Spy Shadow

Chapter 429 Qiu sends another message

Chapter 429 Qiu sends another message

The reason why Lao Deng could come to see Lao Hu this time was because he was assigned to Lao Hu's subordinate again.

When Lao Hu was in Nanjing before, he was responsible for affairs in the base area. This time Lao Deng served as the instructor of the Rangers, which was actually still in the nature of a guerrilla force.

The red party of the Rangers, their top line is Lao Hu.

Otherwise, even if Lao Deng comes to Shanghai, it is still impossible to meet Lao Hu. He is not on the same line and will never be allowed to meet in private.

Lao Hu, the organization has said that our identities will be made public, but your identity must remain confidential and continue to work underground.

Lao Deng said quickly that the Red Party resolutely resisted the war and attacked the Japanese invaders.

But after suffering a loss, they will not expose all their trump cards. On the premise that it does not affect the cooperation in the war of resistance, those who should hide their identities need to continue to hide.

I understand and I will continue to be careful.

Lao Hu will not let anyone know his identity without receiving an order to disclose it.

I am outside the city and cannot come to report in time. We will contact you in other ways when the time comes.

Lao Deng said again that although the two became comrades fighting side by side again in Shanghai, the environment here was very different from that in Nanjing.

The two people in Nanjing would communicate regularly and report on their work. Now they are far apart. In addition, the conditions of the Rangers are not very good. Guerrilla warfare is very hard and they are always in danger.

It is definitely not possible to meet regularly as before.

You can work with peace of mind and use the emergency contact information in case of emergency. We will use secret messages to communicate during other times of the day.

Lao Hu had received a task before and was responsible for liaison work with the guerrillas outside the city.

In addition to keeping abreast of the guerrillas' situation, they must also report their needs and difficulties to the organization and help them solve problems.

At the same time, when the city needs guerrillas outside the city, he is responsible for helping to contact them.

Lao Hu had his own way of communicating with comrades outside the city, not on a regular basis, but through secret messages sent to him by comrades from outside the city who came into the city.

The password for the secret message is known only to him and his comrades outside the city, and each person has the same password.

Even if someone is arrested, the secrets of other comrades will not be revealed.

As for Lao Hu, if something happens and the code book is found, Lao Hu does not know the whereabouts of his comrades outside the city and will not pose any danger to his comrades.

In the whole process, the most likely place for trouble to happen is when delivering secret messages.

The secret message will be notified first in code and then delivered in person.

Before joining, Lao Hu will observe carefully. If he finds anything wrong, he will abandon the joining to ensure safety.

Only a few, such as Lao Deng, who are absolutely trustworthy comrades, will know Lao Hu's address.

If there is a special emergency, Lao Deng and the others will come to see Lao Hu. However, once such a situation occurs, it means that Lao Hu's identity is exposed and he must be transferred immediately.

We cannot be careless in our work behind enemy lines.

In the past, their enemy was the Party Affairs Investigation Department, but now they are the Japanese. At the same time, they must be careful of the underhanded tricks of the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

The current environment is even worse than before.

In the evening, Lao Hu cooked some dishes and the two old comrades had a few drinks. No one dared to drink too much. They had worked together for so long in Nanjing and they had never dared to drink.

Tomorrow morning Lao Deng will leave to serve in the Rangers. They can indeed drink some today.

Japan occupied Shanghai, and there was great joy in the country. They finally occupied this beautiful city. Although they did not completely occupy China in three months, they made a good start after all.

Prime Minister Konoe Takemo and many senior officials were not as happy as ordinary people.

Although the battle in Shanghai was won, the Japanese army suffered considerable losses. The combat effectiveness displayed by the Chinese this time was not as weak as they imagined.

Especially in the previous reports from the intelligence agencies, they conducted a detailed investigation of China's top leaders and believed that most of China's top leaders only thought about their own interests and did not dare to fight a tough battle and would not fight a tough battle.

There are many warlords in China. Many warlords are fighting for their own little ninety-nine, and it is easy to be defeated by them one by one.

Win over those who can be won over, and eliminate those who cannot be won over.

But the result of this war was that they were slapped loudly in the face.

The unity shown in China during the Battle of Shanghai made Konoe and other high-level officials fearful. If the Chinese are still so united and unafraid of death in the future, it will not be easy to fully occupy China.

Many people were a little optimistic before.

Most of their attempts to win over Chinese warlords failed. They did win over a few people to instigate rebellion, but only a few of them were truly influential. Most of them were warlords who were out of power, or opportunists who had lost their power.

Such people can only be of limited help.

Many of the military generals they wanted most did not agree.

However, both at home and in the military, the enthusiasm for the full occupation of China is rising. Many young people are eager to join the army. Even the Prime Minister cannot stop the aggressive chariot at this time. He can only charge forward together. See Let’s see where we end up.

In the extra-high school class, Hasegawa came to the residence of Wu Shengcai and six others.

Hasegawa was very happy and occupied Shanghai. From now on, they would no longer have to huddle in the small Japanese concession, and the entire Shanghai would become their territory.

It's a pity that the concession is too much of an eyesore, and now they are the ones who hate the concession.

Hasegawa secretly swore that sooner or later, all these Westerners in the concession would be defeated and driven away. By then, Shanghai would be completely occupied, and the whole of China would become Japan's territory.

Lord Hasegawa.

Seeing Hasegawa come in, Wu Sheng stood up in a hurry. They were locked up here these days and could move freely in the room, but were not allowed to go out.

A few bored people could only play cards for fun.

Hasegawa nodded to Wu Shengcai and looked at Liao Wu: How is Liao Sang's recovery from his injury?

Liao Wu suffered the heaviest punishment before. After these days of training, he can now get out of bed, but he cannot do strenuous exercise.

much better.

Liao Wu replied in a muffled voice. Among the six, Wu Sheng was the captain, but it was Liao Wu who Hasegawa admired the most.

Subduing people like Liao Wu gave him a great sense of accomplishment.

Continue to rest and wait until the injury heals before working for the empire.

Hasegawa was not angry because of Liao Wu's attitude. If Liao Wu treated him like Wu Shengcai, he would be uncomfortable.

You five, start going out tomorrow to find out if there are any lurking military intelligence officers. If you can catch them, I will give you complete freedom and the bounty promised before will be directly distributed.

Hasegawa came here to ask them to do something.

It was initially decided in Shanghai that the Military Intelligence Department would definitely send people to lurk here. During the previous wars, they dared to go deep and it was impossible for them all to evacuate.

Hasegawa didn't know the people in the Military Intelligence Department, but they knew him. As long as they saw it, it might bring big gains.


Wu Shengcai was surprised and said that they had no freedom, but they knew the situation in the outside world very well. Every day they would ask the people who guarded them.

Japan had just occupied Shanghai and implemented strict controls. There was no one on the streets now. How could they find people?

Yes, right now, this is an order.

Hasegawa's face dropped. He issued orders and didn't like others to question him. Wu Shengcai just violated his taboo.

Yes, we'll go right away.

Wu Shengcai was shocked. This was not the Military Intelligence Department, and he was not the captain of the Intelligence Section of the Military Intelligence Department.

If Hasegawa is angered, he can be shot at any time.

He is now a prisoner of war.

The Special High School will not wait forever. No matter whether there are people or not, they will be sent out first, and they will search for them bit by bit. If that doesn't work, they will go door to door. If they find a Chinese latent agent, it will be a victory.

After leaving Wu Shengcai, Hasegawa went to another room.

This room held four people, four captured intelligence officers from the Shanghai Station of the Military Intelligence Department.

After giving the same instructions, Hasegawa went back to report to the section chief.

Chu Lingyun left Shanghai and secretly returned to the Military Intelligence Office. It was now late November, less than a month before Nanjing fell, and there were some things that he had to come back to arrange.

Hibernating temporarily, waiting for the activation signal.

Chu Lingyun ordered Bao Shengqun to hibernate through emergency contact. During this period in Shanghai, Chu Lingyun did not interrupt contact with Bao Shengqun, but only extended the fixed contact time.

In Shanghai, he can use the radio station at any time. The radio station is by his side, and this condition exists.

From Bao Shengqun's words, he already knew the plan of the Party Affairs Investigation Office. This time he cooperated with the Party Affairs Investigation Office without good intentions. If given the opportunity, they would also cause damage to the Red Party.

The Red Party needs to be reminded of this.

As for the ordinary people in Nanjing, Chu Lingyun did not have the ability or the means to evacuate all the people in Nanjing. What he needed to do was to remind people in Nanjing to evacuate as soon as possible.

How to remind is very important. Chu Lingyun needs more people's help.

And Hei Hayakawa, arrangements must be made for him as soon as possible.

Finally, there is the radio room. The radio room can be kept. When Chu Lingyun bought the two houses, he used a false identity. After the fall of Nanjing, there is a high probability that the two houses will not be saved, and the tunnels need to be buried first.

I will take back these two houses again when I have the opportunity in the future.

At night, not long after Lao Wu lay down, a familiar knock on the door rang.

Old Wu jumped up immediately. The lack of information about Miss Qiu for such a long time made him very worried.

In the battle in Shanghai, the Party Affairs Investigation Office was rarely involved, but due to cooperation during this period, the Party Affairs Investigation Office did not do anything to them on the surface.

Perhaps it was because there was no important information that Ms. Qiu did not contact her.

When he opened the door, there was no one outside, and there was a box on the ground.

Lao Wu returned to the room with the box in his arms and opened it carefully.

At the top is a piece of paper, the same as before, with newspaper cutouts, but this time the content is much more than before.

The Japanese invaders were brutal and they suffered a lot of losses in Shanghai. If they captured Nanjing, they would have to vent their emotions here. Please organize these photos to be made public as soon as possible to remind ordinary people in Nanjing to evacuate as soon as possible.

The Party Affairs Investigation Office is under pressure and will not take action against us openly, but they have never given up on dealing with us secretly. Comrades, remember to be safe when working and do not expose your identity at will.

The future is uncertain. I hope the organization will prepare as soon as possible and evacuate everyone from Nanjing first to avoid losses.

There are three paragraphs in total, and under the box is a thick stack of photos.

There were fifty-three photos in total, and five copies of each photo were developed. There were more than two hundred photos in total. Old Wu looked through several photos and was shocked.

These photos were secretly collected by Chu Lingyun. He could not be traced through the photos. The contents of the photos were all Japanese atrocities, but most of them were after the bombing. There were many corpses lying inside.

Especially the many bombed houses are very conspicuous.

There were good and bad houses, and these photos show that no matter where you lived, you were likely to be bombed by the Japanese.

At the same time, there are several photos of Japanese soldiers brutally killing Chinese people. With these photos, those who are lucky can see how cruel the Japanese are. They have the habit of killing, and in addition to the previous battles, they also Many people were lost. Once Nanjing falls, many people will suffer.

Chu Lingyun didn't know how many people could see it. Even if only one person evacuated because of these photos, these photos would be valuable.

The Red Party cares most about the people, and leaving it to them would be better than Chu Lingyun exposing these photos himself.

Moreover, his time in Nanjing was limited and it was inconvenient to handle the matter in person.

After looking through a few photos, Old Wu hurriedly closed the box and left carefully.

Secretary Liang's eyes were moist when he saw these photos.

The great rivers and mountains have been trampled by the enemy, and every Chinese has a huge sense of shame in their hearts, and he is no exception.

As for Chu Lingyun's reminder, the organization has already given instructions. Those who are lurking will continue to lurk, and those who should be exposed will show up and cooperate with the Fruit Party.

At the same time, he felt deep sadness in his heart. The enemy had invaded his home, but he was still thinking about internal strife.

How can such a fruit party make people feel at ease?

Secretary Liang put his mind aside. Now is not the time to denounce the Kuomintang. These photos sent by Miss Qiu are crucial. They must be seen by more people as soon as possible.

There are two voices in Nanjing at this time.

Although the Shanghai War failed, the Japanese also suffered heavy losses. Many people believed that they were unable to advance westward and would stay in Shanghai to digest the results of the war.

In the short term, nothing will happen to Nanjing.

Some people are worried that Japan will take the opportunity to attack Nanjing. There are many cities along the way, but the previous wars have depleted their troops and they cannot resist the Japanese attack.

They can easily and surely reach Nanjing.

It is true that Nanjing is a fortified city, but it is a pity that this is not the ancient times. Machine guns and artillery are more powerful. With so many people unable to defend Shanghai, they may not be able to defend Nanjing.

Some of these people have already evacuated, some are preparing to evacuate, and some are waiting and watching.

After they see Japan's atrocities, I believe more people will choose to evacuate.

Lao Wu left, and Secretary Liang found other online comrades and asked them to find a way to contact the newspaper and publish these photos in the newspaper as soon as possible.

In addition, Secretary Liang ordered those comrades who had been in contact with the Fruit Party and whose identities were exposed to publicly publicize the atrocities of the Japanese to remind more people.

As for whether the organization should evacuate, Secretary Liang couldn't decide, but he had asked his hometown for instructions before, and the reply he gave was to be ready to evacuate at any time.

First update, thanks to book friend 20210402211555718 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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