Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 95 Aizen, take the Book of Evil God, you may die

The misty space fell into silence for a long time.

This is really an unexpected situation. Tony Stark looked a little serious. Strictly speaking, hundreds of thousands of undead soldiers are nothing to him. As long as he is given enough preparation time, he can destroy hundreds of thousands of troops by himself.

This is different from the top powerhouse in the world of Pirates and Naruto that he faced back then. The strong men in those worlds possess extremely fast speeds unless they are struck with saturation firepower. Otherwise, they would definitely be able to escape in advance... and there is a limit to the number of strong men who can deal with this kind of attack.

Masters of knowledge and sex in the world of One Piece, or masters of time and space ninjutsu in the world of Naruto... can avoid it.

They don't seem to be strong, but if they have the characteristic of immortality, Whitebeard paused suddenly. He glanced at Su Han on the bronze throne and smiled, It's not a big problem.

Even if they have the characteristics of immortality, just use the words of sacrifice to sacrifice them to Su Han.

I think, Huang Rong thought for a while, then said, that guy wearing a bamboo hat! It should be the Mohist giant, Prince Dan of Yan, right? He is a staunch anti-Qin force...

It should be so. Ying Zheng had calmed down at this moment, and spoke calmly, I... I issued an order some time ago to suppress the forces of various schools of thought! Focus on suppressing the Mohist family, and even sniper Yan Dan. He must have been forced by me as well. There’s nothing we can do!”

Su Han's eyes flickered, and he remembered the scroll that Yan Dan held in his hand before. After thinking about the information Li Huo and the others shared with him, he suddenly came up with a guess.

Immediately, Su Han controlled No. 10 and spoke, Maybe this incident... is not the real invasion of the evil god! It is more likely that a page of a book contaminated with the evil god's aura... was picked up by that guy. Here it is! And he got a little bit of special ability from that page of the book.


This kind of thing...

A page from a book tainted with the aura of an evil god. Are you kidding me?

Many people at the scene lost their composure, and some even subconsciously questioned it.

Tony Stark almost spoke, but he quickly remembered the identity of No. 10 and stopped talking.

This is suspected to be the existence of the evil god himself. Who knows the evil god better than the evil god?

...This is not a little bit of ability. Huang Rong stared at No. 10 with a subtle expression, feeling a little shaken. The means to resurrect hundreds of thousands of troops into undead... just a little bit?

So what method is not to destroy the world a little bit?

This is really incredible. Aizen suddenly smiled and said tentatively, One page of a book records the method of resurrecting the undead... I really don't know what kind of information that book contains. Mystery?

You don't want to know. No. 10's voice continued as usual, Or, if you are really curious, I can exchange it with you... You can exchange your items of equal value for a book like this from me. .”

Eh? You actually have such a book? Xiaozhi said that he was shocked.

Uchiha Madara's face was expressionless. Isn't it normal for the evil god to have the evil god's book that is contaminated with the evil god's aura? However, to be so approachable and willing to make an exchange...do you really care about the Speaker's face?

Although I'm very interested, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to accept it now. Let's talk about it later! Aizen refused. He was very excited, but thinking of the star behind No. 10, he immediately suppressed all his thoughts.

Even if he really gets the book, it probably doesn't mean anything, right? After all, he couldn't even peek into the plot stars behind the other party.

You're kidding, No. 10 was clearly communicating normally, but there was no emotion in his words. It was as if he was simply stating these words, as cold as a machine, Even if you ask me for it, I won't do it. For you... After all, Misty... Your Excellency, the Speaker of the Council, will not allow this.

Won't you allow it? Aizen's expression changed. He glanced at Su Han subconsciously and then lowered his eyes.

So to say! Does the Speaker think that his life may be in danger if he gets the book?

It felt ridiculous that a book could pose a fatal threat to him...but he just believed it.

Mist? Conan fell into deep thought, what is the fog? Lord of the Mists! Mist dominates. The controller in the mist...or maybe something else...

Sure enough. Ying Zheng's eyes passed over No. 10 and Su Han, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

That's the end of the joke! Su Han, who was sitting on the bronze throne, spoke in a very calm voice, Those who want to go to the world of Qin Shi can sign up now.

Add me as well. Zhang Sanfeng suddenly said, he smiled, After all, I have learned a lot of spells before. I have some technical skills...

Having said that, Zhang Sanfeng's trip to the world of Qin Dynasty was partly to repay the favor given to him by Ying Zheng last time.

Then, I'll go too! Madara Uchiha said lazily.

I don't think it's necessary, Ying Zheng looked directly at Madara Uchiha with a steady voice, With the power Mr. Madara possesses, going to my world and solving those rebels would be overkill... Including Mr. Aizen, Whitebeard The same is true for Sir and others.

Huh? Uchiha Madara raised his brows, and looked at Ying Zheng's eyes that gradually became sharper. He sneered, without any concealment, and raised the topic directly, Do you think I will be in your world? Is there something going on inside? And you don’t have the slightest ability to counter me! So you don’t want me to go there!”

You are indeed in danger. Huang Rong muttered.

It's normal. Tony Stark glanced at everyone present. He could understand it, and even explained, Mr. Edward Newgate, with one air shock, he might directly destroy several counties and cities... As the emperor of their world, Qin Shihuang must consider the stability of the country.

As for Uchiha Madara and Aizen... Haha, to be honest, if it is not necessary! I don't want you to step into my world.

Actually, I have no objections to you personally, and I believe that under the watchful eye of the Speaker, you will not do anything against me. Ying Zheng said calmly, However, either your power is too destructive, or your He has a cold and strong personality and does not care about the people...

So I refuse, Ying Zheng looked directly at everyone present, leaving no room for maneuver, because you may cause devastating harm to the people of my Qin Dynasty! This is enough.

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