Spy Shadow

Chapter 463: Rushing to Join the Party

Chapter 463: Rushing to join the party

Yes, we agree with this concept.

Chu Lingyun replied solemnly, he is a person who has experienced the later generations, so he naturally knows what the original intention of the Red Party is and how it does it.

The current Red Party is not as strong as later generations, but Chu Lingyun knows that they will definitely win the final victory in the future.

Comrade Kuangbiao 1, are you willing to join our party?

Ke Gong suddenly asked, and Chu Lingyun did not hesitate: I do.

Before coming to meet, Chu Lingyun had predicted that the leader of the Red Party would probably invite him to join the party. He carefully considered that Kuangbiao No. 1 could join the party first.

Even Miss Qiu can do it.

But Chu Lingyun's status is temporarily unavailable, and the right time has not yet arrived. Moreover, whether it is Kuangbiao No. 1 or Miss Qiu, as long as one of them joins the party, it means that he has joined the party.

Great, I can be your introducer to join the party.

Mr. Ke smiled and nodded. He was not surprised that Kuangbiao No. 1 agreed to join the party. He was Miss Qiu's subordinate in development. Even if Miss Qiu studied the theory herself, she would definitely tell him a lot about our party.

Miss Qiu is in the Party Affairs Investigation Department and has a deep understanding of the Red Party.

Thank you Mr. Ke, but I have a grudging request. I can join the party, but I hope my true identity will remain secret, including from you.

Chu Lingyun replied that his true identity could not be revealed for the time being, and he was unwilling to lie to deceive Mr. Ke. This point must be raised first.

You can trust me, and I will keep your confidentiality absolutely. If you are still worried, I don't need to leave any paper documents. I will report this matter separately, or even not report it temporarily.

Ke Gong, I believe you, but I have my own difficulties.

Chu Lingyun does trust him, but it's not convenient to say it now. When the time is right in the future, he will naturally confess.

That's later, not now.

Especially since he has multiple disguised identities at this time.

Well, since you are in trouble, I won't ask any more questions.

Mr. Ke sighed. He was not one to force others to make things difficult. Although he didn't know what the difficulty was with Kuangbiao 1, but since he didn't want to talk about it, Mr. Ke respected his choice.

Thank you Mr. Ke for your understanding.

Chu Lingyun thanked him immediately. Mr. Ke sat up straight and continued to ask: Can you please tell me where you work now?

He determined that Miss Qiu was in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, and there was a high possibility that Kuangbiao No. 1 was in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, but he still planned to ask.

My job is not fixed. I work in a Japanese trading company and in the intelligence service.

Chu Lingyun replied softly, while Ke Gongze looked shocked. He did not expect that Kuangbiao 1 was also a generalist and had different identities.

This is somewhat similar to Yuan Yida.

The Japanese intelligence department, or the fruit party's intelligence department?

Guo Dang, I also have a way to get some information from Japan.

Chu Lingyun gave a vague answer. Ke Gong was a smart man. If he spoke too deeply, he might guess his true identity.

I understand, don't worry, I won't let you do anything embarrassing.

Ke Gong was thoughtful. Chu Lingyun was right to worry. He worked in the Kuomintang intelligence department and had a background as a foreign businessman, so he could spy on Japanese intelligence.

He immediately thought of someone, Chu Lingyun.

It's a pity that Chu Lingyun is from an American foreign company, not Japan, so Mr. Ke missed the truth again.

Chu Lingyun did it intentionally by saying that Japanese Trading Company was involved, and he was not lying. Ishihara Trading Company was his property.

Thank you Mr. Ke.

Chu Lingyun thanked him again, but Mr. Ke didn't ask any more questions. As long as Kuangbiao 1 agreed to join the party, he would be Kuangbiao 1's introducer to join the party and report his special information. After going through the process, Kuangbiao 1 would become a party member in the future. Honorable member of the Red Party.

Speaking of which, Kuangbiao No. 1 joined the party earlier than his superior, Ms. Qiu.

You have a special working environment. I won't contact you on the radio station. You have to protect yourself. If you have any difficulties, you can always ask for help from the organization through Lao Zheng. Remember, you must put your own safety first at all times. If you encounter a very dangerous situation, If something happens, you must evacuate immediately. No matter at any time, the Red Party will always be your strongest backing and your home.

Kuangbiao No. 1 did not agree to tell his specific situation, but Ke Gong promised not to ask, so he warned about his safety.

He is different from other comrades. At least they can take the initiative to contact other comrades, but Kuangbiao No. 1 cannot, so when something happens, he will be more dangerous than other comrades and cannot get support from the organization.

Don't worry, I will protect myself.

Just after he finished speaking, Chu Lingyun suddenly said: Although we cannot communicate with each other through the radio, in an emergency, I can send you a message through the radio.

This is also a decision that Chu Lingyun has considered for a long time.

In order to make this decision, Chu Lingyun recently gave himself special training and deliberately changed his reporting fingering.

The fingering for sending a message is like handwriting, there are traces to follow.

However, radio has not been around for long, and the technology is far less developed than handwriting identification. As long as the fingering is changed, most people will not be able to tell that it is written by the same person.

Practice one more fingering method. Chu Lingyun will use this fingering method to directly contact the Red Party's hometown in the future.

The advantage of this is that if there is urgent information, he does not need to pass it on layer by layer, which will waste time.

Yes, great. I will give you the highest level code book. Only I can translate the message you send.

Ke Gong was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily.

Kuangbiao 1 took the initiative to ask for radio contact, even if it is not a long-term contact, it is still an improvement.

In this way, at least the organization can contact him directly in the future, and perhaps also establish such a connection with Miss Qiu.

I've prepared the code book, just take it.

Chu Lingyun smiled and said that since he had made preparations, there was no way he would not have prepared the code book.

Such a codebook does not need to be replaced regularly, because it is used very rarely and is carefully selected by Chu Lingyun. Ordinary people cannot decipher his code.

Okay, don't worry, I will keep this codebook close to my body.

Mr. Ke accepted the code book. Today he met Kuangbiao 1 and had three tasks.

The first one is to find out the identities of Kuangbiao 1 and Miss Qiu. Kuangbiao 1 is unwilling to say that this mission was a failure, but the other two missions were successful.

The second is to draw them all into the organization. Miss Qiu is not here, so Kuangbiao No. 1 only needs to agree. Kuangbiao No. 1 will join the party first, and he can naturally bring Miss Qiu to join the party in the future.

The third is to establish direct contact. Although the current contact is urgent and cannot be solidified, at least being able to contact is much better than passively waiting every time before and having to send a message to the local organization before contacting.

Mr. Ke was still very satisfied with the outcome of today's meeting.

Ke Gong, please pay attention to safety in Shanghai. If there is anything the organization needs me to do, you can contact Lao Zheng.

Chu Lingyun took the initiative and said that Lao Zheng was still the main hub of their communication.

I understand, go back and be careful.

Although Ke Gong wanted to spend more time with Kuangbiao 1 and chat with him more, he understood that the identity of Kuangbiao 1 was different and he could not stay outside for a long time.

Kuangbiao No. 1 is a member of the Fruit Party's intelligence department, and he must not be allowed to arouse others' suspicion.

Okay, Mr. Ke, please take care.

The two shook hands again, and Chu Lingyun left first and refused the escort of the guards.

He doesn't need anyone to escort him. He can get away from everyone in the concession and return to the safe house.

After Chu Lingyun left, Ke Gong also evacuated and returned to the safe house prepared for him by Secretary Wang.

Mr. Ke, how was your conversation with Comrade Kuangbiao 1?

When the two met, Secretary Wang did not follow him. He was only responsible for leading Lao Zheng to determine the identity of Kuangbiao No. 1 and to observe whether there was any danger behind.

It was a nice conversation.

Mr. Ke smiled and replied, Secretary Wang was very smart and only asked this question and did not ask any other questions.

Ke Gong, who can tell himself, will naturally say that it is useless to ask what cannot be said, and it will be a taboo to ask.

Mr. Ke didn't say anything. He returned to the study, sat on a chair, and recalled today's meeting with Kuangbiao 1 from the beginning.

Kuangbiao No. 1 admitted that he was in the intelligence department, but Ke Gong had a feeling that Kuangbiao No. 1 was probably not in the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

Military Intelligence, or other intelligence departments of the Kuomintang?

The most famous of the party's intelligence agencies are the Party Affairs Investigation Department and the Military Intelligence Department, but they are not the only two. The army, navy, the Department of National Defense, the military police, various warlords, and even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs all have their own intelligence agencies. .

Hurricane 1 may work at any of them.

Normally, if Ms. Qiu is in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, there is a high possibility that Kuangbiao No. 1 is also in the Party Affairs Investigation Department. But when Kuangbiao No. 1 chatted today, he only said that he was in the Party Intelligence Department, not the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

There was no need for him to hide this. If he didn't say anything, it was very likely that he was not here.

Where exactly he is, Ke Gong guesses that the Military Intelligence Department should account for 70%.

First of all, Cyclonus 1 has some military characteristics in both his words and actions. There are the most professional soldiers in the Military Intelligence Department, so their possibility is higher.

Secondly, he is extremely cautious and his words are impeccable. The more he is like this, the more he proves that he is a professional intelligence officer.

If this is true, it means that the scope of Miss Qiu's activities is not only in the Party Affairs Investigation Department, he can extend his hands further, and even develop his own comrades in the Military Intelligence Department.

This is crucial. Mr. Ke can slowly investigate based on his own clues, and maybe he can find out the identities of Miss Qiu and Kuangbiao 1.

After all, the Party Affairs Investigation Department and the Military Intelligence Department are naturally at odds with each other, and very few people have contact with each other.

But it's only possible that the two sides are at odds, and some relationships may be carried out in secret. Even the two people don't know about it, and it's even less likely for others to know about it.

If Kuangbiao 1 is in the Military Intelligence Department, either at the Shanghai Station, then it is in the Intelligence Group.

The Military Intelligence Office still had some special operations teams outside the city, but they were directly eliminated by Mr. Ke. They were basically all cannon fodder recruited. Kuangbiao No. 1 was very smart and rich, and there was still a way to escape even there initially.

Apart from not finding out the true identity of Kuangbiao 1, Ke Gong gained a lot from this meeting.

First of all, it was determined that Kuangbiao 1 was an intelligence agent. Secondly, he had multiple identities, including those within a Japanese commercial bank. Moreover, he himself said that he had channels to obtain Japanese intelligence.

Now that Guohong is cooperating, Japan is their biggest enemy.

It is important to obtain information about Japan.

Before meeting Kuangbiao 1, he had met Comrade Yuan Yida, whose identity was even more special.

On the Japanese side, they all have identities in the Party Affairs Investigation Division, the Military Intelligence Division, and the Youth Gang.

And this time he is responsible for the establishment of the Iwai Mansion, the intelligence agency of the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai. Although this is a Japanese department, he is in charge of the work.

Therefore, Yuan Yida asked for help from the organization and sent several more elite comrades to assist him.

Ke Gong has promised to help him find a few agents who are truly capable and adapt to the life of lurking, so that this Japanese intelligence department can become a tool to serve them.

A Japanese intelligence agency is secretly a stronghold of the Red Party. Yuan Yida did it very beautifully.

Yuan Yida also reported some information to the Military Intelligence Office. For this, he received praise and strong support from Director Dai, which made his work more convenient.

Ke Gong told Yuan Yida that if there is urgent information that is unfavorable to the Guo Party now that Guo Hong is cooperating, it can be reported to the Guo Party first to avoid serious losses.

As long as it is a force to resist Japan, it is our own people. In this regard, the Red Party has always had a better view of the overall situation than the Fruit Party.

Back in the safe house, Chu Lingyun was not in a hurry to remove the disguise, and also thought about today's meeting with Ke Gong again.

At first, he really didn't expect that Mr. Ke from the Red Party wanted to see him.

After meeting Mr. Ke, he understood that the Red Party already attached great importance to himself, or to Miss Qiu's identity.

He was mentally prepared, so he had no objection to joining the party and could not object.

There is no harm in him joining the party. Among these identities, using Cyclonus 1 to join the party is the most suitable.

Ms. Qiu continues to remain mysterious. Ishihara Hiroshi and Hosokawa Tomotaka are temporarily from Japan and cannot be exposed for the time being.

As for itself, it is really not suitable now.

It's not that he doesn't trust Mr. Ke. Once he joins, he will inevitably reveal all his identities, which will not be conducive to his future lurking.

And if he joins, he will need to cooperate with the Red Party to do many things in the future. Unlike now, he has a strong initiative and secretly helps.

His role is not that great in the open, so it is better to remain in the dark.

After carefully recalling the words, Chu Lingyun removed his disguise and returned to his hiding place.

Team leader, please report urgently.

As soon as he came back, he saw Ni Loach waiting anxiously. Ming Dao was Zhang Acheng. His relationship was also in the intelligence team, and he was a top-secret existence that only Chu Lingyun and Ni Loach knew about.

What's up?

Zhang Acheng's urgent report must be related to the Japanese. Chu Lingyun immediately brought Ni Loach into the room.

Tongwen Academy secretly recruited sixty new students, all of whom are Chinese. They want to brainwash and train these Chinese people and turn them into the most loyal Japanese lackeys, so that they can use their Chinese identities to spy on intelligence.

Loach reported quickly, while Chu Lingyun's eyes tightened.

The third update, the monthly ticket is 8050 for an additional update. At the request of a friend, an additional update will be added this year. Thank you for not forgetting your original intention and keeping your mission in mind for the reward of 500 starting coins again, thank you to the little naughty ghost for the reward of 233 starting coins, and thank you to the book friend 20200914195600390 for the reward of 168 starting coins.

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