Spy Shadow

Chapter 499 Ke Chu meets

Chapter 499 Ke Chu meets

Sorry, the chapter name is wrong. It was Wu Chu who met and I discovered the error too late. I cannot modify the chapter name. Sorry again.

Finally finding his foothold, Team Leader Huang excitedly waved his fist.

He now has no illusions about whether the target is Jian Zhifang, but if the other person is so difficult to deal with, he must not be an ordinary person. He must find out the other person's identity.

On the other side, Chu Lingyun found Feng Yong.

He didn't know where Feng Yong lived, but Liu Chengzhu knew that he sent a telegram to Liu Chengzhu last night asking Feng Yong to meet him at noon today.


In a house, Feng Yong met Chu Lingyun.

This was just rented by Chu Yuan for temporary use.

How's the investigation going with Kang Qiang? Chu Lingyun asked.

We found a few more people who have recently entered and left the city. Kang Qiang is verifying their identities. The results will be available today.

Feng Yong whispered back that Kang Qiang had been working hard recently and Feng Yong couldn't help him, but he gave him a lot of money.

Let Kang Qiang keep an eye on him.

Chu Lingyun didn't go to contact Kang Qiang, there was no need.

Just ask Feng Yong to pass on the message. Jian Zhifang has been running away for so long. If he hasn't come back during this time, he is probably waiting.

Come back when the wind calms down.

Unless Chu Lingyun guessed wrong and he used other tools to take the money out.

Such as trolleys, trolleys, etc.

These are not easy to check. He Nian tried to check them, but in the end because there were too many such things and they were too complicated, I couldn't start, so I finally gave up.

Yes, I will meet him this afternoon.

Feng Yong responded, while Chu Lingyun nodded and said: If you have something to do, please call this number. If you have nothing to do, try not to call. If no one answers after three rings, hang up. Call again later. You will stay here for the next few days.

Chu Lingyun gave him a number, which was the temporary number of his office. Either he would answer the call, or Chu Yuan would answer it. If they were not there, the office would be locked.

This way no one else can receive the call.

I see.

Feng Yong memorized the phone number and burned the note.

I go first.

Chu Lingyun stood up and left. Feng Yong sent him outside, returned to the hotel, checked out the room, and moved into the house with his luggage.

Nothing will happen to Feng Yongyong in Wuhan. Even if someone is watching him, Chu Lingyun is not afraid.

This is his person, Chu Lingyun can protect him.

It is normal for him to cultivate a loyal outsider and do things for himself. If others find out about this, he has every reason to retaliate.

Arriving at another house, Chu Lingyun observed the surroundings for a long time before finally entering.

He bought this house the last time he came to Wuhan, kept it as a spare, and used it today.

He went inside with the suitcase and quickly started putting on makeup.

More than an hour later, his appearance became unremarkable. After changing his clothes, he became Miss Qiu again.

Take out the newspapers prepared in advance, cut out the contents, and burn the remaining newspapers.

Chu Lingyun left through the back door and arrived at Taikoo Li not long after.

From a distance, he saw Old Wu repairing his car.

Lao Wu is still the same, as long as he is fine.

Chu Lingyun brought the note to Lao Wu's car repair stall.

Old Wu is lying down to rest. There will be no guests at this time.


The sound of coughing woke him up. Chu Lingyun lowered his voice and said in a low voice: The information is in the note, please pass it on quickly.

When Lao Wu woke up, he suddenly stopped when he was about to get up. He couldn't act too excessively.

Okay, where are you now? Are you safe?

I'm safe, comrades don't have to worry.

After Chu Lingyun finished speaking, he stood up and left. There was no one here, so there was no need for him to say anything else to cover up.

Old Wu had many things to ask, but when he saw Miss Qiu leaving, he held back.

The note was held in his hand, but he did not open it immediately. Holding the note, he took another piece of straw paper and ran to the toilet.

In the toilet, he opened the note.

I suspect that Jian Zhifang is in the villages around Wuhan. He is going to investigate uninhabited villages or temples to see if anyone is living secretly. Be careful to hide them, Miss Qiu.

The Red Party is small in number and latent, so it is not suitable for high-profile outings to investigate.

Chu Yuan went to investigate whether there were any villages that had suddenly changed recently, and asked the Red Party to investigate uninhabited areas.

In Chu Lingyun's guess, 70% of the people are in uninhabited areas. After all, it is not that easy to ask the village name to help cover up the good deeds.

If a villager is greedy, he may be exposed.

Chu Lingyun handed over the place where Jian Zhifang was most likely to be found to the Red Party, and he would do the rest.

Old Wu wrote down the contents of the note and returned to the car repair stall.

After a while, he used the excuse of lack of business to close the stall, and he went out an hour after returning home.

He did not go to see Secretary Liang. Secretary Liang might evacuate at any time. His relationship was transferred to Wuhan and Secretary Hao is currently in charge.

Secretary Hao is his upline, and he is the only one on this line.

Secretary Liang and Secretary Hao met and specifically explained the importance of Miss Qiu to Secretary Hao. Secretary Hao was amazed that there was such a magical intelligence agent in their organization.

He saved many of their comrades, helped them so much, and punished traitors.

There were some methods that they couldn't understand afterwards, and Mr. Ke even praised him as a red ace agent.

He was looking forward to such a person and wondered if there would be a chance to meet him.

As a result, since he learned about Miss Qiu, Miss Qiu never appeared again.

For such a long time, he even doubted whether something happened to Miss Qiu.

Secretary Hao and Secretary Liang only knew Miss Qiu and did not know about Kuangbiao 1.

Miss Qiu was related to them, but Kuangbiao 1 was not, so Mr. Ke didn't tell them.

Old Wu, why are you here suddenly?

Secretary Hao was a businessman, so it was more convenient for him to come here. He was surprised to see Lao Wu coming.

Secretary Hao, Miss Qiu showed up and sent important information.

Old Wu whispered, and Secretary Hao took him to the study. Old Wu relayed the information passed by Miss Qiu to Secretary Hao word for word.

A deserted place?

Lao Wu didn't know who Jian Zhifang was. He had not been notified before, let alone Jian Zhifang's escape.

But Secretary Hao knew very well that they were now being ordered to find this person and get back the money he had taken away.

This is a lot of money. If the organization can get this money, it can not only equip the soldiers with more weapons, but also do a lot more things.

This money is very important to the organization and even to my hometown.

How did Miss Qiu know about this?

Secretary Hao didn't know about the existence of Kuangbiao 1, and Mr. Ke didn't tell him. This matter was passed down from others.

He didn't understand, but he knew that Miss Qiu was absolutely reliable, so he immediately asked someone to call Team Leader Huang.

Old Huang.

Secretary Hao's guards found Team Leader Huang. He was at a tea stall far away in Jinyi Lane, pretending to play cards with his team members.

Xiao Xie, why are you here?

Seeing Xiao Xie, Team Leader Huang stood up immediately. This was an open-air tea stall, and there were not many people there now.

Secretary Hao has something urgent to ask you.

Xiao Xie whispered, and then raised his voice: You have money to play cards, but you have no money to pay me back? The two yuan and eighty cents you owe me, you have to pay me today no matter what.

Unfortunately, I won't play anymore. You can play. I don't have enough money. Follow me home to get it.

Team Leader Huang said in disgust that it was normal for people like him who liked playing cards to owe money. People around them just looked at them and no one came over.

Team Leader Huang followed Xiao Xie to Secretary Hao.

Take someone with you right away and go outside to check out nearby deserted villages, or deserted temples and Taoist places, to see if anyone is living secretly there.

Secretary Hao ordered to Team Leader Huang, who was startled: Secretary Hao, before I have time to report to you, we have found the second target. He is very cunning. Our people are now targeting him. , His identity is definitely unusual.”

What is his identity?

It's not clear yet, but he has a lot of anti-tracking experience. I suspect he is a spy.

Team Leader Huang expressed his suspicions. The other party must be an agent. Wuhan is the territory of the Guo Party. Naturally, the Guo Party will not do this and he is not one of them. The possibility of a Japanese spy is very high.

Now that the whole country is united to fight against Japan, people from other warlords will not be like this.


Secretary Hao was startled and thought about it carefully. It was really possible what Team Leader Huang said. Japan wanted to attack Wuhan and was making preparations to send spies here in advance to gather information. It was entirely possible.

But Jian Zhifang is more important. He doesn't have that many manpower available, so he can only ask Team Leader Huang to go out to inquire.

Can we ask the Eighth Army in the city to send people to find people?

Team Leader Huang asked cautiously, and Secretary Hao immediately shook his head: No, they are regular troops and can fight. This kind of search work can easily scare people, and it is inconvenient for them to leave the city.

The Eighth Army has an office in Wuhan, with dozens of people inside.

But they are people on the bright side, and there are many people watching them. If they really find them, the Guo Party will know about it.

Once the Fruit Party finds out, they won't be able to get the money.

Leave the spy affairs to others while you go outside the city. This task is more important.

After thinking for a while, Secretary Hao decided that the Japanese spies must not be let go, but it was easy to deal with the Japanese spies, and people from the Military Intelligence Department would definitely be happy to do it.

As long as they can catch the spy, their goal will be accomplished.


No but, this is an order.

Secretary Hao shouted that he understood what Team Leader Huang was thinking. Catching Japanese spies and handing them over to the Fruit Party would indeed make them proud, but it would also easily expose them.

They can't lose big because of small things, and they must make the decision they need to make.

Yes, I obey orders.

Team leader Huang had no choice but to stand upright and accept the order. Secretary Hao had forced the order and he must comply with it.

The money was indeed important, but this kind of investigation without clues was far inferior to directly targeting the person, so he was a little unwilling to do it.

Go ahead, this mission is very important.

Secretary Hao didn't tell him about Miss Qiu. Since the information came from Miss Qiu herself, the possibility of finding Jian Zhifang was still very high.

He believed in Miss Qiu's ability and would not let them conduct such an investigation for no reason.


Team Leader Huang is leaving and all his team members will be withdrawn. If Secretary Hao tells Guodang the news, someone will be sent to keep an eye on it soon.

His men remained at the scene, easily exposed.

After Team Leader Huang left, Secretary Hao personally translated the message and sent it to his hometown.

In Yanzhou, Ke Gong quickly received the telegram from Wuhan.

Miss Qiu showed up, which didn't surprise him. Jian Zhifang's matter was originally reported by Kuangbiao 1, and since Kuangbiao 1 was in Shanghai, it must have been Miss Qiu who told him the news in Wuhan.

Mr. Ke did not expect that one of the three lists provided by Miss Qiu and Kuangbiao 1 would be a suspected Japanese spy.

These two intelligence agents are indeed sensitive enough to find Japanese spies?

Without hesitation, Mr. Ke called Secretary Hao back and asked him to follow Miss Qiu's request. Mr. Ke had a hunch that he might gain a lot this time.

Secretary Hao doesn't have to worry about the Japanese spies. He will send the report to the Eighth Army Office and ask them to pass it on to the Military Intelligence Office.

Secretary Hao did the right thing. They didn't need to catch the spies with their own hands. There was no need.

If it is a Japanese spy in Yanzhou, they must be dispatched. If it is on the territory of the Guo Party, it can be handed over to the people of the Guo Party.

At the Eighth Army Office, director Lao Cheng received a message from Mr. Ke.

How did my hometown know about the Japanese spies in Wuhan?

Laosheng was very surprised. He immediately realized that it was the comrades lurking in the city who found the clues and finally asked them to tell them.

It was definitely not found out by the Fruit Party. If they had found out, there would be no need at all.

After burning the message, Lao Cheng took the initiative to go out and go to the Military Intelligence Office.

There was a car following his vehicle from a distance.

Lao Cheng didn't care. It was no secret that the Guo Party had been spying on them. He asked them to spy on them. This time, he was giving them gifts, not seeking information.

Representative of the Eighth Army, what is he here for?

The Chief was in the office and was surprised to hear Secretary Qi's report. Their Military Intelligence Department had little interaction with these Eighth Route Army soldiers.

He has no interest in the Red Party and will not take the initiative to seek them out.

If you go looking for it, it's definitely not a good thing.

Virgo, the person who came here said he would give us a gift.


Virgo was even more confused, but the representative of the Eighth Army was of high rank, so he couldn't leave people out.

Especially now that the whole country is cooperating in the war of resistance, if the newspaper finds out, he can be scolded to death.

Take him to the reception room, I'll be there soon.

It would be inappropriate for Virgo not to meet him in the office, and when meeting him, there must be someone around him, and the number of people cannot be too small.

After thinking about it, he called Xu Yi and He Nian over. Together with Secretary Qi and the people in the conference room, his place seemed very formal, just a normal reception.

Director Dai.

Lao Cheng only brought one guard in, and immediately greeted him politely after entering.

Director Cheng, you said I would give you a gift, what kind of gift?

Virgo was not polite, Lao Cheng and the people who brought him were empty-handed, and there was no way they were giving gifts.

A suspected spy.

Director Cheng smiled slightly, Virgo was startled, and He Nian and Xu Yi also widened their eyes.

Where is it? Virgo asked quickly without bothering to put on airs.

This is the address and his situation. Director Dai, is this gift OK?

Director Cheng handed over the note with the spy's address. Virgo opened it and looked at it hurriedly, nodding repeatedly: Okay, thank you Director Cheng. This gift is very good, I like it very much.

As long as you like it, don't bother me.

Director Cheng came and left as quickly as he came. He did not do this over the phone. Their calls were monitored to avoid leaking information.

Monthly tickets are required to make up for Chapter 1. The competition for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month is too fierce. Xiaoyu will work hard to update, and I ask for encouragement from monthly tickets.

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