Spy Shadow

Chapter 523 Go clean the toilet

Director, they arrested someone.

On the other side, Takemoto immediately received the news of Hoshino's action. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. Hoshino took the bait. This time he would definitely be finished.

Notify Section Chief Mitsui and prepare for action.

Takemoto checked the pistol on his body. As long as Hoshino caught Takagi, the initiative would no longer be in his hands. The most important thing about this trap was that he needed to take action.

The next development will be controlled by them, and Hoshino will no longer have any say.

No one from the headquarters, the gendarmerie, the special high school, or the police security bureau would speak for Hoshino.

These departments all blamed Hoshino, and Hoshino was full of words and couldn't explain clearly.

Great, let's go and cooperate with Lieutenant Colonel Takemoto of the Military Police to capture Hoshino Kozo.

Mitsui got the news and clenched his fists excitedly. Hoshino finally got him down.

This plan went very smoothly, but he understood that the reason for this was inseparable from the strong cooperation of the three departments.

In other words, it's because of Ishihara Hiroshi.

Hiroshi Ishihara, a businessman, has really great energy.

Hoshino took the people to the car. He didn't ask anything on the way, but Takagi was calm and didn't say a word.

Let them tie themselves up without saying a word.

Hoshino did not return to the detective office. He went to the safe house where Li Zhiqun and others were.

He will ask for a confession here first, and then return to the detective office.

He caught the person, obtained the confession, and the work was done. Even if Mitsui knew the news and came over in person, it would be useless. No one could take this credit away from him.

He was looking forward to it and saw Mitsui's disappointed and angry expression.

He was lucky. Takemoto was unwilling to help him, and Toru Ishihara didn't agree. Without the help of these people, he could still make great achievements and put himself in an invincible position.

If we can expand the results this time and find out the more important traitors in the headquarters, such as Toshiaki Shimakura, it is not impossible for him to be promoted to colonel.

With a promotion in military rank, a few more achievements in the future, or if Mitsui makes some mistakes, he is very likely to take over Mitsui's position and become the new section chief.

After becoming the section chief, he will definitely take revenge on those who looked down on him before.

Takemoto was the first one. Isn’t Takemoto the intelligence chief of the Military Police? He would use his power to find a way to transfer Takemoto from the military police to the special high school. This kind of thing has happened before.

As long as Takemoto reaches the extra-high-level course, won’t he be allowed to be manipulated by himself from now on?

There is also Ishihara Hiroshi, a businessman who dares to reject him. He deserves to die. Ishihara Trading Company is very big. If they frame him and say that he is a Chinese agent, not only will Ishihara Hiroshi be destroyed, but all his wealth will also be his own.

Hoshino is high-spirited and has great expectations for the future.

You interrogate An Yaozu, and I will interrogate Takagi.

After getting the irrefutable evidence, Xingye had no worries and decided to interrogate the case together. Li Zhiqun immediately bowed his head and took An Yaozu to another room.

Hoshino came to the living room and asked someone to bring Takagi over.

Takagi Takahiro, when did you betray the empire and defect to the Chinese? How many times have you provided them with information? Who is your contact, or who gave you this information?

Hoshino got straight to the point and asked directly.

Who are you?

Takagi Takahiro had already received instructions and knew the identity of the other party, so he asked knowingly.

Hoshino Kozo, the intelligence team leader of Shanghai Special High School, you should know now why I arrested you. Don't take any chances. An Yaozu, the person you passed the information to, has been arrested. If you want to survive, you'd better tell the truth. I'll save your life.

Hoshino wants a bigger fish and makes a promise to Takagi Takahiro.

An Yaozu's muffled screams could be heard next door. Li Zhiqun also did not ask for the results and began to torture.

Takagi said nothing and turned his head to the side.

Soon, his mouth was gagged and someone started pinching his fingers.

Commander Takemoto, please.

Outside the door, Mitsui was in a very good mood and made a gesture to Takemoto.

It was Takemoto who arrested today, he was just here to cooperate.

Takemoto glanced at him, said nothing, and nodded lightly.

Several gendarmes rushed into the courtyard. The man guarding the door immediately drew his gun. When he noticed that the Japanese were coming in, he put down his pistol again.

Director, the person is inside.

Takemoto's men rushed in first and controlled everyone inside. Hoshino and Takagi were brought out together.

Seeing Shimakura Toshiaki standing with Mitsui outside, Takagi immediately shouted: Shimakura-sama, I didn't say anything. I didn't mention any of the secrets he wanted to know.

Hoshino also noticed the people outside. When he saw Takemoto and Mitsui, he was shocked. How could these two people be together and find him here?

If Mitsui came alone, why would there be military police here?

Who are they? Shimakura took a step forward and asked in a deep voice.

He just said that he is the intelligence team leader of the Super High School, Hoshino Kozo.

Takagi shouted, raising his hands at the same time: In order to force me to tell important information, he made my fingers like this.

In fact, his finger had just been tortured and was only pinched. The redness and swelling were terrible, but the actual damage was not serious.

You can recover after a few days of cultivation.

Director Takemoto, someone wants to spy on the important information of our headquarters. Now that the person and the stolen goods have been obtained, I will leave the person to you, but I want to take Takagi away.

Yes, you can take him away at any time after he finishes recording his confession.

Takemoto said with a smile, Hoshino looked at them dumbfounded. At this time, he and all his men were controlled by the military police.

Takemoto, Mitsui, what do you mean? I have no information about spying on the headquarters. He is a traitor who was instigated by the Chinese to rebel. I have his evidence.

Hoshino hurriedly shouted, Mitsui and Takemoto actually got together?

Moreover, when they appeared and caught him, Hoshino instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

Especially Shimakura's appearance, directly accusing him of spying on important information.

The gendarmerie, the headquarters, plus the extra-high school courses, his star ambitions were beating faster and faster. At this time, he finally understood that he had fallen into a trap.

This is the trap set for him.

What evidence?

Mitsui came over, and Hoshino hurriedly shouted: The evidence is on my body. Section Chief, please let me go, and I will show it to you.

Mitsui ignored him, walked to him, and took out the note he had seized from An Yaozu.

Is it this one?

Yes, that's right.

Hoshino hurriedly shouted, luckily he arrested the person only after having irrefutable evidence.

You fool me?

After Mitsui opened it, his expression suddenly changed, and he took out the open note. At this time, the note became completely blank, with no words on it.

Mitsui also deliberately let everyone at the scene see the appearance of the note to make sure there was no writing on it.

No, there was more just now. It's important information.

Hoshino was stunned for a moment and immediately looked at Mitsui. This was their game, and the target was him. They had tampered with this note, so the writing on it disappeared.

take away.

Takemoto didn't give him a chance to speak, and the words on the note disappeared, just for everyone to see, indicating that his so-called irrefutable evidence was simply false.

As for such notes, he could have as many as he wanted.

In front of everyone, Hoshino himself was unable to justify himself. Without the content on the note, his arrest of Takagi became unreasonable.

Hoshino's mouth was gagged and everyone was taken to the military police station.

Takemoto first recorded a confession for Takagi. According to Takagi's confession, Hoshino wrongly accused him of providing intelligence to the Chinese, and then arrested him and forced him to question him about some important information about the battle in Henan and the attack on Wuhan.

Don't say that he doesn't know these things, even if he knows that he will die, he can't talk about it.

Hoshino inquires about important military information, what does he want to do?

Next came the interrogation of Li Zhiqun and others. Li Zhiqun was not stupid. Mitsui, the section chief of the Special Higher Education Course, the gendarmerie and the headquarters all mobilized to catch them.

This is the conflict between Hoshino and Mitsui. Mitsui wants to kill Hoshino, but they are the victims.

Without Takemoto's temptation, Li Zhiqun immediately expressed his willingness to cooperate and just wanted to survive. He was deceived and used by Hoshino, and he had no intention of betraying the empire.

He didn't know that Hoshino wanted to find out important information, and thought that Hoshino was really investigating the case.

He was very smart and poured all the dirty water on Hoshino.

Li Zhiqun's cooperation made Takemoto very satisfied.

Next are several of Hoshino's subordinates in the Special High School Course.

One person bit him to death and refused to admit it, so he was beaten to death by Takemoto. When the others saw this, they immediately followed Takemoto's request and bit Hoshino.

Mitsui doesn't like to see these people, and they will die as soon as they die. There will never be any gossip in the extra-high class.

The next step is to torture Hoshino.

The situation was very unfavorable for Hoshino. The evidence for his arrest of Takagi turned into a blank piece of paper and was transferred by Takemoto. It was useless for anyone to come and investigate.

Takagi slandered him for seeking important information, and all his subordinates testified against him, saying that he indeed wanted important information from the headquarters. Because Takagi was of low rank and had the opportunity to do something, he chose Takagi.

Li Zhiqun and others admitted that Hoshino deliberately asked them to frame An Yaozu because An Yaozu knew and had contact with Takagi.

Their testimony dealt a fatal blow to Hoshino.

Hoshino Kozo, what else do you have to say?

In the torture room, Takemoto asked coldly, and Hoshino raised his head with a sad smile.

Just now, he was dreaming of spring and autumn and wanted revenge, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be a trap by the enemy. In the blink of an eye, he became a prisoner.

Apart from anything else, he arrested Takagi and instead of taking him back for interrogation, he went to the rental house to interrogate him. He couldn't explain this alone.

Not to mention the testimony of Li Zhiqun and others.

He is now separated from his relatives, and people from several departments want to kill him. He understands that he is completely finished this time.

Mitsui is ruthless enough to kill him if he takes action.

What benefits did Mitsui give you, and you actually helped him like this?

Hoshino Kozo was a little confused. Neither Ishihara Hiroshi nor Takemoto agreed to his request for help.

It's okay if you don't agree, why do you want to deal with yourself?

Is it because Mitsui is of a higher level than him?

Definitely not. No matter how high Mitsui was, he was just a captain, and he did not pose any threat to Takemoto. There was no need for Takemoto to please Mitsui to frame him.

Takemoto waved his hand and asked everyone to go out.

No one was in the torture room. After turning off the recorder, Takemoto said softly: Mitsui didn't do me any favors. We won't object if you ask Takeda Hiroshi to help you, but you should never, never, never think of killing Ishihara. You pulled me into the water.

Is that why?

Hoshino's eyes widened. How many people were going to deal with him and kill him just because he asked Ishihara Hiroshi for help?

You don't understand that anyone who threatens Mr. Ishihara is our enemy. You have committed a big taboo.

Takemoto walked to Hoshino's side and said calmly: I'll give you a chance to solve it on your own, otherwise I can only torture you until you can't hold it anymore.

Hoshino is not an ordinary person. The Military Police has a tradition of meeting the third-level official, but if Takemoto beat Hoshino to death, he will still be investigated.

After speaking, Takemoto loosened some ropes for Hoshino. This is a torture chamber. If Hoshino wants to die, there are many ways.


When they got outside, Takemoto whispered that all his men were here, and Hoshino couldn't make waves inside.

In the torture room, Hoshino broke away from the rope soon.

He looked ferocious, he didn't want to die and wanted revenge.

He looked around, and soon his eyes lit up. There was a gun on the interrogation table.

He didn't think twice and immediately picked up the gun.

Just as he was holding the gun, the door suddenly opened. It was not Takemoto outside, but two military police soldiers. Seeing him holding a gun in his hand, they immediately raised their spears and started shooting together.

When he fell, Hoshino suddenly understood that Takemoto was still setting a trap for him until now.

He untied himself and took the gun again because he wanted to run away, giving the other party a reason to kill him.

Takemoto is not that smart, it is Mitsui, and everything is Mitsui's plan.

Chief Section Chief, what kind of section chief did you choose in Shanghai? Why do you want to keep me here? I will never rest in peace.

This was Hoshino's last thought.

Director, he has a gun and wants to run away. We can only shoot.

The people outside were not arranged by Takemoto, but the arrangement inside was indeed Takemoto's intention.

Hoshino was killed by the guards when he tried to run away, and it was his own fault.

Moreover, he grabbed the weapon and tried to run away, which further confirmed his guilt.

This is better than letting him commit suicide. The so-called suicide is just Takemoto's deception.

It's okay, but after all, he is the intelligence team leader of the Special High School Course. You go and ask Section Chief Mitsui to come over. We have to give an explanation to the Special High School Course.

What kind of explanation does the extra-high school class want? It turns out that they worked together and deliberately framed him.

Hoshino is dead, everyone is happy and happy.

The only unhappy person was Takeda Hiroshi. He was in the military police and knew about it earlier than others. Unfortunately, it was a step too late. When he arrived at the intelligence office, he saw Hoshino's body.

Takeda-kun, I know you are affectionate, but don't do this stupid thing again in the future. Ishihara-kun is very important. He cannot be in any danger. No matter who it is, anyone who has the idea of ​​harming Ishihara-kun is our enemy. You were uninformed this time, and if something like this happens again in the future, I won’t be able to protect you.”

Takemoto whispered to him that as for Hoshino's body, he would hand it over to Takeda Hiroshi.

In fact, he once thought about getting rid of Takeda Hiroshi together to avoid future troubles.

It's just that Hoshino has just been killed, so it's not the right time to attack Takeda Hiroshi.

Takeda Hiroshi was shocked, and regardless of his sadness, he raised his head and looked at Takemoto.

Hoshino has no good intentions. He wants to use Ishihara Hiroshi's energy to help him fight for power.

Seeing his confusion, Takemoto simply explained it to him.

But Hoshino told me that he just wanted to protect himself, and it was Mitsui from the Special High School who wanted to harm him.

Takeda Hiroshi argued. Takemoto looked at him and sighed slightly: Takeda-kun, think about it for yourself. I can't help you if you don't understand.

After Takemoto left, he helped Takeda Hiroshi by joining the literary club.

Moreover, now that the Literary Society has been established, Toru Ishihara is not as willing to invest in anyone as he was at the beginning. If it does not bring enough returns, Toru Ishihara will never help.

Hoshino's mistake was that he only wanted to get, but did not think about giving. He directly asked Takeda Hiroshi to intercede for him and wanted to drag Ishihara Toru into trouble, which made them angry.

Hoshino has himself to blame. If Hiroshi Takeda can't figure it out, his end will not be much better in the future.

Literary clubs are not just for entry and exit. People who are not suitable will be kicked out.

Mitsui took Ishida Koyama and Jiang Tengkong to the military police.

Section Chief Mitsui, Hoshino grabbed the gun and tried to escape, but was shot dead on the spot. This is his confession. If you think it's okay, I hope your special high school class will give us a document.

Mitsui, Ishida Koyama and Jiang Tengkong who were received by Takemoto were all stunned for a moment. Mitsui dealt with Hoshino and did not tell them.

This time there is external help, so there is no need for the two of them to take action.

Hoshino is dead?

Jiang Tengkong and Ishida Xiaoshan looked at each other. Why did Hoshino disappear so suddenly without them hearing anything?

Both of them looked at Mitsui. Mitsui was silent and actually got rid of Hoshino?

And let the gendarmerie help.

Mitsui noticed the shocked looks in their eyes and was very satisfied.

He deliberately brought two people here to let them have a new understanding of him and let them understand that it would be easy for him to get rid of Hoshino without them.

So far, the effect is very good.

No problem. Hoshino deserved it. He even tried to escape. He deserved to die.

Mitsui replied that the method of killing Hoshino was indeed his idea for Takemoto.

Mitsui's heart is very dark, and he is not without means. He is very skilled in this way of framing people.

It would be great if Section Chief Mitsui understands.

Takemoto didn’t say much, Hoshino was dead, and Mitsui would have to do the follow-up work.

The man was arrested by the Military Police, and he needed the Special High School Division to give him a document confirming that Hoshino really wanted to spy on important information in the army, so that he could explain it to General Matsumoto.

The Special High School Division admitted Hoshino's crime. General Matsumoto would not care about the life or death of a team leader of the Special High School Division. As for the headquarters, the people there have always protected shortcomings.

The person who captured them still wants confidential information, which is seeking death.

The biggest trouble lies in the extra-high-level courses, but this is Mitsui's problem, and it is up to him to respond to the cross-examination from above.

The body must be given to Mitsui, not to Takeda Hiroshi.

Takeda Hiroshi found Takemoto and wanted to help Hoshino collect the body, but Takemoto did not agree.

It's not that it's deliberately embarrassing, it's a procedural violation.

After all, Hoshino is now an agent spying on their confidential information. It is normal for the Special High School to take back his body. Hoshino's case is not over yet.

Next, the Special High School will continue the investigation, that is their responsibility.

Chief, you are so powerful. I didn't expect to get rid of Hoshino like this. How did you do it?

On the way back, Jiang Tengkong said complimentarily, while Mitsui laughed: It's not worth mentioning. Hoshino has offended too many people, and he will definitely die.

Mitsui did not explain the reason, it was best to keep it mysterious, so that the two of them would be more in awe of him.

Moreover, the person who really took action to get rid of Hoshino this time was not him, but Toru Ishihara.

He was just cooperating.

But Ishihara Hiroshi didn't move at all, and only sent three people to get it done. The energy controlled by Ishihara Hiroshi was very large. Now they are partners, and Mitsui is very satisfied with such a partner.

For Chu Lingyun, Mitsui can be a partner, but he is not suitable to join the literary club.

Mitsui is the section chief of the Special Higher Education Course. It is not easy for him to get promoted. If he gets promoted, he can only go to their headquarters.

Mitsui has needs for Toru Ishihara, but it is more for support, such as helping him get rid of disobedient subordinates.

Ishihara Trading Company needs Mitsui's special high-level courses to stand up. Both parties can get what they need, and the cooperation model is the best.

Besides, it is impossible for a person like Mitsui to be sincere to Chu Lingyun. He is not Takemoto, let alone Shimakura.

Chu Lingyun was very kind to them, and it would be no exaggeration to say that they were reborn parents.

Jiang Tengkong said nothing, and Ishida Xiaoshan was also thoughtful.

The next day, Chu Lingyun received two more messages.

Rose said in the message that he had underestimated Mitsui before, thinking that Mitsui was just a little smart, but he didn't expect that he could get rid of Hoshino so easily this time. Moreover, Mitsui had a wide network of contacts, including the headquarters, the gendarmerie, and the police and security bureau. Someone is helping him.

Rose said that he would pay more attention to Mitsui in the future to avoid making mistakes, and reminded them to be careful as well.

Catfish’s cable also reported on this matter.

However, Catfish did not mention much about Mitsui. Instead, he told Chu Lingyun that Mitsui had ordered him to take over the Detective Division. Next, these Chinese agents would be under his control and asked Chu Lingyun what to do next.

This Mitsui.

Chu Lingyun smiled and put down the message. It was not Mitsui who did away with Hoshino, but him.

Mitsui wore a tiger's skin and played a big role, taking all the credit in front of Rose and Catfish.

Let it go, no matter whether Rose pays more attention to Mitsui, no enemy can despise him, otherwise he will definitely suffer the loss.

The Detective Division was finally in Catfish's hands, and Chu Lingyun didn't want to keep any of these traitors.

But they cannot all be sanctioned now, otherwise Catfish will definitely be suspected.

Take your time, as long as the detective is in the hands of Catfish, sooner or later all these people will be finished.

After replying to the two of them one by one, Chu Lingyun put on makeup again and came to the trading house.

Mitsui will definitely come today and the matter will be resolved. If someone like Mitsui doesn't take the opportunity to come to him to have a relationship, then he is not Mitsui.

Sure enough, before noon arrived, Mitsui took Ezaki to the door of Ishihara Trading Company.

Mitsui-kun, congratulations on your wish.

Chu Lingyun received him in the tea room and asked with a smile. Mitsui was in good spirits. After Hoshino, the eyesore and threat to him, disappeared, his position in the special high school was once again stable.

Next, I can finally free my hands to deal with those Chinese agents.

During this period of time, Hoshino was the one taking the lead, which made him very unhappy.

Thank you Ishihara-kun. If it weren't for you this time, I might not have had the chance to deal with Hoshino.

Mitsui's attitude was very upright and he bowed his head slightly. The purpose of his visit today was to express his gratitude and connect with others.

We are all our own people. There is no need to mention this, Mitsui-kun.

As Chu Lingyun poured the tea, Mitsui immediately noticed another advantage of Toru Ishihara. He seemed to have an attractive temperament, and he always made people feel at ease no matter what he said or did.

It was only the second time they met, but Ishihara Hiroshi said that they were his own people. Mitsui didn't feel any resentment in his heart, but felt that it was just that.

Ishihara Hiroshi's grasp of people's hearts is really too strong.

Ishihara-kun, I checked. Your ship mainly unloads cargo at Gonghexiang Pier. Why not at our own terminal?

Mitsui asked softly. Ishihara Trading Company does receive a lot of goods every month. It used to be two ships, but now it has increased to four ships.

He was really not kidding when he said he wanted ten freighters.

I do a lot of business with Americans, and according to the agreement, I need to unload the goods in the public concession.

Chu Lingyun replied softly, in fact, this was the goods of Liu Chengzhu's company that he secretly took over, and it was more convenient in the public concession.

So that's the case, but I still suggest that you unload at our own dock in the future, which is safer and more guaranteed.

Mitsui came here to repay the favor. He couldn't help in other aspects, so he helped Ishihara Trading Company to make its business more stable.

Ishihara Hiroshi helped him and gave him so much money. If he didn't do something, the money would not be secure.

Ishihara Hiroshi is not a businessman that he can easily bully and manipulate. He has seen the terrifying energy of Ishihara Hiroshi.

I will consider your suggestion. In the future, it will be safer to separate several ships and unload cargo at our own dock.

Chu Lingyun did not refuse. Now the headquarters, gendarmerie, and special high school all have his people, and they can unload goods on Japanese territory without any problems.

I will send greetings to you in advance to ensure your goods are absolutely safe.

Mitsui smiled and said, finally able to help Ishihara Hiroshi do something.

Okay, I called Takemoto and the others. Let's have dinner and drink together today.

Chu Lingyun did inform Takemoto, Shimakura and Yamaguchi that the matter was over and he needed to express his stance and express condolences to a few people.

This time was Chu Lingyun's attempt. He not only got rid of Xingye, but also made several people work for him more unitedly.

Then I won't bother you today.

Mitsui Yizu agreed, and he also wanted to have more contact with these people. Currently, there is no one in the Special High School who he needs to get rid of, but who can guarantee the future?

Besides, it’s not wrong to have more connections.

In the Detective Department, Ishida Koyama and twenty people were standing in the yard.

All Chinese agents, including Li Shiqun, lowered their heads.

Hoshino is dead, and Ishida Koyama is the acting leader of the intelligence team. They have never obeyed Ishida Koyama's orders before, and I wonder if they will hold a grudge against them.

The most depressing one is Li Zhiqun. He thought he could get the position of Director of the Detective Division this time, but he didn't expect that Hoshino suddenly fell and even lost his life. Because of the problem of his team, it would be good to save his life now.

I don't care what Hoshino has said to you or what I asked you to do, but I have only one requirement, and that is to absolutely obey orders. No one can make decisions without my permission. Anyone who dares to kill me first will be punished later. Trick, I’ll twist his head off.”

Ishida Koyama speaks Chinese very well. After all, he used to be a lurking team leader. If he can't speak Chinese well, how can he lurk.


Everyone responded hurriedly.

Who is Ruan Zhengting?

Ishida Koyama suddenly asked, and one person standing immediately raised his hand: Mr. Ishida, I am.

Well done, you will be the director of the Detective Division from now on.

Ruan Zhengting was developed as an insider by Jiang Tengkong, and it was he who spread the news that the Party Affairs Investigation Department was being targeted.

Now that Ishida Koyama is in control of the Detective Division, Mitsui asked him to withdraw the members of the action team and hand them all over to Ishida.

The informant was useless, but he had made meritorious deeds after all, so Jiang Teng simply suggested that he be made the director of the Detective Division.

It can also be regarded as a reward for his previous performance.

Thank you, thank you Mr. Ishida.

Call me Team Leader Ishida. Ishida Xiaoshan's face tightened. Ruan Zhengting was frightened and trembled, and hurriedly shouted: Team Leader Ishida.

Okay, what you did before and what you continue to do now, you take care of them. If there is any problem, I will ask you.

After Ishida Xiaoshan finished speaking, he left. There were only a dozen Chinese agents. He didn't pay attention to them. These people would die in the future anyway.

The Chinese people never show mercy to traitors.

Ishida Koyama ordered that everything must be done with his permission, which cut off from the source the possibility of them discovering Chinese agents and causing huge losses to Chinese agents.

Without his permission, these people cannot take any action.

Regarding the handling of the Detective Division, Mitsui had considered it.

The Detective Division still has a role. Hoshino took advantage of it before, and now he has to make full use of their role, but he is very hesitant to hand it over to whom.

Ishida is the head of the intelligence team, and it is only natural that he takes over the detective department.

However, Jiang Tengkong made a lot of achievements this time. He once tried to hand over the Detective Division to their action team.

In the end, Mitsui let the Detective Division stay in the intelligence team.

The mission of the Detective Division is to collect intelligence on Chinese agents and use China to control China, and it is most suitable to be in the Intelligence Group.

In addition, he has not completely conquered Jiang Tengkong, and he is extremely smart. If he is given too much power, he might be the next Hoshino.

Mitsui will never allow another opponent to appear.

Director Ruan, congratulations.

Li Zhiqun was the first to go over and congratulate Ruan Zhengting. Ruan Zhengting rolled his eyes at him and ignored him at all.

Ruan Zhengting was arrested because of Li Zhiqun's betrayal.

It's strange that he has a good attitude toward Li Zhiqun.

In fact, Ruan Zhengting himself did not expect that the position of director would fall to him. He had been forced to be Jiang Tengkong's spy, which was a tightrope to walk.

No one expected that Hoshino would fall so quickly.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Hoshino's ending has already been determined.

He is just the leader of the intelligence team, but his enemy is the section chief, the deputy leader of the intelligence team, and the leader of the action team. Except for himself, there is no senior high-level support for him in the Special High School Division.

It would be strange for such a person to be invincible.

Ruan Zhengting was a blessing in disguise. Jiang Tengkong did not treat him badly. After the incident was over, he made him the director of the department. At this time, everyone understood who betrayed them before.

Li Zhiqun, the director ordered you to clean the toilets, especially the toilets. You must clean them well.

After a while, someone ran out. Li Zhiqun was startled. Ruan Zhengting actually asked him to clean the toilet?

The huge sense of shame instantly made his face turn red.

Work hard, but if you don't work well, you won't get food.

The person who came didn't care about him. After giving the explanation, he immediately ran back and gathered around the new director.

A big chapter of 8,000 words. Monthly tickets will add chapters 16 and 17. Thanks to book friend 20220525112510722 for four 100 starting coin rewards, and to book friend 20221208093149312 for his 100 starting coin reward.

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