Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 63 Whitebeard: Are you right, Aizen Soyousuke?

Should I say it's true?

Su Han stared at the two Zanpakutos on his palms. He could clearly feel that these two Zanpakutō were connected to his soul. As long as he wants to, he can naturally display the power of these two swords.

At this moment, Su Han suddenly thought of the Devil Fruit.

In theory, you can only swallow one Devil Fruit, and Blackbeard's is a cheating type. cannot be included within the normal range. As for the Zanpakutō, one person can only own one.

But after Su Han merged, he broke the conventions of the two worlds.

After a long period of silence, Su Han sighed quietly, The foggy space is really scary.

The mystery card is so terrifying, it removes all restrictions and constraints...

As long as they are integrated, they can possess this power regardless of any prerequisites.

But this is a good thing for me, Su Han smiled dumbly. He waved his hand and put the two Zanpakutō into his body. Speaking of which, should I consider practicing two Zanpakutō in the future? Dual sword style? It always feels like it will be very troublesome.

Muttering in his mouth, Su Han picked up his phone and searched for dual sword style techniques. Then a lot of all kinds of news came out.

After clicking on the top message found through a thousand-degree search, Su Han looked at the various techniques for practicing swordsmanship and swordsmanship on it with relish. But when he saw the end, he was thinking about whether he should do some practical training...

He then saw a row of big red letters warning: Online exercises are risky, so practice with caution.

Huh?! Su Han's expression became subtle.

Yes, how could he forget that the greatest convenience in the Internet era is information sharing. However, the limitations of the Internet are also here...

Because information sharing is so convenient, you cannot detect whether the information is true or false from the mixed information.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a Kung Fu method or a practice technique. It is indeed true on the Internet! But there will definitely be more fake ones. And practicing fake skills... this can no longer be described as death.


Su Han thought for a moment and wrote down the practice techniques.

Wait a moment, practice in the foggy space for a while, and then you will know if it is true... After all, if something goes wrong inside, he can return to his original state with just one thought.

Moreover, Su Han could use this to sort out his own practice techniques... With this idea in mind, Su Han memorized dozens of different swordsmanship practice techniques from different schools.

After finishing memorizing it, Su Han entered the month of cultivation. But this time, he only stayed in seclusion for one month during the month of cultivation.

Although the dual-sword style can only be regarded as a basic introduction, he has sorted out the training method that suits him best.

Returning to reality, I browsed various online information to soothe my overstretched spirit during the month of cultivation.

This salty fish state lasted until dinner time. After Su Han finished eating and washing up, he lay on the bed and entered the misty space.

Then, he discovered that there were many people in the misty space, and they were discussing happily.

I didn't expect that there really are gods who control death, and there are so many of them. Huang Rong, who was sitting on a bronze chair and had just finished watching The God of Death, said she was trembling.

The God of Death in the God of Death world is not the same as the God of Death in our world, right? Zhang Sanfeng frowned. As a Taoist practitioner and a former Buddhist disciple, he naturally has a relatively deep understanding of the Chinese god system. So I noticed a huge difference between the two.

Anyway, the way to immortality has been obtained. Tony Stark shrugged, and he stared at Madara Uchiha across from him playfully, Battlefield Rose, why don't you just practice the spiritual power of the Death God world, and then wipe your neck Kill yourself.

The power limit of the Death God's world is extremely high, and... once you become a Death God, there is no life limit. Doesn't this perfectly meet your requirements?

Shut up, Uchiha Madara's kaleidoscope swirled in his pupils, and he glanced at Tony Stark coldly, Becoming a god of death in another world, how is this different from being reincarnated in filthy soil? I am not that kind of person!

It's obviously a big difference, gula la la, Whitebeard laughed. After all, if you reincarnate in the dirt, not only can you not become stronger, but your strength will also decrease... except for having an immortal body, there is no benefit. But the god of death can still Become stronger!

Anyway, if I die in the pirate world in the future... my sons have not grown up. If I have the chance, I will choose to use the power system of Death to change jobs... This way, I can protect them for a longer time. .”

Although your father's love is really touching, but being too doting... can only breed a pile of trash. Tony Stark said that he was unable to complain. But this choice...should it be said that it is worthy of Whitebeard?

So, am I the only one who is curious about the true identities of the two newcomers? All Might showed his big white teeth and laughed heartily, What division captain are they from in the Soul Society? Among the Ten Blades of Hueco Mundo? Someone, or is it someone like the living Kurosaki Ichigo?

Guess! Aizen said ambiguously.

You have such an unpleasant attitude, aren't you Urahara Kisuke? Tony Stark stared at Aizen closely, his mind wide open.

I think if they don't want to say something, don't force them. Just ask the Speaker directly, Xiaozhi said carelessly. He raised his head and looked at the bronze seat at the top and said, Mr. Speaker, Can I talk about this?

The scene fell into a brief silence, and the atmosphere was very awkward. Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and then they all looked up at the highest position. Sure enough, I found a figure shrouded in fog, sitting there quietly.

He held his chin with one hand and looked down from top to bottom with interest. He didn't know how long he had been observing them there.

Idiot. Tony Stark scolded Xiaozhi, If this kind of thing can really be asked, the Speaker of the Parliament will not shroud everyone in confusion.

After a short pause, Tony Stark bowed his head slightly to Su Han and said, Good evening, Mr. Speaker.

So, is this the reason why the fog is covering your body? Xiaozhi suddenly realized.

Huang Rong stared at Xiaozhi expressionlessly. With your reaction speed... you still have the nerve to say that you are not Xiaozhi? I really don’t have any composure in my heart.

Just think of me as Urahara Kisuke. Aizen spoke quietly, speaking calmly, making it difficult to tell the truth.

Really? Whitebeard stared at Aizen deeply, You guy... is really scary.

Huh?! Uchiha Madara was keenly aware of something and turned to stare at Whitebeard.

It seems that Mr. Edward Newgate knows the identity of the newcomer. Ying Zheng's voice was low and to the point.

Although Ying Zheng spoke very rarely, he mostly observed in secret. But what was going on in his mind would be more, not less, than what anyone on the scene would be thinking.

He even initiated a trade with Tony Stark before. Obtained some basic scientific principles and development records of various countries around the world.

Ying Zheng is now thinking all day long about how to learn from the experience of the future world and reform the current Qin Dynasty... He is even considering whether to start a technological craze in the Qin Dynasty.

Yes, Whitebeard said softly with a complex expression, After all, I saw the power they traded to the Speaker of Parliament before... I didn't remember much at the time, but after reading the past and future of the Death Star, I thought about it again. It was simply a reflection. Scared.

After a short pause, Whitebeard stared at Aizen with bright eyes, Are you right... Aizen Sosuke!

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