Spy Shadow

Chapter 503 The traitor was found

Chapter 503 The traitor was found

Who the hell are you?

Jian Zhifang raised his head and looked at the four people. All four of them were armed with guns, and they didn't look very fierce.

Team Leader Huang and the others are lurking personnel. They should not have too obvious features. If they look like someone who is not a good person at first glance, it will be detrimental to lurking.

Don't care who we are, now that we know you and found you, you should know what we want?

If you don't tell me, I won't tell you either.

Jian Zhifang closed his eyes. He understood what he had done. He could live a little longer before he said it, but he would be finished soon if he did.

Xiao Luo, go look for it.

Team Leader Huang didn't talk nonsense. Xiao Luo took a flashlight and carefully searched the bandit's den. The bandit's den was not big, so he quickly searched it.

He searched everything in the house, on the ground floor, on the stove, and in the yard.

Team leader, no.

When Xiao Luo came back to report, Team Leader Huang frowned. They were a red party, not a party investigation office, and they couldn't threaten Jian Zhifang's wife and children.

According to the boss's instructions, Yu Youfu changed his name here to Feng Zhiyuan, and his identity was a school teacher.

He had just been prepared to die together with his whole family.

Zhu Naiming, the commander of the 565th Brigade of the 98th Army, loves reading and once studied at the Japanese Army Officer School.

Early in the morning, Team Leader Huang followed the crowd into the city.

found it?

The two took turns sleeping and looked at the four people who were tied to death.

After hanging up the phone, He Nian scolded dissatisfiedly that everyone else was working overtime and the people in the technical department were not rushing to work.

Team leader Huang immediately shook his head, and Xiao Luo hurriedly replied: I know, shouldn't we scare him? We should scare him first and then talk. If he doesn't agree, we will think of other ways. Even if we have to endure him, we must make him speak out.

Virgo asked in surprise, he didn't expect Chu Lingyun to find the traitor so quickly. He just cut off the clues yesterday and found the traitor today?

A person goes to a bookstore to buy books and puts them in a bookcase. Is he collecting them?

It's just that the interrogation process was too boring, and He Nian finally couldn't hold it any longer and went to sleep.

Zhu Naiming is a high-ranking official in the military. To move someone like him, you must agree with everyone.

Chu Lingyun ordered, and soon Chu Yuan brought several account books.

When Zhu Naiming was speaking, Chu Lingyun had been observing him, and it didn't seem like he was lying.

The business of the coffin shop is not good, but Shang Dawu is not in any hurry and stays in the coffin shop every day. It is unlucky for him and no one goes in usually.

As the brigade commander, it is not difficult for Zhu Naiming to contact the radio station. If he instigates the radio operator to rebel, the radio station can deliver all the information he wants at any time.

He knows your identities and is bargaining?

Virgo does not dare to use too severe a punishment.

The whip, the tiger stool, and the brazier were put on in turn. Zhu Naiming always said that he did not betray the country and did not provide anything useful to the Japanese.

Why are you scared?

As long as it was confirmed, Chu Lingyun immediately stood up and went to the director's office with the information.

Chu Lingyun had been busy interrogating yesterday and hadn't gone to see it yet.

Team leader?

Zhu Naiming was silent and did not speak.

Jian Zhifang simply acted rogue, while Xiao Luo pulled Team Leader Huang's arm, and Team Leader Huang walked far away with him.

Who told you that we are a fruit party?

Zhu Naiming, when did you start working for the Japanese, and what information did you provide them?

No, I'll give it all to you. How can our family live without money? It's better not to give it, because we'll all die anyway.

The Red Party does not encourage torture, but the situation at this time is special and special things should be done.

What do the Japanese do again? They burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil. Are you saying you don't want to harm such people?

The information sent by Virgo was very detailed, and one of them quickly caught Chu Lingyun's idea.

These bastards, I'm going to report to Virgo later. They all came home from get off work yesterday.

Virgo hurried over, and Chu Lingyun nodded: Inside.

The books sold in the bookstore will be registered so that the inventory can be compared. After the owner sells the book, he will usually leave the name of the book buyer.

That's right, Secretary Hao, you are really amazing. You could guess that he didn't run away and was near Wuhan.

He will be found in the city.

Xiao Feng, you go find other comrades immediately and ask them to come over for support. Lao Bai, you keep someone here to keep an eye on me. I have to go back to the city.

Until now Zhu Naiming doesn't know what mistake he made.

I don't know what his name is. I only know his surname is Zhu, and I haven't said his real name, but once I heard people around him call him brigade commander.

Ling Yun, the Chairman has agreed to the torture.

If you don't agree, I won't tell you, even if you kill me, I won't tell you.

There are a lot of people. There are now nearly a million troops inside and outside Wuhan, and there are many officers above the regimental level.

This result made He Nian very disappointed.

Okay, come with us.

But if the other party is the Red Party, the result will naturally be different. He is the senior director of the Red Party, not an ordinary person, and has a certain understanding of the Red Party.

Team Leader Huang asked, Xiao Luo used to be a member of the Hun Kong Sect, but later joined the organization and had a lot of clever ideas.

Team Leader Huang ordered, and Lao Bai and Xiao Feng immediately dragged Jian Zhifang out. Jian Zhifang struggled violently, and his wife and children also whined.

In addition to the people on the dock, there were also police officers, people from carriage shops and other places.

The boss's answer made Chu Lingyun frown. Yu Youfu bought so many books but never read them. His purpose was definitely not to buy books.

He Nian used Chu Lingyun's phone number to call the technical department, but there was no result yet, so He Nian scolded him.

Zhu Naiming did not dare to disobey General Bai's order.

Chu Lingyun looked forward. Ten days ago, there was another time when the two of them checked out to buy books. There were many such coincidences before that. There was also a record of Yu Youfu coming to buy books alone.

Chu Lingyun stood up, and He Nian held him down.

Every time he comes to buy books, are there many people in the store?

Regardless of whether he falls into the hands of bandits or others, he may not only lose his money, but also his life.

Chu Lingyun's eyes tightened, Chu Yuan was also stunned for a moment, and he hurriedly looked at Chu Lingyun.

Now that the mission is completed, there is no need for them to continue searching outside. It is a pure waste of time.

Let me think about it.

Chu Lingyun ordered, and after speaking, he hurried back with the account book. His surname was Zhu, and he was a brigade commander. It was not difficult to find him.

I asked you, I didn't ask you to ask us.

Continue to maintain the appearance of the bookstore. Leave more people to guard here. Chu Yuan, you will guard here personally.

At noon, Chu Yuan came back to report. He went to look for him yesterday, and by noon today, it took almost a day.

Chu Lingyun nodded. The existing evidence could not prove that Zhu Naiming was a traitor.

He didn't expect it to be a trap, so he rushed to the military headquarters with only the guards. As soon as he got out of the car, he was pinned down by the people brought by Chu Lingyun.

But even if he can be found, he is not Japanese and will not know who the traitor Yu Youfu instigated is the traitor. At most, it is a safety wall set up by Yu Youfu.

There was no room for error in the Wuhan War. So many troops gathered together to defend Wuhan, and the old man stayed in Wuhan to personally supervise the battle. No one dared to make any mistakes.

The military had strong opinions on the Military Intelligence Office itself, and if they were offended, it would be bad luck for a Virgo to sit next to a Qingjun.

Sir, I really don't know anything. Please spare me. I am old and young. I cannot stand the torment.

Is there anyone who often comes to buy books at the same time as him? Chu Lingyun asked again.

Stubborn, don't think we can't do anything to you if you don't admit it?

At least survive.

Bring Jian Zhifang out.

Who are you and what are you doing?

Team leader Huang frowned. Jian Zhifang was caught by them. He was the meat on their chopping board. How dare he make conditions?

First, let our family go. Second, you can't take all the money, you have to leave half of it for us.

Since you knew he was Japanese, why didn't you report him?

Wait a minute, I'll go over and talk to him.

Secretary Hao's face turned red, and he guessed that it was Miss Qiu, not him, who was around Wuhan and in an uninhabited place.

Chu Yuan is not a loach, and he is not as agile as a loach. Finding him in one day is not bad, but it might have taken longer to find Shen Hanwen.

Xiao Luo's method had some effect. At least Jian Zhifang was willing to give money, but not all.

But this time General Bai supported them, otherwise Zhu Naiming would not have been caught so smoothly.

If it is a Virgo arrangement, people in the technical department would not dare to do this.

Even if he died, he would not tell these people where the money was.

Take me there.

Xiao Feng was furious and scolded, and Jian Zhifang suddenly felt a surge of hope in his heart.

The bookstore owner had never experienced such a battle before. He was always frightened. When he was taken out again, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

In a dream, it's impossible.

Look for evidence slowly and arrest people first.

Leave it to Loach, and the results will come out last night.

Virgo suddenly looked at Chu Lingyun. If Zhu Naiming was telling the truth, he really did not agree to Ito Yokoya, which meant that he was not the one who wanted to send the code book to the spy.

Back in the office, Virgo said bitterly, but after finding the person, he finally felt more at ease. Even if Zhu Naiming didn't admit it, at least this threat could be eliminated.

Yu Youfu is a shrewd businessman, but when he comes into contact with these people, he rarely mentions his business matters, mostly to maintain relationships.

Zhu Naiming distinguished and Virgo became even more angry: That's enough. He is an agent and a soldier. He is responsible for all the atrocities committed by the Japanese.

Isn't it your job to keep information confidential? Now that you have found me, you must have caught him. Is the information he sent out still useful?

Moreover, he is a brigade commander and is very dangerous. Even if he is not a traitor and has had contact with Japanese spies, he must be controlled first.

Team leader Huang extended his thumbs up sincerely, he was really impressed.

What conditions?

Military Intelligence.

Chu Yuan, bring him the account book.

Ling Yun, why are you awake? Can you sleep for a while?

Let me ask you, do you know Yu Youfu?


Chu Lingyun persuaded him that Virgo had given him a lot of support, but he was not a Virgo after all.

The technical department is a small subject, and even the section chief would not dare to make trouble against He Nian. It is normal for him to scold them during He Nian.

Military Intelligence Department, Chu Lingyun just narrowed his eyes for a while.

But there is no problem in scaring Jian Zhifang. Team Leader Huang thought for a moment and then agreed: Okay, let's do it this way, you go ahead and say it.

But no matter how he asked, Zhu Naiming would not admit that he was wrong. He had never seen Ito Yokoya in the military, nor had he leaked any information to Ito Yokoya.

With six people watching, Jian Zhifang had no chance of running away.

The clerk was left by Chu Yuan and was responsible for keeping an eye on the bookstore owner.

During the questioning, Chu Lingyun kept staring at his eyes. If a person lies, his eyes will make some small movements involuntarily.

Chu Lingyun had someone escort him back to the Military Intelligence Office. Zhu Naiming was of high rank and was brought to the conference room for questioning. There was no use of the torture room.

Harming him? You actually said you were harming him?

The identity of the old man in the coffin shop has been found out. He is a local, not a spy.

Don't rush, take your time, I'll go to the technical department and ask them if the test results are out.

This was to prevent his wife and children from witnessing the execution.

Virgo asked first. Zhu Naiming raised his head and said softly: I have never done anything for the Japanese, let alone provided them with intelligence.

He wanted to go back and report this matter and let Secretary Hao make the decision.

The two went in, and Zhu Naiming was sitting there smoking.

Chu Lingyun only looked at the brigade level, and first looked for the person named Zhu. It didn't take long for several brigade commanders named Zhu to find him.

Virgo shouted, Don't think he is a brigade commander. If you really don't admit it, Virgo dares to torture him.

Every time I buy a book, I buy at least two or three, and five or six more, so I save a lot of books.

Xie Ziqi bumped into this wall and was discovered by the owner of the coffin shop. In the end, Yu Youfu knew that he was exposed and fled decisively.

Team Leader Huang glared, neither denying nor admitting.

I'll give you six hundred thousand, give me the rest, and let me and my family go.

Wait, you are not from the Fruit Party?

After all, Zhu Naiming is the brigade commander, and Virgo can punish him, but it is best to report it first, otherwise there will be big opinions in the army.

Team Leader Huang doesn't need to be punished. They can't use severe punishment. If they let the other party know that they don't kill people, I'm afraid they will be tougher.

He Nian left Chu Lingyun's office. At this time, the whole city was searching, including the police. If Shang Dawu was caught earlier, the situation could be clarified earlier.

After saying that, Jian Zhifang closed his eyes again.

The one who is investigating the books now is Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan is very serious, but he does not have the skill of Loach. It is estimated that it will take at least a day to find out the exact source of these books.

Jian Zhifang was not so scared now and stared at Team Leader Huang. There was a moon today and he could clearly see Team Leader Huang's appearance outside.

Virgo said decisively, let alone the brigade commander, no matter how high the official was, as long as he had anything to do with the Japanese at this time, he should be locked up first.

Chu Lingyun asked slowly: Then have you ever thought that he stayed in Wuhan City, spied on our intelligence, and sent this intelligence to the Japanese, allowing the Japanese to make more deployments, and we have How many people died innocently because of his intelligence?”

With Loach around, you can find the source of these books faster.

There are four books below, and then there is a seal. The two of them settled the accounts one after the other.

Team leaders Xiao Feng and Huang both left, leaving only Lao Bai and Xiao Luo.

Fifty-three people were arrested during the Lunar New Year, more than half of them were at the dock, and the rest were people Yu Youfu often came into contact with. Through questioning, the traitor was not found, but Chu Lingyun found a lot of new clues. .

Chu Lingyun stood up immediately, and Chu Yuan took him to a bookstore. The bookstore was not small, and it was still open for business. The boss had not changed, but there was an extra clerk.

What's the name of that person surnamed Zhu? Where does he work? Chu Lingyun raised her head and asked.

Secretary Hao could even guess where Jian Zhifang was hiding in such a place, it was amazing.

Are you a member of the Red Party?

It's true that I didn't agree. Zhu Naiming raised his head: I can do it. Sit up straight. If you agree, I will never deny it.

This is a total of 800,000 yuan. It will definitely be of great help to my hometown.

Chu Lingyun took out Zhu Naiming's photo and asked someone to send it to Chu Yuan.

It would definitely not work if we really left it to the bandits.

It didn't take long for Virgo to come back, his face ashen.

He didn't go to bed early last night, only two hours earlier than Chu Lingyun. He was the one who arrested the person, and later he accompanied Chu Lingyun for interrogation.

Chu Lingyun asked everyone, but no one said that he liked reading, and he never told anyone that he liked books, but why did he buy so many books?

Since Ni Loach is not here, Chu Lingyun really misses him a little now.

If Jian Zhifang doesn't say anything, I'm afraid he can only be tortured.

Stinky and tough.

There are even more at the brigade level.

In addition to the clerks in the store, there are also many people arranged around the bookstore.

He has disappeared since yesterday's accident, but he is not Japanese, does not have much money on hand, and did not have a chance to leave the city yesterday. He must still be in the city at this time.

He contacted Chen Mutu, who helped him greet General Bai, and called Zhu Naiming to the military headquarters in the name of General Bai.

Xiao Luo immediately returned to Jian Zhifang's side.

You don't have to go by yourself. Just call and ask. They will send the results as soon as they are available.

Virgo was furious, banging the table and shouting.

He guards the coffin shop every day, and the coffin shop is his home.

He didn't know if it would work, but he would definitely be better than Team Leader Huang and others if he came forward.

Found it, but there are still doubts. There is currently no evidence to prove that he is a traitor, but it is certain that he has contacted Yu Youfu.

Zhu Naiming shouted angrily, and Chu Lingyun came over: Zhu Naiming, what is your relationship with Yu Youfu?

It must be given in full, otherwise why would we agree?

You can use torture, but you must not beat people to death. This is what the old man told you.

With so many books bought, it’s easy to get noticed.

The code books were all brought, there must be a target, otherwise they wouldn't be prepared.

It would have been possible for others, but not for Yu Youfu.

Xiao Luo looked at Team Leader Huang and hesitated for a while. Team Leader Huang nodded and said, Yes, we are a red party. The money you take does not belong to you. We only want money, not our lives.

Miss Qiu is indeed amazing. He had only heard about Miss Qiu before and had never participated in it. The first time he participated, he was extremely surprised.

These are related to his business, and contact will not arouse suspicion.

Even if the last name is fake, Chu Lingyun can take the photos of all the brigade commanders and deputy brigade commanders and let the bookstore owner compare them to find this person.

After a while, Secretary Hao made a decision and asked someone in the store to go out on the pretext of doing business. He would personally persuade Jian Zhifang.

He didn't sleep all night last night and kept interrogating. He just lay down on the sofa in the office for a while in the morning.

It was the Red Party that gave him some hope.

Since you don't say anything, don't blame us. Prepare to be tortured.

He is an agent and doesn't have enough time. He is arty while lurking, which is a taboo.

Chu Lingyun accepted the order. It was not that easy to arrest people in the army. If Zhu Naiming resisted, let alone arresting people, they might be trapped.

This is a human inability, and ordinary people cannot change it unless they are specially trained agents.

Zhu Naiming was taken into the torture room, and soon screams came from inside.

The other party's approach was indeed in line with the style of the Red Party. He did not attack his family. Regardless of the Red Party, the Japanese or bandits, they would definitely threaten his family after catching him.

There are many people in the Party who have studied in Japan. We cannot regard them as traitors just because they have studied in Japan.

But such people are indeed easy targets to be incited to rebel.

But he is highly suspicious.

The teacher is an intellectual, and it is normal to buy a lot of books when he comes to buy them.

Again, the old man agreed. These people couldn't say anything if they had opinions, let alone do anything.

He once went to the military camp to look for me, but I didn't see him. Later he found out that I liked buying books, so he went to the bookstore to keep an eye on me. He talked to me a lot while I was choosing books, and promised to give me a bigger official position in the future. Soldiers should defend their homeland and serve their country, so I rejected him. He pestered me for a long time, and I never thought of agreeing.

But people cannot kill randomly, especially his wife and children. It is absolutely impossible to execute them.

Chu Lingyun replied calmly, and a trace of regret appeared on Zhu Naiming's face: Can you find a place to talk?

He quickly found Secretary Huang and reported the situation.

Chu Lingyun was shocked, was she really going to be tortured?

Zhu Naiming is not an ordinary officer, he is General Bai's man. This torture will probably offend all the officers in the fifth theater.

Chu Lingyun checked and found that just after the New Year, the two of them bought books together eight times. Yu Youfu came alone to buy books even more often, twelve times. No wonder there are so many untouched books in his home. Book.

It's time to lurk, and you can't do things that have nothing to do with work, especially things that are harmful to your latent status.

Chu Lingyun had a worried look on his face: Virgo, Zhu Naiming may be telling the truth. He did not agree to Ito Hengye's request.

Jian Zhifang suddenly shouted. He realized now that the other party did not touch his wife and children at all. Even if he wanted to be tortured, he was dragged outside.

Someone, go to the bookstore and ask the boss to check if this is the person.

Should Jean come alone or with others? Chu Lingyun asked again.

After all, finding the person is a success. If you find the person, you can hope to get the money. The person is in our hands. It's a good place and it's safe. He went back to the city to ask Secretary Hao for ideas and then deal with Jian Zhifang.

There seems to be one. I'm going to check the ledger.

No, it's against discipline.

Sure enough, Jian Zhifang breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and said slowly: I can tell you where the money is, but I have conditions. If you don't agree, I won't tell you until I die.

For such a high-ranking officer, he would use torture as he said, which would make other officers feel the same hatred and hatred.

Chu Lingyun asked, and He Nian immediately shook his head: Not yet, he can't run away, I guess he will be found soon.

The Red Party is not as bad as the Guo Party says. If it is really the Red Party, it is very likely that nothing will happen to his wife and children.

When Chu Yuan found out about this today, he immediately had his boss arrested for questioning, and then went back to report.

Many, I have the most comprehensive books here, and there are many people there every day. The boss replied hurriedly.

A man, he's a man every time.

If he didn't say anything, we sold his family to the bandits. The bandits had a way of making him talk.

The brigade commander is a traitor. It is a great achievement to find the traitor in time and eliminate the hidden danger.

Since you have guessed it, I won't hide it from you. That's right, but we can't agree to your conditions. You must give up all the money to survive for your family, including you. If you have a better attitude, you may not have no chance of survival.

Before he could finish his words, Team Leader Huang shouted angrily and wanted to keep half of the money. He would not give it to him so that he could take it abroad to enjoy himself.

Chu Lingyun was not that stupid. He went to the army to arrest people in plain sight.

Let's go, I'll accompany you to the trial.

Team leader, we found the source of those books.

Section Chief, don't be angry, there's no need to worry.

The reason why Chu Lingyun investigates everyone above the regiment level is because they have access to radio stations. Generally, regiments have communication classes and communicate through radio stations.

Forget it, you can rest for a while, and I'll keep an eye on my men and ask them to find Shang Dawu as soon as possible.

I really didn't know his name was Yu Youfu. Every time he said his name was Feng Zhiyuan before, I always called him Mr. Feng.

The opponent's rank was not low, and he was a brigade commander leading troops. He wanted to personally participate in the interrogation, firstly to support Chu Lingyun, and secondly so that he could obtain a confession and report to the old man in time.

Sophistry, totally quibbles.

Xiao Luo looked at Team Leader Huang, who shook his head.

Jian Zhifang closed his eyes, making up his mind that oil and salt would not enter.

If he was accused of treason and wanted to be executed just because his former classmates came to him, he refused to accept it.

The technical department not only has to report, but also as soon as possible.

Chu Lingyun asked suddenly. Virgo was a little shocked, but did not object.

The old man's name is Shang Dawu. He is childless and has no wife. He is alone. He is sixty-five years old. He used to make a living by doing some chores for others. At the beginning of this year, he suddenly became the owner of a coffin shop.

Chu Lingyun looked at the account book. The last time she bought a book was five days ago. There were three books written in the front and a mark in the back.


Soon Secretary Hao frowned. Jian Zhifang was not stupid. He guessed that they were the Red Party and used this to threaten them and put forward conditions.

Four ordinary people, without weapons, as well as women and children, it was absolutely impossible to escape while staring at them.

All the money must be taken away and it is impossible to leave it to him.

Have you found the traitor?

Virgo asked, and Zhu Naiming sighed: After all, he is my classmate, and we had a good relationship before. I didn't agree to his request, but I can't report him or harm him.

I know, but he has never done any of these things. He was just entrusted by others to instigate rebellion against me. The Japanese are not all bad people, right?

Jian Zhifang suddenly opened his eyes. Are these red party members going to sell him to the bandits?

is it possible?

It may not be big, but it's not impossible. If he really doesn't say anything, and the other party doesn't agree to his conditions, he can sell him to others for a profit, and at least he can get some money.

It's okay, section chief. Did you catch the old man in the coffin shop?

Before dawn, Xiao Feng returned first and brought back three people. Of the six teams, only two teams were not notified. The other person took Xiao Feng's place to find someone.

I really didn't. I'm a soldier, and I'm Chinese. I never thought about becoming a traitor.

Soon, he raised his head and said, Mr. Zhu often comes to buy books. He spends a lot of time with Feng Zhiyuan. Look at these times.

Lock him up first.

Hearing Yu Youfu's name, Zhu Naiming stopped struggling instantly and looked at Chu Lingyun in surprise: Who are you?


Apart from the Fruit Party and the Japanese, the only ones with such strength are the Red Party.

It seems that you are going to fight to the end. It doesn't matter. If you don't say anything, we will sell your family to the bandits on Qihu Mountain. We don't want more. We ask them for 600,000 oceans. You tell them the rest. If you make money in vain, will you agree?

He Nian saw Chu Lingyun's office door open and walked in immediately.

The red party is the real disaster that does not bring harm to the wife and children.

He told Secretary Hao the good news, and he believed that Secretary Hao would have a way to get Jian Zhifang to speak.

You tell me your true identities, and I will consider whether to tell you where the money is.

Zhu Naiming asked back, Virgo's lungs almost bursting with anger.

The bookstore owner hurriedly replied that Chu Yuan had asked him before with Yu Youfu's photo. Yu Youfu was a regular customer here and often bought books here.

Zhu Naiming, do you think that just because you didn't agree to him, it doesn't count as a mistake?

Zhu Naiming shook his head again and continued: Yu Youfu is not his real name. I know his name. His real name is Ito Yokoya. He is my classmate at the Japanese Army Officer School. He found me not long ago. I know his purpose. They wanted to drag me into the water, but I didn’t agree.”

But if Zhu Naiming didn't lie, who was that codebook prepared for?

If Chu Lingyun hadn't reacted quickly enough, these two people would have been hiding somewhere by now.

Jian Zhifang said that the Red Party wants money, not lives.

Team leader, he understands our policy and did it on purpose, but we can't really threaten his wife and children. We might as well scare him.

The boss hurriedly lowered his head. Books nowadays are not cheap, and most people can't afford them.

Chu Lingyun couldn't torture him. Seeing that he was out of luck, he had no choice but to imprison him first.

Ling Yun, have you captured him?

This efficiency is too fast.

Virgo gave Chu Lingyun great power. Chu Lingyun's words represented Virgo, so there was no need for him to go to the technical department in person.

Get up, get up and speak.

He took the boss to the warehouse inside. Before Chu Lingyun could ask any questions, the boss knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Virgo left in a hurry while Chu Lingyun continued the interrogation.

Not long after, the phone on the table rang. Chu Lingyun answered the phone, and Chu Yuan's excited voice came from the other side: Yes, it's him. The bookstore owner has confirmed it.

The Virgo has already had the information of all military personnel above the rank of regimental commander sent over.

There was no torture device, so Team Leader Huang took off the belt and used it as a whip to torture Jian Zhifang.

Yu Youfu is indeed a spy, and his purpose is to instigate Zhu Naiming.

Chu Lingyun has been observing carefully. The boss is really panicked and doesn't seem to be lying.

Ling Yun, you go through the trial first, and I'll report to the chairman.

Chu Lingyun thought that the area of ​​this bookstore was not small, at least more than 300 square meters. It was also a large bookstore in this era.

It is impossible to prepare in advance and wait for Zhu Naiming to agree before giving the code book. After all, such a thing is dangerous in their hands.

They have found out that the radio station and code book were brought into the city not long ago by Yu Youliang. There must be their stronghold outside the city, but they have not been found yet.

8,000 words, two chapters in one, including the monthly subscription plus an update to make up for the fourth chapter. I slept too long today, so I will update 12,000 words first, and try to update 16,000 words tomorrow.

In addition, I would like to thank the disorderly person for the reward of 7,000 starting coins. Xiaoyu, thank you for your support.

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