Spy Shadow

Chapter 626 Ding Nan falls out

After reading it, Xiaosi finally felt relieved.

Of the remaining seven small boats, five were blown away, leaving only two dangling on the water. Because these boats were very close, the debris from the explosion also hit the two surviving small boats.

The people on the boat had collapsed, and many others fell into the water. Xiaosi did not have statistics on how many people were killed or injured.

He couldn't keep statistics. In the future, these results would be handed over to the people in the city to investigate, and then he could just help them report their merits.

When the first explosion sounded, Nanyun stood up.

This must be the sound of a grenade, but how could the sound be so close?

With the sound of explosions and scattered gunshots, it was obvious that a firefight was taking place inside.

Ding Mo, send someone immediately to see what's going on.

Nan Yun ordered, and the few people around Ding Mo immediately looked at him pitifully.

With such a big explosion, who knows what's going on inside. If you rush over there, you'll probably be killed.

No one wants to go inside now.

You two, go and see what's going on right away.

Ding Mo also didn't want to send anyone, but he couldn't refute Nanyun's order. If he dared not move, Nanyun would immediately order the Japanese soldiers around him to arrest him.

He even dared to execute him on the spot.

Disobedience on the battlefield is a felony no matter where you are.


Before the two people who were hit could move, there was another explosion. Ding Mo immediately looked inside. This time they all saw a lot of sawdust flying inside, and there was fire.

Ding Mo's heart sank suddenly. He knew that his people were not far away and were working as laborers. Was he being attacked by the other party?

Go quickly.

Nanyun was so anxious that he stared at the two people named by Ding Mo. With fear on their faces, the two bravely boarded the boat.

They rowed the boat and walked inside bit by bit.

Click. Noriko Nagumo suddenly took out a gun and loaded the gun.

If you delay any longer, I will kill you immediately.

Nanyun roared, and the two of them didn't dare waste any more time and hurriedly rowed inside.

It's dangerous to go inside, but Nan Yun will beat him to death at any time outside. It's better to go inside first and then find a way to hide yourself and save your life.

Why are there no gunshots?

After this explosion, there was no more gunfire, and Ding Mo suddenly felt bad.

But he didn't dare to go in and could only wait outside.

It took more than twenty minutes before the two people who went to investigate came back in a small boat. There were two more injured people on their boat.

Director, our people were attacked by the enemy. They dived nearby and blew them up with grenades. Most of our ships were damaged and sank. Many brothers died. The two of them were very lucky, so we found and brought them back.

The people who came back reported quickly, and they were glad at the same time that the enemy only attacked by surprise and left immediately after blowing up the ship, instead of waiting there.

Otherwise, both of them will definitely die.

Quickly, get more people and save them.

Ding Mo's face turned pale. What he was most worried about appeared. Sure enough, his people were attacked. There was gunfire after the first explosion. It was his people who were fighting back.

After the second explosion, most people were killed or injured. The attackers left again, so there was no movement.

There were more than thirty of his people in more than a dozen ships.

If all these thirty people were lost, plus the more than thirty people he lost before, his losses this time would be close to seventy people.

He brought out more than a hundred people, and 20 people escorted the captured prisoners back to the city. Only the Bass people were here, which meant that 80 to 90 percent of the people were in this reed swamp.

He had a huge anger in his heart. Damn Nayun, he didn’t know how to give blind orders. She should have given up on this situation long ago. However, she was blinded by her achievements and had no regard for the life and death of his men. Such a big loss was entirely because of Nayun. .

It's a pity that he didn't dare to say these words.

Ding Mo personally led people inside to rescue them, and eventually brought back more than a dozen corpses and two seriously injured people.

He didn't find the rest. They were either at the bottom of the water or they didn't know where they were blown up.

Out of more than thirty people, only four survived, and all of them were injured.

Nanyun didn't go, and after they came back, he immediately asked them carefully.

The men who rescued him in the past did not dare to hide anything and honestly told what they saw.

Ding Mo, tell me, why did they gather so close to the shore instead of searching deeper?

Nan Yun immediately looked at Ding Mo. She was not stupid. After asking, she understood that Ding Mo wanted to preserve his strength and did not send his people to go deep to search for those who were loyal to the National Salvation Army.

This made her very angry.

Miss Nayun, how do you know they didn't search? Is it okay to come back and rest at noon?

Ding Mo couldn't help it and finally attacked Nan Yun.

Ding Mo, who are you talking to?

Nan Yun's expression changed and he said viciously. Ding Mo was startled. The Japanese soldiers next to him had already stood up, many of them holding guns.

Miss Nayun, I'm sorry, I lost my temper. They did go into the depths to search. You can ask, if there was no search, how could the Loyalty Salvation Army inside target them?

Ding Mo suppressed his anger and said slowly.

He came out this time hoping to make a great contribution, but he didn't expect the losses to be so heavy. He had more than a hundred men in total, and he lost more than half this time.

Even if everyone in the Loyalty Salvation Army replenishes him, his strength will be greatly reduced.

After all, those people were not professional agents.


Nanyun looked at him directly, and after a while, he suddenly gave the order to retreat.

There was no way to continue the search. Too many Chinese agents under her command had died and their vitality was severely damaged. She could not risk the empire's warriors. Besides, the empire's warriors had no advantage at all here.

This time it was her miscalculation that cost so many people.

Fortunately, she had destroyed a station of the Loyalty Salvation Army and captured more than seventy people. Without this credit and the immediate losses, Ying Zuo would definitely kick her out of the secret service headquarters.

Finally retreating, the survivors breathed a sigh of relief.

No one thought that the more than two days here would turn into their nightmare.

It doesn't matter if you really die on the battlefield, it's even more useless to be killed secretly by the enemy.

What's even more frightening is that most of the people's bodies have not been found. It doesn't take a guess to figure out that staying here will only feed the fish, and no real bones remain.

As for retrieving these corpses, they don't have the guts.

Enough people have died, there can't be any more losses.

Nan Yun led people back to the secret service headquarters in despair, and Ding Mo immediately locked himself in the office.

Nanyun is too cruel and cannot continue to follow her, otherwise she will kill herself sooner or later.

He hadn't made a decision before, but now he wanted to join Kage Zuo, and he couldn't hang himself on this rope with Nayun.

Miss Nagumo.

Li Zhiqun returned to the secret service headquarters from the hospital wearing a bandage. His injuries were not fully healed, but he was able to move.

How are you injured?

Seeing Li Zhiqun, Nan Yun's expression softened a little. The loss this time was too great. If he had brought Li Zhiqun's people, it might not be like this.

She could feel that with the arrival of Kubo, Ding Mo's mind changed.

It must be said that women’s sixth sense is indeed very keen.

I am recovering well and I will be able to return to work in a while.

Li Zhiqun replied hurriedly, and Nan Yun nodded slightly: Where is Wu Sanbao?

He is fine. He will recover in a few days. We will come back together then.

You need to come back now. I know you are recovering from your injuries, but the situation is special now. Ding Mo and I are not of the same mind. This time I went out of the city and arrested more than 70 people from the Loyalty and National Salvation Army. You go and receive these people immediately.

Nan Yun ordered, Li Zhiqun was startled and then overjoyed.

Yes, thank you Miss Nayun.

He had heard the news that Ding Mo and Nan Yun went on a mission outside the city. With so many people captured, his subordinates had already reported to him.

He lost so much, but Ding Mo captured a large number of people. According to their habits, as long as these people surrender, they will definitely be supplemented by Ding Mo.

He was still worried at first, but he didn't expect that Nanyun gave him the person.

It's like pie falling from the sky. Even if they are not agents, they are still soldiers. He can definitely expand the operations office and put these people in it.

Director, why were our people taken away by Li Zhiqun?

Wu Shengcai hurried to Ding Mo's office and asked hurriedly. Ding Mo was stunned: What did you say?

Li Zhiqun has just brought Nan Yun's orders to interrogate those members of the Loyalty and Salvation Army. Those who surrender will be directly accepted by him and become his subordinates.

How is it possible? Nan Yun promised me to give these people to me.

Ding Mo's eyes widened and he shouted in shock. After speaking, he froze there.

Nanyun became wary of him, so instead of giving the person to him, he gave it to Li Zhiqun.

Ding Mo is not stupid. If he can't guess this, he is not qualified to be the director.

Nagumo Noriko.

Ding Mo gritted his teeth and called out Nan Yun's name. In order to help Nan Yun make meritorious service, he sent people outside the city to find the whereabouts of the loyal and righteous national salvation army, and made great achievements.

It was Nanyun's own impulsiveness and recklessness that caused him to lose more than half of his men.

Now Nanyun actually gave all the captured people to Li Zhiqun.

You don't need to guess to know that Nanyun gave up on him.

You go and watch, I'll go see Mr. Yingzuo right away.

Ding Mo ordered that since Nan Yun treated him like this, there was no need for him to wait any longer, and he couldn't wait any longer.

He must show his loyalty to Kagezu as soon as possible, otherwise he will be killed by Na Yun.

There is no use looking for Kubo. Kubo is a liaison officer and has no real power in the secret service headquarters.


Wu Shengcai understood that the director was completely disappointed with Nan Yun and did not want to follow her.

Fortunately, the agent headquarters is now under the control of the Mei Agency, otherwise they would have no choice at all, and sooner or later they would be tortured to death by Nayun.

Mr. Yingzuo, Ding Mo from the Secret Service Headquarters is here and wants to see you.

Mei's secretary came in to report to Ying Zuo. Ying Zuo raised his head, slightly surprised.

Ding Mo had just come back, and he was about to call Ding Mo over to investigate the Suzhou branch of Shiyuan Trading Company, but he didn't expect Ding Mo to come to him on his own initiative.

Let him in.

Ying Zuo ordered, and Ding Mo quickly stood in front of him.

Mr. Kagezu.

Ding Mo bowed deeply and saluted. He knew very well that the person with the strongest control over the new government now was not Wang Quanhai, but the person in front of him.

Why are you here suddenly? Ying Zuo asked.

Mr. Yingzuo, I want to serve you and follow you from now on.

Ding Mo's words were very straightforward. Since Nan Yun was wary of him, he even tore up his previous promise and gave all the people he had promised to him to Li Zhiqun.

Then she will attack him sooner or later. There is no need for him to be coy. Since he is here to seek refuge, he should take the initiative to admit it.

Why, aren't you following me now? Has the secret service headquarters broken away from the Mei agency?

Ying Zuo smiled and said, Ding Mo suddenly came to seek refuge, he was instinctively suspicious.

Because they had just returned, Kubo had not yet figured out the specific situation and did not report to him.

No, that's not what I meant. Nagumo Noriko is too abominable. This time I spent a lot of energy and finally found the loyal and loyal National Salvation Army to let her perform meritorious service. She failed to do a good job and was greedy for merit and rushed forward, causing me to lose more than sixty dollars. A subordinate.

After she came back, she even tore up her promise and gave all the loyal National Salvation Army members I had captured to Li Zhiqun. I disdain to be associated with such a villain who doesn't keep his word.

What's more, she is a woman. Women should stay at home and take care of their husbands and children, and should not come out to show off.

Ding Mo's words were very rude. If he wanted to completely surrender to Ying Zuo, he must make Ying Zuo believe in his sincerity.

The harsher Nayun speaks, the more Ying Zuo will trust him.

Is there still this matter?

Yingzuo was very surprised, he really didn't know this.

Everything about my humble position is true. She doesn't regard me as the director of the secret service headquarters at all. I am Mr. Wang's person, and Mr. Wang is your person. Naturally, I want to stand with you.

His words about Mr. Wang being yours made Ying Zuo laugh out loud.

He liked this very much. Wang Quanhai was the future master of the new government, but such a person was his lackey. Of course, he was extremely proud.

As for what Ding Mo said, he could find out when he asked Kubo.

Well, you go and help me with something first, and then we'll talk about it after it's done.

What's the matter? Tell me. Ding Mo immediately cheered up.

The accounts of the Suzhou branch of Ishihara Trading Company are unclear. Go and take someone to find out what happened. If the people over there are responsible, come back to me with the evidence.

Yingzuo said calmly, Ding Mo was stunned for a moment, and asked him to check the company, or is it a branch of Ishihara Trading Company?

Ding Mo is the director of the secret service headquarters. As an intelligence department, he is very aware of the hugeness of Ishihara Trading Company.

He wouldn't even dare to investigate Ishihara Trading Company even if he had the guts to do so.

But this time the investigation was about a branch company, and it was about checking the accounts. Ding Mo quickly understood that Yingzuo was helping Ishihara Trading Company.

Yes, I'll go right away to make sure I investigate thoroughly and get all the evidence.

After understanding, Ding Mo responded immediately, and Ying Zuo nodded slightly, indicating that he could leave.

After leaving the office door, Ding Mo was still thinking about the relationship between Yingzuo and Toru Ishihara.

He didn't know everything, but he knew a lot.

Ishihara Hiroshi is definitely a big shot that he cannot afford to offend. The officers around Ishihara Hiroshi alone can easily deal with him.

It seems that the rumors that Kage Sa and Toru Ishihara have a good relationship are true. This is good news for him. If Kage Sa has the assistance of Ishihara Hiroshi, what can Nagumo do to fight Kage Sa?

They are not on the same level at all.

Ding Mo left happily. He understood that when he finished this matter, Ying Zuo would definitely accept him, and then he would no longer have to worry about Nanyun's persecution of him.

Captain Liu and the others actually repelled the secret service headquarters and the Japanese, and killed so many people. It's great.

In Shanghai District, Wang Yuemin received a telegram from Captain Liu and others. Their radio station has not been turned on in the past two days. They have no power on the water and the battery must be kept as a backup. They will not turn it on casually when it is not critical.

After confirming that the people on the shore had left, Commander Liu immediately led his people to relocate and rebuild the regiment headquarters.

At the same time, their results were sent to Wang Yuemin.

District Chief, this is a great victory. Well done to Captain Liu. I haven't had such a victory for a long time.

Ni Loach smiled and said that he had read Captain Liu's message and it clearly stated that they were killing people from the secret service headquarters.

It's not that he hasn't thought of reporting a few Japanese people, but Shanghai District can verify the details of their achievements.

He himself had made great achievements, but if he was punished for lying about his merits, wouldn't he die unjustly?

This credit is enough and there is no need to falsely report it.

That's right, all they killed were surrendered agents. It's not easy for the agent headquarters to replenish them.

Wang Yuemin smiled and nodded. This time the Secret Service Headquarters was seriously injured.

They killed more than a dozen people, and the Loyalty and Salvation Army killed so many people. One and the other, they will be safer in the future and have more initiative in the fight against the secret service headquarters.

Liang Yu, immediately report this telegram to the headquarters, and also send a report to the war situation team, asking them to help us verify the specific damage to the special agent headquarters.

Wang Yuemin ordered, and Liang Yu left immediately to send a report to the headquarters and the war situation team.

In Chongqing, Secretary Qi came to the office with two messages.

One was from Shanghai District, and the other was from the Loyalty and National Salvation Army.

For such a great victory, Captain Liu would not just report it to the Shanghai District, he would definitely report it to the headquarters himself to claim credit.

The Loyalty and Salvation Army actually achieved such results?

Boss Dai burst into laughter after reading the telegram. The people killed by the Loyalty and Salvation Army were not puppet soldiers, but people from the secret service headquarters.

These people are more difficult to kill, and the merit of killing them is no less than killing the Japanese.

Boss Dai didn't know what was going on, but giving Commander Liu and the others the opportunity to kill so many agents was enough to prove that the other party's commander was an idiot.

How can an agent use it like this? It's just a waste.

Boss, this is a big victory. I didn't expect that they would gain so much after losing their front foot. Looking at it now, it's a blessing in disguise.

Secretary Qi responded with a smile, and Boss Dai laughed loudly: Yes, it is indeed a blessing in disguise. They did a good job. What is the name of that group leader?

Liu Laiping.

The Loyalty Salvation Army now has a large number of people, and Boss Dai will not remember anyone's name. But this time, Boss Dai took the initiative to ask, and Liu Laiping seemed to have caught his eye.

What rank?


Colonel, it's hard to get promoted.

Boss Dai regretted and said that if the military rank cannot be promoted, then other rewards will be given. Ask them to report what equipment is needed, and replenish it for them. In addition, they will be rewarded with five thousand oceans.

Boss Dai was very generous this time and gave so many extra rewards.

This amount of money will not be too much for each soldier, but when put together, a lot can be done.

In the war situation team, Chu Lingyun only got the telegram from Liang Yu at night.

Verify the results?

After seeing the telegram, Chu Lingyun smiled. This was not difficult. He did not expect that the Loyalty Salvation Army outside the city would achieve such a great victory.

They did a really good job.

When the new regiment headquarters of the Loyalty and Salvation Army saw the commendation telegram, Captain Liu laughed and held a banquet to celebrate.

His level could not be upgraded, but this time he was able to promote many of his subordinates. Everyone was overjoyed. Even if they did not get the promotion order, since the headquarters had informed them, this matter would not change.

Chen Xiaoer, you did a good job this time. The superiors have commended you. I will reward you with another ten yuan.

Captain Liu called Chen Zhanli. In the past few days, they all knew Chen Zhanli’s nickname, Chen Xiaoer.

This nickname is not because he is good at business, but because he is greedy. Everyone said that he is suitable to work as a waiter in a restaurant, where he will eat more leftovers.

But in this day and age, it’s not easy for even a waiter in a hotel to have enough food.

There won’t be so many people with leftovers, and the boss won’t give them that much.

Thank you, captain.

Chen Zhanli was overjoyed. He gained the most from this report.

In addition to the ten dollars given to him by the regiment leader on the spot, because the Shanghai District reported his merits to him, his rank was promoted to second lieutenant.

He had now crossed a level, no longer a soldier, but an officer.

You must know that before, he was not even a corporal, just an ordinary private.

This time he had the biggest upgrade, rising to five levels at a time.

However, the contribution he made was indeed great. If he hadn't reminded him in time, it was unknown whether the regiment headquarters could have been saved, let alone the victory.

Many people were envious but not jealous of his reward. It was Chen Xiaoer who saved their lives.

Everyone, cheer up. The Japanese have suffered such a big loss and will not let it go. District Mayor Wang will send people to help us protect ourselves. Before that, we must be vigilant ourselves and be careful of the Japanese coming back to kill us.

Captain Liu warned that he was not dazzled by the victory.

Even though the new regiment relied on a place close to the reed marsh, this victory made him deeply feel the advantage of the geographical location for them. Here, the enemy's artillery has no effect. If they dare to come in, they will be eaten by them if they come too little. If they come too much, they will not be found.

At this time, he even hoped that the enemy would come again and let him make more achievements, maybe he could go further.


Everyone responded loudly, winning the battle, everyone was very happy, this meeting was very energetic.

In the afternoon of the next day, Liang Yu walked into Wang Yuemin's office.

The war situation team called back. The agent headquarters did suffer heavy damage. Ding Mo lost sixty-three people, injured five people, and his vitality was severely damaged. In addition, the agent headquarters Yingzuo and Nanyun are at odds. Nanyun may be driven away by Yingzuo this time. .”

Chu Lingyun was very efficient. In less than a day, he verified the damage to the special agent headquarters.

It was indeed easy for him to verify without having to go and inquire in person.

The Special High School has the tightest focus on the special agent headquarters. Whether it is Catfish or Rose, there are many ways to get this information.

This time the information was sent back by Catfish.

Okay, great, report it to the headquarters immediately. The report of the Loyalty and Salvation Army is true.

Wang Yuemin laughed, there were more than sixty people, plus the dozen people they killed, they almost killed nearly half of the agents in the secret service headquarters.

Although they are not Japanese, these people are professional agents after all, and the strength of the agent headquarters will definitely drop a lot in the future.

An absolute victory.

In Suzhou, Ding Mo's investigation is progressing rapidly.

The manager of the Suzhou branch of Ishihara Trading Company is a Japanese named Yamada Masaki. He has some relationship with Kabebe Shoshi. It was Ishihara Hiroshi who was recommended by Kabebe Shoshi and later asked him to come to Suzhou to manage.

Owada Masaki is forty years old, not too young, but very greedy. He has been the manager of the Suzhou branch for a year and a half, working together, he has made a lot of money.

No wonder Hiroshi Ishihara wanted to check him out.

Not only did his accounts not match up, he also overstated many things at high prices. For some goods, the price he gave was 30% different from the price he reported.

Using these methods, he made tens of thousands of yen in a year and a half.

He was so courageous that he dared to take Ishihara Hiroshi's money.

Hebei Zhengsi is no longer in Shanghai. Even if he is here, the things he has done cannot be justified. Hebei Zhengsi only takes care of him because he has a good relationship with his brother, but he is engaged in poaching corners of the company.

If Hebian Zhengsi knew about it, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to spare him either.

Ding Mo easily obtained the evidence, including witness and physical evidence.

Not all of Owada's men are Japanese. There are not many Japanese here. The majority are Chinese. Many people know what he has done, and some are willing to testify.

Coupled with the account books he took photos of, the prices of goods found out, etc., Owada will definitely be finished this time.

In just three days, Ding Mo returned to Shanghai to report to Yingzuo.

Well done, you can go back first.

Ying Zuo read all the evidence and nodded with satisfaction. Witness Ding Mo brought back two, one was an employee of the Suzhou branch of Ishihara Trading Company, and the other was a supplier supplying goods to Ishihara Trading Company in Suzhou.

Owada didn't do anything wrong with the things sold over there. The price of the goods was set by the headquarters of Ishihara Trading Company and supplied by the headquarters. However, he deliberately caused some non-existent losses, and the money fell into his pocket.

Mr. Yingzuo, what I said last time. Ding Mo lowered his head and asked carefully.

Keep an eye on Nagyun and discuss anything with Kubo.

Ying Zuo said softly, and Ding Mo stood up straight and bent deeply in joy.

The thing was done, Yingzuo accepted him, and he didn't have to worry about Noriko Nanyun attacking him in the future. Without Yingzuo's consent, Nanyun couldn't deal with him.

After all, he is the director of Secret Service headquarters.

Prepare the car and take those two people to Shiyuan Trading Company.

As soon as Ding Mo left, Ying Zuo told his secretary that Ding Mo did a good job and the evidence was conclusive. Ishihara Hiroshi can deal with him, this ugly branch manager, at any time.

Not long after, Ying Zuo arrived at Shiyuan Trading Company, and Chu Lingyun received him in the tea room.

This is the result of my investigation. Ishihara-kun, please take a look first. Don't be angry. You can let him spit out whatever he eats.

Ying Zuo placed all the evidence that Ding Mo handed over to him in front of Chu Lingyun.

He brought two witnesses over and handed them to Hiroshi Ishihara together.


After Chu Lingyun read it, he snorted. Owada relied on his relationship with Hebian Zhengsi to embezzle the interests of trading companies in Suzhou many times. Chu Lingyun didn't care about him before, but it doesn't mean he will never care about him.

This time, I took advantage of the opportunity to spy on intelligence and took care of him by the way.

Kingzuo-kun, thank you very much.

Chu Lingyun put away the information and thanked Ying Zuo, while Ying Zuo waved his hand: It's a trivial matter, not worth mentioning.

This matter was indeed not a big deal. Ying Zuo didn't even ask. After sending Ding Mo out, he quickly gave him the result.

Shi Yi.

Chu Lingyun called out, and Fang Shiyi immediately opened the door and came in.

Take people to Suzhou, escort Masaki Owada back to me, and take Masahiro Iino with you, let him take over as the manager of the Suzhou branch, and let him find out everything Owada has done in these years.

Chu Lingyun ordered, Iino Masahiro is a Japanese employee at the headquarters, and he joined the company with Fang Shiyi.

He is more senior and can take over as branch manager.


Fang Shiyi immediately responded, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

Iino Masahiro graduated from the University of Tokyo and had many disagreements with him. He was jealous of his status next to Toru Ishihara because he was Chinese and said bad things about him many times.

Fang Shiyi was an intelligence officer and did not have the same experience as him to avoid getting into trouble.

However, Masahiro Iino recently said that his hands and feet were not clean when pledging goods, and he even reported it to Hiroshi Ishihara, which made him very worried.

Fang Shiyi didn't think about how to deal with it, so Iino Masahiro was sent to Suzhou by Ishihara Hiroshi, so he no longer had to worry about this scourge bringing him trouble.

Masahiro Iino was informed and was equally happy.

Suzhou is very close to Shanghai, and the branch there is quite large. Being able to work as a manager in Suzhou is definitely better than staying at the headquarters.

He rarely thanked Fang Shiyi.

Ishihara-kun, I still have a lot of things to do over there, so I'm going back first.

After chatting for a while, Ying Zuo stood up and left. He came specifically to give these things to Chu Lingyun and had nothing else to do.

I'll see you off.

Chu Lingyun did not stay with him, but sent him to the door, watched him get in the car and leave, and then returned to the office.

As for Masahiro Iijima, he was sent to Suzhou on purpose.

If he still targets Fang Shiyi when he gets there, then Chu Lingyun can only create an accident for him so that he will never be able to speak.

In Chongqing, when Boss Dai came out of the old man's mansion, Secretary Qi immediately came over to greet him.

When I return, I will inform each branch station and ask them to investigate the activities of the Red Party on their own territory, including their sleeper personnel and guerrillas.

Investigating the Red Party, the old man wants to take action against the Red Party?

Secretary Qi asked in surprise, now is the period of cooperation, if this is done, the impact on public opinion will be too great.

We're not targeting the Red Party, we're targeting lurking people and guerrillas. Those guerrillas have no organization. Just say they are bandits.

Boss Dai shook his head. The red party must not be moved on the surface. If it is moved, it will undermine the resistance against Japan.

Xu Laogui, a sinister person who has not had much credit recently, went to investigate the development of the Red Party. If he didn't investigate, he wouldn't know. If he did, he would be shocked.

The Red Party developed rapidly, and their guerrilla armed forces appeared in various places.

The old man was already very wary of the Red Party. After hearing about it, he immediately called him over and asked the military commanders and the Central Unification Committee to work together to investigate all the situations of the Red Party before making a decision.

Although there was no task assigned, he knew that the old man would definitely take action.

This time, Old Ghost Xu cannot be allowed to perform meritorious service alone. There are more military commanders in various places, and there are loyal and national salvation troops. He has to perform better than Old Ghost Xu.

Now that the military commander has already suppressed the central commander, if he makes another great contribution, the central commander will be overwhelmed by him.

He would never miss such an opportunity.

The third update is the sixth chapter of the monthly pass.

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