Spy Shadow

Chapter 322 Give away half

Chapter 322 Give away half

Xie Zhenyuan sent money at this time, which was not a good time.

You need to send money at the beginning, or like Zhao Tianxi, send it after the review is completed. Now that the review is in progress, sending money at this time can easily be mistaken for a major problem at Guangzhou Station.

Loach, come with me for a walk.

Chu Lingyun put down the envelope and walked out, with Loach following closely behind.

Team leader, the problem at Guangzhou Station is quite big.

Loach understood the purpose of the walk and that the room was not safe. Xie Zhenyuan's performance today further confirmed this.

They checked that there were no bugs, but that only meant the moment of the check. If Xie Zhenyuan followed Chen Shu's example, he would not let it go until you check it, and then use the small hole prepared in advance to send the bug in. What they said will be heard clearly.

Have Liang Yu and the others come back?

Chu Lingyun asked. Liang Yu and the others had been out all day to investigate the situation of the Anti-Smuggling Department. Xie Zhenyuan held two positions. The director of the Guangzhou Station had a lot of power, but the real power was the Anti-Smuggling Department.

After feeling that something was wrong with Xie Zhenyuan yesterday, he immediately ordered Ni Loach to investigate the anti-smuggling department. The more oil and water there is, the easier it is for problems to arise.

Five of them came back, but Liang Yu didn't come back. But when he went out, he said that if no problem was found, he would come back as soon as possible. If a problem was found, he might not come out for the time being.

I told him that if there is a problem outside and it is inconvenient to come back and report it, just go to Captain Shen and use his radio to contact us.

Shen Hanwen has already set off from Changsha, and he has brought twenty people with him. As long as they don't come to Guangzhou Station, Xie Zhenyuan will not be able to find them for a while.

Even if Xie Zhenyuan is a local snake, it is not easy to find twenty people who have never been seen before and are scattered.

It seems Liang Yu has discovered a problem. Keep an eye on the radio and report to me directly if there is any situation. Don't use the phone.

Chu Lingyun nodded. Xie Zhenyuan had a problem. The purpose of the Virgo's inspection was to find out the hidden problems and avoid being caught off guard by Old Ghost Xu again.

Yes, I will always pay attention.

Xie Zhenyuan returned to his office, and Xie Zikai walked in immediately.

Giving money is not a good idea, but giving money is also a kind of temptation. He was talking about tea money for all the people coming from the headquarters. In fact, it was given to Chu Lingyun.

If Chu Lingyun really distributed the money, it meant that what he valued was not the money, but that he was determined to investigate him or even punish him.

In that case, he must come up with a way to deal with it, otherwise he is likely to fall into the hands of this young man, Chu Lingyun.

He has never doubted Chu Lingyun's ability to investigate cases. For a person who can uncover even hidden spies, once a serious investigation is carried out, the things he has done may not be covered up.

When that time comes, he must find a way to save himself.

Before, he had a chance to resist with arms, but Chen Mutu's intervention made him understand that this method was no longer advisable.

In Guangzhou, if Chen Mutu were an elephant, he would be at most a kitten. Cats are much stronger than ants, but they are also powerless against elephants.

Webmaster, have you asked about his relationship with Chen Mutu?

Xie Zikai asked carefully, Xie Zhenyuan shook his head slightly: It's not convenient to ask this question directly. How about you, have you found out what Chen Mutu said to him?

No, Chen Mutu's guards have sealed off the entire restaurant. No outsiders are allowed in. We have no way to check.

Xie Zikai replied, and Xie Zhenyuan was even more helpless and could only ask: How much time did they spend eating together?

About an hour.

Xie Zikai knew this and answered hurriedly. He knew the time when Chu Lingyun arrived at the restaurant and when he came out. Time could not be hidden from him.

Xie Zikai's abilities were limited, which he knew very well, but he still made him the intelligence team leader. What he wanted was not Xie Zikai's ability, but his loyalty.

As a fellow villager and a member of the same clan, he had absolute trust in Xie Zikai. He didn't need much ability from him at ordinary times, as long as he could help him take care of his home.

Xie Zikai had always performed well before, but this headquarters inspection exposed his shortcomings. At the critical moment, he was unable to get the information Xie Zhenyuan wanted.

Xie Zhenyuan understood this and did not tell him. At this time, he was thinking about the time when Chu Lingyun and Chen Mutu would eat together.

One hour is not a short time. It doesn't take that long to eat normally. If you drink, especially if you drink to your heart's content, this time is not enough.

The two of them drank. He did smell alcohol on Chu Lingyun just now, but he probably didn't drink much.

Since they drank, the two must have talked a lot. What on earth were they talking about?

In other words, why does Chen Mutu value Chu Lingyun, and what can Chu Lingyun bring to him?

Due to the lack of clues, he is currently unable to determine where the relationship between Chen Tumu and Chu Lingyun has reached.

But no matter which step he takes, the preemptive means in his previous plan can no longer be used.

No matter what reason he used to arrest the person Chen Mutu personally invited to dinner, Chen Mutu could not remain indifferent. What's more, Chu Lingyun was the headquarters inspector and he had no right to attack him.

Even if Chu Lingyun really has a problem, it will have to be handled by the headquarters.

At Guangzhou Station, Shen Hanwen got off the train.

According to the group leader's instructions, the twenty of them were divided into five teams of four people each and stayed in different inns.

These hotels are not far apart, and they can be gathered here at any time in case of emergency.

In addition to Shen Hanwen's 21 people, Shen Hanwen's team has five people, and the radio station is in their hands.

Yuan Shouwang successfully took over the Changsha Station. Now the Changsha Station is under his control. He is now firmly established as the station chief.

Send a report to the team leader that we have arrived in Guangzhou and are waiting for instructions.

After entering the room, Shen Hanwen immediately ordered his subordinates to send a message reporting their whereabouts.

Shen Hanwen also understood that the team leader must have encountered something at Guangzhou Station, and it was something serious.

Otherwise, they will not be allowed to lurk and hide when they arrive, and use them as surprise troops.

He ordered all team members to keep their guns close to their bodies and to support the team leader at any time if necessary. In addition, when he came to Changsha, he brought two machine guns and grenades to enhance their firepower.

Shen Hanwen has only one purpose, no matter what happens, he must ensure the safety of the team leader.

Team leader, there's a call from Hanwen.

Ni Loach received the telegram and immediately reported it to Chu Lingyun. He did not say it clearly to prevent Xie Zhenyuan from listening.

In fact, Xie Zhenyuan was indeed monitoring them, but he was not using eavesdropping devices, but using clumsy methods. On the upper floor where Chu Lingyun lived, he arranged people to monitor by ear, and the floor was thinned by them. If you listen carefully, you can Hear their conversations.


Chu Lingyun nodded, it would be good if Shen Hanwen arrived, so that Liang Yu would not be isolated and helpless.

At this time, Liang Yu was near the dock.

He was the best student in the Hangzhou school. After graduation, he handled many cases in Action Group 4, and his experience and ability were greatly improved.

After receiving the mission, regardless of whether anyone was following him or not, he always carefully performed anti-tracking actions and successfully got rid of the people who were monitoring him.

His task was to investigate the Anti-Smuggling Department. He did not go directly to the Anti-Smuggling Department. He was not familiar with the area here. It would be easy to expose himself if he rashly went to the Anti-Smuggling Department to inquire about information.

He found someone to find out about the black market, and then went to get information on the black market.

This method really made him discover the problem.

The duty of the Anti-Smuggling Department is to crack down on and investigate smuggling, but he learned on the black market that the Anti-Smuggling Department itself is the largest smuggling gang in Guangdong.

He obtained a very important piece of information on the black market. The anti-smuggling department was doing the smuggling, and it was a woman named Hao Wenzhu who was doing it.

Hao Wenzhu is Xie Zhenyuan's mistress. She is very powerful in Guangzhou. She can get you anything you want as long as you pay a reasonable price.

In addition to large items such as warships and airplanes, even if you want a cannon, she can find a way to help you get it.

However, Hao Wenzhu's biggest smuggling was opium, which meant that she was mainly in the opium business.

Not only Guangdong, but also Jiangxi, Fujian and other places got a lot of opium from her, and the business was very large.

After spending some money, Liang Yu got the address of a warehouse from Hao Wenzhu, and immediately came to the vicinity of the warehouse to conduct investigation and surveillance.

Hao Wenzhu has an unusual relationship with Xie Zhenyuan. Her ability to make her business so big is inseparable from Xie Zhenyuan. Maybe Xie Zhenyuan is the real mastermind behind the scenes.

As the director of the Anti-Smuggling Division and the head of the Guangzhou Station of the Military Intelligence Division, taking the lead in smuggling drugs is a serious crime.

After Liang Yu discovered the problem, he did not go back and stayed outside to investigate alone. The information he found out could not be used as evidence, and he had to find the evidence himself.

There are four guards at the entrance of the warehouse, as well as a hidden sentry. It is unusual for a civilian warehouse to be so tightly guarded.

Either the goods inside are of extremely high value, or they are shady.

Monitoring until late at night, without seeing any passing vehicles, Liang Yu could only retreat. He was alone and could not keep an eye on it. He needed support and more people to monitor the warehouse with him.

Early the next morning, Xie Zikai hurried to Xie Zhenyuan's office.

Xie Zhenyuan did not go to the Anti-Smuggling Department today. He wanted to keep an eye on Chu Lingyun personally and stayed with the Military Intelligence Department.

Stationmaster, my subordinates reported that only five of the six people who went out yesterday came back, and one person did not come back.

Who didn't come back?

Xie Zhenyuan immediately asked, did the person from the headquarters stay away all night?

They are not here for tourism. Their task is to review each station. If he didn't come back overnight, where did he go and what did he do?

My name is Liang Yu. He is very young. It is said that he has just graduated from Hangzhou Police Academy. However, he has made many meritorious service in the fourth group of the operations department and was promoted to second lieutenant.

Xie Zikai did his homework this time and answered immediately.

Go, develop his photos as soon as possible, give them to Lao Hei, and ask him to bring people to find him. Be sure to find Liang Yu and tell Lao Hei to only look for people and not to take action.

Xie Zhenyuan immediately gave the order. After Chu Lingyun and the others arrived, each team member was secretly photographed by Xie Zikai's people.

Now these photos have a use.

Lao Hei is a boss of the local gang. He has taken refuge with Xie Zhenyuan and belongs to his peripheral forces. Xie Zhenyuan smuggles opium and there must be no one in the underworld.

In Guangzhou, Xie Zhenyuan is truly a black and white man.


Xie Zikai left in a hurry, while Xie Zhenyuan walked back and forth in the office.

Will Chu Lingyun find out about him? If he is discovered, can Chu Lingyun help him hide it and not tell Virgo?

After thinking for a moment, Xie Zhenyuan shook his head.

He didn't know Chu Lingyun's character, but this inspection was ordered by Virgo to find out the problem. His problem was not small. He had smuggled a lot of opium in the past few years and made a lot of money.

He can't put all his hopes on Chu Lingyun. Money is good, but no matter how much money he has, life is not as important as life. Chu Lingyun's power comes from Virgo, and the real root of this matter still lies with Virgo.

If Virgo doesn't pursue the matter, Chu Lingyun will be unable to do anything to him.

Lao Wu, you go to my house now. I have an important task for you.

Xie Zhenyuan made a phone call, then stood up and left.

The person he trusted the most was not Xie Zikai, but Lao Wu.

Lao Wu was not in the Military Intelligence Department. He followed Hao Wenzhu and helped Hao Wenzhu handle the smuggling. In fact, he was the one who really called the shots in the smuggling.

Chu Lingyun came with bad intentions. He couldn't just sit there and wait for death. He had to use all available methods to save himself.

So far, he has not received any news that Chu Lingyun distributed the money, but a team member from the headquarters did not return all night, which made him aware of the crisis.

He knew that Chu Lingyun brought not only the people who had already arrived, but also a captain and twenty people.

He received news yesterday that this group of people had set off from Changsha to Guangzhou. According to time, they should have arrived in Guangzhou last night, but Chu Lingyun did not send anyone to pick them up, or even told them about it.

If these people don’t come to Guangzhou Station, where will they go?

The answer is obvious, they are probably outside, and the team member probably went to see them yesterday.

Xie Zhenyuan's guess was a little off, but the result was correct.

Liang Yu did not come back and did go to find Shen Hanwen.

In the morning, Shen Hanwen had personally brought people to keep an eye on the warehouse. There were many of them and they took turns to keep an eye on the vehicles coming in and out 24 hours a day. They could also send people to keep an eye on where those vehicles went.


When I got home, Lao Wu was already waiting there.

Take this money and go to Nanjing immediately to find Ziqi and ask him to introduce you to Virgo. Give all the money to Virgo. Tell him that I will give 50% of the annual benefits in Guangzhou to him. he.

Fifty percent.

Lao Wu was shocked. They made a lot of profits from smuggling every year, and they gave half of it for free. This was a big expense.

Yes, 50%, you must make it clear.

Xie Zhenyuan nodded. He had no choice but to bleed heavily. He knew Virgo's temperament. If he didn't do this in advance, if Chu Lingyun found out and reported it, he would probably be punished.

The money he makes is enough to make Virgo's heart beat.

So much money?

Lao Wu was shocked again when he saw Xie Zhenyuan handing him banknotes worth 10,000 yuan, a total of twenty.

Twenty pieces, that’s two hundred thousand oceans.

The banknotes from this kind of bank can be withdrawn in other places, and the money can also be withdrawn in Nanjing. The value of 200,000 oceans is much higher than 200,000 French currency.

Give away 200,000 yuan first, and then give away half of the benefits every year. This is Xie Zhenyuan's life-saving method.

The first update. After a delay, Xiaoyu continues to code. There will be an additional update today.

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