Spy Shadow

Chapter 648

At the Military Police Headquarters, Ezaki was waiting at the door.

Colonel Takemoto is not here. The sentry called and raised his head and said to him.

Not here? Do you know where he went?

Esaki asked immediately, while the sentry shook his head: We don't know the whereabouts of Takemoto Osaka. If you want to find him, it's best to call him to make an appointment first.

If it weren't for the fact that Ezaki He was a major, the sentry wouldn't want to pay attention to him.

There is no need to look for someone who is really close to Colonel Takemoto like this. At first glance, he is someone who is not familiar with Colonel Takemoto and has something to ask for.


Esaki He lowered his head. He didn't know if Takemoto was really not here or if he didn't want to see him.

He waited at the door. If Takemoto really went out, he would definitely come back. If he didn't go out, he would have a chance to see people after get off work.

There is no way, without Mitsui, he is a rootless duckweed.

A gust of wind can blow him away.

In the evening, Chu Lingyun completed the interview with everyone. This time, including Goto Takeshi and others, they all joined the literary club.

Gentlemen, let's have dinner together tonight.

Chu Lingyun invited them, and everyone readily agreed, and no one refused.

The longer Esakiga waited, the more desperate he became. He did not dare to leave. His stomach was growling as he waited for a while, but it was very late and he did not wait for Takemoto to come back or go out.

Disappointed, he went home alone.

Takemoto had dinner with Chu Lingyun in the evening, and went home after the meal. It was strange that Ezaki He could wait.

Early the next morning, Esaki came to the military police headquarters again.

Ezakiga, who is it?

Takemoto was here today and was very puzzled when he received the call. He really forgot who Esakiga was.

I am the secretary of the former Section Chief Mitsui of the Special High School, and I met Colonel Takemoto.

Hearing the sentry's question, Esakiga immediately replied, and Takemoto finally remembered who he was.

not see.

When Takemoto found out it was him, he immediately hung up the phone.

Mitsui had tricked him and used him to kill Takeda Hiroshi. He had no good impression of Mitsui.

The people around Mitsui have nothing to do with him.

not see?

Esaki He felt nervous. Takemoto didn't want to see him. It seemed that no one could really help him this time.

Esaki walked back slowly. He took a rickshaw when he came here, but he was aimless when he went back.

Today he received news that Nan Yun would arrive in the afternoon and then officially take over the special high school class.

When she arrives, he will definitely be finished.

He is no longer in the position of secretary, and has lost all access to important documents in the Super High School. He has now become a useless person.

Some people even didn't look at him seriously.

The people in the special high school class are very realistic. Usually Ezaki is aloof, but now that Mitsui is gone, he is immediately brought back to his original form, even worse than before.

Esaki He was walking alone for an unknown length of time when he suddenly raised his head.

He arrived at the checkpoint of the concession.

When Nan Yun came back, he didn't need to pick him up. After thinking about it, he entered the concession directly. Being in the concession would give him a sense of security.

He thought about running away, but he didn't have much money, and he wouldn't be able to survive long if he ran away, and his family would be in trouble.

The concession is very prosperous with many tall buildings.

It's a pity that this place doesn't belong to him. It's useless even if he hides in the concession. When Nan Yun comes back, he will immediately send someone to capture him.

Next, there will be torture for him.

Direct execution is the best result, but Nagumo will not do this, and will definitely use all means to destroy him. Thinking of the tools of torture, Esaki shuddered fiercely.

He couldn't hold on to those conventional torture instruments, let alone Nayun, who would definitely not let him die well and would use various methods on him.

He cannot fall into Nan Yun's hands, otherwise life will be worse than death.

Not long after, he walked to the river and stood on the bridge.

If he jumps down, it will be over. If he jumps down, he will be free. He committed suicide, but he is not guilty. Nagyun cannot do anything to his family.

When there is really no way to survive, death is relief.

But standing on the bridge, he no longer had the courage to jump off.

He was afraid of death, and he was still young. He thought he would have a better future by following Mitsui, but he didn't expect it to be a dead end.

He didn't want to die, but he shuddered again when he thought about what would happen if he survived.

After Nan Yun arrived, it would be better for him to die than to survive.

Unable to bear the pain, Esakihe trembled, closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and jumped off the bridge.

Someone jumped into the river.

There were shouts all around. Ezaki He, who fell into the water, did not hear these words. He was struggling desperately. The cold river water was piercingly chilly. Every time he opened his mouth, water poured into his throat, making him Particularly painful.


Someone quickly took off his clothes, jumped into the river, and swam toward him. Esaki He's consciousness was a little blurry. During the struggle, he felt that someone had caught him, and then he fell into a coma.

What's going on ahead?

Fang Shiyi asked the driver. He just returned to Shanghai today. Wuhan Branch Okamoto helped him find a very suitable location and bought it.

He doesn't need to stay for the decoration, Okamoto will help with it, and Okamoto is very happy to do such a thing.

Secretary Fang, someone jumped into the river.

Jump into the river?

Fang Shiyi got out of the car immediately. There are indeed many people who can't survive these days. They are desperate and commit suicide.

He is a Red Party member and has instinctive compassion for such people.

Why did you commit suicide at such a young age?

Looking at him, it doesn't look like he can't survive. He wears good clothes and is white and fat. He must be living a better life than me. I can't figure out why.

People around him kept talking, and Fang Shiyi entered under the protection of the guards.

Jiang Qihe was fished out. In China, there is no shortage of good-hearted people in any era.

There were a lot of people here, and someone extended a helping hand to him.

The people on the ground are not poor, but why do they look familiar?

Fang Shiyi looked carefully and was surprised after a while. He recognized who it was, Mitsui's secretary Ezaki Ga.

A person in a special high school class commits suicide by jumping into a river?

Fang Shiyi did not mind his own business and immediately withdrew. As long as he was not a common man, Jiang Qihe's life and death had nothing to do with him, but why did he commit suicide when he was fine?

When Mitsui was transferred, he was in Wuhan and didn't know that the director of the special higher education course had changed.

Moreover, the new section chief is Mitsui's old enemy Nagumo.

Boss, I'm back.

When he came to Ishihara Hiroshi's office, Fang Shiyi felt very fulfilled and safe. This time was completely different from before.

Every time he came back before, he was cautious, fearing that what he had done would be discovered by Toru Ishihara.

How's it going? Did it go well? Chu Lingyun asked.

all the best.

Fang Shiyi understood that he was asking about how it was to receive the goods back home. As for the road, no one with a blind eye dared to cause trouble for them.

That's good. The next batch of goods will send more fine grains to my hometown. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Let them have a good New Year.

Chu Lingyun ordered that fine grains are much more expensive than coarse grains. Although it is not possible for everyone in his hometown to eat well, it is still possible to eat dumplings for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Okay, I'll tell them to prepare more carriages.

Fang Shiyi nodded, hesitated, and finally said: On the road just now, I saw Ezaki He committed suicide by jumping into the river.


Chu Lingyun raised his head, very surprised.

Esakiga came to see him before, but he didn't see him. Unexpectedly, he couldn't think about it and committed suicide. It seemed that Nagumo really put a lot of pressure on him.

Yes, but he didn't die. He was rescued.

Fang Shiyi nodded. He was an intelligence agent under Ishihara Hiroshi. He needed to report anything he encountered, no matter whether it was useful or not.

What's more, Ezaki Ga's status is unusual. After all, he is a member of the Extra-High School.

Go and bring him here.

Chu Lingyun ordered, and Fang Shiyi went out immediately.

By the river, Esaki woke up and experienced the pain of death. He did not want to die again, and the people next to him were also urging him not to commit suicide.

Thank you for saving me, I'll give you the money.

Esaki took out some Japanese yen from his pocket, and his slightly stiff Chinese language immediately made the people around him understand his identity.


Bah, I don't want your money.

The man who rescued him said angrily, if he had known he was a Japanese, he would have stayed in the river to feed the fish. Why is he so troublesome? Come up to save a Japanese.

Esaki He was not angry, he was his savior, and he knew better the attitude of the Chinese towards the Japanese.

Before, he was only thinking about the empire, but he didn't expect that it was his own people who drove him to death, and it was the Chinese who he usually looked down upon who saved him.

What a travesty.

He knew best how cold the river was. Going into the water to save people at this time was inherently dangerous and required great courage.

I'm sorry, I know you resent us, but it was the big guys who started the war, not me. I apologize to you for my previous behavior.

Esaki bowed deeply. He knew very well that although he did not die this time, how long he might live depends on Nagumo's mood.

He put the money on the ground and staggered away.

Perhaps his attitude infected the people around him. Someone picked up the money from the ground and came to him.

You put on these dry clothes first, they are considered your purchases.


Esaki replied gratefully, he was really cold. It was December now, and the weather in Shanghai was already much colder.

Fortunately it wasn't freezing cold weather, otherwise he could freeze to death.

Where is the person who jumped into the river just now?

Fang Shiyi arrived at the place and asked immediately without seeing Jiang Qihe.

Let's go, go that way.

Someone pointed him in the direction, and Fang Shiyi immediately led people to chase him. Fortunately, Jiang Qihe didn't go far, and he quickly caught up.

Secretary Esaki.

Fang Shiyi shouted, Jiang Qihe turned around and was stunned for a moment when he saw Fang Shiyi.

He knew Fang Shiyi until he was Ishihara Hiroshi's secretary, and he was Chinese.

He also told Mitsui before that he didn't understand why Ishihara Hiroshi chose a Chinese as his secretary. Wouldn't it be better to use someone from the empire?

Only today did he understand why others were doing bigger and better things than him.

The Chinese people have their simplicity and kindness, and are able to endure hardships and stand hard work. In fact, the Chinese people still have many strengths. If it were not weak at this time, how could the empire be the opponent of the huge China.

Hello, Secretary Fang.

Jiang Qihe replied. Fang Shiyi noticed that he was still wet and immediately said, My boss wants to see you.

Lord Ishihara, are you willing to see me?

Esaki He was suddenly startled. He had not received permission when he came to ask for a meeting before. He did not expect Ishihara Hiroshi to send someone specifically to find him.

He didn't know yet that Hiroshi Ishihara knew that he jumped into the river.

That's right, let's go.

Fang Shiyi nodded, and Jiang Qihe immediately followed him and left, shivering in the car. Fang Shiyi kindly gave him a blanket and asked him to wipe himself clean.

When they arrived at Ishihara Trading Company, they took him to rinse with hot water and changed him into clean and warm new clothes.

Thank you, thank you very much.

Esaki He kept thanking Fang Shiyi. No wonder Ishihara Heng chose Fang Shiyi as his secretary. He did a really good job and was better than himself.

Boss, Ezaki He is here.

After he finished packing, Fang Shiyi took him into Chu Lingyun's office. Jiang Qihe was a little cautious and followed Fang Shiyi without daring to raise his head.

Ezaki, why did you jump into the river?

Chu Lingyun put down the document in his hand and asked directly.

Sir Ishihara, Section Chief Mitsui was deceived by the Chief Section Chief, and Nagumo is coming to take over as Section Chief. I have no way of surviving if she comes. Rather than being tortured to death by her, I'd better kill myself.

Jiang Qihe lowered his head and said slowly.

Fang Shiyi showed surprise. Only now did he know that such a big change had taken place in the Special High School. No wonder Ezaki He was forced to commit suicide.

Fang Shiyi knew a lot about the conflict between Mitsui and Nanyun.

Nayun was almost driven away by them, and she shamelessly asked Ishihara Hiroshi for help. In the end, Ishihara Hiroshi lent her 30,000 yen to help her tide over the difficulties.

If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?

Chu Lingyun shook his head, while Jiang Qihe lowered his head and said nothing.

What Ishihara Hiroshi said was correct. At first, because he had Mitsui's support, he didn't care about Nagumo at all and was humiliated many times. Now he knows that he regrets it.

But it's too late to regret.

You are right. It is indeed my fault. As the Buddhist saying goes, yesterday's cause is today's effect. Thank you for your help.

Jiang Qihe bowed deeply. His appearance made Chu Lingyun a little surprised.

Jumping into the river, he jumped so much that he saw everything. He didn't care about life or death?

Master Ishihara, I have something to trouble you, or rather Secretary Fang.

Jiang Qihe continued, while Chu Lingyun nodded: You tell me.

I saved some money, not much, about 6,000 yen. I will send 3,000 yen back to my family. I would like to ask Secretary Fang to help me give the remaining 3,000 yen to some Chinese people in need.

Hiroshi Ishihara is Japanese and he didn’t say much.

Now he has no one he can trust, but Hiroshi Ishihara and Fang Shiyi can be trusted.

Ishihara Hiroshi is rich, so he will definitely look down on his little money.

Fang Shiyi is Chinese, so he feels more at ease if it is left to him to handle this matter.

Why not give it all to the family?

Chu Lingyun asked with interest, Jiang Qihe smiled bitterly and said softly: They saved me today and let me know that I have done many wrong things before, so this money can be regarded as my compensation.

He can die, but the money must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise it will be easier for that bitch Nagyun.

Okay, Shi Yi, you go with him to get the money and take him back to the special high school.

Chu Lingyun agreed. Whether Jiang Qihe is sincere or not depends on his future performance, but Jiang Qihe's change really surprised him.


Alchemist Yi responded and looked at Esaki He.

Jiang Qihe said nothing, bowed and saluted again, and left behind Fang Shiyi.


Chu Lingyun watched them leave with a smile. Jiang Qihe really seemed to have looked past everything and was even repenting and making amends for his previous actions.

Chu Lingyun chose to believe his words.

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. He was about to be killed by Nan Yun and committed suicide. At this time, he could not say that he was enlightened, but his words were at least credible.

And the place where he committed suicide was not here, Fang Shiyi met him by chance.

He didn't know when Fang Shiyi would come back, and he didn't know where Fang Shiyi was passing by. What's more, he said these words in front of him, and he was now Japanese.

Fang Shiyi sent Jiang Qihe home, and Jiang Qihe immediately changed into his own clothes: I'm sorry, I can't help you clean these clothes.

It doesn't matter, I'll keep your clothes here.

Fang Shiyi shook his head, and Ezaki He took out the three thousand yen he had sorted out: Secretary Fang, you don't need to send me to the special high school. You keep the money. If the Chinese don't want Japanese yen, you can exchange it for legal currency. , or the ocean, give it to them again.”

Okay, I'll keep it for now.

Fang Shiyi took the money. This was what Ishihara Heng promised, and he was just executing it.

Thank you.

Esaki bowed his head again. He called a rickshaw and went to the post office to send the remaining money to his family.

At the dock, Ishida, Jiang Teng and a group of people were waiting for the boat.


Jiang Teng said suddenly. Soon, they saw a ship approaching from a distance and docked at the dock not long after.

The people on the boat disembarked one by one, and soon they arrived at Nagumo in military uniform.

When Nanyun went there, he took a train and came back by ship.

There were only two people following her. Ishida and Jiang Teng looked at each other and nodded slightly together.

The small number of people Nagumo brought with her meant that Tuhara did not allow her to make a big move against the Shanghai Special High School. They were considered safe for now, but no one knew how long this safety would last.

Section Chief Nagumo.

Ishida was the first to greet him, with Jiang Tengkong beside him.

Nan Yun took a deep look at them and then walked out.

The two of them hurriedly followed her and sent her to the car, while they got into another car.

In the special high school class, Nanyun got off the car and stood in the yard.

She wanted to be the master of this place, and now she finally got her wish. But unfortunately, it was not her who kicked Mitsui out of the super class, but the teacher who helped her do all this.

She was not satisfied with this result.

If she didn't rely on herself, others would look down on her. What's more, she was also kicked out on No. 76. To her, this was a failure.

Next, she will use facts to prove that she is the most suitable person to be in charge of this place.

As for the secret service headquarters, she would get it back sooner or later. She had founded it together, and she was unwilling to just hand it over to Kagezu and Kubo.

Call everyone together for a meeting.

Nan Yun ordered the people around him. The two nodded and immediately asked everyone in the extra-high class to go to the conference room.

The new official took office three times, and Nayun came with resentment. Many people came to the conference room in a hurry to prevent Nayun from getting caught, so as to establish his authority.


Jiang Tengkong said to Ishihara that the two of them were not unprepared. The intelligence team and the action team were firmly under their control. If Nanyun couldn't recognize himself and did something forcibly, they would definitely make it impossible for Nanyun to step down.

Only the two of them have such confidence, others cannot.

Where's Ezakiga?

Nayun looked around, but Ezakiga did not appear.

Go get him.

The people following Nan Yun said to the sentry standing outside the door. The sentry left in a hurry and ran back soon.

Tell the section chief that Ezakiga was not found.

When he wasn't at work, where did he go?

Nayun slammed the table and shouted sternly. After saying this, she looked at Ishida: Team leader Ishida, Esakiga is a member of our special high school class. Now he is missing. You should go find him.

Section Chief, I'm sorry, Esakiga is not missing. He went out to do something.

Ishida replied neither humble nor arrogantly. Nayun asked him to find Esaki, but it was just a test, and he was not so foolish as to agree.

He and Nanyun are enemies rather than friends. If Nanyun doesn't leave, he will die in the future.

It's strange that he can obey orders at this time.

What are you doing?

Nayun's eyes tightened and he asked softly, while Ishida shook his head: He asked for leave to do something, but he didn't tell me what it was specifically, so I don't know.

Before Nanyun came, he was temporarily in charge of the special higher education courses, and he was the one who approved Esakiga's leave.

Then we'll wait until he comes back. Now I'll announce the chief's order.

Nanyun stood up, and everyone followed suit.

Ishida and Jiang Teng can disobey Nayun, but Tuhara's orders must be obeyed, otherwise they will not even have room to resist.

Shanghai Super High School has performed poorly in the past two years, and Mitsui Amu is fully responsible. Now Noriko Nagumo is appointed as the new section chief. All members will cooperate with Noriko Nagumo and obey her orders.

Nanyun quickly finished saying that this was her official appointment.

Ishida and Jiang Teng were the first to sit down. They were on one side of Nayun, followed by the logistics team leader, telecommunications team leader, interrogation team leader and others.

Most of these people were promoted by Mitsui and were considered direct descendants of Mitsui. They were all afraid of Nagumo coming to liquidate them.

Now they are led by Ishida and Jiang Teng and fight against Nagumo together.

Sorry, I am late.

The door of the conference room was pushed open, and Esaki He walked in from the outside.

Esaki, where have you been?

Nan Yun looked at him with a bad expression, and Esaki He lowered his head: I'm going to send money to my family.

Send money? Is this why you took leave?

Nanyun frowned. She would not attack Esaki immediately, but she had to show off her momentum first. Before she came, she had talked with her master for a long time, hoping to replace many of the management of Shanghai Special High School.

They have a deep Mitsui imprint on them.

Especially the intelligence team and the action team, the two most important teams must be in her hands.

But Tuyuan didn't agree.

In Tuhara's view, Shanghai Special High School still has fighting power. Ishida and Jiang Teng are not bad at doing it, as evidenced by their many meritorious services. The main reason is Mitsui, who only knows how to fight among himself.

Tuyuan asked Nanyun to put aside his prejudices and make good use of the two of them, which is better than the newcomers brought over. After all, they have been in Shanghai for a long time and are very familiar with it.

For newcomers, getting to know each other is a long process.

This made Nanyun very dissatisfied, but she could not disobey her master's orders. She did not get the results she wanted, and she was forced to bring two former people to take office.

I'm sorry, there's something urgent at home and I need money.

Esaki lowered his head and replied. Nayun did not ask any more questions and asked him to stand aside for the meeting.

A major didn't even have a position. Many people looked at Esaki Ga with sympathy.

Ezaki He didn't care and stood aside honestly.

Nan Yun read out several new disciplines and then adjourned the meeting.

Boss, Esakiga didn't let me send him to the extra-high school course. He actually gave me three thousand yen.

Back at the trading house, Fang Shiyi came to report to Chu Lingyun and took out the money Fang Shiyi gave him.

It seems that he has figured it out. The three thousand yuan is the money he paid for his life. He should use it to distribute it to the people.

Chu Lingyun smiled and Fang Shiyi nodded and left.

Takemoto, come here.

Chu Lingyun picked up the phone and called Takemoto. It didn't take long for Takemoto to arrive in his office.

Pay attention to the situation in the Special High School. Mitsui is gone and Ezaki He is having a hard time. If there is any movement over there, report it to me immediately.

Chu Lingyun didn't mention Ishida and Jiang Tengkong, and Ishihara Heng apparently had nothing to do with them.

But I told Takemoto that if anything happened in the extra-high school class, he would definitely report it.

Okay, don't worry, I will keep an eye on them.

Takemoto nodded, and Ishihara Hiroshi assigned him a new task. He was very happy to have a task, and having a task represented a contribution.

He immediately arranged his subordinates to keep an eye on the special high school class.

But why does Ishihara Hiroshi pay attention to Esakiga?

Esakiga approached him before but was rejected by him. Is there any relationship between Ishihara Hiroshi and Esakiga?

We need to investigate this matter, so as not to cause any misunderstanding.

Nan Yun came to the office, which was still Mitsui's. She did not change the office, but she asked the logistics team to replace everything.

On the third day, Ishida was called to the office by Nayun.


Ishida stood in front of the desk and greeted him softly. Nanyun looked at him and said with a smile: Teacher recognizes your achievements very much and has praised you many times in front of me. From now on, we will cooperate sincerely to make the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course Do it well and do it big.”

Thank you very much, Chief Section Chief, for the praise. Ishida deserves it.

Ishida lowered his head and said, he was talking about the chief section chief. As for the sincere cooperation that Nanyun said, he didn't even talk about it.

It's not like he doesn't know what kind of temper Nayun is.

If he believed this kind of tricking a child, all his years of working as an agent would have been in vain.

The Loyalty and National Salvation Army outside the city is a little arrogant. Go inquire about their situation and eradicate them as soon as possible.

Nanyun heard the meaning of his words and said coldly.


Ishida took the order, and Nagumo was indeed a bad person, so he asked him to investigate the Loyalty and Salvation Army.

Is the Loyalty Salvation Army so easy to deal with? Ishida clearly knows how much trouble Nayun has caused them.

But he couldn't refuse the section chief's order.

Whether he accepts it or not, that is his business.

If the investigation fails, the most likely to be criticized will be criticism, but if the subordinates suffer too much loss, they will be dismissed and investigated.

Jiang Teng, you are different from Ishida. You are a smart man. If you hadn't voluntarily resigned as the leader of the operation team from the beginning, I'm afraid Mitsui would have killed you long ago. You are not his person. I don't have the right manpower now. You are the person I admire the most and the most capable. If we work together, you will be the leader of the intelligence team from now on. When my term ends, I will recommend you to be the section leader.

Facing Jiang Tengkong, Nanyun changed his rhetoric.

Jiang Tengkong was not a direct descendant of Mitsui, and Mitsui wanted to harm him, but in the end it was Jiang Tengkong who had no choice but to use him.

This gave her an opportunity to win over.

Thank you, section chief, for your support.

Jiang Tengkong smiled and replied that Mitsui wanted to harm him, but Nayun was not really kind.

They are all the same, and once Nagyun is truly in power, he will definitely be eliminated.

He is not a fool and will not be fooled like this.

You should go back and think about it.

Nanyun was a little disappointed when he saw Jiang Teng was unmoved.

She does want to use Jiang Tengkong, but as long as there is a suitable candidate, she will not hesitate to get rid of Jiang Tengkong and replace her with someone.

The reason is simple. Jiang Tengkong helped Mitsui bully her.

She's not big-minded.

Jiang Tengkong left the office and saw Jiang Qihe waiting outside.

Be careful.

Jiang Qi nodded slightly and immediately entered the office.

Professor, please look for me.

Nayun looked at him and said nothing. They had guessed well before that the first person Nayun wanted to attack was Esakiga.

Ezaki He has the weakest foundation, and his relationship with other people is average. No one will fight against him for him. Moreover, he has no power and is the weakest persimmon.

It's easiest to pinch him.

What happened to Takeda Hiroshi?

Nan Yun asked, and Esaki He felt nervous. Takeda Hiroshi was killed by Mitsui's trick, and even Takemoto was used by Mitsui.

I am not sure.

Esaki He whispered back, and Nayun patted the table: I read the file, and there are many doubts in it. I want to re-investigate this case now. You'd better give me an honest explanation. If I find out anything fishy, ​​you It should be clear how the Special High School treats traitors.

I really don't know.

Esaki He replied bravely, Takeda Hiroshi was involved in many people, not only him, but also Jiang Tengkong and Ishida.

But many things were indeed done by Mitsui.

Fortunately, the people involved in the case were dealt with by Mitsui. As long as Ishida and Jiang Tengkong didn't tell them, it would be difficult for Nayun to get hold of him.

Really? Do you really think I can't find out the dirty things you guys have done?

Nan Yun said coldly, and Esaki He lowered his head and said nothing.

You go back to the office first, and you are not allowed to go out without my order.


Esaki He understood that Nayun wanted to put him under house arrest, and when Nayun found evidence of his crime, he would take action against him.

But he has no choice, unless he doesn't care about his family, runs away, or kills Nanyun.

Ezaki Ga is under house arrest by Nagumo?

Ishida quickly came to Jiang Tengkong's office and told him the bad news. Sure enough, Nanyun chose to operate on Jiang Tengkong first.

Nanyun is investigating Takeda Hiroshi's case. The two people he brought took away all the files. Nayun has appointed two of them, one as the leader of the security team and the other as the leader of the logistics team.

The security team and logistics team leaders were replaced.

Ishida and Jiang Teng can keep track of the pressure, but that doesn't mean everyone can withstand it.

Nanyun pointed out to them that they were old people from the Kitagawa period, and Mitsui just promoted them. As long as they know practical things, they will be given a good place to go.

The security team leader was transferred back to the headquarters. When he arrived at the headquarters, he didn't have to worry about being liquidated by Nayun.

The logistics team leader was transferred to the office by Nanyun and temporarily served as Nanyun's secretary.

This position is actually considered a promotion.

After all, the secretary is definitely one of his own. Nayun did not let the person he brought take this position, but gave it to the previous logistics team leader, which was a bit beyond the two people's expectations.

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