Spy Shadow

Chapter 389 He is a red party member

That's right, several section chiefs don't have such treatment, but I didn't expect that Chu Lingyun would.

Zuo Xuan replied with emotion. When he met Chu Lingyun for the first time, he knew that this was a very powerful young man, but he did not guess that in less than a year, Chu Lingyun would be promoted from captain to lieutenant colonel. , and became the deputy section chief of the Operations Section.

So far, Chu Lingyun still holds the position of deputy section chief of the Inspection Section.

He is unique in the Military Intelligence Department serving as two deputy section chiefs.

This was also their chief's trick. As long as Chu Lingyun was the deputy section chief of the Inspection Section, no one at each branch dared to take it lightly. For fear of making some mistakes, the chief would send Chu Lingyun out to investigate the case.

Do you have more information about Chu Lingyun?

Secretary Liang asked. He cared about Chu Lingyun because of Lin Shi. Chu Lingyun controlled their money bags.

But he couldn't tell Zuo Xuan this. Zuo Xuan and Lin Shi were not on the same page.

Yes. Zuo Xuan nodded: Chu Lingyun is a man with outstanding abilities. He is decisive and ruthless in his actions. In terms of counter-espionage, he has a keenness that cannot be compared with others. Very few of the Japanese spies targeted by him can escape. No matter how difficult the case is, it will become easy in his hands.

Zuo Xuan slowly told several cases that Chu Lingyun had solved.

Some Secretary Liang knew about it, but didn’t know the details. They

The information that could be obtained in Nanjing before was still limited. I only knew that Chu Lingyun was good at solving crimes and had solved many cases. His promotion was all due to his real contributions.

But the specific process of the case is not that clear. After listening to Zuo Xuan's words, Secretary Liang's eyes widened.

Several cases sounded easy, but he was a lurking person and knew the difficulties very well.

For example, when the nanny of the Military Intelligence Department committed the crime, just because there was a gap between the time when he received the equipment and the time when the spy escaped, Chu Lingyun judged that the nanny was in the equipment department, and thus found the nanny.

There is also the case of Fang Wancao. The deceased person investigated the places he had visited before, thereby identifying the suspect and finding out the Han women and the Japanese spies. This sensitivity is really terrifying.

As for the Jiang Binghui case, it was just a pedicure, but Chu Lingyun found out that he was going to contact him, which made Secretary Liang not even think about it.

He was recalling the scene when he met Chu Lingyun. At that time, Chu Lingyun went to ask him about sulfonamide. He did not show any abnormality. Doctors are very sensitive to drugs, especially this kind of life-saving drug that is not easy to buy.

He should have no problem, but what about Lin Shi?

Lin Shi and Chu Lingyun were so close, they had met more than once, and they even spent New Year's Eve together. If Lin Shi showed any flaws, the consequences would be disastrous.

At this time, he finally understood why Guild Ke personally came to Nanjing to train Lin Shi. Chu Lingyun was too scary.

Fortunately, Lin Shi has made a lot of progress, but he still needs to be warned to be careful when dealing with Chu Lingyun.

Comrade Kunlun, you must pay attention to safety in the heart of the enemy.

Safety, your safety is more important than intelligence.

When they finally parted, Secretary Liang once again reminded Zuo Xuan that in the Military Intelligence Department, Zuo Xuan could not only get information about Chu Lingyun at all times, but also know the trends of the Military Intelligence Department.

The Military Intelligence Department is not their main opponent, but it is only now. Moreover, the other party is an intelligence department after all. Once they get information about them, they will not be lenient.

Don't worry, I know how to protect myself.

Zuo Xuan nodded. He had been lurking for so long and had already developed it. His psychological quality and abilities were stronger than those of ordinary lurkers in the Nanjing organization.

Zuo Xuan returned to the Military Intelligence Department. Virgo was not there, but their work did not stop.

Section Chief Xu Yi is very dissatisfied with the recent work of the Intelligence Section. Forget it that he has been suppressed by the Operations Section for so long. Before, most of the Japanese spies in Nanjing were wiped out. However, after the new year, the Operations Section made another big move and wiped out a number of them. Japanese spy.

On the other hand, their intelligence department still had nothing to gain.

This made Xu Yi intolerable. At any time, everyone in the intelligence department must work hard to find clues. If they can't find the Japanese, they will look for red.

The Party or the investigating military and police must make some achievements no matter what.

Now that the Intelligence Section has expanded by a team, and they have a natural advantage, it is really unjustifiable that they have no achievements.

Xu Yi was really anxious, even if Virgo was away, he still worked hard.

Wending's son's wedding, which lasted for three days, finally came to an end.

Chen Mutu has been accompanying Chu Lingyun these days. With him around, other people can't come forward and can only wait until the wedding is over.

As soon as the result was over, Chu Lingyun left with the eldest son. The Chairman personally summoned them and asked them to go to Hangzhou.

The eldest son was very excited. After waiting for so long, he finally got his wish.

Junior brother, what etiquette should I use when meeting my father? Before arriving in Hangzhou, Chang Jianfeng was a little restless and kept asking Chu Lingyun.

The chairman is a traditional person, so brother, just use traditional etiquette.

Chu Lingyun replied with a smile. Chang Jianfeng was slightly startled, and then nodded: You are right, traditional etiquette will do. You must not use Western methods. Abba doesn't like it.

There are many traditional etiquettes, but Chu Lingyun did not expect that Chang Jianfeng would use that kind.

When Chang Jianfeng went to see his father, Chu Lingyun and Chu Zuo were waiting outside. This was a meeting between their families, and there was no need for them to follow him, otherwise it would embarrass the father and son.

As for Chang Jianfeng, when he brought his wife and children to see his father, he kowtowed three times and bowed nine times, which was a great gift.

This etiquette indeed moved the old man a little, but he did not let go.

When Chang Jianfeng came out, he was obviously lonely.

Ling Yun, go and accompany the eldest son.

Virgo was very discerning and noticed Chang Jianfeng's expression, so he arranged for Chu Lingyun to go over. At this time, Chang Jianfeng really needed someone to help him.

Comfort, Chu Lingyun is the most suitable person.

Yes, Virgo.

Chu Lingyun responded and caught up with Chang Jianfeng. When Chang Jianfeng saw him, he whispered: My father asked me to go back to my hometown first.

go back home?

Chu Lingyun was not surprised. After all, that person was very skillful, and he would not only do this little beating.

Senior brother, wouldn't it be better to go back to your hometown? The chairman is a filial person, and your biological mother is in your hometown. At this time, go back and show your best, let the chairman see.

Chu Lingyun said with a smile, Chang Jianfeng was slightly startled, and then nodded: You are right, I have not visited my mother for so long, it is my fault as a son.

Chang Jianfeng originally wanted to stay in Nanjing and work, but he didn't expect to be sent to his hometown.

He couldn't do anything when he returned to his hometown, but he had to listen to his father's arrangements. Chu Lingyun's comfort made him feel better.

After finishing speaking, Chang Jianfeng looked at Chu Lingyun again: Junior brother, can you go back with me?

Not this time. It's not convenient for me to go back with you. Besides, my work has been very heavy recently and I can't leave for that long.

Chu Lingyun shook his head. Big changes were coming in a few months. Even if he had time at this time, he couldn't waste it by accompanying Chang Jianfeng back to his hometown.

Okay, but you must visit me when you have time.

Chang Jianfeng nodded in disappointment. He understood that Chu Lingyun was with him.

The hope of going to his hometown is very low. Chu Lingyun is not an idle person. If there was really nothing to do, he wouldn't need it.

However, Chu Lingyun personally sent him back to his hometown. This time, they did not need to protect him. The old man sent his own guards to follow him.

Party Affairs Investigation Department, Zhan Wei rushed to Jiang Wan's office. Section Chief, good news, traces of the Red Party have been found.

Really, where?

Jiang Wan stood up immediately. During this period, there had been no progress in his work, which made him frightened.

The last time he was teased by the Red Party and used a fake air-raid alarm to rescue the captured Red Party, he was demoted to the deputy section chief of the Intelligence Section by Mr. Xu.

However, this is to allow him to make meritorious service, and only with meritorious service can he be reinstated.

In other words, if you are unable to make meritorious deeds, you will not only be unable to recover

It is very likely that the deputy section chief will not be able to continue his job if he is reinstated. Old Ghost Xu has always had a limited tolerance for people who are incompetent.

Now that they have merged with the Military Intelligence Department, Old Ghost Xu has backing, and he needs results to prove himself. He has urged him several times.

He sent out all the people in the Intelligence Department, and finally received good news today.

In the south of the city, over there in a slum.

Zhan Wei quickly said that he was the leader of the second intelligence team, and his predecessor was Tan Wenbo who fled during the riot.

After Tan Wenbo stepped down, Lin Peilun promoted him.

Fortunately, his time as team leader was short, and Jiang Wan eliminated the other two team leaders and kept him.

If all three team leaders were replaced, it would make people think that he was too ruthless, and Zhan Wei was left behind in the end.

Great, how did you find him?

Jiang Wan asked excitedly, and Zhan Wei immediately replied: Last time, a kind man went to several slums to deliver pancakes. He gave away a lot and said some suspicious words. I suspected that he was a red party member, so I started to attack him. investigation.

In the end, I couldn't find this person. I thought that if he could go there once, he would probably go again, so I asked people to keep an eye on a few slums. Just two days ago, we found a suspicious person. He didn't It was a charity, but it helped a lot of slum workers. Only the Red Party liked to be nice to these mud-legged people, so I investigated him.

Then I discovered that his identity was questionable. His hometown had been occupied by the Red Party, and he often declared some Red Party theories. So I concluded that he was a Red Party member.

Zhan Wei finished speaking quickly, and Jiang Wan kept nodding: Okay, good job. Has the information been kept secret?

After the Red Party was rescued last time, Jiang Wan suspected that there was a Red Party nanny in the office.

He poured dirty water on the Shanghai District, but he knew very well that the nanny was most likely not He Yadong, and he hadn't found out the nanny yet.

But he didn't dare to tell Old Ghost Xu, otherwise he would be in trouble first.

It's been kept secret. Only the people in my team know about it. Now they act together in pairs and they are never separated.

Zhan Wei returned, and Jiang Wan walked out: Take me to have a look.

He discovered the Red Party. If he could catch the Red Party, he would have made a great contribution. There was no need to worry about Old Ghost Xu kicking him away.

If he could capture both the top and bottom line members of the Red Party, it would be a great achievement, and he might even be reinstated as section chief.

He attached great importance to this matter.

Section Chief, we found a red party member.

In the Military Intelligence Department, Xu Landong came to report to Xu Yi. Xu Yi is now very hungry. Except for Japanese spies, everyone who is unfavorable to the Fruit Party must be found.

A dog is nosy when it comes to picking up mice, but its owner likes it all the same.

Where is it? Have you confirmed your identity?

The slums in the south of the city have been identified.

Xu Landong quickly replied that his informant discovered something was wrong with someone and told him that based on his investigation, he found that this person was not a Japanese spy, but a red party member.

It would be nice if they were Japanese spies, but Chu Lingyun cleaned up the Japanese spies in Nanjing so hard. The first batch of spies were shot down by Chu Lingyun, so that they couldn't even drink soup.

Without a spy, they had no choice but to start from other aspects, and this time they finally got something.

Just make sure, keep an eye on the person, find out his connections, and catch them all in one fell swoop.

Yes, section chief, but when we were keeping an eye on people, we found that there was someone else staring at the red party member?

Xu Landong replied, Xu Yi suddenly looked at him: There is someone else, it's


It's not confirmed yet, but I suspect it's someone from the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

He also just discovered that the Red Party was being targeted, and immediately came to report to Xu Yi. Xu Yi frowned, and was being targeted by people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department, which was a bit troublesome.

To deal with the Red Party, it is logical to change the name of the Party Affairs Investigation Office.

But Xu Yi has been hungry for so long, and he will definitely not give up such credit to others, let alone the wrong Party Affairs Investigation Department.

Determine their identity as soon as possible. If it is true,

This is the Party Affairs Investigation Division, we arrest people first.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Yi issued the order.

He wanted to take credit and snatch this piece of meat from the mouth of the Party Affairs Investigation Department.


Xu Landong took the order and left. He came to report because he wanted this authority.

When it comes to the Party Affairs Investigation Department, he can no longer make the decision, Xu Yi must make the decision.

He also doesn't want this credit to be taken away from him. The meat in his mouth is meat. If he looks at it, it may be bitten off by others at any time.

Lu Zhiwen works as a primary school teacher and he loves teaching and educating people.

His hometown is in Jiangxi. When he was in his hometown, he came into contact with the theory of the Red Party. He recognized this concept of speaking out for the poor and later joined the Red Party.

As his hometown was occupied by the Fruit Party, he was sent to Nanjing three years ago to do some propaganda work.

He sympathizes with those living at the bottom and always wants to provide some help to them, such as teaching them literacy and explaining some truth to them, so that they understand that there is still light in China and there is still hope for their lives.

However, he also understood that this was Nanjing and this kind of thing couldn't be done too obviously.

He focused on the slums. He knew the Fruit Party very well. The people here had no money and no one paid attention to them.

No one would even go there for fear of contracting some disease.

In the past two years, he has taught and helped many people here. Some people even joined the Red Party under his influence, and then were sent to surrounding base areas after training.

His upline is Lao Peng, and his previous upline was Lao Hu.

In the past, Lao Hu had very strict requirements on him and allowed him to help others, but he had to do it secretly, and he could not do too much at one time. He had to pay attention to confidentiality and not contact too frequently.

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