Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 93 Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng moved the words of sacrifice

Kuchiki Rukia was stunned and looked at Aizen in disbelief, almost thinking she had made a mistake.

Do you help others and pay the price to see their plot stars? When did you become so kind...

Although Rukia Kuchiki had sensed the strange atmosphere at the scene before, she didn't think much about it, but when she saw that Aizen's behavior was not logical, she immediately became alert.

Not to mention...it's not just Aizen who is helping to pay the price at this moment, but also guys like Tony Stark with the white beard. None of them are simple characters.

Are these people so enthusiastic? Xiaozhi began to mutter. Even someone as smart as him could vaguely sense that something was wrong.

Let me show off my domineering look! Whitebeard laughed, took out a card from his body and threw it in Su Han's direction.

A new version of Iron Man armor assembly technology. Tony Stark also took out a card, which he painstakingly researched during the month of training. It is basically equivalent to the level of the original version of Iron Man armor three years after research.

Then I'll do Shunpo! Aizen said with a smile.

Uchiha Madara made the final decision, I! Give you the basics of ninjutsu.

Seeing the cards appearing in front of him one after another, Su Han felt strong fluctuations in his heart. He had indeed thought about combing the wool before, but he thought he wanted to induce him with some words.

Unexpectedly, this group of sheep came directly to the door...and the people who came to the door were all strong and smart people.

Actually, it's normal... Smart people are generally more curious, and those who are more curious are easier to take the bait. Su Han sighed from the bottom of his heart. On the surface, he collected all the cards calmly. Then he raised his palm and squeezed it gently.

He whispered, Then... let's start a new journey in the world!

With a loud bang, a long river of destiny condensed and took shape. When everyone looked up, their pupils suddenly expanded, and their hearts were shaken.

They couldn't see clearly what they were going through in that round of destiny. They seemed to see octopus tentacles flying like a mountain of flesh, or a centipede spider! Even Whitebeard thought he saw a special evil thing composed of five old stars, and Uchiha Madara thought he saw a sprite...

What the hell is that? Huang Rong slumped on the chair, her voice sounding like a moan.

Ying Zheng remained silent, his body was trembling, and he felt like he was in a vast ocean, almost suffocating.

It is naturally impossible for Su Han to make up a life trajectory based on his own imagination.

Although he can do this kind of thing, it is not difficult to manifest it with the characteristics of the foggy space... But for one thing, this is too laborious. Secondly, this makes no sense...and if he does this, there will inevitably be logical errors in the future.

After all... if you want to make up for a lie, you need to fill it in with more lies. When lies accumulate to a certain extent, they will completely explode.

So what Su Han is doing now is another thing. He simply refined all the concepts of the evil creatures he had fought against, and then used the amplification function of space to enhance them to the maximum.

Because you can’t watch it, because watching too much will affect your spirit. Therefore, the mystery of the trumpet he opened was also maintained.

And then...the plan was complete.

Once the trumpet is integrated, whatever he wants to get from everyone present can be done by his trumpet, no big problem.

With a crisp bang, the river of destiny transformed into a dark, twisted star. This round of stars is dotted quietly behind No. 10.

Number 10 was still sitting there in silence, which looked even more strange under the distorted light of the stars.

The space fell into silence for a long time.

Some were breathing heavily, while others clenched their fists and remained silent. Even Xiaozhi was lying on the chair with a confused face, looking at the direction above the fog, with a spoiled expression on his face.

Finally, someone broke the silence of the scene.

Uchiha Madara lowered his eyes, his expression returned to calmness, at least except for his trembling fingers, no other abnormalities could be seen. He spoke, his voice hoarse.

I have to say...newcomer, no, I should call you No. 10...your past! It is really exciting and rich to the extreme.

My past is actually very insignificant. No. 10's voice was low and slow.

Aizen was expressionless, but nodded inwardly. If he were really the top god, he wouldn't be so humble even in front of the main god he serves, right?

In other words, his previous guess was not wrong... this should be the weakest god. Aizen whispered in his heart, It's so scary... and exciting at the same time.

If your past can be called insignificant, then my life... At this point, Conan suddenly stopped talking.

He remembered what Huang Rong had said before, do you know what we have experienced?

Yes... I saw the long river of fate just now. Only then did he feel his superficiality and insignificance...

The foggy space, the meeting of the heavens... and the endless worlds! There are so many secrets in this. What does he mean? An ordinary high school student with some intelligence, why should he use his own vision to make assertions and define this special space?

He doesn't have that qualification! Conan thought of his former self, and he even wanted to laugh.

You really should have listened to the speaker of the parliament before! Xiaozhi gradually regained his breath, his voice filled with deep exhaustion.

No, Tony Stark glanced at Ash, we already got what we wanted.

After all, such a terrifying and unpredictable destiny... itself is enough for them to deduce a lot of information.

Of course, Tony Stark is not ready to enter the plot star where No. 10 belongs.

Just looking at the flow of fate... my spirit has been so greatly affected! Just go in and see what's going on? This can no longer be described as seeking death.

Just as Ying Zheng was about to say something, his body suddenly paused, then turned into mist and disappeared from where he was.

What happened? Huang Rong was stunned for a moment and was a little surprised when she realized what was happening. Why did he leave at this time?

Ying Zheng clearly had no intention of leaving before, as if he suddenly made a decision and then suddenly implemented it.

Don't worry, Uchiha Madara's voice remained steady, He won't have any problems in the real world...

He suddenly stopped talking. Everyone else in the space looked at Uchiha Madara in silence.

Uchiha Madara's expression changed several times. He suddenly thought of the Chinese history he had seen and the bright moon of Qin Dynasty...

As the first emperor of Qin, Ying Zheng had countless people in the world who wanted his life. The most famous assassination was Jing Ke's assassination of Qin... and there were countless unknown ones.

When considering entering the parliament, I have little awareness of the real world... Could it be that Qin Shihuang was really assassinated in the real world?

Compared to others present, Su Han was very calm. After all, he could feel that his connection with Ying Zheng was very stable.

Just when he was thinking about whether he should use his connection with Ying Zheng to see what was going on with Qin Shihuang... he suddenly heard the sound of chanting a mantra.

That was the voice of Qin Shihuang——

In his own world, he recited the words of sacrifice!

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