Spy Shadow

Chapter 308 Testing the traitor

Chapter 308 Testing the traitor

come in.

Zhang Acheng stepped aside and Yu Liang quickly ran into the yard. He was unwilling to delay outside for a second for fear of being discovered.

Brother Zhang, I can't find anyone else now, I can only look for you. Please help me.

Entering the room, Yu Liang immediately cried and begged. He really cried. He didn't know what was going on in the past two days. He always felt that he was in extreme danger. Only coming here gave him a little more sense of security.

Don't worry, tell me clearly what's going on.

Zhang Acheng comforted him softly. After hesitating for a moment, Yu Liang told him everything about his situation after returning from Shanghai.

He doesn't know who to tell now. Zhang Acheng is the only person he trusts and relies on. If he doesn't explain clearly, he is afraid that Zhang Acheng will think too much. Not only did he tell the story of what happened in the past two days, but also the situation of Shinoda Matsubara. .

The teacher must have been arrested. I don't know what he did. I have no friends in Nanjing now. I can't go back to collect this month's scholarship. I have no money and can't go anywhere.

Yu Liang kept complaining, and Zhang Acheng knew very well that everything was caused by them. If he hadn't been following and monitoring Yu Liang and arresting Shinoda Matsubara, he might have been at the scene.

Brother Zhang, can you help me?

After telling the situation, Yu Liang looked at Zhang Acheng expectantly. He had no choice. If Zhang Acheng didn't help him or reported him, he would really be finished.

Don't worry, we are friends, I will definitely help you.

Zhang Acheng smiled, and Yu Liang's heart suddenly felt warm. The word friend was really too strong. At this time, he needed friends who could help him the most.

Thank you, Brother Zhang.

Yu Liang finally smiled. Zhang Acheng cooked a bowl of noodles for him. Yu Liang devoured them all and laid out a new bedding for him at night. He slept very soundly this time.

This is five yuan. Go buy a train ticket and go to Shanghai.

The next morning, after taking Yu Liang for breakfast, Zhang Acheng took out five yuan and handed it to him. It was enough to buy a train ticket. He had no problem getting to Shanghai.

Thank you, Brother Zhang.

Yu Liang took the money and was full of gratitude. The five yuan helped him a lot. He wanted to return to Shanghai immediately and tell Dean Ouchi what happened.

Yu Liang took the money and did not leave, but looked at Zhang Acheng.

What else?

Zhang Acheng asked. At this time, he was the closest and most trusted person in Yu Liang's eyes. Yu Liang lowered his head and whispered: I don't dare to go to the train station myself. Brother Zhang, can you see me off?

I thought you thought the money was too little.

Zhang Acheng laughed and stood up: No problem, I'll take you to the car.

Thank you, thank you Brother Zhang. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay you.

Yu Liang kept thanking him, but Zhang Acheng sneered in his heart. Yu Liang didn't know his identity. If he knew, he might not be thinking about repaying him, but how he ran away.

Arriving safely at the train station, Zhang Acheng put Yu Liang on the train.

He did not follow. His mission was to use Yu Liang to break into Tongwen Academy and conduct a detailed investigation of this Japanese spy agency.

At this time, if he goes with Yu Liang, people in the Wenwen Academy will be somewhat alert and even suspicious.

He has now completely gained Yu Liang's trust. As long as Yu Liang can gain a foothold in Tongwen Academy, he will have the opportunity to enter Tongwen Academy in the future.

Zhang Acheng was not in a hurry. He firmly remembered Chu Lingyun's instructions to have enough patience when doing intelligence work. When things are done smoothly, there will naturally be gains.

Yu Liang was frightened all the way, and he felt relieved only after getting on the train. He didn't know that after sending him to the train, his brother Zhang immediately got into the second-class carriage and rushed to Shanghai with him to continue to monitor him.

After getting off the train, Yu Liang called a rickshaw and asked the rickshaw to take him to Tongwen Academy. It was not until he entered the academy that he felt completely at ease.

Dean Ouchi, something happened to the teacher.

Yu Liang was taken to Ouchi Sanchang's office. As soon as they met, he burst into tears and told what he had experienced in Nanjing these days.

Are you sure that Shinoda-kun has been arrested?

Ouchi Sancho's eyes widened. He had not received a report from Shinoda Matsubara in the past few days. Kinoshita Sotake only sent a message to the Special High School, but not to them.

However, it was normal for intelligence work to be without contact for a few days. He didn't think much about it. In addition, he had no other informants in Nanjing, so he had no idea what happened to Shinoda Matsubara for several days.

I'm sure. When I went to the teacher's house, not only was a seal posted, but someone was also following me. Fortunately, I was discovered. If I hadn't run so fast, I wouldn't have been able to see you, Dean Ouchi.

Yu Liang nodded quickly, and Ouchi Sanchang couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and asked, Did you see clearly who posted the seal?

No, I was scared and left.

Yu Liang shook his head. He didn't look carefully at all. Ouchi Sanchang was walking back and forth in the office. He still had connections in Nanjing and could help confirm it.

After a while, he finally picked up the phone and dialed a number.

An hour later, he received a call back and sat down on the sofa.

He asked a friend from the Nanjing Embassy to help him look around Jinling University. He mainly looked at two places, one was a stationery store and the other was Shinoda Matsubara's home.

After the friend passed by, he called him back.

Both places were sealed, and the seals were signed by the Military Intelligence Department.

Something really happened to Shinoda Matsubara. Someone finally broke into the Military Intelligence Office, but it was exposed so quickly. Even Shinoda Matsubara was involved.

Ouchi Sanchang picked up the phone and was about to call Mitsui Amu, but then put down the phone.

Shinoda Matsubara has always been very good in Nanjing. This time he jointly formed an intelligence team with the Super High School, but something happened in just a few days. Could it be an oversight on the part of the Super High School?

Was it Mitsui Amu who exposed Shinoda Matsubara?

After thinking about it, Ouchi Sanchang shook his head slightly. Mitsui Amu had just arrived in Shanghai and had only been taking over as the director of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course for a short time. He would not have any problems. So what about the internal affairs of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course?

He had heard that the Shanghai Special High School was completely defeated, forcing the former section chief Kitagawa Ming to commit seppuku.

Could it be that there was a Chinese traitor within the Special High School, and that was why Shinoda Matsubara was harmed?

The more Ouchi Sanchang thinks about this, the more likely it is. Otherwise, even if the Military Intelligence Office finds out that there is something wrong with the two students, the investigation will take time. According to the results found by friends in Nanjing who helped find out, the people from the special high school have just been there for a few days. Something happened together.

The root of the problem is probably in the special higher education courses.

Yu Liang, from now on you will stay in the college to study. Now you can go to the dormitory to rest. Go to the dormitory where you lived before.

Yu Liang was still there. Ouchi Sanchang settled Yu Liang and then called a car to leave.

Tongwen Yuan is located in the French Concession. He wants to go to the Japanese Concession Special High School to inquire in person and ask Mitsui Amu to give him an explanation.

The car soon arrived at the Japanese Concession. Mitsui Amu got the news of Ouchi Sanchang's arrival and hurriedly came out to greet him.

Sir, why are you here?

Mitsui Amu had a very good attitude towards Ouchi Sancho. Not only did he come out to greet him, but he also respectfully welcomed Ouchi Sancho into his office.

This is not the one Kitagawa Naru used before. After Mitsui Amu officially took office as the director of the Shanghai Special Higher Education Course, he specially changed a room to serve as his office.

Kitagawa Naru committed suicide in the office. No one wants to continue working in such a room.

I'm here for something very important.

Ouchi Sanchang looked serious, Mitsui Amu sat down on his knees, made tea himself, and respectfully handed over a cup: Sir, please tell me.

Nobuta-kun was arrested by people from the Nanjing Military Intelligence Office.


Mitsui Amu had a premonition that something was wrong when he saw Ouchi Sanchang's expression, but he didn't expect it to be such a bomb.

Shinoda Matsubara's student broke into the Military Intelligence Office. He also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to do well. Unexpectedly, Shinoda Matsubara was arrested just after he started?

Is the news reliable?

Seeing Ouchi Sanchang's unhappy expression, Mitsui Amu asked hurriedly.

Reliable. One of Shinoda's students escaped from Nanjing. I asked Nanjing to check it out. Both Shinoda's home and the toy store where the liaison officer is located were sealed by the Military Intelligence Department.

Ouchi Sanchang nodded. He was very heartbroken when there was such a big loss just after the intelligence work was improving.

Mitsui Amu was startled. Since it was confirmed, something must have really happened.

Two days ago, Aso Hiroki came to report, saying that the liaison officer sent there had great objections to the intelligence officers of the Doubun Academy. He asked Aso Hiroki to appease the liaison officer.

There has been no news in the past few days. I thought everything would be fine, but I didn't expect to receive such bad news.

When did this happen?

Mitsui Amu asked in a deep voice. It was not easy for their people to break into the military intelligence office. Kitagawa Naru had done it before. He wanted to use his relationship with the Tongwen Academy to do better than Kitagawa Naru, but it ended up like this.

About three days ago, that is, the past three or four days of your liaison.

Ouchi Sanchang said slowly, Mitsui Amu raised his head, and he suddenly understood why Dean Ouchi came to him in person. This was to ask for guilt.

Sir, do you suspect that something is wrong with me?

Yes, Shinoda has always done a good job. After your liaison officer passed by, they were arrested in just a few days, and they didn't even detect any intelligence. If it wasn't your people who leaked it, how could they be arrested?

Ouchi Sanchang nodded and admitted, Mitsui Amu didn't say anything. In fact, Nanjing reported the intelligence, but the liaison officer did not report the useless intelligence to the Douwen Academy.

Could it be that the flaw in the intelligence was discovered by people from the Military Intelligence Office?

Mitsui Amu shook his head. Even if he was discovered, he would not be caught so quickly. There was something fishy about this matter. Either there was a traitor in their special high school class, or Shinoda Matsubara had long been exposed in Nanjing.

Sir, I will investigate carefully and give you an explanation.

After a while, Mitsui Amu whispered that he did not shirk his responsibility. After all, he came to Shanghai not long ago and used the same old people.

Will any of these people be bribed by the Chinese?

This is definitely possible. Just like they can bribe the Chinese, the Chinese can also use various means to bribe their people.

However, not many people know about this matter. If there is really a traitor, then the traitor must be among these insiders.

That's what you said, as soon as possible.

Ouchi Sanchang drank the tea in front of him, stood up and left. He wanted to seek justice for Shinoda and had to force Mitsui.

Besides, he was really annoyed when something like this happened. The loss was too great, especially for Shinoda Matsubara. Such an outstanding talent should be caught because of someone else's mistake. It was so undeserved.

He now regrets why he agreed to the Special High School and set up a joint intelligence team with them.

If only they were with people from the Wenshuyuan this time, this situation would not happen.

He has absolute trust in everyone in the academy.

After seeing off Ouchi Sanchang, Mitsui Amu returned to the office with a gloomy face.

Not many people in the Special High School Class knew this secret. Apart from him, only his secretary Ezaki Ga, intelligence team leader Aso Hiroki, and the two team members who performed the mission knew about it.

He was well aware of the importance of the matter and demanded strict confidentiality.

Two team members were arrested. It was definitely not them who leaked the secret themselves. There were only two remaining insiders.

Esakiga is the person next to him and followed him when he was in Tohoku. It is completely credible. The real suspect is Aso Hiroki.

Will Aso Hiroki have any problems?

Mitsui Amu fell into deep thought.

Hiroki Aso is a top student at the Imperial Army University. He served in the army in his early years and made military exploits. He was later selected to join the special higher education course, and was later transferred to Shanghai and became the deputy leader of the intelligence team.

However, when Nao Iijima was the team leader, his deputy team leader was very low-key and had no outstanding achievements.

It wasn't until Nao Iijima was arrested that Aso Hiroki was temporarily promoted by Chief Tuhara and temporarily acted as the leader of the intelligence team.

If the problem lies in the special high school, then only Hiroki Aso is the suspect.

Nao Iijima.

Mitsui Amu whispered a name. When Nao Iijima was the intelligence team leader, although there were some problems, his achievements were still very impressive.

He assigned many intelligence teams to Nanjing, and they successfully lurked and harvested a lot of information.

As his deputy, Aso Hiroki will know some secrets to some extent. Aso Hiroki only came to the special high school class at the end of last year and served as the deputy leader at the beginning of this year.

After he became the deputy leader, the super high school began to suffer a series of losses.

First it was Wuhan, then Nanjing and Shanghai, and finally Tongwen Yuan.

According to what they said before, all the losses were caused by a person named Chu Lingyun from the Military Intelligence Department. Chu Lingyun was a terrible enemy, and Jiang Tengkong fell into his hands.

But how could a young man who had just graduated, no matter how powerful he was, catch so many of them?

Mitsui Amu's suspicion of Aso Hiroki is growing.

However, he is not a person controlled by emotions. Hiroki Aso has doubts, and very serious doubts, but without evidence, Mitsui Amu will not categorically conclude that he is a traitor.

Esaki, go call Team Leader Jiang Teng and come together.

After thinking for a long time, Mitsui Amu decided to do a test. Jiang Tengkong didn't know about Shinoda Matsubara. There was no possibility of him leaking the secret. There were not many people he could trust in the Shanghai Special High School. He wanted to test whether Aso Hiroki was a traitor. , we can only find Jiang Tengkong to cooperate.

First update, more to come.

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