Spy Shadow

Chapter 731 Finding the Suspect

Chapter 731 Find the suspect

Minister Yang has heard Furumura Aki’s name many times.

Especially this time, the six Japanese doctors developed by Akira Furumura saved the lives of many soldiers on the battlefield. Their performance this time was very dazzling.

If it weren't for Furumura Aki, they would have been pretty good if they didn't even try to kill anyone, let alone help.

Today I met Comrade Rabbit in Gucun. He wanted to thank you after finishing his work, but he was stopped by your people. I came here specifically to ask about the situation.

The high political commissar explained the reason. If Comrade Rabbit's confidentiality level was too high, he really couldn't let Akira Furumura see him, and he had no choice.

Commissar Gao, how much does Gucun know about Comrade Rabbit? Minister Yang suddenly asked.


Political Commissar Gao was very surprised. It was obviously him who came to inquire about the situation, but why did Minister Yang ask him about Comrade Rabbit?

Comrade Rabbit belongs to them.

I'm not sure about this. How about I ask Gu Cun to come over and you can ask him personally?

Political Commissar Gao shook his head. He had never asked Gucun about Comrade Rabbit's knowledge.

It's not convenient here, let's go there together.

After thinking about it, Minister Yang nodded, and the two left together. On the way, Political Commissar Gao figured out what was going on.

It turns out that Minister Yang also knows nothing about Comrade Rabbit.

Comrade Rabbit was sent by Ke Gong to tell them that he was absolutely reliable and that they could trust him.

And he told them that Comrade Rabbit would definitely be able to help them find the spy.

Nothing else was said.

Princess Ke is mainly responsible for the hidden front. Minister Yang can understand it without explaining the situation, but he only knows the code name and doesn't know anything else. It always feels weird.

No wonder, why don't the comrades in Nanjing know about this person's existence? His confidentiality level must be very high.

Political Commissar Gao nodded and said that he had indeed inquired carefully for Gu Cun.

It's a pity that no one knows about his existence. If Furumura Qiu hadn't met him today, he wouldn't even know his code name.

This confidentiality is really strict.

But he is indeed capable. He only read the information once and pointed out a place we had never thought of.

Minister Yang said softly, they were walking while talking.


Comrade who died...

Following Minister Yang's explanation, Political Commissar Gao suddenly realized that yes, the sacrificed comrades might have leaked the secret, and once they died, no matter how they searched, they could not find the traitor.

This Comrade Rabbit has something.

Gucun, this is Minister Yang from the Anti-Corruption Department. Minister Yang, this is Comrade Gucun.

Political Commissar Gao helped them introduce, and Minister Yang took the initiative to shake hands: Comrade Gucun, your request has been made clear by Political Commissar Gao, but not today. Comrade Rabbit is very tired and has rested. I came here to ask you something first. Condition.

You asked.

Gucun was not unhappy, as long as Minister Yang agreed. Even if he was allowed in, his benefactor had already rested, and he would not be able to disturb him now.

Minister Yang took the initiative to ask about the situation in Gucun. Gucun told him what happened in Nanjing without thinking. If it weren’t for Comrade Rabbit, he would definitely not have been able to reach Yanzhou. Even if he was not killed by Tongwen Yuan, he still doesn’t know where he is now. Wandering.

The one hundred legal coins given to him at that time was not a small amount.

It would be enough for travel expenses and would allow him to arrive safely.

As Gucun finished speaking, Political Commissar Gao and Minister Yang stayed there.

Political Commissar Gao helped find someone before, but did not ask for details. He only knew that Furumura Qiu was looking for his benefactor.

This benefactor of Furumura Akira is even more magical than they imagined.

Furumura Akira didn't have any contact with the Red Party at that time, and he couldn't get in touch with him.

After being exposed, he suddenly ran away and fled to Nanjing. In Nanjing, he had no money and wanted to find the Red Party, so he came to the slums.

His method is definitely wrong and it is impossible to find the Red Party.

But the magic is that Comrade Rabbit just appeared.

It was as if he knew he was there and went there to do good deeds to attract the ancient village.

Gucun was indeed lured out, but before he expressed his intention, Comrade Rabbit called him aside. Not only did he know about his situation, but he also gave him money to go to Yanzhou.

How did he know that Furumura Aki was being hunted and where he was, so why did he come specifically to find him?

And he obviously knows Furumura Akira.

It's incredible.

Minister Yang?

Political Commissar Gao looked at Minister Yang. Minister Yang was thinking with his head down and raised his head after a while.

After all, he is the head of the Anti-Corruption Department and belongs to the secret service department. Minister Yang has already made a rough guess.

I know what's going on.

Minister Yang nodded slowly, but even if he could guess it, Comrade Rabbit was also very powerful. He could think of where the ancient village was, find him quickly, and send him away.

This time, Mr. Ke sent them a master, a real master.

Tell me what happened.

Political Commissar Gao asked hurriedly, and Gucun looked at him expectantly. Gucun also didn't understand that Comrade Rabbit found him. This was the answer he wanted to know most.

Comrade Rabbit is probably lurking among those gangsters. Tongwen Yuan arrived in Nanjing and wanted to find Comrade Gucun with the help of the gangsters. Then when Comrade Rabbit knew about it, he went to notify Gucun and asked him to leave quickly.

Minister Yang said firmly that based on the current clues, this is the only possibility.

After all, they had little information. They didn't know that Tongwen Yuan went to arrest people from the ancient village and was targeted by people from the Military Intelligence Department. Moreover, Tongwen Yuan had their internal agents and knew everything.

That makes sense.

Political Commissar Gao's eyes lit up. As expected of Minister Yang, he thought of the truth so quickly.

That's right, Tongwenyuan found some gangsters at that time. They certainly didn't expect that our comrades were among them.

Furumura Qiu's eyes lit up. Minister Yang was really powerful. He had never understood something that Minister Yang understood immediately.

Comrade Rabbit must be at a high level. He has talked to people from Tongwen Academy, otherwise he would not know the truth about Comrade Furumura.

Minister Yang continued to peel off the cocoons. He believed that he would soon know who Comrade Rabbit was.

Political Commissar Gao and Gu Cun nodded fiercely.

Ordinary gangsters can only do things and don't know that much, but the boss is different. They must ask clearly about the situation.

This kind of thing must be asked. If you offend someone who cannot be offended, your death will be unjust.

But even so, it is not easy for him to think of Comrade Furumura so quickly. Comrade Rabbit is really smart. If it were me, I would definitely not think of Comrade Furumura like that and find Comrade Furumura.

Minister Yang sighed, what shocked him most was that Comrade Rabbit was heading in the right direction.

Found the ancient village directly.

Yes, I didn't even think about where to go at that time. I just thought of going to the slums to try my luck. Unexpectedly, Comrade Rabbit guessed it and found me there.

Furumura also lamented that he finally understood the truth now.

Comrade Rabbit is brave and resourceful. After discovering that he is a member of the Red Party, he tries to find a way to inform himself while dealing with people from Tongwen Academy.

And guessed where he was, and finally found him.

Minister Yang, that's amazing. You analyzed the truth so quickly. Your reasoning ability is so strong.

Political Commissar Gao gave Minister Yang a thumbs up, and Minister Yang chuckled and scratched his head in embarrassment.

This kind of reasoning is not difficult, but after learning about this incident, he now has a lot more confidence in Comrade Rabbit. He believes that he will be able to find the hidden agent and get rid of him.

Comrade Rabbit is a person who has rich experience in lurking behind enemy lines. He can do so well in lurking in Nanjing, and he will definitely not be bad in northern Jiangsu.

Minister Yang, can I go see Comrade Rabbit tomorrow?

Gu Cun asked, as expected of Minister Yang. With his reasoning, Gu Cun finally understood why Comrade Rabbit was able to find him and reminded him in time.

This kindness must be solemnly thanked in person.

sure, no problem.

The anti-corruption department's investigation was strict because they were investigating the traitor and they couldn't let the traitor know. Furumura Qiu was definitely not a traitor. He was someone sent from his hometown and he had never been exposed to these secrets.

Thank you, Minister Yang, Political Commissar Gao, I'll go back first.

Furumura Qiu's goal was achieved and there was no need to stay here. Minister Yang also stood up to leave and figured out what was going on. He now has greater confidence in Comrade Rabbit.

Chu Lingyun didn't know that someone had deduced his previous 'job' and identity in Nanjing.

There are some things that Minister Yang didn't say. Knowing that Comrade Rabbit was a gangster leader in the past, it was easy to find out his identity, but there was no need. Nanjing had already fallen. That was Comrade Rabbit's previous job. It would be useless to inquire randomly.

To do intelligence work, you must not only be curious, but also be able to control your desires.

Minister Yang can still do this.

The next day, Chu Lingyun continued to look through the information.

The situation of the comrades who died is being investigated. Not many comrades died, and even fewer have access to information. The information can be given to him today.

Before that, Chu Lingyun would not be idle and would first conduct an investigation among insiders.

At present, there are no problems in the information. The whereabouts of the insiders are clean, and many of them are old red party members with high levels of consciousness and are reliable.

Chu Lingyun concluded that Boss Dai had planted this traitor for no more than three years.

During or after the Shanghai War, people were placed into the ranks of the Red Party by taking advantage of the chaos at that time. It was possible that more than one person was placed there.

Through the understanding of the Anti-Corruption Department, we have indeed found two agents of the Fruit Party in recent years, and they have dealt with them.

If there is no problem, Minister Yang will talk to them one by one, tell them the truth of the matter and the seriousness of the problem, and ask them to cooperate and reveal all the insiders.

Minister Yang started this work today.

Talking one by one.

Many comrades know that these secrets are kept secret, but they have not been mentioned to anyone. A few people have said so, but their words are limited, and they have not revealed all the arrangements.

The enemy knows the entire deployment, but only part of it needs to be investigated. If he inquires a little from here, gets a little from there, and compiles the information, wouldn't he be let off if he doesn't investigate?

At least you need to know why he asked such a question, or how many people he asked it.

There is no shortage of necessary investigations.

This job belonged to Minister Yang, and Chu Lingyun did not interfere for the time being. Just after finishing his work in the morning, Gu Cunqiu came to his room with delicious food.

No alcohol, no drinking during work.

Comrade Rabbit, look what I have prepared for you.

Furumura Qiu opened the food box and said happily. There were a lot of things in the food box, including a pot of roasted potatoes, a pot of stir-fried tofu with vegetables, a large fish, and a dish made from a bird whose name he didn't know.

Gu Cunqiu didn't have much money, so he couldn't buy many nice things to thank him.

These were some things that students had given him forcibly. He picked out the good ones and made them delicious, especially to thank Chu Lingyun.

The etiquette is light but the affection is heavy.

It's too troublesome, Gucun, you don't have to be like this.

Chu Lingyun sighed slightly, while Gu Cun took out the food from the food box and placed it on the table.

That's right. The conditions are simple and I can't give you anything good. When I get to Yanzhou in the future, I will definitely treat you to something delicious.

Furumura Qiu took out the bowls and chopsticks and handed them to Chu Lingyun.

The food is simple and tastes really good. It can be seen that Gucun is really serious about it.

There are meat and vegetables, as well as bacon soup.


Chu Lingyun did not refuse and took the bowl and chopsticks. It was not white rice or steamed buns, but sorghum and millet porridge.

Served with a large bowl of tea, the two of them enjoyed the meal very well.

Chu Lingyun ate very delicious food. He understood that under the current difficult conditions, it was not easy for Gu Cunqiu to come up with these. This was not Shanghai, with feasting and feasting, and all kinds of delicacies. He could have an ordinary meal here. , is already an enjoyment.

The conditions were difficult, but Chu Lingyun never complained.

Comrade Rabbit, how many subordinates did you have before?

While eating, Gu Cun suddenly asked, and Chu Lingyun looked at him doubtfully, why do you ask this?

I didn't ask what you meant. I asked about the past. It was purely out of curiosity.

Gucun saw Chu Lingyun looking at him and hurriedly explained.

Not much.

Chu Lingyun smiled lightly. He didn't explain too much. He couldn't say too much about himself.

You must have been very majestic at that time. Even if you didn't have many subordinates, no one would dare to mess with you.

Gucun continued, making Chu Lingyun even more confused.

When the people from Tongwen Academy came to you and asked you to help them find me, you must have tried to stabilize them, so you allowed me to leave Nanjing safely. These idiots, luckily they were looking for you.

Gu Cun talked a lot and kept talking, and finally Chu Lingyun understood what he meant.

Who told you that I used to be a gangster boss?

Chu Lingyun asked. Gucun was stunned, and suddenly asked cautiously: Comrade Rabbit, did I make a mistake and shouldn't know this?

Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, it will just die in my stomach.

Furumura Qiu hurriedly swore that he was not a spy. It was true that Tongwen Academy was a spy organization, but their professional ability was very poor. Furumura Qiu had not received any professional training, otherwise he would not have been suspected after deliberately letting the Red Party go.

People who have been truly trained will never use such stupid methods.

That's not what I meant. Who told you this?

Furumura Akira himself must have never imagined who gave him such an identity?

It's Minister Yang.

Gu Cun lowered his head and hurriedly explained: He asked me last night, and I told me the original situation, and he deduced that you were lurking among the gangsters in Nanjing back then, and your status was not low. You were from Tongwen Academy. After finding you, you will use your plan to find me alone, give me money, and let me go to Yanzhou.

Minister Yang means no harm. He also praised you for being particularly smart.

Minister Yang?

It turned out that he had such a rich imagination that he actually invented the identity of a gangster for himself. Chu Lingyun did not explain it. It was good that they had misunderstood, at least his identity would not be exposed.

Minister Yang is indeed smart.

Chu Lingyun didn't mean what she said, but to Gu Cunqiu's ears, it was equivalent to a disguised admission.

Same for you.

Furumura Qiu kept picking up food for Chu Lingyun. There were four plates of food, and they were big ones, and the two of them finished them all.

Chu Lingyun's stomach became round after eating, and she felt sleepy.

If you eat too much, you will easily feel sleepy.

At night, Minister Yang hurried to Chu Lingyun.

Comrade Rabbit, we investigated all the comrades who died. Among the comrades who died, there were not many people who knew the deployment. There were only three. One of the staff officers of the division knew all the deployment. He died while going to convey the order. His Sacrifice is a little weird.”

With the direction of investigation, it is not difficult to investigate.

If it weren't for determining whether the sacrificed comrade knew about it, it wouldn't have taken so long.

Now that the investigation is over, the most suspicious person is this staff officer.

The staff officer's name was Xiang Qi. He was a staff officer at the division headquarters and his rank was not low. When Xiang Qi went to the regiment headquarters to convey instructions, he happened to encounter an enemy attack.

Originally, he, a staff officer, did not need to go to the battlefield, but he did not expect that he went and died on the battlefield.

Did you find out what he did after he passed there?

Chu Lingyun immediately became energetic. The battle at that time was not that tense. The division staff who had to come to convey the order went to the battlefield together. Why did he go up there?

This is a doubtful point and must be investigated clearly.

Under investigation. The regiment he went to is not stationed here. I have already sent people there.

Who is he closely related to in that group?

Chu Lingyun continued to ask, and Minister Yang immediately looked through the information and quickly raised his head: He and the commander of the second battalion are fellow villagers. They are usually close and often together.

Do you have detailed information about the commander of the second battalion?

Yes, I'll get it for you.

Minister Yang nodded. The Anti-Corruption Department didn't have it, but the Military Department did. He could go and get it.

The commander of the second battalion is called Wang Qinglong, and he is from the same hometown as this staff officer, so he has a closer relationship. Wang Qinglong joined the guerrillas at the end of 1937, only three years ago.

However, he was educated and a college student. After joining, he performed outstandingly and was quickly promoted, from squad leader to platoon leader and then to company commander.

At that time, the Red Party suffered heavy losses in the battle against the Japanese.

There are not many such intellectuals in the Red Party, and even fewer can fight, so he was promoted quickly. During the Battle of Huangqiao, he was still the deputy battalion commander. He made great contributions in this battle. After the promotion of the battalion commander, he was promoted to battalion commander.

However, Wang Qinglong did not know all the arrangements.

Minister Yang, ask the person you went to investigate to come back immediately.

Chu Lingyun looked up, while Minister Yang was shocked.

If Wang Qinglong is a spy, he will definitely be very vigilant. Once we investigate Xiang Qi's death, it will be easy to alert the enemy.

Wang Qinglong is suspected and cannot investigate Xiang Qi's previous affairs now.

His purpose is to find the agent and capture the agent. He cannot let the agent escape.

Judging from the current situation, the agent's performance is very good. If it is really him, then Xiang Qi's death can be regarded as a safety line for him.

No one came to check, proving he was safe.

Once someone goes to investigate, he will understand that he is not far from being exposed and may escape at any time.

It's not possible to keep an eye on him. He's on guard and won't be captured easily. It'll be difficult to capture him alive.

The military commander is not the central commander. Many people are still very bloody, but unfortunately they are not used in the right place.

As a precaution, you cannot go directly to the regiment headquarters to check, but you can call people who have participated in the battle here for other reasons, and then make inquiries.

There are many suitable reasons, so that Wang Qinglong will not be alert.

Okay, I'll arrange for someone to chase you right away.

The man was walking at night, but he couldn't walk fast at night. He sent people to chase him, and if he had a chance, he could catch up with him and bring him back.

Even if you can't catch up, the people who go behind will arrive in advance, and the same thing will happen if you stop the people sent to investigate.

Chu Lingyun continued to look through the information.

Xiang Qi's sacrifice was a bit strange.

When the enemy was defeated, he followed the large troops in pursuit and was killed by a stray bullet.

It is true that some comrades died in this way, but they were only a few, and he was with the people from the regiment at the time. Why did he rush to the front line?

After Xiang Qi died, the regiment leader apologized to the division commander, but Xiang Qi died in battle and the division commander didn't say anything.

No one really paid attention to this matter. If Chu Lingyun hadn't asked to investigate the sacrificed person, Minister Yang would never have thought of investigating Xiang Qi.

Xiang Qi is at the division headquarters, and anyone who has passed the division headquarters can also do the investigation.

Minister Yang found several reliable people overnight, and they all confirmed that Xiang Qi and Wang Qinglong had a very good relationship, and Xiang Qi admired Wang Qinglong very much.

Wang Qinglong is more culturally advanced than him, and his combat skills are better than him. Xiang Qi once said that Wang Qinglong is definitely at the level of a regiment leader, and his promotion to the regiment leader is inevitable in the future.

Another thing is that Xiang Qi likes to drink.

Every time they meet Wang Qinglong, the two of them have to drink several drinks. When they are not fighting, they drink occasionally and no one will ask.

Just before the war, Xiang Qi and Wang Qinglong drank several times.

But what they said, no one knows.

Through Wang Qinglong's information, Chu Lingyun did not see anything unusual. Wang Qinglong was born in Peking. His parents were engineers. After the fall of Peking, they were unwilling to work for the Japanese and were brutally killed.

Wang Qinglong has a bloody feud with the Japanese.

Every time he fought against the Japanese, he was particularly brave and took the lead, and he continued to be promoted for his meritorious service.

This time he fought against the Fruit Party, and his performance was equally impressive.

The next day, all Minister Yang's people came back. Those who went to investigate were stopped and were not questioned at the regiment headquarters.

Minister Yang asked Political Commissar Gao for help and called the chief of staff of the regiment headquarters to come over for a meeting.

The chief of staff is an old red man, the kind who would never leak secrets.

Old Xu, this is a comrade from my hometown. I have a few questions for you now. As an old comrade, you should understand the importance of confidentiality. No one can know about our conversation today.

Minister Yang called Chief of Staff Xu to the conference room. Chu Lingyun was already sitting there, just the three of them.

Okay, I understand.

After being brought here alone and received by Minister Yang, Lao Xu understood that today was not a meeting, but something else.

He knew very well what the anti-corruption department was doing. He was the chief of staff of the regiment, and he had heard before that someone had leaked the secrets of their operation, and there might be agents from the Fruit Party inside.

I don’t know how their investigation went, and what else I need to ask myself.

Chief of Staff Xu, I would like to ask you why Xiang Qi participated in the battle when he went to deliver combat instructions to your regiment headquarters.

Chu Lingyun asked first. Chief of Staff Xu did not think much and immediately replied: We defeated the enemy at that time and were chasing the remnants. Wang Qinglong, the deputy commander of the second battalion, suggested that we pursue together. At that time, many comrades were in high fighting spirit. We It’s not easy to stop them, so let them go to the battlefield.”

After defeating the enemy at that time, it was understandable that the regiment members thought of killing the enemy on the battlefield.

Chasing the fleeing enemy troops was much easier than fighting head-on, and since they pursued them late, the defeated troops in front were either captured or killed, so there was basically no danger.

No one expected that Xiang Qi would be so unlucky and be killed by a stray bullet.

Why is Wang Qinglong at the regiment headquarters?

Minister Yang asked anxiously. After asking, he glanced at Chu Lingyun.

Wang Qinglong has a problem. The big problem is that he suggested to pursue the enemy together. Why he did this was probably because he wanted to kill Xiang Qi during the pursuit.

Even if the enemy didn't shoot, if he picked up an enemy's gun and secretly shot it, no one would know.

Wang Qinglong's second battalion is the auxiliary attacker. Their battalion won the battle. Wang Qinglong came to report.

Does the deputy battalion commander need to report this kind of thing? Chu Lingyun asked immediately.

Usually the deputy battalion commander comes to report, and the battalion commander stays on the front line to take command.

Chief of Staff Xu nodded, while Minister Yang looked at Chu Lingyun.

Come over to Xiang Qi, did you know about it in advance? Chu Lingyun asked again.

I don't know. If I could know, there would be no need for him to come. We don't have a radio, so we all transmit command orders artificially.

Are you all going to see Qi off in your group?

Yes, it's always been him.

Chief of Staff Xu nodded. He didn't know what happened, but it must be related to Xiang Qi, but Xiang Qi obviously died.

Is there a fixed time for him to go to your place?

It's not fixed, but those days pass at that time.

Chief of Staff Xu shook his head. The battlefield was ever-changing and the time was certainly not fixed. The fighting went smoothly in those days, so it almost always passed at that time.

Did Wang Qinglong go over to report back a few days ago?

Yes, Wang Qinglong comes to the regiment headquarters every day. Their second battalion is the closest, which is very convenient.

Chief of Staff Xu replied that the Second Battalion was not the main attack force. This battle was responsible for protecting the regiment headquarters. It was the closest and was indeed convenient.

Chu Lingyun asked a few more details and finally ended the conversation.

Lao Xu, when you go back tomorrow, don't make any announcement. Don't let anyone know that we are talking to you.

When sending Chief of Staff Xu off, Minister Yang reminded again that Wang Qinglong's suspicion had increased. It was very likely that he got the information from Xiang Qi and told it to Guo Jun.

Then he learned that Xiang Qi went there every day, and when he won the battle that day, he deliberately returned to the regiment headquarters and encouraged everyone to join the battle.

I understand, is Wang Qinglong a spy?

Lao Xu frowned. Wang Qinglong was a good prospect, otherwise he would not have been promoted to battalion commander this time.

The group leader and he had great trust in Wang Qinglong. If he was a spy, it would really make them sad.

We can't be sure for the moment, but he is suspected and we will investigate clearly. Don't worry, we will not wrongly accuse a good comrade, nor let a bad person go.

Minister Yang shook his head. He had not investigated clearly and would not judge casually before getting the evidence.

Lao Xu is not an agent, but he is an old party member and knows what to do.

Okay, you must investigate clearly.

Lao Xu nodded and sent Lao Xu away. Minister Yang immediately came back to find Chu Lingyun.

Comrade Rabbit, you are amazing for finding the secret agent so quickly.

Minister Yang told Lao Xu that he was not sure that Wang Qinglong was a spy, but he had already determined it in his heart.

With so many coincidences coming together, it must be him.

He hid it so well. No wonder they couldn't find the person who leaked the secret no matter how they searched. First of all, he was not a complete insider.

Secondly, he killed the person who told him the secret, so that naturally no trace would be found on him.

Wang Qinglong is a serious suspect, but there is one thing missing from his resume.

What? Minister Yang asked curiously.

Training time.

Chu Lingyun said lightly, Wang Qinglong's resume is very clean, and he came to Nanjing after the fall of Japan. His parents were killed, and he escaped. He wanted to join the army to avenge his parents.

According to his own words, he was very disappointed with the Red Party. When he was in school, someone around him had promoted the ideas of the Red Party and he recognized the Red Party, so he joined the Red Party.

There is nothing wrong with this, but every part of his previous resume is so clear. How did he become an agent? Who did the special training for him?

People like him must receive training.

Otherwise he wouldn't be able to do this well.

Unless he is like Lin Lemei, someone specially trains him at his home.

This is possible, but it is very low.

Chu Lingyun knew very well how the Guo Party trained people. Whether he was the military commander or the central commander, he would definitely be taken out for training. Besides, Wang Qinglong was not Lin Lemei and had such an important identity.

There is also his radio station. It is certainly impossible for him to hold a radio station in the military, but his radio station cannot be too far away.

Without a radio station, how could he contact his superiors and accept tasks?

These are all doubtful points that must be clarified.

Training time?

Minister Yang frowned. He understood what Chu Lingyun meant. Wang Qinglong had a clear resume. Even if the Guo Party secretly absorbed him, he would definitely be trained.

He went to university in Peking and was quite active during his university days. He was even arrested once by the Kuomintang for this.

But he was soon released due to the pressure of public opinion, and he didn't do much at ordinary times.

Minister Yang, there are many students from Peiping in my hometown. Send a report to your hometown and ask if anyone knows Wang Qinglong. It would be best to find his neighbors. Ask Wang Qinglong whether there are other people in or near his home. Strangers have been there.”

Although this may be low, it still needs to be verified.

Chu Lingyun would not completely reject it just because of his own inference.

Okay, I'll send the report right away.

Minister Yang nodded. Now he no longer had any doubts about Chu Lingyun's ability. Not long after he arrived, the case made significant progress. They had been investigating for so long and didn't even have a clue.

This is the gap.

After Minister Yang left, Chu Lingyun closed his eyes and thought.

If Wang Qinglong is a spy, everything will be fine. If he is not, there is another spy. Once he is caught, he will be alerted.

Maybe even let real agents escape.

Chu Lingyun will not give up any potential possibility before it is completely determined.

Shanghai, Fu family.

After several days of study, Zhu Yuan finally mastered the lock-picking skills. He had brought sleeping pills and weapons with him a long time ago. He was ready to take action tonight, and Loach was also ready to respond.

Thanks to the leader Pipitu for another 1,000 starting coin reward, and thanks to Sunshine_Xiaoyu for the 100 starting coin reward. Xiaoyu has arrived home and is working overtime today. There will be additional updates from the leader in the early morning.

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