Spy Shadow

Chapter 617 Murder and heart-breaking

Chapter 617: Killing and Punishing the Heart

Changsha, combat command room.

General Xue, the Japanese troops have begun to withdraw.

His subordinates came to report that General Xue had not had a good night's sleep in the past twenty days, but his efforts were not in vain, and the arrogant Japanese army suffered.

Come when you want and leave when you want?

General Xue snorted coldly: Bite them, but don't push them too hard. Tell all armies and divisions to stop when you feel like it. I will not be merciful to anyone who wants to be greedy.

Although the Japanese army has retreated, its overall strength is still there. If it advances rashly, it is likely to cause heavy losses.

Just bite them, eat a little bit, and don't let them leave safely.

Now that I'm here, it would be embarrassing if I didn't leave something behind.

General Xue's order was quickly conveyed to all frontline units. The Japanese army was unlucky again. If the army changed its defensive posture and took the initiative to attack, it would not be so easy for them to retreat.

Some Japanese soldiers opened their pockets and deliberately left some bait to attract the pursuing fruit soldiers.

General Xue is very strict in running the army. The frontline generals are not fools. They can eat as much meat as they want. If you show it openly, I can't eat it, so I won't eat it.

If the army was not fooled, Japan's conspiracy came to nothing.

One after another, for nearly ten days, all Japanese troops finally evacuated the war zone, and the Battle of Changsha came to an end.

It didn't last long, a month in total, but the impact of the war was not small.

First of all, Changsha was defended, which gave the Japanese radicals a head-on blow, which greatly boosted the morale and strengthened the determination of the people across the country to resist.

At the same time, the world can see that China's combat effectiveness is not as weak as imagined.

At this time, the Japanese understood that whether it was Tian Jun or Yamada, they were right. As the front expanded, the Japanese army's supply difficulties increased, and the dilemma of insufficient troops was always difficult to get rid of.

The Guo Army is waiting for work. After so many battles, the Guo Army's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. Japan has an equipment advantage, while the Guo Army has a numerical advantage.

Half a pound to eight ounces, if the Japanese army defends the city, it will not be as easy as they think if the Japanese army wants to defeat it.

In Japan, Yamada is writing calligraphy at home.

General, the battle of Changsha is over and the empire has failed.

When his subordinates came over to report, Yamada's hand paused, shook his head slightly, and then continued writing.

They ignored his advice and rushed to fight, but ultimately failed. In addition, many people in the base camp were responsible for the failure of the war with Russia.

I see.

Yamada continued to write. Nishio had experienced such a mistake when he first took office. He didn't know what impact it would have on him.

However, the base camp will not remove him. After all, the rush to attack is not Nishio's wish, but the high-ranking bureaucrats. He is just an executor.

I hope they can see the situation clearly this time and not risk attacking again.

Ring ring ring.

The phone on the table suddenly rang. Yamada put down his pen and picked up the phone. His expression soon became rich.

His predecessor, Tian Junliu, is coming to visit him.

Although they are both outgoing commanders, their results are not the same. Tian Junliu is now better than him. It is said that Tian Junliu became the Prime Minister because of the recommendation of many powerful people and the operation of Prime Minister Abe.

The two of them don't have much interaction, so why did he come to see me?

Yamada did not refuse, Tian Junliu took the initiative to come, and he had to see him.

Pack it up, there are distinguished guests coming soon.

Yamada called his servants to tidy up the house. He is not in a hurry now and is living a happy life. The main reason is that he has money in his hands and does not panic no matter what he does.

Before returning to China, the 200,000 yen given by Toru Ishihara gave him such confidence.

Hiroshi Ishihara was indeed smart and offered not to see him off. How many of the dismissed commanders would rather someone else see them off? Tian Junliu returned to his country quietly back then.

He also didn't tell anyone, and he didn't agree when others wanted to send him away.

The house was clean and tidy, and Tian Junliu's car arrived at the door not long after.

Yamada personally went to the door to greet him.

General Tian Jun, please.

Yamada didn't say too many polite words. He and Tian Junliu had the same position before. There was not much difference in level between the two, and they were not superiors or subordinates. There was no need to be too enthusiastic.

Yamada-kun, have you heard about Changsha?

After sitting down in the living room, Tian Junliu asked first. The two had different titles. Tian Junliu's title was more enthusiastic, and he was obviously taking the initiative to bring the two of them closer.

I just heard about it.

Yamada nodded slightly. Tian Junroku did not agree with rushing to attack. He was a conservative who supported Yamada. Unfortunately, the radicals were too powerful and he had just taken office, so there was no way to stop them.

Yamada-kun, you are right. The empire suffered a lot of losses this time, and some people are responsible for it.

Tian Junliu sighed. Japan did not announce the battle losses to the outside world, but as the Prime Minister, he was very aware of the losses this time.

Tens of thousands of people. For the Chinese, the loss of tens of thousands of people is not scary, but for them, the loss of tens of thousands of people is not small. Especially in this battle, many veterans participated, and their losses are even more embarrassing. Heartache.

It can't be Nishio, right?

Yamada smiled and said, knowingly asking, Nishio cannot take responsibility, otherwise many people will slap themselves in the face. He has just taken office, and he is executing orders from the base camp. When something goes wrong, the person who gave the order does not care, and punishing the person who did it cannot be justified anywhere. .

Besides, Nishio is not someone who just takes the blame for others.

Of course not. His Majesty is very dissatisfied. There will probably be some adjustments at the base camp.

Tian Junliu shook his head. The responsibility was not on him. How to adjust? See above. However, the leaders will be fine. The others will be unlucky.

There has to be a scapegoat to take the blame this time.

What are their plans next?

Recuperate and digest the existing territory.

It's not good to do this a long time ago. I have to learn a lesson.

Yamada sneered and said that he had made such an arrangement before, and the effect was good. Although he did not capture more Chinese territory, at least the occupied area was relatively stable and the soldiers got a rest.

It's better now. After a battle, many people were lost, and after a while, he finally returned to his path.

How was Toru Ishihara before you returned home?

Tian Junliu suddenly asked, and Yamada was a little surprised and looked up at him.

Tian Junliu actually asked Ishihara Hiroshi?

That kid is very good. Anyone can get into trouble, but he can't. He makes a fortune all day long. None of us will have as much money as him in the future.

Yamada smiled and said, Ishihara Hiroshi is indeed very good, rich, living a comfortable life, and surrounded by a group of military officers to support him.

Not to mention the underground emperor of Shanghai, but there are very few people who can provoke him.

It's not about daring to provoke, but about being able to provoke. The difference between one word and another has a completely different meaning.

Some people may not be able to recognize themselves and do things beyond their capabilities. The end result is predictable, but if they say they can't, that is the real relationship between strength.

I agree with this. This guy is very good at making money.

Tian Junliu smiled and nodded, then changed the subject and suddenly said: Shanghai Military Police Headquarters investigated Kurosawa Yasukuma. The problem is very serious and he has been dismissed and investigated.

Yamada looked at him in surprise, and he immediately understood that Tian Junroku was here to be a lobbyist today, and he was here for Toru Ishihara.

He had heard before that Tian Junliu and Ishihara Hiroshi had an unusual relationship, and it was true.

As for Kawabe Shosi, he and Ishihara Hiroshi almost wear the same pair of pants. Unexpectedly, Tian Shunliu and Ishihara Hiroshi have such a good relationship. They personally came to visit for Ishihara Hiroshi's matter. No wonder Ishihara Hiroshi's previous business was doing so well.

The relationship between the commander of the headquarters and the chief of staff is fully connected, and it is difficult to do well even if you want to.

Is it particularly serious?

Yamada asked slowly. When Tian Jun heard what he said, he understood that Yamada still wanted to protect Kurosawa.

After all, Kurosawa was his. He was brought to Nanjing from the Northeast. He left, leaving Kurosawa behind. Kurosawa lost his backstage and was now being liquidated by Ishihara Hiroshi. If he didn't protect him, Kurosawa would definitely die.

It's very serious. He robbed his subordinates of their achievements, used nepotism, resold military supplies, and allowed his relatives to invade the empire's interests. There were more than a dozen lives in his hands.

Tian Junliu replied that the human lives in Kurosawa's hands naturally did not include Chinese people. It was the black hand he carried out when he eliminated dissidents.

The military police command team wanted to investigate him, and Takemoto personally led the team to thoroughly investigate Kurosawa's past.

As long as he does some things and leaves traces, it is not difficult to find out.

Moreover, Kurosawa had always been bold when he followed Yamada. He would have his own generals and soldiers. Hirota of the Nanjing Water Patrol Brigade dared to seize the goods of Ishihara Trading Company, which was the result of being arrogant.

Can he be allowed to return to China for treatment?

Yamada asked in a low voice, and Tian Shunroku smiled: Yamada-kun, if he doesn't return home, he will be able to survive for a few more days. Whether he can get off the ship when he comes back is unknown. Lord Touman will not let him live.

Yamada was silent, Tian Shunroku was right, Kurosawa was the one who offended Ishihara Toru and was attacked by Ishihara Toru.

Ishihara Hiroshi was concerned about his face and would not kill him.

But when he reaches the country, Lord Touman will not spare him.

Tomitsu regards Ishihara Hiroshi as his successor and has been paving the way for him. In Tomitsu's eyes, Kurosawa is just a nobody. He doesn't even have to do it himself. If he expresses his dissatisfaction with Kurosawa to outsiders, Kurosawa will die.

Forget it, that kid still has some conscience, but Tian Junjun, you actually came to my place specifically for his matter, which really surprises me.

Yamada is not stupid, he understands that the purpose of Tian Shunliu's visit is to come for Ishihara Toru.

Ishihara Toru has enough respect for him, and there are people like Shunroku Tian coming forward. Even if he wants to protect Kurosawa, he must take the thoughts of these two people into consideration, and it is impossible to go all out to protect him.

Besides, he doesn't have much real power now, and he can't keep it even if he really wants to.

Ishihara has helped me. There is an old Chinese saying that a drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring. A helping hand in time is better than adding icing on the cake.

Tian Junliu smiled and nodded. He did not deny that it was indeed Ishihara Hiroshi who invited him.

If he comes forward, Yamada will no longer have any objections, and Kurosawa will be dead.

It seems that Hiroshi Ishihara has done a lot of things that I don't know about.

Yamada said tentatively, and Tian Junliu smiled generously and said: You may not believe it, Yamada-kun, but when I returned to China, I came back alone, and I happened to meet Ishihara Hiroshi on the boat who also returned to China. We had a great chat along the way, After arriving in the country, Toru Ishihara took the initiative to mediate for me. First he came to serve as the military attaché to His Majesty, and then Lord Toumatoshi pushed me to join the cabinet. I really owe them a favor.

Tian Junliu did not expect that meeting Ishihara Hiroshi by chance would become a turning point in his life.

When they were in Shanghai, the relationship between the two was average and they never even met. As a result, he was dismissed from his post. Instead, he met and became familiar with Ishihara Hiroshi, and eventually they became friends.

Tian Junliu is different from Hebian. He regards Ishihara Hiroshi as a friend and has been with him forever.

Hebian is a bit like the people in the literary club. His relationship with Ishihara Hiroshi has gone too deep and he has become a de facto ally.

Ishihara Hiroshi uses different methods to get along with different people, and will satisfy everyone. This is something even Tian Shunroku admires very much.

It's terrifying to be able to play with people's hearts to such an extent at such a young age. No wonder he was taken notice of by Lord Touman.

It's no wonder you still have such an experience.

Yamada nodded slowly, Ishihara Hiroshi had helped Tian Junliu so much, and even influenced Tian Junliu's fate.

It's not surprising that Tian Junliu is willing to help him.

Ishihara Hiroshi's ability once again made Yamada Gao take a look.

Kurosawa is too arrogant. He followed me along. It was me who indulged them so much that he suffered this fate. This is his destiny. I will not interfere.

But I have a request. Let his family go. His family will not bring any danger to Ishihara Hiroshi.

Yamada no longer protects Kurosawa, but as a commander, he must do something.

If you can't save Kurosawa, you have to do the next best thing and save his family.

Ishihara Hiroshi did not attack his family.

Tian Junliu said with a smile, Yamada was relieved, but there was something Tian Junliu didn't say.

Just because Hiroshi Ishihara didn't take action didn't mean that others wouldn't move. Kurosawa had offended so many people, and everyone pushed down the wall. Once he fell, those he had harmed would not let his family go easily.

This has nothing to do with them. If something like this really happens, Yamada can't blame them.

A few days later, Kurosawa was in jail at the Shanghai Military Police Headquarters, wearing a military uniform that barely fit him and his hair was messy.

His military rank is gone, he is now a prisoner and his trial will soon begin.

The gendarmerie got a lot of evidence of his crimes. Taken together, there was basically no way for him to survive.

Kitadai, you're back, how are you? Has anything been said about my family?

Seeing someone coming outside, Kurosawa immediately leaned in front of the cage and asked anxiously.

After he was caught, he understood who was dealing with him. He did not expect that Ishihara Hiroshi, a businessman, would dare to attack him, a garrison general.

Unexpectedly, the military police command team cooperated with each other and quickly captured him.

General Nishio will not help him. He has few connections in Shanghai. If he wants to survive, all his hopes lie in General Yamada.

He asked Kitashiro, the jailer in charge, to help him send a message to his family outside and ask his family to send a report to General Yamada to save him. For this purpose, he gave Kitashiro a lot of money.

Before he was caught, he would never look at a high-class soldier like Kitai.

Yes, this is a letter for you.

Kitai took a lot of money from him, so he had to help him. Kurosawa was a general after all. Even if he fell, there were still many disciples and old officials outside.

Anyone is of a higher level than him, and it is very easy to deal with him as an ordinary soldier.

Putting the note into Kurosawa's hand, he immediately walked out and returned to his post.

Kurosawa opened the note, and the content on it made his eyes widen instantly.

General Yamada received his telegram and responded very simply. It was written by his family and contained a lot of content, but the telegram sent back by General Yamada only contained one sentence.

There is nothing we can do and we can arrange for the family to return to China as soon as possible.

Lord Yamada actually rejected him?

All his hopes were pinned on Yamada. Although Yamada was no longer the commander, his rank had not changed, and his position when he returned home was not low.

If Yamada doesn't save him, he will die.


Kurosawa suddenly roared. His biggest supporter was Yamada, and he was abandoned by his supporter.

How much money did Yamada receive from Hiroshi Ishihara, yet he refused to save him until death?

He knew very well how much goods Ishihara Trading Company had. The people in the water patrol brigade had been changed, but Nanjing was his territory after all. He knew every time Ishihara Trading Company's cargo ship passed by.

Ishihara Hiroshi made so much money, and he did not block his financial path and made so many concessions. After Yamada left, why did Ishihara Hiroshi still attack him?

He hates Ishihara Hiroshi, and even more hates Yamada for his ruthlessness.

But this time he did not accuse Yamada wrongly. Yamada really took Ishihara Hiroshi's money, and a lot of it.


Soushi Inoue suddenly walked in from outside, followed by several people, and shouted when he saw Kitashiro.

Second Lieutenant Inoue.

Kitashiro immediately stood up straight and saluted. Inoue was not a high-ranking officer, but he was an officer and was stronger than himself, a superior soldier.

Moreover, Inoue is in the Intelligence Department and has the trust of Takemoto, the director of the Intelligence Department, and has considerable power.

Take it.

Inoue shouted, and the people around him immediately stepped forward and arrested Hokudai. Hokudai appeared panicked and asked hurriedly: Second Lieutenant Inoue, I didn't do anything, why are you arresting me?

No, what happened to the extra 800 yen you had at home? Who do you keep running to the hotel to see? Do you want me to search inside now?

Inoue asked coldly. Kitashiro helped Kurosawa deliver the message. They knew it from the beginning, but Ishihara Hiroshi didn't let them ask, so that Kurosawa would understand better.

If the life-saving straw cannot save him, Kurosawa will be even more desperate.

Now that the news has reached Kurosawa, Kitashiro is useless, and Inoue immediately comes to arrest him.

After saying this, Inoue ignored Kitashiro and went inside. It didn't take long before he found the note just now from Kurosawa's body. This was what Kitashiro sent in.

Outside, Beidai was trembling all over. He had committed a crime and was known to the Intelligence Department.

What he did was actually done by many people. As jailers, this was what they had to eat.

You can eat it, but that doesn't mean it's okay.

If the superiors turn a blind eye, nothing will happen, but if they are investigated, it will be a serious crime.

He is just a top-class soldier with no power and no background. Otherwise, he would not be guarding the cell and would be on duty in a dark place all day long.

Ishihara-kun, Kurosawa is dead. He committed suicide.

In the afternoon, Takemoto came to Ishihara Trading Company and reported to Chu Lingyun.

After taking away the note, Kurosawa knew that he had no way to survive. He did not want to be judged and executed in humiliation, so he chose to commit suicide as a thief.

Takemoto had prepared a rope for him before and hanged himself.

Just die. Give the body to his family. This matter ends here.

Chu Lingyun said lightly, while Takemoto lowered his head: Hai.

For people like Kurosawa, Toru Ishihara said he would torture him to death, and even commit murder. He asked Kurosawa to communicate with his backstage, and then let him commit suicide in despair after the backstage gave up on him.

Fortunately, he boarded Ishihara Hiroshi's ship very early and never became an enemy of Ishihara Hiroshi.

Ishihara Hiroshi is not in the army and has no official position, but he is much more terrifying than those high-ranking officials. Takemoto really felt the power of Lord Touma in Ishihara Hiroshi.

The two of them are the same kind of people.

In Nanjing, Miyamoto stood in a new office, not the one Kurosawa used. Kurosawa offended Ishihara Toru and was killed by Ishihara. His office was unlucky, so Miyamoto did not use it anymore.

After choosing a new room, all the items were newly purchased. Looking at the brand new office, Miyamoto was very satisfied.

General Miyamoto.

Suzuki Teruyoshi walked into the office and lowered his head slightly.

Come and sit.

Miyamoto greeted Suzuki without any airs.

The two sat down on the sofa, and Suzuki took the initiative to make tea.

You and I are both members of the commune. We are our own people in Nanjing. Ishihara-kun's goods must not have any problems. Your burden is very heavy. I will give you another batch of patrol boats, including gunboats, to increase the number of people in your water patrol brigade. If anything happens in the future, you can come to me directly, even if I can’t handle it, Ishihara-kun will be there too.”

Miyamoto did not hide it at all. Suzuki Teruyoshi was the captain of the water patrol brigade. After Feitian was arrested, Chu Lingyun arranged him here through operation.

Suzuki has been very low-key since arriving, and is only responsible for taking care of his own one-third of an acre of land.

He never asks about other people's affairs.

Including some personal belongings smuggled by officers, he had no hindrance. He knew that Kurosawa did not want to see him. In order not to cause trouble to Ishihara Hiroshi, he would rather not make money and work in peace.

Kurosawa did not like him, but Suzuki was very low-key and had not made any mistakes, so Kurosawa had nothing to do.

Framing someone, this kind of thing can be done to others, but it is absolutely impossible to deal with Suzuki. The headquarters, military police, and liaison department all have people from Toru Ishihara. If he arrests people, the military police will come to check in detail.

If they find out the truth, he will be the unlucky one.

I understand, you can rest assured that nothing will go wrong with me.

Suzuki nodded excitedly. The hard days were over, and Kurosawa was indeed fucked by Ishihara Hiroshi.

As soon as General Yamada left, Toru Ishihara attacked Kurosawa. He really didn't want to wait any longer.

The new garrison commander is a member of their literary club.

It is conceivable that his good days are about to begin.

Except for the goods from Ishihara Trading Company, all other goods must be carefully checked. If there is any problem, let them come to me.

Miyamoto ordered that there are many people engaged in smuggling business, and many high-ranking officials have made a lot of money from this business.

However, their scale cannot be compared with Ishihara Trading Company.

Just because you didn't ask before, doesn't mean you won't care about it in the future.

Before he took office, he went to Ishihara Hanna to thank him in person and asked this question.

Since these people are smuggling a bit rampantly, it would be better to suppress them to avoid affecting the interests of Ishihara Trading Company.

With the support of Ishihara Hiroshi, Miyamoto has no worries.

I know, don't worry, I will verify it carefully and never let these worms that infringe on the interests of the empire continue to thrive.

Suzuki smiled and Miyamoto also smiled. Other smugglers were infringing on the interests of the empire, but Ishihara Trading Company was upright.

To their extent, no one else has double standards.

Suzuki is not from Miyamoto. Miyamoto has his own people, and this time he transferred many of his former subordinates and students.

There is a Chinese saying that is very apt. When a person achieves enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascends to heaven, and Miyamoto survives, he will naturally support his former colleagues, so that his future work can be carried out more easily.

Kurosawa fell, and his people became the targets of liquidation. They were the people brought by Kurosawa from the Kwantung Army, and no one spoke for them after they were liquidated.

This is the best opportunity to occupy all these positions while Ishihara Hiroshi is backing him and the headquarters is ignoring him.

Very well, go and do your work.

Miyamoto nodded. Suzuki entered the literary club earlier than him, but he had a level advantage.

He has the highest rank in the entire literary society, not counting General Matsumoto. General Matsumoto is the honorary president and never cares about the affairs within the literary society.

He got the benefit and believed that his experience would stimulate more people. In the future literary society, there will definitely be more than one person of his level, and he would not be surprised if someone of a higher level appears.

His future will be brighter in the future.

Suzuki left the garrison headquarters with a light and airy feeling all over his body.

So cool, so cool.

What General Miyamoto said to him today did not treat him as an outsider at all, and made it clear that they were all members of the literary society and one of our own.

There is Miyamoto here and Ishihara Toru in Shanghai. As long as he works hard, the colonel will be just around the corner.

Today's life is really different from before he joined the literary club. Joining the literary club has become the best decision he has ever made in his life.

Kurosawa's death did touch some people.

They were only a minority, and this incident made them understand how big-hearted Ishihara Hiroshi was, and they would never offend such people in the future.

It's not about not retaliating, it's about waiting for the opportunity.

When the time comes, he strikes immediately. Kurosawa, a garrison commander, has no chance to fight back, which shows how powerful Toru Ishihara is.

Now Hiroshi Ishihara has officially become a dazzling figure, just like Mitsuru back then.

In Japan, Man Man was lying on a recliner with his head closed and his eyes closed, while the people next to him were telling him about Shanghai.

A smile gradually appeared on Touman's lips.

That's right. Don't be reckless. You won't make a move unless you are completely sure. Once you make a move, you won't be given any chance to resist.

But what he admires most is not Ishihara Hiroshi's time for revenge.

This time is very good to see his shadow.

What he likes most is Ishihara Hiroshi’s watertight way of doing things.

Kurosawa's backer is Yamada. He asked Tian Junliu to come to the door, and then asked Kurosawa to contact Yamada so that he could personally experience the feeling of being abandoned by his backer.

This is why I let you die and let you die.

Kurosawa committed suicide. In this case, he had no way out except suicide. Being executed by the gendarmerie would be even more humiliating for him and would harm his family.

Kurosawa's family won't let them return to the country.

Tou Man suddenly said, and the people around him were slightly startled, and immediately understood what Tou Man meant.

This is to eliminate the root cause.

When Kurosawa's family returned to China, Yamada would naturally take care of them, but when they stayed in China, Yamada was beyond his reach, so there was nothing he could do.

Kurosawa's enemies will definitely take action. If Kurosawa dies, his family will soon look for him and be reunited.

For this pair of masters and disciples, one is darker than the other, and the other is more vicious than the other.

Being their enemy is definitely the greatest tragedy.

Kurosawa's matter is a trivial matter to Chu Lingyun. The Battle of Changsha is over, and the war in Europe will be faster.

Half a month ago, Poland was occupied by Germany. Britain and France declared no war, but they were making a lot of internal preparations to deal with the rising Germany.

Many businessmen contacted Smith again and sent more important personnel to China. At this time, these people were still on the ship.

No one expected that the person with the most sulfonamides now is actually in China.

In the special high school class, Mitsui smiled proudly.

Hu Donggui died and committed suicide. After he admitted that he had been instigated by the military commander to rebel, Nanyun demanded that Hu Donggui be handed over to the secret service headquarters for disposal.

How could Mitsui agree? Hu Donggui committed suicide within two days.

Once he died, the matter was finalized and there was no possibility of change.

Nanyun was punished. She didn't expect that the teacher's punishment for her was so severe. She was fined half a year's salary and was demoted one level.

Lieutenant Colonel was demoted to Major.

After receiving the news, Mitsui couldn't help but laughed.

Nan Yun, who had been demoted to Major, was no longer a threat to him. Her military rank was too low. Even if she was transferred, Nan Yun would not be able to take over the Shanghai Special High School.

What's more, since he has made a contribution this time, it is even more impossible for the chief section chief to transfer him.

Section Chief, I discovered Chinese agents.

When Ishida came to the office, Mitsui immediately sat up straight and asked quickly: Have you confirmed your identity?

OK. Ishida nodded.

Who is it? Where is it?

Mitsui asked, There has been a lot of good news recently. Jiang Teng has just made great achievements, and Ishida has opened again.

If he continues to make meritorious deeds, his position will be more secure.

In our Army Investigations Division.

Army Investigations?

Mitsui was slightly startled. The Army Investigation Department is a separate agency that mainly reviews some situations in the military. They are not particularly powerful and cannot interfere with the operations of the military.

But they are very important. Supervisory departments like them will be very troublesome once they are caught. Most people are not willing to mess with them.

There are not many Chinese people in this kind of department, and there are only some odd jobs. He is not surprised that there are Chinese agents infiltrating the department.

Chinese agents have no holes and will not let go of anyone who needs their intelligence.

Who is it? What is your identity?

Confidential Secretary of the Information Office, Hiroshi Ohta.


Mitsui raised his head in surprise. As soon as he heard the name, he knew he belonged to them, and the information office was very important. It was impossible for a Chinese to hold such a position as a confidential secretary.

Yes, they are indeed our people.

Ishida nodded and continued: According to my investigation, he and Jian Shihao were classmates at the University of Tokyo. They had a very good relationship. Jian Shihao later entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and had frequent contact with Ohta Hiroshi. Later, Jian Shihao instigated a rebellion against Ohta Hiroshi. Ohta Bozhi even joined the intelligence department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked for them with a Chinese salary.

The confidential secretary of the Army Investigation Department turned out to be an agent instigated by China.

And he is an agent who has joined the Chinese camp.

No wonder Ishida said that what he discovered was a Chinese agent. This statement is correct.

How do you know so much?

Mitsui raised his head and asked, and found that he could understand Ohta Hiroshi's identity. Ishida even found out that he had joined the Chinese secret service.

He must ask this clearly.


Ishida took out a piece of paper, Mitsui opened it, and his eyes tightened slightly.

Guaranteed 8,000-word chapter, thank you for your hard work and another reward of 100 starting coins.

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