold bars.

He also has a large collection of antiques.

These are all the wealth of the people and the wealth of the country, and cannot be left in the hands of this big traitor.

It just so happens that everything is fine now. Let's deal with this scourge first before dealing with the Liaison Department guards.

Yes, I understand. I will immediately arrange for someone to let Jiang Tengkong know about this.

Takemoto nodded. It seemed that Ishihara Toru really didn't like Li Zhiqun. He was a little reckless today. He should first find out Ishihara Toru's attitude towards Li Zhiqun.

If Ishihara Hiroshi doesn't like people, he won't live long.

Li Zhiqun betrayed Jiang Tengkong, and they had no plans to attack Jiang Tengkong now. After knowing this, Jiang Tengkong would definitely not spare him.

Just like Ishihara Hiroshi said, let them fight among themselves and watch the show by themselves.

Section Chief, I inquired about a situation at the Military Police Headquarters.

Ishida came to Jiang Tengkong's office. They hadn't eaten well or slept well in the past few days, for fear that the military police would rush in again.

Fortunately, what I was most worried about did not happen.

Ishida's words made Jiang Tengkong feel nervous: What's going on?

After the incident happened, they reported to Chu Lingyun that they wanted to evacuate to avoid danger, but Chu Lingyun did not agree. They would not be in any danger and there was no need to evacuate.

Once withdrawn, he would have to take action against the Shanghai Ultra-High School.

Now the special high school is almost a branch of their military unified combat situation team. Wouldn't this be better?

I heard that Li Zhiqun went to seek refuge with Takemoto and gave Takemoto a lot of money.

Ishida's words shocked Jiang Tengkong, and then he became furious: Li Zhiqun, he is looking for death.

The extra-high school class had not yet collapsed. Li Zhiqun had defected to his new master so quickly. Takemoto received orders from Ishihara Hiroshi and did not keep it secret.

The Special High School is an intelligence department and has spies in many places, including the Military Police Headquarters.

It's easy to find out.

Is the situation true? Jiang Tengkong asked after calming down.

I have confirmed it. It is true. Li Zhiqun not only sent a lot of money to Takemoto, but also sent 3,000 yen to Inoue.

Jiang Tengkong knew very well what Li Zhiqun wanted to do.

Just like when I took refuge with him, I just decided that he would be in trouble soon and contacted the new master in advance.

As for Inoue, he has a close relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi and is Takemoto's confidant. He went to curry favor in advance, or Inoue may work as a liaison officer at No. 76 in the future.

Send a report to the chief section chief and tell him about this.

Jiang Tengkong is no longer angry. He is a villain. There is no need to be angry because of him.

The purpose of sending a report to Tuyuan was to let Tuyuan know about their difficulties. At present, everyone in Shanghai Special Higher Education School was in danger, and even Li Zhiqun had other thoughts.

In the northeast, Tuyuan was silent for a long time when he saw the telegram from the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course.

Two hours later, Jiang Tengkong received a call back from Tuyuan.

Secretly deal with Li Zhiqun.

The content is very simple. Tuyuan is a tiger. When the tiger falls in Pingyang, he is bullied by the dog. The little Li Zhiqun dares to betray Tuyuan at this time, which violates Tuyuan's bottom line.

Tuhara has a certain level of strength, and he will be fine in Tohoku.

He has already captured several of the killers sent by Touman. He is now living in seclusion and is surrounded by tight security. The people sent by Touman cannot get close to him.

It's not that easy to kill him.

Send a report to the Chinese, we want to kill Li Zhiqun.

Jiang Tengkong ordered Ishida that the Chinese had always been dissatisfied with Li Zhiqun, and Chen Zhanli was one of theirs.

After killing Li Zhiqun, he can naturally support Chen Zhanli to take over.

The premise is that nothing will happen to him, otherwise everything will be an illusion.

When he sent a telegram to Chu Lingyun, his secret message was very clear. He asked Chu Lingyun to protect them. Since they were not allowed to retreat, he would not let anything happen to them.

Once something happens to them, Chen Zhanli will also be in trouble.

In the war situation team, Loach received the rose message.

He knew that Rose's worries were completely unnecessary. Ishihara Hiroshi was the team leader and could not be disadvantageous to him.

Jiang Tengkong didn't know this and was always worried. For this reason, he temporarily gave up the opportunity to see Chu Chu and waited for the situation in Shanghai to stabilize.

Team leader, Rose called. Li Zhiqun secretly defected to Takemoto. Tuyuan asked him to deal with Li Zhiqun.

After Chu Lingyun came back, Ni Loach immediately came to report.

Chu Lingyun was not surprised at all. He asked Takemoto to spread the news deliberately to give Jiang Tengkong a reason to deal with him.

Li Zhiqun, this bastard, it’s time to get rid of him.

Without the war team taking action, the Japanese would attack him.

Let them follow Tuhara's orders.

Chu Lingyun ordered, and Loach went to call Jiang Tengkong back. Once Li Zhiqun died, Shanghai's intelligence agency no longer had any threat to them.

Jiang Tengkong had no problem handling Li Zhiqun, but Chu Lingyun had to get the treasures in Li Zhiqun's hands, especially those antiques.

Now that Chu Lingyun knows about these treasures, he will not allow them to live abroad.

With the reply from the Chinese, Jiang Tengkong felt more confident.

Li Zhiqun is the director of the secret service headquarters, not an ordinary person. He betrayed secretly. Jiang Tengkong has no evidence and cannot be publicly executed on this ground.

If you can't make it public, then assassinate it.

There are many methods of assassination. Wasn't Wu Sanbao poisoned to death? Li Zhiqun was his eldest brother, so just let the two brothers have the same fate.

Jiang Tengkong handed over the task to Ishida, and he did not need to do it himself.

The task was not difficult. After Ishida received the order, he immediately made preparations.

Li Zhiqun usually doesn't go out to eat because he is afraid that others will poison him, but he always eats and he doesn't care so much about the food at home.

There are action masters in the special high school class.

Three days later, Li Zhiqun came home from get off work on No. 76.

came back.

Li Zhiqun's wife helped him get his briefcase. Li Zhiqun was in a good mood today. He arrested a few more people and would soon make another fortune.

This time it was a big family, and the family was able to get back all the money he gave Takemoto.

Is the meal ready? Li Zhiqun asked with a smile.

Okay, I'll serve it to you.

My wife walked into the kitchen and brought out the rice for Li Zhiqun. Li Zhiqun liked beef, and today it was good beef, very fragrant.

Smelling the aroma, Li Zhiqun opened his index fingers and ate a lot.

Shiqun, Shanghai is getting more and more chaotic. Can we be transferred to Nanjing instead of here?

After dinner, Li Shiqun's wife asked worriedly. She was very smart, but the brat was unlucky because of the high-level fights. Li Shiqun's secret service headquarters was too close to the Special High School, and she might be implicated.

What are you afraid of? I have already found a way out. Don't worry, we will be fine. We may be able to embrace even more powerful people in the future.

Li Shiqun didn't take it seriously, lying on his wife's lap and replied with a smile.

How many people are there in Nanjing? It is far inferior to Shanghai.

He could make more money in Shanghai, but if he went to Nanjing, he would not have the freedom in Shanghai.

What's more, Ding Mo is in Nanjing.

He is not on the same page as him, and if he goes to Nanjing, he will probably retaliate against him.

Li Zhiqun would never go to Nanjing unless absolutely necessary.

Really, who did you find?

Li Zhiqun's wife was startled. She had never heard her man talk about this in the past few days.

Don't ask yet, you'll find out later.

Li Zhiqun shook his head and smiled. He rarely told his wife about work matters, not because he didn't believe her, but because he instinctively avoided her.

It does no good to my wife if she knows too much.


Li Zhiqun suddenly covered his stomach. His wife noticed something unusual and immediately looked at him: What's wrong with you?

It's okay, my stomach just hurt.

Just after he finished speaking, Li Zhiqun screamed again. He felt pain not just once, but several times, and soon he was rolling on the ground in pain.

Quick, someone is coming.

Li Zhiqun's wife ran out in a hurry, looking for someone to take him to the hospital. Ishida, who was in the distance, saw this scene with a telescope, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Li Zhiqun's home is very well protected, but it can't stop them.

Who has been here today?

Li Zhiqun endured the pain and asked his wife. He understood that he had been plotted and poisoned.

It's a normal stomachache after eating, not this kind of pain.

He wants to know who wants to kill him.

Miss Noriko is here today.

Kosaka Noriko, she is from the Special Higher Education Course.

Li Zhiqun screamed as soon as he finished speaking. Noriko Kosaka is a Japanese woman who has a good relationship with his wife and works in a Japanese commercial bank.

Li Zhiqun has no objection to his wife dating Japanese. Noriko Kosaka has no objection. Her husband is an official in the Liaison Department.

Now that he has been poisoned, it must have been poisoned by Noriko Kosaka, but it's a pity that he took all precautions and failed to guard against the family members.

Don't take me to the hospital. Just leave as quickly as possible.

Li Zhiqun was very smart and guessed that it was a special high school course, and his defection to Takemoto was exposed.

At this time, his heart was full of regrets. He had ridiculed Abe for being too greedy for money, and ended up becoming someone else's wedding dress. Now he saw that he would end up in the same fate as Abe.

He made so much money, what does his death have to do with him?

And his wife may even become someone else's.

I'll take you to the hospital.

Li Zhiqun's wife was scared to death. Li Zhiqun shook his head with difficulty. There was no point in going to the hospital. Since Jiang Tengkong had taken action, there was no way he could be given a chance.

His stomach hurt so much that Li Zhiqun took out his gun, but his trembling hands couldn't fire at all.

Slowly, his movements became lighter and lighter, and finally he lay on the ground and stopped moving.

Ishida has been waiting for the medicine to take full effect.

Li Zhiqun has a lot of good things at home, and he wants to copy them all this time.

Just as Ishida was preparing to take action, several trucks full of soldiers drove over. Teams of military police got out of the vehicles and rushed into Li Zhiqun's home.

Li Zhiqun's wife was arrested and her home was searched by the military police.

Antiques and gold bars were all looted.

Just over two hundred gold bars?

Takemoto personally brought people here. This was Ishihara Hiroshi's order. He kept an eye on the special high school class and asked them to kill Li Zhiqun, and then ransacked his home before them.

Everything belonging to Li Zhiqun must be taken away.

Especially antiques.

Takemoto knew that Ishihara Toru liked antiques. He always carried out Ishihara Toru's orders personally, and this time was no exception.

There are only more than 30 pieces of various antiques in the house, plus more than 200 gold bars and some ocean cash. Obviously, this amount of money is not consistent with Li Zhiqun's identity.

He came to confiscate the house, and he wanted to confiscate everything.

I have no idea.

Li Zhiqun's wife was trembling. Takemoto was not polite to her and beat her severely. Li Zhiqun's wife quickly confessed that they had something hidden elsewhere.

Underground in the backyard, and another house.

This time, more things were copied from the bamboo book, including almost a thousand gold bars and more than 100 pieces of various antiques, many of which were exquisite.

Li Zhiqun was so resourceful that he actually took so much money, which was much more than the money given to him.

The sum of these wealth is definitely a large sum.

Li Zhiqun deserves to die.

When Takemoto appeared, Ishida took the people away.

When the military police appeared, he understood that all this was Takemoto's plan. Takemoto looked down on Li Zhiqun and deliberately used their hands to get rid of Li Zhiqun and then steal the harvest.

They handled the people, and all the benefits were taken away by Takemoto.

It's useless for Ishida to be angry. This is an extraordinary period. In normal times, they might have dared to argue, but now they don't even dare to fart.

The chief section chief did something unethical and made them miserable.

Takemoto went there in person?

Jiang Tengkong stood up immediately after listening to Ishida's report.

Yes, I saw him with my own eyes. Ishida nodded.

Jiang Tengkong left his desk and kept walking. Li Zhiqun, even if they were allowed to take action, would not alert the military police commander.

What was the reason for Takemoto to go there in person?

There is a reason why Jiang Tengkong is the section chief and the leader of the special high-level team, not Ishida.

He is indeed smarter than Ishida.

We'll probably be fine.

Jiang Tengkong suddenly said, Ishida was puzzled.

There is only one reason why Takemoto went there in person. There is a stronger person watching this matter. Takemoto went because of him. Otherwise, there is no need for Takemoto to come forward in person.

Li Zhiqun is very famous among the Chinese, but he is nothing to us. He is just a dog. The money he makes is not important. The key is that he has collected a lot of antiques in Shanghai. There is a person who is very interested in antiques. , I like high-quality products, and Li Zhiqun has high-quality products in his hands.

Jiang Tengkong said slowly, and Ishida's eyes suddenly lit up: You are talking about Ishihara Hiroshi.

That's right, Ishihara Hiroshi will not deal with Li Zhiqun personally. He will take advantage of the opportunity of Li Zhiqun to seek refuge with Takemoto to deliberately let us know and then reap the benefits. Since he did this, it seems that he has no intention of attacking us, otherwise there would be no need at all. It’s so troublesome.”

Jiang Tengkong said firmly that in Ishihara Hiroshi's eyes, they were nothing, just lambs to be slaughtered.

It would be very easy for Ishihara Hiroshi to kill them.

I understand. We pretend not to know about this and let them take the things away, so they won't attack us.

Ishida suddenly realized that the two of them were constantly speculating here. They never imagined that the reason why they were in such trouble was that Chu Lingyun was protecting them.

If they hadn't been our own people, Shanghai's special higher education courses would have disappeared long ago.

I made a random guess, but I didn't get it right at all.

We have passed this level, but we still have to keep a low profile. The Secret Service Headquarters cannot be without a director. You stay in the Special High School, and I will go to the Secret Service Headquarters.

Jiang Tengkong ordered that for such a big matter as changing the director of the secret service headquarters, he must personally come forward.

Not only do they need to be low-key, No. 76 also needs to be low-key.

It is very appropriate for Chen Zhanli to be the director at this time.

Chen Zhanli is not a high-profile person.

Nowadays, the secret service headquarters and the special high school course are completely in Chu Lingyun's hands. It has been seven years since he was arrested.

Chu Lingyun had arranged the situation for seven years and finally let him take control of everything.

Early the next morning, Jiang Tengkong took people to No. 76, and Jiang Qihe took Chen Zhanli to the door to greet them.

There are a lot of people coming. To stabilize No. 76, Jiang Tengkong, especially Li Zhiqun's men, must bring more people.

Jiang Qihe was surprised to see so many people coming.

What happened, the section chief mobilized so many people?

Call all the people above the deputy director level to the conference room for a meeting.

After Jiang Tengkong finished speaking, he walked in. Jiang Qihe hurriedly asked someone to notify him. He usually summoned the director of the department for meetings, but this time he even called the deputy director.

What happened? Is Hiroshi Ishihara really going to attack them?

Esakiga is a member of the special high school class. The matter between Tsuchihara and Ishihara Hiroshi is so big that it has reached the point of drawing swords against each other. It is impossible for Esakiga not to know about it.

Ezaki He felt a little uneasy. He was not a member of the extra-high-level class at all. It would be an injustice if he died because of Tuhara.

In the conference room, Jiang Tengkong sat at the head of the table with a serious expression.

Without Li Zhiqun, the seat was vacant. Jiang Qihe and Chen Zhanli were sitting beside him.

When all the deputy directors and above gathered together, there was no room in the conference room, so the deputy directors sat on both sides to listen.

The two Intelligence Divisions and the Three Operations Divisions, plus the heads of the General Affairs Division, Telecommunications Division, Interrogation Division, and Confidentiality Division, all sat upright and looked at Jiang Tengkong carefully.

Is everyone here?

Jiang Tengkong looked at everyone, and Jiang Qihe responded hurriedly: Everyone is here except Li Zhiqun.

Very well, now I announce an appointment.

Jiang Tengkong nodded slightly, appointment? Everyone was surprised. Whose appointment did Jiang Tengkong come to announce?

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. No new person has appeared, but who needs Jiang Tengkong to appoint him personally?

The Gendarmerie has kept Li Zhiqun's matter a secret, and the Special High School Class has not said anything about it either. No. 76 still doesn't know about it yet.

It's ridiculous to say that as the director of the secret service headquarters, no one knew anything happened.

This shows how unpopular Li Zhiqun is on No. 76.

Chen Zhanli.

Section Chief. Chen Zhanli's eyes widened, and everyone else looked at him.

stand up.

Jiang Tengkong said lightly, and Chen Zhanli immediately stood up and stood there straight.

Due to other reasons, Li Zhiqun is unable to continue to serve as the director of the Secret Service Headquarters. Chen Zhanli will be appointed as the acting director. We will wait to be notified whether he will become a regular director in the future.

Jiang Tengkong said slowly, everyone was stunned.

Li Zhiqun was dismissed and Director Chen took over?

When it comes to whether to become a regular employee and wait for notification, it is because the procedures have not been completed and the new government will not object to the director appointed by the Japanese.

Nor do they dare.

Yes, thank you, principal.

Chen Zhanli came to his senses and responded loudly. Chen Zhanli's subordinates were all smiles. The happiness came too suddenly. People were panicked before, but now their director has been straightened up.

This codename is only temporary. Who doesn't know that it is impossible to send someone from above? As long as Li Zhiqun steps down, Chen Zhanli will definitely be the chief director.

After you took office, you kept a low profile. If any trouble occurs at the Secret Service Headquarters, I'll take it out on you.

Jiang Tengkong warned that in this special period, nothing should happen now.

Don't worry, Section Chief, the Secret Service Headquarters will definitely not cause trouble.

Very good, clean up the internal affairs of the secret service headquarters as soon as possible. Someone comes and takes down Zhan Haiyun.

Jiang Tengkong suddenly gave an order, and several special agents immediately controlled Zhan Haiyun.

Zhan Haiyun is Li Zhiqun's biggest supporter. Li Zhiqun was handled by them and they will not let Zhan Haiyun do bad things on the 76th.

Chen Zhanli had just taken office and it was difficult to attack Zhan Haiyun, so Jiang Tengkong simply helped him.

Section Chief, Section Chief, I didn't do anything.

Zhan Haiyun shouted in horror and was quickly dragged out. He could not survive. He was on the wrong boat. Now that the boat has sunk, he will sink to the bottom of the sea.

I'll leave this to you, do your best.

Jiang Tengkong didn't say much. Chen Zhanli was as wise as a fool. He was so good at lurking in No. 76 that he didn't even notice anything unusual about him. He could definitely do these little things.

I'll see you off.

Chen Zhanli hurriedly came out and carried Jiang Tengkong to the car with Jiang Qihe.

Great, our director has finally corrected himself. What happened to Li Zhiqun? Could it be that he was arrested by the extra-high school class?

I don't know, but it's a good thing that Li's death is over. Even Zhan Haiyun was arrested, so his trouble must be big.

Several division chiefs and deputy division chiefs under Chen Zhanli were discussing excitedly, and the news that No. 76 had changed again quickly spread internally.

After Li Zhiqun's men heard about it, not only were they not afraid, but they were relieved.

Their director was finally finished. Following a person like that, he was always on tenterhooks.

Chen Xiaoer, no, Director Chen came to power and everyone expected him to do so.

If Li Zhiqun cannot come back, they will be Director Chen's subordinates from now on.

Director Chen has always been very interesting to his subordinates, and he doesn't say anything at all.

Zhanli, congratulations.

Back in the office, Jiang Qihe first congratulated Li Zhiqun. Something must have happened.

Chen Zhanli's sudden rise to power made Jiang Qihe a little surprised, but also a little worried.

Now that he has great power, will he become like Li Zhiqun, greedy for power and money?

Jiang Qihe didn't know the future. What he could do was try his best to influence Chen Zhanli and let him see the good side, the bright side.

Thank you, sir. I will be your soldier at any time.

Chen Zhanli smiled happily, neither arrogant nor impetuous, which was even more rare and valuable.

Esaki He really likes Chen Zhanli now, no wonder Kubo is so kind to him.

I really discovered the advantages in him. Chen Zhanli is a subordinate who can make people feel reassured and reliable.

Ten people from the war situation team returned to Chongqing, and they went to the operations office to report.

Wen Jitao's first batch of twelve people had just finished training and he just sent them away yesterday. Next, they will go to four different places. Among them, Yanzhou has the most people, six people, accounting for half.

Three of the remaining six went to the Fourth Army, and the other three went to the Eighth Route Army.

They would infiltrate the military and start at the bottom.

Director, the people from the war situation team are back.

Wen Jitao came to report to He Nian, but He Nian didn't care. He didn't ask questions, so he just left everything to Wen Jitao.

From now on, Wen Jitao can just report to him and Chu Lingyun respectively.

Take them to continue special training without reporting to me.

Yes, Director.

Wen Jitao was very passionate and gave the ten people a day's rest before taking them into the previous special training base to repeat the previous training.

It's not about physical training, it's mainly about explaining what needs to be paid attention to on the Red Party side.

Especially don't be deceived by the red party.

Lao Hu originally thought that the mission was about to end, but purely for safety reasons, they did not remove the surveillance point.

As he continued to monitor, he was shocked to find that another group of new people had arrived. This group of new people came back from Shanghai and belonged to the military intelligence team. They received the same training and were then sent to the Red Party to perform tasks.

Another ten. Lao Hu did not dare to be careless and continued to monitor carefully.

Lao Hu had previously monitored a large amount of useful information, which he carefully recorded. This top-secret information was to be sent to Yanzhou and handed over to Ke Gong.

This is also Ke Gong's arrangement.

Includes audio tape.

Fortunately, they received a lot of tapes this time. If not, report to Mr. Ke and new ones will be sent to them.

Lao Hu has never had such passion, high-tech monitoring equipment, and enough tapes. When has he ever been so generous?

Not to mention audio tapes, even radios, they didn’t have many in the past.

The monitoring point is very crude, and you will break out in sweat every time you come out.

Lao Hu never cared about this. For so many years of lurking, this was the first time that he had so happily obtained information about the Fruit Party, especially information about them.

On the far side of the ocean, the ship slowly docked.

Thomas looked at the familiar city in front of him with tears in his eyes.

While in prison, he dreamed of his country countless times, crying silently every time he woke up. What he thought he could only see in his dreams finally appeared in front of him.

America, he's back.

Damn the Japanese, he hated the Japanese. The Japanese brought him not only physical destruction, but also soul torture.


Chloe had sharp eyes and was the first to see Thomas getting off the boat. Thomas heard the shout and also noticed Chloe.

And Liu Chengzhu next to Chloe.

Liu Chengzhu came to pick up Thomas on the order of his boss. There were some things that his boss did not tell Thomas in China and he needed to convey them.

Saying it is inappropriate in China will make Thomas feel like he is taking a favor in return.

It's different here. Thomas doesn't have to agree. Likewise, he won't be able to get any further help from his boss.

Now is not the time when they asked Thomas for help. The down-and-out phoenix is ​​worse than a chicken. Now the status of Thomas and the boss is reversed.

Thomas needs their help.

In the future, Thomas will become one of their agents in the United States, just like Smith.

Liu, I didn't expect you to be in the United States too.

Thomas was very happy to see an old acquaintance. The person behind Liu Chengzhu went up to help Thomas pick up his luggage, which was actually just a box.

Thomas looked much better.

The money Chu Lingyun gave him was not much, but it was enough for travel expenses. He was traveling in first class, and he had no worries about food and drink along the way.

After raising it for such a long time, the complexion needs to be restored no matter what.

Uncle, you are suffering. I have been worried about you and asked Chu several times to inquire about your situation. Unfortunately, there has been no news.

After getting in the car, Chloe's face was sad and her eyes were red, while Liu Chengzhu turned his head.

Chloe has a good acting talent. After Thomas was arrested, Chloe never asked about it. As for asking about the situation, it was even more nonsense.

What she thinks about every day is how to dress herself up and buy more and better cosmetics and clothes.

Thank you Chloe, I'm okay, Chu found me and got me out.

Thomas was very emotional. The once high-ranking police commissioner and director of the Public Settlement Industry Bureau had become prisoners overnight.

It was a miracle that his huge identity change didn't make him go crazy.

Dear uncle, I have to tell you some bad news. Your wife abandoned you a year ago, took your children and property and left with an old man.

Chloe said sadly, and Thomas' expression suddenly froze.

When he was imprisoned, he thought about his family. Fortunately, they were not in China at the time, otherwise they would be in trouble with him.

But he didn't expect that his wife would leave with someone else so soon?

He also took away his children and property.

Doesn't he have nothing now?

I suggest you file a lawsuit against him. You are not dead, you just suffered unequal treatment. She shouldn't treat you like this.

Chloe kept talking, but Thomas' face became increasingly ugly.

The car arrived at the hotel. This was San Francisco, not Thomas' home.

But it was useless for him to go back. The house had been sold by his wife long ago, and he would be homeless when he returned.

Knowing all this, Thomas was stunned.

He finally came back, but he didn't expect that he would suffer a huge blow when he arrived in the United States. His wife was gone and his house was gone. Where would he live in the future and how would he live?

As for Chloe's suggestion of a lawsuit, Thomas didn't consider it at all.

I can't afford to lose that person.

Uncle, please have a good rest first. If you need anything, just ask Manager Liu. You know, I never take care of things.

After sending Thomas to the hotel, Chloe didn't even stay for five minutes before running away. She made an appointment with a hairdresser to give her hair a good treatment today.

Mr. Thomas, the boss has told me that if you need anything, you can come to me at any time.

Liu Chengzhu said with a smile, and hope immediately appeared in Thomas's eyes: Is it true, with me like this now, Chu is still willing to treat me like he did before?

Liu Chengzhu was stunned. What was going on in Thomas' head? How could it be like before?

In the past, because Thomas was useful, the boss kept sending him money to satisfy his appetite and let him take care of the business and other things.

Now that Thomas doesn't have any power, he actually wants to let his boss treat him like he did before?

That's right.

Liu Chengzhu smiled and nodded. He has been in the United States for a long time and has learned the hypocrisy of Americans.

Thank you so much. Chu is such a good person.

Thomas was very excited and moved. His only support now was Chu Lingyun.

Although he has some friends, he is not stupid. Who would help him for no reason like this?

No one would do that.

Mr. Thomas, how is your relationship with General Mike?

Liu Chengzhu followed Chu Lingyun's request and asked Thomas.

General Mike?

Thomas was a little surprised. There were many generals in the United States, but not many named Mike. He immediately understood who Liu Chengzhu was talking about.

Former Chief of Staff and now Commander of Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific, the famous General Mike.

That's right. Liu Chengzhu nodded.

I know General Mike, but not particularly well.

Thomas didn't understand why Liu Chengzhu asked about Mike, but he answered honestly that what kind of life he could lead in the future depended on the person in front of him.

Or his boss.

As long as we know each other, our boss would like to know General Mike, but there is no channel.

I can help introduce Chu. General Mike is a very good person.

Thomas immediately answered, while Liu Chengzhu shook his head: Just an introduction is not enough. He and General Mike need an intermediary to communicate. Do you understand what the boss means?

Thomas' role is in the military, and Chu Lingyun will not let him stay in the United States.

He and Mike had known each other before, and this time Chu Lingyun would send Thomas to Mike to find a position for him.

The position does not depend on the size, but you must be able to see Mike often.

Smith can also establish a connection with Mike, but this connection is not enough for Chu Lingyun. He needs a deeper relationship, and Thomas plays his role.

Without this function, Thomas might have died in prison.

I understand, General Mike is not in the country, and I have nothing to worry about here. I can go to work with him, which will be more convenient.

Thomas was a good person and understood what Chu Lingyun meant.

You are indeed smart. Next, I will help you create a suitable identity.

Creating an identity? Thomas was puzzled.

This is the boss's request. You have just escaped from the Japanese. If you don't have a suitable identity, you won't be taken seriously when you get to General Mike.

Liu Chengzhu knew Chu Lingyun’s plan, but Thomas did not.

I will take you to the newspaper office now, and then I will take you to the radio station. When you get there, you will tell me the worst case scenario, but you must pay attention to one thing. You stayed in Shanghai for the benefit of the United States. The Japanese took you away by force, you are not a prisoner, you are a pure victim.

Liu Chengzhu explained that Thomas was not a soldier, but an official of the concession, and a high-ranking official.

The Japanese captured him and tortured him cruelly, purely to retaliate against the United States.

Thomas was a politician, and he understood what was going on as soon as Liu Chengzhu said it.

Public opinion builds momentum.

To build him into a hero who is not afraid of powerful enemies, he is familiar with this routine. He has done this before.

Don't worry, I will never be wrong.

Thomas promised again and again, and Liu Chengzhu asked him some questions in a reporter's tone as a drill.

After the reporters were invited, Liu Chengzhu stood aside and watched Thomas acting there.

Facing reporters, Thomas burst into tears and showed them the scars on his body.

He had a lot of old wounds on his body. Jiang Tengkong didn't torture him very much. The people in the prison didn't care that much. He was a foreign devil and there were very few foreign devils in the prison.

Many people are often bullied by foreigners. When there is a chance for revenge, Thomas is unlucky.

There were dozens of injuries, large and small, on the body. Several female reporters had red eyes and kept cursing the Japanese.

These are all the evil deeds of the Japanese.

Liu Chengzhu smiled and said nothing. The more successful Thomas built it, the more he would be unable to escape the control of his boss in the future.

This is his important personality. Once it is overturned, how much people sympathize with him and like him at the beginning will hate him in the future.

This is a double-edged sword.

After the reporter left, Liu Chengzhu took Thomas to the radio station for an interview.

The same words were said again, and the radio station's phone number was quickly filled with calls. Everyone sympathized with Thomas and was willing to help him and denounce the Japanese.

As the newspaper was published, more people learned about Thomas's deeds.

The government and the army all sent people to verify.

First of all, there is no problem with Thomas's identity. He was a high-ranking official in the concession, and his level in the concession was not low. If he hadn't been forcibly taken away by the Japanese, he would have been able to find a good job after he came back.

The Japanese took him away without any reason and persecuted him.

Just because he was the chief of police and did not give the Japanese a good look at the beginning, he was brutally persecuted by the Japanese.

If his Chinese friends hadn't accidentally learned that he was imprisoned and found a way to save him, he would probably have been mutilated to death by the Japanese.

People from the government confirmed Thomas's identity. It happened that the former chairman of the Public Settlement Industry Bureau, Felim, was in the United States. The reporter interviewed him. He also accused the Japanese of brutality and expressed great sympathy for Thomas's experience.

When the Japanese restricted his freedom, Felim didn't know that Thomas had been arrested by them.

Thomas's identity is true, and it is also true that he was captured by the Japanese.

This incident quickly escalated, and Thomas changed from a coward who fully confessed when he was caught to a hero in an instant.

The United States is such an amazing country.

The major newspapers and media are all praising Thomas. These words were bought by Liu Chengzhu. In this country, as long as you have money, there is almost nothing you can't do.

Thomas, the identity has been created for you. Your duties have been fully restored. Now you have to take the initiative to join the army and take revenge on the Japanese.

Taking Thomas back to the hotel, Liu Chengzhu followed the boss's request and asked Thomas to carry out the second step of the plan.

Chu Lingyun has done research on Mike.

Mike has a very American temperament, flamboyant and arrogant. Mike also has his own advantages, being bold and creative. If you want to attract the attention of such a person, it is very important to create a heroic identity in advance.

For Thomas' status, Chu Lingyun spent tens of thousands of dollars.

I will apply immediately. This time I will take revenge with my own hands.

Thomas nodded immediately. He really hated the Japanese. If he were not Japanese, he would not suffer so much in prison.

It's good to be around General Mac, at least he has a chance for revenge.

When you arrive, the boss will help you clear the relationship. In short, when the time comes, you will need people and money. You have only one task, which is to gain General Mike's trust and become the first person around him.

Don't worry, I can definitely do it.

Thomas replied seriously. He had been back in the United States for a while and had a better understanding of Chu Lingyun's energy.

Smith, Chu Lingyun's agent who was standing at the front desk, has now become the governor.

When Thomas heard the news, his jaw almost dropped.

He knew Smith well, Chloe had said a lot about him.

Smith used to be in the medical device business, but lost everything, so he returned to the United States with Chu Lingyun's help.

He was even worse than himself. He had been wandering for a while when he came back.

Until he asked Chu Lingyun to cooperate with him in the sulfonamide business.

At that time, when Chu Lingyun was just old, he could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time.

This young Chinese was one of the few geniuses he had ever seen.

The environment in Shanghai was so bad that the Japanese had nothing to do with him, and in the end he rescued himself.

With Chu Lingyun's help, he believed that he, like Smith, would have a brighter future.

In Shanghai, Chu Lingyun received a transoceanic telegram from Liu Chengzhu.

The first step of building Thomas has been completed, and Chu Lingyun has added another link to his layout in the United States.

Choosing Mike was the result of Chu Lingyun’s careful consideration.

In the war with Japan, Mike's influence was very great, and he would have an equally great impact on China and Japan in the future.

After the war, Mike's power in Japan was much greater than that of Yu Ren. At that time, Yu Ren wanted to save his life and lived in fear every day, fearing that one day he would be abolished.

Chu Lingyun likes to make plans in advance. No matter whether it will be useful in the future, he should do it first.

Even if you fail, you will only lose some money, but if you succeed, you will probably gain a huge gain.

Thanks to Xiong Ling and book friend 161124083931424 for the reward of 100 starting coins each.

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