Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 6 Virtual Projection, Battle on the Top

The mist rose, and Su Han's figure slowly appeared. He sat quietly on the high seat, his whole body as before, shrouded in mist, strange and unpredictable, unable to be seen through.

The Speaker of Parliament is here.

Whitebeard glanced at Su Han and narrowed his eyes.

He had always felt that compared to Madara Uchiha and Huang Rong who had not revealed his identity...Su Han was the weirdest existence. It was even impossible to determine whether his true form was a human, a ghost, a spirit, or a god.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and Whitebeard nodded as usual, then moved his gaze back. The plot has now reached the later stages of the Naruto Shonen arc.

Huh? Do they read quickly?

Su Han was a little surprised. How long did it take him to get home from the unfinished building? This is almost Shippuden.

Or... the speed of time passing in the two worlds is different?

Su Han's inner thoughts flickered, and he even made some calculations while traveling between the two worlds while the others were watching. Finally, it was determined that when staying in the foggy space, the flow of time in the outside world is indeed very slow.

Although it has not reached the point of relative stillness, it is almost there. But judging from the unhurried look of a few people, it was obvious that they knew this. It must have been experimented before.

Simply, Su Han stayed in this space and watched Naruto with the others. You won’t feel hungry in this space anyway.

After reading the shonen chapter, several people continued to watch Shippuden. I was excited until the finale.

When Naruto finished watching everything, the entire foggy space was silent.

Whitebeard's fingers tapped the back of the chair gently, staring thoughtfully at Master Madara across from him.

Huang Rong looked like she wanted to laugh but didn't dare, but there was also awe in her eyes.

This time even Huang Rong guessed Master Ban's identity. But thinking about what happened to this reincarnation of Indra who was always beaten or plotted at the peak of his career...

Even if Huang Rong knew that she was not qualified to pity Master Ban, she couldn't help but feel pity.

Gla la la, Uchiha Madara...what are you going to do now that you know your future? Whitebeard's voice was low.

Kill the rebels, Madara said with an expressionless face and a solemn voice, Black Zetsu, Kaguya Otsutsuki... Haha! It turns out that Black Zetsu was able to plot against me because I had great trust in him.

But now, the positions of the players and the pieces have been reversed.

So, I think this black haze that covers the face is useless at all. Huang Rong complained. After all, after watching the real illusion, you can basically determine the identity of the other party.

It's still useful, Whitebeard disagreed. If you hide it well, you can prevent others from knowing your identity.

The reason why we know Uchiha Madara's identity is because he is completely unabashed.

Actually, if you don't want to cover it up, you can remove the fog as long as you have a thought. Su Han's faint voice came over.

Really? Master Ban thought for a moment and expressed that he didn't bother to hide it. He immediately grasped his palm and the dark haze covering his body was torn apart, and his old face was revealed to everyone.

Isn't it time for Uzumaki Naruto to officially become a ninja? Whitebeard's eyes narrowed slightly, and based on the plot, he suddenly had a guess in his mind.

The time Mr. Ban is currently living in... is not very good. Huang Rong's thoughts flashed in her mind and she spoke cautiously, Mr. Ban now, he probably doesn't have much fighting power, right?

It doesn't matter, Master Ban's words did not waver at all, and his samsara eye was also simple and smooth. Now that I know the future, I can plan it calmly.

Black Zetsu claims to be immortal, but it can't stop the sealing technique, right? After sealing him completely, I can naturally rearrange my plan again.

If the Eye of the Moon doesn't work, then let's find a new plan, Madara concluded. Even now...after seeing the real illusion, I still think that the naive ideas of Asura's lineage cannot make the world welcome. Come to true peace.”

Madara was shocked after watching Naruto, but he was not ready to give up his pursuit of life.

As long as you are strong enough and powerful enough to control everything in this world, then your thoughts will truly control the trajectory of the world! Su Han's cold voice came over, Just like the living Senju Hashirama At that time, because he wanted peace... so during that time, there was incomparable peace.

The key factors depend on two things, you are strong enough and you are alive.

The term strong in the words of the Council President means that one's own strength is far ahead of others, even to the point of being crushed. The kind of strength that makes others unable to catch up, right?

Whitebeard's words were incomprehensible, and he was obviously deeply moved. If there is a possibility of catching up, it still won't make others awe. It will only make them crazier!

Speaking of which, Mr. Ban glanced deeply at Whitebeard, then turned to look at Su Han, This seven to eight meter giant must not be a simple person, right?

Huang Rong suddenly realized, yes...she had finished watching Naruto, so she knew exactly how terrifying Uchiha Madara was.

Even in the end, Uchiha Madara was killed instantly. This was because Uchiha Madara was plotted by Black Zetsu and was not a fault of war.

If Kaguya Otsutsuki and Madara Uchiha were to face each other head-on, Kaguya Otsutsuki might also have an absolute advantage in terms of chakra. But Uchiha Madara's combat experience is too rich...

If a fight breaks out, it's hard to say who will win in the end.

Uchiha Madara's strength, ambition, courage, and strategy...are all the heroes chosen by the best.

If this is the case, then what kind of terrifying existence would Whitebeard be, who had been able to briefly confront the Uchiha without losing the slightest advantage?

I'm just a pirate. Whitebeard replied calmly, and turned to look at Su Han.

Yes, a pirate who is known as the strongest man in the world. Su Han said calmly. After sitting on the chair and escaping from the desperate situation of life and death, he was no longer panicking. It means you have plenty of time.

Su Han thought, and the next moment, the surrounding situation changed drastically.

A lot of people. Huang Rong was a little surprised.

Whitebeard's expression also changed. He matched the scene in front of him with a scene in his memory, Navy Headquarters?

Dad, why are you coming here? This is all a mistake I made. On the execution platform, Fire Fist Ace's hands were bound, and he knelt on the ground, bending down slightly, his body constantly shaking.

I asked you to go! Edward Newgate in the virtual projection stood on the deck with a calm voice, My foolish son, the responsibility is mine.

...Ace, was caught? How could it happen? The white-bearded man sitting in his seat shrank his pupils and his mind was shaken.

Uchiha Madara and Huang Rong on the other side were also unable to calm down.

This big guy also said that you can hide or mislead others so that others don't know your true identity? Isn't this obvious?

Master Ban looked at Whitebeard standing on the deck with an expressionless face, and then compared the height of Whitebeard sitting on the chair.

Countless navy soldiers on the side exclaimed, The strongest man in the world, the four emperors of the new world... Madara also understood a lot of things.

Even if Madara is not from the world of One Piece, he can easily taste the fear of Whitebeard among the 100,000 marines from this title. Taste the high status of Whitebeard in this world.

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