Spy Shadow

Chapter 769 Special Hobby

What hobby?

Jiang Tengkong asked immediately. He didn't know where the person was, but if he understood his personality and habits, it could be a good breakthrough.

He doesn't smoke, but he likes to collect all kinds of cigarette boxes.

Lu Baoyun immediately replied that he did not want to endure the torture of smoking addiction again and must help the Japanese catch Chu Yuan.

In this way, he can make great achievements and become the section chief of No. 76.

Before, he could go if he surrendered, but he didn't. Now he needs to perform meritorious service to be given the position of section chief.

By becoming a section chief, he will be able to earn more extra money in the future, which will be enough for him to smoke cigarettes and relieve his addiction to cigarettes.

Collecting cigarette boxes?

Jiang Tengkong frowned. This was not Chu Yuan's interest, but his weird hobby of killing that person for Chu Yuan.

After learning about this situation, when Chu Yuan took Lu Baoyun to see Qiu Tianyue, he deliberately showed his interest and collected several special cigarette boxes.

Lu Baoyun didn't know Chu Yuan at all. He had never met Chu Yuan a few times.

The special interest Chu Yuan showed last time will definitely be remembered by him. If he surrenders, he will definitely tell Jiang Tengkong, and then Jiang Tengkong can look for Chu Yuan.

Take him down first.

Jiang Tengkong ordered that he called his close men and Ishida together to hold a small meeting.

Section Chief, I think this habit of Chu Yuan can be used. If we find Chu Yuan or even Chu Lingyun, we will definitely be able to make great achievements this time.

Ishida was the first to say it, and the others all agreed.

It is said that the Army Intelligence Department suffered another loss at the hands of Chu Lingyun. An intelligence team in Ganzhou was wiped out. There was no news about the team members sent to investigate the cause. It was not known whether they were dead or alive.

The Army Intelligence Department did not dare to send more people to avoid delivering food to the other party.

Ganzhou is a small place. At this time, no matter who comes from outside, they will be noticed. The Army Intelligence Department is trying to find people from Ganzhou to see if they can find out the reason from them.

Jiang Tengkong sneered at this.

Chu Lingyun took action personally. With his temperament, it was impossible to get any results from asking those who were doing business.

The dumb Army Intelligence Department is at a loss.

Okay, let's do it, Ishida. Find out if there are still people with this hobby in Shanghai, or if there is a place that specializes in selling cigarette boxes.

Shuijin, go and collect all the rare cigarette boxes. As many as you can find.

Jiang Tengkong ordered that Shui Jin was his confidant and had been following him for a long time. Jiang Tengkong had joined him when he first became the leader of the operation team.

Later, Mitsui wanted to attack Jiang Tengkong, but Jiang Tengkong was forced to create a case of assassinating himself and successfully escaped to the logistics team.

Shui Jin was suppressed by the new team leader, but never betrayed Jiang Tengkong.

Now he has received the greatest reward. Jiang Tengkong promised him that when his position as section chief is stable, he will be promoted to the leader of the operations team.

It is impossible for Jiang Tengkong to serve as the leader of the operations team all the time without giving the people below him the opportunity to be promoted.


Ishida and Mizuzu responded together, and the two acted separately.

In the war situation team, Chu Lingyun learned about Lu Baoyun's last choice. The punishment did not make him surrender. He was indeed a man.

Unfortunately, he became addicted to cigarettes.

Those who were not defeated by the punishment were defeated by the addiction to smoking. This shows how harmful smoke is. Since Lu Baoyun chose to surrender, it would be impossible for him to survive.

After 'Chu Yuan' dies, the combat team will take action to punish him.

No matter No. 76 or the Special High School, both have internal agents from the war situation group. Even their common boss is a member of the war situation group. It is very easy to kill Lu Baoyun.

It would be best for Lu Baoyun to die on the 76th to reduce the impact on Jiang Tengkong, so that he can secure his position as the director of the Special Higher Education Course, and let him die in the hands of Li Zhiqun to maximize the benefits.

Chongqing, Women's Normal University.

Chu Ya was helping to treat the wounded when the Japanese suddenly bombed and some people were killed and injured before they could hide in the air-raid shelter.

The school was bombed again and had to be closed.

There are many students helping, both male and female.

Nowadays, universities in Chongqing no longer require separate study. The Japanese bombed them too many times. Because of the better location at Women's Normal University, students from two universities have also moved here to study with them.

Studying together does not mean being together. The Women's Normal University should try to be separated from them as much as possible. After all, there are only girls here, and only the library and part of the campus are shared.

There are not many schools in Chongqing that can hold classes now.

Where's the stretcher?

Chu Ya helped one person bandage the wound on his leg and immediately shouted that there were many injured people, some of whom were their classmates.


There was a response not far away. Two boys carried a stretcher to Chu Ya's side and carried up the wounded beside Chu Ya.

This person was slightly injured. His leg was injured and he had difficulty moving. He did not need to be sent to the hospital. He was sent to a place that was not bombed to rest temporarily. If the Japanese plane came again, he would be carried into an air-raid shelter.

Chongqing has too many people and there are simply not enough air-raid shelters. Every time Japanese planes arrive, the air-raid shelters are immediately overcrowded and the tunnels are packed with people. There have been tragedies and many casualties.

Chu Ya noticed that one of the boys carrying the stretcher was the same person who borrowed The Tale of Genji when he met him in the library last time.

Chu Ya had good eyesight. When the boy was carrying something, he saw the bracelet on his wrist.

This kind of bracelet was weird and she had never seen it before.

I haven't seen it, but she remembered it.

Niang Xipi, what do you eat? The Japanese don't know until they reach the top of their heads.

The old man was cursing. The Japanese were very cunning. They flew very high before the bombing and deliberately circled around without being discovered by them.

The radar detection effect on the ground is very poor, often giving false alarms, and this time there was no report at all.

No wonder the old man was so angry.

Commissioner, please don't be angry. It's a pity that General Nader happened to be leading people to perform a mission. If General Nader is here, these Japanese planes will not be able to please.

The person next to him whispered that the General Nader he was talking about was an American.

General Nader formed a mercenary army, all pilots, to help China fight, but their help was not in vain. The old man was very generous to them. Not only was the salary several times that of before, but there were also high rewards for shooting down Japanese planes.

Stimulated by money, these American pilots were very diligent and helped them shoot down many Japanese fighters.

Without this mercenary force, the Fruit Party's air control capability would be even weaker.

Let them count the losses.

The old man calmed down a bit. The losses must have been considerable this time. I don’t know how many people were killed.

He doesn't really care about the life and death of these people. Too many people die, which is not good for his reputation. He cares more about his own rule.


The attendant breathed a sigh of relief and went out to deliver the order.

After helping, Chu Ya went outside the school, found a jewelry store, and asked the store owner if he had ever seen a boy’s bracelet.

I don't have the kind you are talking about. I have never seen it. Do you want to see if I have something else?

The shop owner shook his head. There were bracelets in his shop, but not the ones Chu Ya mentioned.

Thank you boss, that's what my friend wants. I'll ask again.

Chu Ya walked to another store, followed by four bodyguards from a distance.

The number of bodyguards increased by two, and it was not easy for them. The Japanese came to bomb, and they had to think about Chu Ya. They had no time to escape several times, but fortunately nothing happened.

Now that her sister has a different identity, Chu Lingyun sent two more bodyguards over to protect her secretly.

After asking four stores in a row, Chu Ya finally asked the owner who knew about this kind of bracelet.

That's the Tochigi bracelet you're talking about. It's originally brown and will turn black if you wear it for a long time. We don't have this kind of bracelet here, and the Japanese use it more often.

The shop owner shook his head and said, Chu Ya's eyebrows twitched slightly, that boy was wearing a Japanese bracelet.

thank you.

Chu Ya figured out the origin of the bracelet. Who is a boy who understands Japanese, can read Japanese novels alone, and wears a Japanese bracelet?

It's normal to understand Japanese, but it's not normal to wear a Japanese bracelet.

Now Japan is the aggressor, and the country is fighting against aggression. What does it mean when you wear a Japanese bracelet?

He can't be Japanese. If Japanese people don't have the opportunity to study in school.

Chuya suspected that there was something wrong with the boy, but she couldn't investigate on her own.

My brother can check it, but he is not in Chongqing, so I can only check it when he comes back next time.

In Shanghai, Shuijin collected a lot of cigarette boxes, and Ishida found out a lot about them.

Not many people have this fetish, but there are still some.

There is a special store in Shanghai that sells all kinds of cigarette boxes, not only Chinese cigarettes, but also various cigarette boxes from Japan and other countries.

Iron, wood, or even ivory boxes.

The most common ones are paper packaging, which comes in all kinds and the price is not low.

Professor, I didn't expect anyone to really want these things.

Shuijin was very puzzled. There were all kinds of strange things in the world. He smoked and always threw away his cigarette packs. He had never thought that anyone would like this kind of thing.

There are so many Chinese people, and it's normal for a few to have special hobbies.

Jiang Tengkong said calmly that he had a special hobby, but he couldn't tell it, otherwise these subordinates might be afraid when they see him.

Jiang Tengkong has no interest in them, he has his own favorites.

Section Chief, I have arranged for people to keep an eye on that shop that sells cigarette boxes. It is the only shop in Shanghai. If Chu Yuan goes there, he will definitely not be able to hide it from us.

Ishida reported, and Jiang Tengkong nodded slightly.

Ishida was responsible for keeping an eye on the store, while Mizujin took the cigarette boxes he collected and traded with people as a cigarette box enthusiast, and asked if anyone had seen Chu Yuan.

If there is, it proves that this clue is effective and they have a great chance of catching Chu Yuan.

Act separately and capture Chu Yuan. I will give you credit.

Jiang Tengkong ordered that he didn't need to go out. Now that he was the section chief, he didn't need to do it himself.

Shuijin is the most energetic. If he completes this task, he can be promoted to the leader of the action team. He doesn't have much ambition. He just needs to become the team leader and then do as well as the section leader.

He admires the section chief the most, he is simply his idol.

After serving as a section chief for several times, from making mistakes and being punished to becoming a section chief now, Jiang Tengkong's experience is an inspirational history for him.

In his heart, Jiang Tengkong will definitely be promoted in the future.

When he becomes the leader of the operations team, he will have to compete with Ishida Koyama. When the section chief is promoted in the future, he will strive to get the position of section chief.

He was promoted to team leader relatively late and has not been promoted yet.

But he is not without his own advantages. He is the section chief's absolute confidant. If the section chief is promoted, he will definitely recommend him. Ishida Koyama is just the section chief's ally when he fights against Nagumo.

When the section chief was promoted, this alliance naturally dissolved.

His disadvantage is also obvious, that is, seniority.

His qualifications are completely inferior to Ishida's. Ishida has been lurking and served as the leader of the lurking team, and he did a very good job. He became the team leader early. He became the intelligence team leader during Mitsui's period and gained Mitsui's trust.

This is Ishida's advantage.

However, to become a section chief, qualifications alone are not enough. Shanghai is so important, and the chief section chief will let capable people take the position.

As long as he makes meritorious deeds and makes great achievements, he will definitely be able to suppress Ishida and successfully ascend to the throne.

He is very confident about this.

A glorious future was in front of him. After Shui Jin left, he immediately disguised himself and went to find someone to collect the cigarette box. Before collecting it, he specifically found someone who liked the cigarette box and asked for a long time.

Fortunately, he asked, otherwise if he took the cigarette case and sold it, he would definitely be found to be abnormal.

People who like cigarette cases don’t want all cigarette cases.

First of all, they don’t want the lousy street ones, such as ordinary Three Fortress cigarette boxes given to them for free. However, if the Three Fortress’ used cigarette boxes are rarely used, they will accept them.

Also, the condition of the cigarette case, don’t use the tattered ones.

If it is brand new, that is, the kind where the cigarettes are taken out directly, the cigarette packaging is intact, and there is no damage or folding, the price will be higher.

The price of cigarette boxes ranges from high to low.

The highest price is naturally the boxes made of expensive materials, but cigarette boxes are not without high prices.

For example, there is a type of Fairy Pai cigarettes. It was produced in the early stage. Because the pattern was average, it was an experiment. It was quickly replaced. Only 200 boxes of cigarettes were produced.

Cigarettes that sold for more than 10 cents in the past are now worth three oceans in cigarette packs, which is twenty times more expensive than the original cigarettes.

There are also limited-production cigarettes that are produced in small numbers and supplied to specific groups. The value of the cigarette packs is not low.

Most paper cigarette boxes cost a few cents, and the more expensive ones only cost one or two cents.

Many people who were not interested happily sold their cigarette boxes to them, so that they could at least get another pack of cigarettes to smoke.

Shuijin didn't understand it very much. No matter what kind of cigarette case, he would not buy a penny of paper. In his eyes, it was just waste paper.

Except for precious raw materials such as gold and silver, which have a certain value in themselves.

After Shuijin learned about the situation, he took dozens of ordinary cigarette cases and a few expensive cigarette cases and went to places where these people liked to hang out. He pretended to be a new fan and traded with others. He exchanged a few and sold them. I bought a few and bought a few more.

Here he learned more about the value of cigarette boxes.

In just three days, he had a deeper understanding of cigarette boxes, and could even speak fluently about some rare cigarette boxes.

In the war situation team, Loach stood in front of Chu Lingyun.

Team leader, Jiang Tengkong's investigation is progressing very quickly. Is it time to put fake Chu Yuan back?

The fake Chu Yuan was recently brought in for special training. In order to make him more like Chu Yuan, they gave him a lot of money this time. Otherwise, a little bastard like him would not be able to train with him for so long.

Yes, but be careful not to let him show any flaws.

Chu Lingyun nodded and realized that the person who faked Chu Yuan must be Shui Jin. He was Jiang Tengkong's person, so the credit would more easily fall on Jiang Tengkong.

The most important point is that if Tu Yuan is really suspicious and suddenly comes back to investigate, once Jiang Tengkong is exposed, it will not affect Ishida Xiaoshan.

Shui Jin is the person in charge, he is not an internal agent, and Tu Yuan will have no problem interrogating him.

This is to cope with the one in ten thousand possibility.

Don't worry, I will keep an eye on it personally and nothing will happen.

Loach chuckled. He was giving special training to that little gangster these days. As long as he trained well and could complete the training for the day, Loach would reward him with five yuan.

Five yuan a day, the little gangster is very energetic and has good training results.

His special training is to cope with the situation at hand. He has been trained in advance for all possible situations. After encountering them, he will execute them according to the training method.

Go ahead.

Chu Lingyun was relieved when Ni Loach was doing the work. As soon as Ni Loach left, Chu Yuan came to Chu Lingyun's office.

He now looks like Chu Er, a little younger and very ordinary looking.

Team leader.

Chu Yuan even changed his voice a little to avoid being heard by familiar people. He tried not to speak in front of outsiders. Next, he mainly served Chu Lingyun.

Helping with various chores and chores, such as monitoring.

Chu Yuan is more attentive, so it would be most suitable for him to help listen to the recordings of the literary club. He had listened to Chu Lingyun a lot before, and he was the one who picked up a lot of key information.

Next, you have to live as Chu Er. I'm sorry for you.

Once the fake Chu Yuan appears, the real Chu Yuan will be hidden. Then the fake Chu Yuan will be beaten to death. The dead cannot be resurrected. If he survives, Jiang Tengkong will be in big trouble.

No grievance, I think this is good.

Chu Yuan smiled and said that he did not leave and still worked beside the team leader. After becoming a secretary, he would spend more time with the team leader.

And your position as captain will need to be replaced at that time, but don't worry, I will help you promote your rank to colonel in the future.

Chu Lingyun continued, since Chu Yuan died, his position as captain must not be left vacant. Someone must take over, otherwise even a fool would be able to sense something was wrong.

no problem.

Chu Yuan responded readily. He was now the team leader's secretary and had a closer relationship with the team leader. The team leader was nothing.

Among the three confidants, Chu Yuan is the most undisputed one. He has been working diligently without any complaints.

If this task were given to Loach or Shen Hanwen, they probably wouldn't be able to hold it back.

Ni Loach took the gangster out. These days, his face looked like Chu Yuan. Chu Lingyun disguised himself and put makeup on him. However, he didn't know Chu Lingyun's identity and thought he was a makeup artist.

Sometimes he would point fingers and say that Chu Lingyun did not do well.

His mission is to perform a mission in Chu Yuan's appearance. The mission is not dangerous. After the mission is completed, he will be rewarded with three hundred oceans.

With such a high reward, he dared to do even dangerous tasks, not to mention that they were not dangerous.

The wages of avarice is death.

You are not allowed to touch your makeup from now on. It must look like this. If you dare to remove it, be careful with your head.

Loach warned, and the little gangster grinned: Don't worry, I will never move.

Very good. The makeup I just put on you can take three days to set. You can rest for a day. We will officially go on the mission tomorrow.

Loach nodded slightly, and the task given to the little gangster was to use Chu Yuan's appearance to deceive people tomorrow. The gangster was familiar with this job, and it was very simple to deceive people.

He has deceived many people.

After leaving the training ground, the little gangster didn't go home. After holding it in for so many days, he wanted to see if there were any new products recently.

Collecting cigarette boxes is his hobby. He likes to look at those colorful cigarette boxes and is very satisfied.

Others like to smoke, but he only loves cigarette cases.

He thinks this hobby is very elegant, just like ancient literati liked inkstones. Some people like calligraphy, and some like exquisite paintings, but he loves that humble inkstone.

Many ancient people liked inkstones.

After calling a rickshaw, the gangster asked him to take him directly to a place where a group of people who also liked cigarette boxes were meeting.

On the way, he thought in a funny way that he was not the same as before, and those acquaintances would definitely not recognize him. If he suddenly passed by, someone would lie to him.

Unfortunately, no one can fool him.

The little gangster remembered to tell him not to reveal his true identity at any time, otherwise he would die.

When the rickshaw arrived, it was an open-air teahouse. The gangster pressed his hat, looked around, got off the car and walked over.

This is the result of training. Whenever he goes out anywhere these days, he must do this. The reason given to him is to be cautious and not let others see any flaws.

The teahouse is not big, with only seven or eight tea tables under the shed. The tea here is cheap, and most of the people who come here to drink tea are poorer people.

The gangster noticed that four fellow fans were drinking tea and chatting there. One of them had a cigarette case in his hand and was looking through it.

Among the four, one is a stranger. Is there someone new joining the circle?

The gangster thought as he walked over. It's good to have new people. Their hobbies are not acceptable to ordinary people, and not many new people usually join.

Among the four, the newcomer is Shui Jin in disguise.

He noticed the little gangster as soon as he arrived, and his heartbeat couldn't help but quicken.

The Special High School Class did not have a photo of Chu Yuan, but it had a description of him. Based on the characteristics mentioned by witnesses, Qiu Tianyue and Lu Baoyun, the Special High School Class drew a simulated portrait.

Their painter skills are not as good as Yang Jian's, mainly because Chu Lingyun can describe it in detail, allowing Yang Jian to draw it easily.

But they can draw a rough picture.

Shuijin was the closest, and he could tell at a glance that this person looked very similar to the portrait, and he was probably Chu Yuan.

The little gangster walked over and took a look, then sat there.

Shui Jin's men also noticed the gangster. They were far away, but they could see Chu Yuan clearly with telescopes. At the same time, they noticed the captain's gesture.

The target appears.

Notify the section chief immediately that Chu Yuan has appeared.

His subordinates immediately went to make a call. Chu Yuan was an important figure in the war situation group, and even more important in the war situation group.

Jiang Tengkong strictly ordered that Chu Yuan must be reported immediately after discovering it.

The gangster noticed that the cigarette case in their hands was of a new type that he did not have.

He was a little itchy and wanted to buy it.

Are you selling this cigarette case?

Lowering his voice, the little gangster asked softly. This is a requirement during training. You cannot use your original voice at any time, including when talking to loaches.

Over time, he got used to talking like this.

I'm not selling it. This is my collection for everyone to enjoy. You can look at it if you like.

Shui Jin immediately replied that the clues about the cigarette box were indeed effective. Chu Yuan was a big fish. He discovered first that this great function made him the leader of the action team.

If Chu Lingyun can be caught through Chu Yuan, it will help him to be promoted to section chief in the future.

All right.

The gangster was a little disappointed, but he still took the cigarette box and looked at it carefully. He had never seen this cigarette box before. It had foreign characters on it and it did not belong to China.

The value of this type of cigarette box is not very high, usually only one or two cents, because they don’t know the output of foreign products.

The price of cigarette boxes has a great relationship with output and quality.

The more expensive the cigarettes and the lower the output, the higher the price of the cigarette box. The quality of this cigarette box is good and very exquisite. The value of the cigarettes will definitely not be too low.

Nice baby.

After watching for a while, the gangster returned the cigarette case to Shuijin, feeling proud in his heart.

None of the three acquaintances recognized him.

The gangster couldn't buy this cigarette box, which was a bit regretful, but not a big deal. After all, he didn't understand the true value of the cigarette box.

You can ask again later and buy it if others still have it.

The gangster got up and left, and Shui Jin's men followed him. Chu Yuan was their biggest target. After investigating for so many days, they finally saw the person. They must not lose him.

team leader.

As soon as the gangster left, Shui Jin quickly joined his men.

Have you notified the principal?


Okay, keep an eye on people, this is a big fish, we are going to make a big difference this time.

Shui Jin was very excited, but he didn't know that everything about them was under Ni Loach's nose. Everything was arranged by Chu Lingyun for them, and they followed the script.


After a while, Jiang Tengkong brought Ishida to the place, and Shuijin immediately greeted him with excitement on his face.

After finding Chu Yuan, as long as you follow him, you will definitely find where Chu Lingyun is.

Unparalleled power is at your fingertips.

Chu Yuan showed up?

Jiang Tengkong asked immediately, Shuijin nodded: It looks very similar to the portrait, and he likes cigarette boxes. He wants to buy one of the cigarette boxes I have. I didn't sell it to him, so it must be him.

Shui Jin said and glanced at Lu Baoyun. Jiang Tengkong brought Lu Baoyun here specially to verify Chu Yuan's identity.

I like the cigarette box, it looks very similar to the portrait, it is most likely Chu Yuan.

After all, not many people have this hobby.

Lu Baoyun, follow Captain Shuijin immediately to check and determine the target's identity.

Jiang Tengkong ordered, and Lu Baoyun immediately followed Shuijin and left. Jiang Teng and Ishida looked at each other. The plan was about to reach the final step. Next, their surveillance would be discovered by Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan resisted and they were forced to kill people.

Chu Yuan must die. What they want is a corpse, not a living person.

This was Chu Lingyun's special confession. From this, Jiang Tengkong could conclude that this Chu Yuan was definitely not him, otherwise even if he arrested someone, Chu Lingyun would still find a way to rescue him.

Search, it's confirmed, it's him.

Shuijin ran back excitedly. After the gangster left the teahouse, he didn't go far and went to a familiar restaurant to eat something good.

I have made a lot of money these days, so I comfort myself.

Lu Baoyun saw him and recognized him at a glance as his captain.

Very well, keep an eye on him and don't let him discover you.

Jiang Tengkong immediately ordered that Chu Yuan was Chu Lingyun's absolute confidant. If he kept an eye on him, he would have a chance to find Chu Lingyun.

He and Ishida knew very well that it was impossible to catch Chu Lingyun, but others didn't know that this was a necessary response, otherwise it would arouse suspicion.


Shui Jin took the order, he discovered the person, and the credit for finding the person belongs to him.

Even though Ishida was the intelligence team leader, he was a step slower this time.

The little gangster ate, looked at the time, and went to a house as ordered.

There is a safe house where he will stay and wait for tomorrow's mission.

Outside the house, Jiang Tengkong arranged a lot of people, and almost all the intelligence team and action team were dispatched.

Early the next morning, the little gangster got up to have breakfast, and then quietly left the city as planned.

Why did he leave the city?

Jiang Tengkong frowned, and Shui Jin was also a little worried.

If you follow someone outside the city, you will be easily lost and discovered.

Section Chief, do you want to arrest someone?

Shui Jin asked in a low voice. If he caught the person, he would have a chance to find out where Chu Lingyun was. If he ran away, there would be nothing.

No, keep staring.

Jiang Tengkong shook his head. It was difficult to monitor outside the city. Shuijin took turns communicating with each other to try to keep Chu Yuan out of their sight.

The mission to be carried out this time is just outside the city.

The gangster wants to meet up with Loach outside the city.

He didn't find the person watching him and was walking happily. After completing this mission, he would receive a reward of 300 yuan. Adding the money given to him from previous training, he would have more than 400 yuan.

This much money is enough for him to live happily for a while.

Not long after arriving outside the city, he discovered the small house that Captain Zhao had mentioned and immediately walked in.

But when he got inside, he was stunned for a moment. No one was there?

According to the agreement, he was to meet up with Captain Zhao here and take the goods together for trading. The other party did not know Captain Zhao, but he knew the person he was pretending to be.

This time I can deceive them a lot.

What's the matter with no one?

Captain Zhao hasn’t come yet?

He decided to wait for a while. When Captain Zhao was training before, he had specially trained some situations. If he didn't see anyone, he had to wait for ten minutes at most. If there was no one after ten minutes, he left immediately.

The gangster came out to watch several times. Ten minutes later, Captain Zhao still didn't show up.

The gangster left immediately. Jiang Tengkong had been watching outside for a long time. They had no idea why Chu Yuan entered that small house and stayed there for so long.

After coming out, the gangster walked quickly towards the city. No one came for ten minutes, which meant that something unexpected had happened.

He must return to the city as soon as possible to figure out the situation.

This mission may involve him receiving a huge reward of three hundred oceans.

Keep an eye on him, place sentries around, and enter the house to check.

Jiang Tengkong immediately gave the order. Chu Yuan had been in the house for ten minutes. What did he do?

He didn't have anything with him, but that didn't mean there wasn't anything in the house.

Shuijin immediately deployed people to be vigilant all around. If anyone came over, he would immediately send a signal and he would personally lead people into the house to check.

As for Chu Yuan, don't even think about running away if you are stared at.

Section Chief, we found him. He is here to deliver information.

Three minutes later, Shuijin came out of the house excitedly. He found an empty brick hidden compartment on the wall of the house, and found a note inside.

Jiang Tengkong took the note.

The note contained a password, and without a codebook, they had no idea what the content was.

But if Chu Yuan can deliver it in person, this information must be very important, so writing it in a code is normal.

Put it back where it was, don't move, and continue to stare here.

Jiang Tengkong replied that the little gangster had no idea that he was being watched. After returning to the city, he immediately called a rickshaw and went to the place where he had been specially trained.

Thanks to book friend 20230528225510558 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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