Spy Shadow

Chapter 487 Ji Hyo appears

Chapter 487 Ji Hyo appears

Thank you Ishihara-kun.

Chishang stood up and gave a big salute, but because Shuicheng Jun was there, he didn't say much.

When your promotion order comes, I will celebrate your success.

Chu Lingyun smiled and Shuicheng Jun followed to congratulate him. The relationship between Chishang and Ishihara was obviously closer, and he wanted to have a good relationship with Chishang.

Mr. Shuicheng, please inform them and start bringing them to see me today.

Chu Lingyun told Shuicheng Jun that Chu Lingyun must meet these four people one by one. After absorbing them, this organization will be formally established.

There were not many people, less than ten people, so they were neither conspicuous nor attracted attention.

Yes, I will inform you right away.

Shuicheng Jun was overjoyed and immediately stood up to leave. He was very attentive to this matter, which was related to his future.

Ishihara-kun, what are you talking about?

Okay, I'll go back first.

The first place Chu Lingyun arrived was not the work place of any of the four of them, but the Military Police Headquarters.

It's a pity that he has no real power. He is responsible for communication work in the cleaning team, so he can't make any money.

I know. Anyway, I don't believe he can do it. If he can really do it, I will listen to him in the future.

But Hiroshi Ishihara acted too calmly, and Hiroshi Ishihara has indeed done a lot of practical things, and he is not a vain person who likes to talk big words.

The military rank has been promoted to Major, and he can become a real retainer earlier. The future is bright.

Not long ago, the general received a letter from Tomotaka Hosokawa. It was written in this handwriting.

Chu Lingyun did not forcefully lift him up this time, and replied with a smile, This is good. Chi Xing gradually came to the realization that he would be the leader in the future.

If he were young, he would kill the enemy together with Chu Lingyun, but he is old and cannot kill anymore, so he will use this meager power to make his final contribution.

That's great, can I join?

Chu Lingyun asked lightly. Shimakura Toshiaki was startled, but felt a little angry in his heart.

In Zhejiang Province, inside a temple on a mountain.

This is where Tomotaka Hosokawa lives in seclusion. Chu Lingyun always behaves like Tomotaka Hosokawa every time she sees him.

The old monk promised Chu Lingyun that he would help cover the young man.

If you want loyal subordinates, it is not enough to be kind, but also to have authority. He did not have the opportunity to show his authority before, and Shun Cheng helped him come up with a way. After Hosokawa Tomataka comes in, his authority will be greatly increased.

The grace of reinvention is not an exaggeration. If Ishihara Hiroshi hadn't helped him, he would still be dawdling as the chief of the ground support department.

Chu Lingyun is a member of the Guo Army and a person who resists Japan.

Ishihara-kun, I can't speak, but I understand that you have a favor for me. Don't worry, your affairs will be my business from now on, and I will definitely help you wholeheartedly.

The content of the manuscript was something the general had written, but it had been revised. The focus was on the handwriting, which he recognized.

All four people are useful. Although they are not in the intelligence department, they can still provide a lot of important information in their respective fields.

Naoki Ishii's request was much simpler. He wanted to be transferred to the economic department of the cleaning team.

As long as he can live a stable life, I never thought he could change.

These are originally Chinese things. If they are useful, he will find a way to buy them at a low price and then send them to the rear for reuse.

you are?

He came from an ordinary background and had an ordinary family. He was admitted to the military academy. Later, he worked hard. After several wars, he climbed out of the dead and was promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Ishihara-kun, let's go first and wait for your good news.

Hiroshi Xiaobayashi was even less taken seriously. He did the same job as Shimakura, guarding the gate.

Chu Lingyun smiled and nodded. How could such a thing happen to them? Not only did they want to join, but they were also the backbone and an important force around him.

Shuicheng Jun persuaded him that no matter whether he could do it or not, it didn't matter if he came to meet him. What if it really helped him?

I understand. You are now a lieutenant colonel. What is the position you want most?

Shimakura Toshiaki took the initiative to ask. He was old and his position was not high, and the Shangguan he had offended before was still there. Although he was not in Shanghai, he still had influence.

He could help Chishang up and pull him down.

But the Japanese are the masters, and these policemen are all following orders.

This department has the most money and water, and you can eat and drink with just a little bit. Chu Lingyun agreed, but there was a requirement. After entering the economic department, he must give priority to the things he cleared out.

I understand part of it, not much. If you are willing, please elaborate.

Naoki Ishii is the oldest and has been with the Major the longest. He is in the cleaning class. The name is not very nice, but it is a very lucrative department.

The unit is good, but no matter how good the unit is, there are still unsatisfactory people, and that's how they are. The police security bureau where Yamaguchi Mitsukuma works is mainly responsible for supervising the Chinese police, and is also responsible for formulating some strategies.

The other two people are named Mitsukuma Yamaguchi and Hiroshi Kobayashi. One is in the police security bureau and the other is in a department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After the Shanghai War, Japan established a so-called cleaning squad, which was essentially a form of plunder. They took the seized factory machinery and various materials for themselves, and robbed a large amount of China's wealth.

Time passed so long that the sentry didn't think about it for a moment.

He didn't believe that a businessman could help him change all this.

Okay, then let's wait and see whether I am right or you are right.

The sentry looked at the young man in confusion. This young man seemed familiar to him, but he couldn't remember who it was.

This temple is not big. The old monk originally had an apprentice, but he was killed by the Japanese during the war. Now he is the only one left in the temple.

Chishang watched Shuicheng Jun leave. He didn't understand what the two people were talking about just now, so he took the initiative to ask.

Ikegami-kun, we are a family.

He is not afraid of death. When he lives to his age, his apprentice is gone. Death is a kind of relief for him.

The colonel had been promoted to major general because of his meritorious service. He was pinned down in Shanghai and could not move. After so many years, he had long lost his original ambition.

You can do whatever you want when you get to the consulate, it's better than looking at the gate before.

His temperament has been worn away a lot, but his arrogance is still there.

Of course it is to enter the staff department, where you can have better development.

Of course, Ikegami-kun is already my chosen one, and it's Takemoto-kun.

Yamada's position needs to be changed, at least he must have real power, otherwise how can he be obedient.

No matter who he is or who he is, as long as someone asks him, he will say that he lives here during this period, usually likes to read and write, and never goes out.

Ikegami said happily, while Chu Lingyun shook his head: No, not under my leadership, but under the leadership of Hosokawa Tomotaka.

However, if you can join the staff, it will be no less than leading troops outside.

Okay, I understand, Shuicheng-kun, please send Shimakura-kun back first.

Major Shuicheng, he is just a businessman. Do you believe this?

The secretary quickly reported that the sentry had not seen Hosokawa Tomotaka, but he had seen the photos sent when he was looking for Hosokawa Tomotaka before, so he would feel familiar.

Yes, it's Ji Hyo. He's back. Come on, come with me to pick him up.

When he reaches the age to retire, he will be like this in his life.

The old monk has only a few years to live, but he does not understand everything.

Lieutenant Shimakura, Mr. Ishihara is a man of justice. If you don't believe me, you can believe him. Really, I didn't lie to you.

The police station is very important. Chu Lingyun has infiltrated an agent inside. If Yamada stays in the police station, it will be very convenient for the agent.

Chishang's eyes suddenly lit up. He was not stupid. The more connections he had, the more paths he would have.

The three of them are all majors, but they are all very young. The eldest is thirty-six years old and the youngest is thirty-one.

Hiding a Japanese here and letting him help cover it must be something beneficial to the country.

That's great. I believe this group will be able to develop under the leadership of Ishihara-kun.

General Matsumoto's secretary took the thing handed over by the sentry with confusion. After opening it and looking through it for a few times, his eyes immediately tightened.

Ishihara-kun, this is Lieutenant Commander Shimakura Toshiaki.

Shuisheng Jun smiled and said that he was also skeptical about whether Ishihara Hiroshi could do this.

No one should try to get the real situation from him in any way.

After meeting the three people, just like when he faced Shimakura before, he asked them what they wanted. After understanding their situation, Chu Lingyun asked Shuicheng Jun to send them back.

Shuicheng Jun gave me a suggestion, saying that we have such a good relationship together, why not set up an organization, a small group, so that everyone can help each other and make progress together.

Xiao Linbo had the highest demands. He wanted to enter the consulate and did not want to stay in the Qingshui Yamen.

Shuisheng Shun sighed. If Shimakura could lower his head and admit his mistake, he wouldn't be like this after all these years.

The manuscript was unsigned, and the secretary immediately took the manuscript into the office.

Yes, you have such a good relationship with the young master and have saved his life, he will definitely agree.

Ikegami's eyes widened instantly. If Hosokawa Tomotaka joins and becomes the leader, no one in this group can look down upon him.

Not yet, but I am confident that I can convince him.

Shimakura Toshiaki was about to speak when Shuisheng Shun stopped him.

Ikegami immediately responded that Ishihara Hiroshi had a great influence on Hosokawa Tomotaka, and Takemoto was promoted because the young master wrote a letter to General Matsumoto himself.

Although his plan was successful, he was beaten down by the colonel, which not only failed to achieve success, but also led to failure.

Hello Ishihara-kun, Major Shuicheng said you can help me change the current situation. Do you understand my situation?

Chu Lingyun gave him a sum of money, enough money for his living.

The young master doesn't know Takemoto, so why he is willing to write this letter is not because of Ishihara Toru.

Especially after all these places have people, whether it is the Shanghai Station or the wartime intelligence team, it will be more convenient to work in the future.

What happened to the businessmen? Lu Buwei was also a businessman, and it also affected the entire country.

Give this to General Matsumoto, and he will know who I am.

Chu Lingyun came to the front of the headquarters alone and said politely to the sentry.

If Toru Ishihara was too vain, he would have agreed to his suggestions before instead of giving up his dominant position to others.

Shimakura-kun, how come you still can't figure it out after all these years? You must change your temper. If you don't, you will suffer losses in the future.

Chu Lingyun said softly, Chishang stood up again and bowed.

For two consecutive days, Shuicheng Jun brought the other three people to Ishihara Trading Company.

The Japanese were short of manpower. After occupying Shanghai, they took over the Shanghai Police Department and still used the previous Chinese police.

Chu Lingyun did not agree to this. He looked down upon the police department, but it was very important to Chu Lingyun.

You should also go back, I will take care of the military affairs.

Chu Lingyun said goodbye to an old monk. The old monk was very old. Chu Lingyun saved him during the Battle of Shanghai and knew the temple where the old monk was.

Shimakura Toshiaki said angrily that he didn't trust Chu Lingyun, and his transfer was not that easy, so it was normal to have such thoughts.

Shuicheng Shun told Dao Cang that he and Dao Cang met because of Dao Cang's son. Because Dao Cang was suppressed, his son is still a soldier and is studying in school before he can become an officer.

Please inform Commander Matsumoto that his little friend is visiting.

He was present during the first battle in Shanghai six years ago. Due to a conflict of opinion with his then-boss, Colonel, he carried out his plan despite objections.

The matter between the four people is a bit troublesome, and this time they must use the identity of Hosokawa Tomotaka to come forward.

He instinctively thought that the other party was telling lies. How could his position as lieutenant colonel be arranged by a small businessman?

After coming out, Shimakura immediately complained that although he was not in power, he was the lieutenant commander after all. Ishihara Trading Company was not small, but he really didn't pay much attention to it.

Shuicheng Jun came back quickly, and a man about forty years old followed him.

General, this may be given to you by Master Hosokawa. The sentry said the man was outside the door. I asked him about his appearance and it does look like him.

After all, Shuicheng Shun was his son's teacher, and it was related to his son's future. Shimakura Shunming resisted and left with Shuicheng Shun.

Now his destiny has been changed. Even if his legs are broken, he can still make meritorious deeds, and he has made more meritorious deeds than before.

No merit, no promotion.

Chu Lingyun said softly, Shimakura Toshiaki was silent at first, and then slowly told his story.


Leaving now?

Shuisheng Shun introduced the people around him, while Shimakura Shunming bowed his head to Chu Lingyun as a salute.

Shimakura Toshiaki sighed, it was a waste of time. Fortunately, he had free time now, so running out was nothing, just to give Shuisheng Shun some face.

Young Master, he also joined?

Shimakura Toshiaki didn't say anything about re-leading troops. He hadn't led troops in six years, so he wouldn't let him go so easily.

Chu Lingyun took out a manuscript and handed it over. The person who asked to see the commander was very elegant and well-spoken. He did not dare to neglect and immediately went over to report.

After chatting with the old monk, Chu Lingyun left.

The four people have different demands. Yamaguchi Mitsukuma does not want to stay in the police station, he wants to go to a better place.

Matsumoto looked at the manuscript carefully and immediately confirmed that these were several articles he had written, and he had asked Hosokawa Tomotaka to help revise them.

As a result, Tomotaka Hosokawa left Shanghai and did not come back for a long time.

He had even forgotten about this matter. He didn't expect that Hosokawa Tomotaka would suddenly deliver it in person today.

The second update, there will be an additional update today, the update time may be late, it is the end of the month, there is no double this month, friends who have a monthly ticket, can you continue to support Xiaoyu, during the Chinese New Year, I will update four times a day with 16,000 words, it is really tiring Yes, you can’t get into the top 50 monthly tickets, but you can get into the top 60, which can be considered a record.

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