Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 77 Three Talents Vision? Crisis under prosperity

Everyone at the scene had different expressions, and they obviously had their own thoughts in their minds.

After Su Han glanced at the group of people, he pursed his lips. With a thought, his figure turned into mist and disappeared from the bronze throne.

The misty space remained silent for a long time.

Actually, I was thinking about a question, Uchiha Madara crossed his arms over his chest and frowned, President of the Parliament, why do you want to show us such a grand scene?

Indeed... this kind of scene, although it is so vast and vast that it is unimaginable. But it seems meaningless to us. Whitebeard also fell into deep thought.

You are wrong. Zhang Sanfeng suddenly spoke, with a bit of longing and a bit of solemnity on his face, The evolution of chaos, the opening up of the world... these contain the ultimate mystery. If we can understand it, maybe we can There is the possibility of reaching the true highest.”

Yes, Tony Stark nodded seriously, with deep eyes, The Speaker of the Council is also helping us grow in his own unique way. Although he does not speak, but mostly silently Follow your own actions. Let us understand!

...I see. Aizen nodded thoughtfully. He remembered the scene where he used the words of sacrifice and offered sacrifices to gain the power of the evil god. I have to admit that what Tony Stark said makes sense.

The Speaker of the Parliament is indeed cultivating them in a unique way...but the possibilities he gives to increase their strength will not be stated openly. But let them discover it.

Did he actually mean this? All Might was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he felt that Tony Stark's speculation was very reasonable, and then he sighed with regret, It's a pity, I watched You don’t understand anything at all about that vast scene?”

Actually, I don't either, Huang Rong weakly stretched out her hand. She glanced at Zhang Sanfeng and Tony Stark angrily, You who can really figure out the intention of the Parliament Speaker and really understand it. Two… are the real monsters, right?”

Kuchiki Rukia didn't speak, she just nodded silently in agreement.

real world.

Su Han opened his eyes. He stretched his body and felt the vitality in his body.

The cultivation level of the three talents! Su Han sensed it and suddenly felt that something was wrong. After thinking for a while, he suddenly released the surging energy in his body. With a loud bang, a picture of the universe gradually evolved around him.

The surrounding scenes are extremely real, but when you really touch them, they are like phantoms.

...Vision? Su Han's pupils shrank slightly. According to legend, anyone who reaches the realm of the Holy Lord will create his own vision. This vision symbolizes the way of the Holy Lord.

Of course, Su Han also received news from Li Huo and Lei Qianjue's WeChat account. Young prodigies may also have this vision in advance at an early stage.

You have magical powers in the Liangyi realm, and you have visions in the Sancai realm. Su Han murmured, this is definitely the treatment of a genius, and can even be said to be that of a peerless genius.

But having said that... I control a series of powers such as the Shock Fruit, Dark Fruit, Immortal Body, Samsara Eye, Domination, Mirror Flower, Water Moon, etc... Even if I exclude my own fantasy cultivation, it is enough to fight against the Holy Lord of Liuhe, and even My strength is considered top-notch among Holy Lords... Most likely, these abilities themselves have improved my qualifications.

Su Han felt that this possibility was still very huge. Suddenly, he heard something, which calmed the energy in his body, and the vision slowly dissipated.

There were three knocks on the door, and Su Han said please come in. Su Zhu silently poked his head in from the door, ...What was the sound just now? If you are watching a movie, please turn down the sound a little...it will disturb the neighbors and me! Well, by the way, our family Is the sound insulation effect so bad?”

Seeing Su Zhu fall into self-doubt, Su Han laughed, It wasn't a movie just now! It was my voice revealing my vision.

Huh? Vision? Su Zhu was stunned for a moment, and then realized, You are talking about the vision of the Holy Lord! Stop being so whimsical... No, my brother has entered the one-dimensional realm at such a young age. It’s not impossible to become a Holy Master in the future.”

Su Zhu paused for a moment and said earnestly, However, it is good to have pursuits, but don't dream about it. That will only wear down your will!

It's not that the Holy Master is absolutely required, Su Han said seriously, Three Talent Realm cultivators with excellent talents will awaken the vision in advance.

Although I don't know where you got the news, but you want to say that you are now in the realm of three talents?

Su Zhu rolled his eyes and closed the door gently, By the way, go to bed early, it's already very late.

This guy... I wonder what his expression will be like in the future if he really knows my strength?

Su Han looked strange, but didn't say much. He closed his eyes, lay on the bed, and fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

Su Zhu woke up Su Han, and the two had breakfast together.

Su Zhu said, Yesterday I reported your situation to the teachers at the school. Those teachers said they didn't believe it at all! Hmm... So I may come here with the head teacher of our class today.

Well! Su Zhu paused and smiled awkwardly, You only need to show your strength, and he will do everything for you.

I thought I was going to school. Su Han raised his eyebrows.

It was originally needed, Su Zhu spread his palms, but you are a genius. Geniuses always have privileges.

After finishing the meal, Su Han watched Su Zhu leave, then sat on the sofa in the hall, turned on the TV, and played any TV series from this world. By the way, I picked up my phone and kept scrolling.

The previous news from Jiangzhou City and Nanshan City are still there. However, the heat has dropped a lot. All kinds of entertainment news have now topped the hot lists again.

Entertainment in this era is really prosperous, Su Han suddenly realized something. After a long silence, he sighed softly, Is that so?

Yes, the prosperity of entertainment in this era may also be the deliberate guidance of the world's officials.

After all, the evil god's information cannot be exposed, and the conductivity of this Internet age is too strong... We can only use other information to forcefully suppress the evil god's information.

Even if it really can't be suppressed, like the situation in Jiangzhou and Nanshan, it will be allowed to rage for a period of time, and then other information will be used to suppress it.

Needless to say, various entertainment and celebrity news... are the other news that the official chooses to guide suppression.

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