Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 558 Yug has seen through everything!

Yes, the man opposite Yug was none other than Shub Nicholas, one of the three original rulers of the past.

She is the goddess of darkness and fertility, the supreme mother goddess of the old era, and the black goat of the forest who gave birth to countless rulers of the old days.

It's ridiculous! Shabu showed no emotion at all. It's so ridiculous! You are, and so is Nyarlathotep.

But then again... Nyarlathotep seems to be extremely smart, but in fact he is extremely stupid. What you said is that he doesn't care about anything on the surface, but in fact he controls everything... Yug, you should have Just know that it was me who attacked Azathoth.

Yes, I know. Yuge was very calm.

I ask myself that I handled it very cleanly. Although you are an all-knowing and all-sighted person, I deliberately targeted this aspect... You shouldn't have used your ability to know, right?

Indeed it's not. Yuge paused, and then said softly, The reason why I know this is based on guessing.

And the main reason why I can guess... is that I once had the same idea as you! Yes, Shub, we are the same person.

Huh?! Sabu's mood fluctuated, and he looked at Yug with some surprise.

Had the same thought as him... In other words, Yug also had the idea of ​​killing Azathoth? !

Azathos, our father God! The source of birth. I love Him, revere Him, and worship Him, Yug spoke in a declarative manner, as if he was not talking about himself, but someone else. But no matter how much I admire Him! It can't change the fact that He has no will of his own.

Blindness, ignorance, blindness, ignorance... This is a concept that makes people yearn for and despair at the same time.

It is precisely because of this that I know that if nothing happens to Azathoth, then he will firmly sit down as the Lord of the Era! He will sit there until the end of the old era...

But at that time, the old rulers will usher in true despair. Because although Azathoth is the Lord of the Era and the leader, he has no wisdom... He will not open up a new world. , thus leading the Old Ones to live in it.”

And if we don't do this, the ruler of the next era will appear, and the old rulers will inevitably be liquidated! By then, it will be all over.

Sabu was silent. After hearing this, he knew that Yug did understand why he would do that kind of thing.

Most of the Old Ones were born to you. So you have a love for the Old Ones that is far beyond ordinary people... This should be the reason why you thought of killing Azathoth. The original reason.”

Yug paused for a moment and said quietly, I am still not as good as you in this regard. Even if I have such an idea, I still can't make that kind of realization! Take that path.

Since you know, why do you want to stop me? I killed Azathoth, and I scattered his divinity in all directions. One day, those beings who obtained his divinity will fight each other and devour each other. Determine the final existence...

And I had done something wrong when the divinity was scattered at the beginning. I can definitely use the secret door arranged in the divinity at the beginning to devour it when it determines the final existence... And as long as I devour that final existence With the concept, I can naturally inherit the position of Lord of the Era.

As he spoke, Shabu fell into rage, Everything is obviously beautiful...Why, you and Naiya, that idiot, have to train a new master by yourself. You really want to be a dog for a new person. ?

No! I just simply don't care. Yug said indifferently. At this moment, he showed the chaos and indifference of the old rulers. Whether you succeed or the newcomer succeeds! It doesn't matter to me.

Whichever succeeds first and whichever one can continue the Great Old Ones, I will be loyal to whoever... Shabu, you are not wrong. If you really make a mistake, it is that Nyarlathotep's plan failed. The results were faster than yours, so I chose Him.”

Sabu's body paused at this moment, and he stared at Yug expressionlessly.

He suddenly understood Yug. Although this kind of random selection of characters without any regard for distant relatives is very inconsistent with human thinking, it is very consistent with the chaotic thinking of the old rulers.

Bah bang bang. Applause suddenly sounded, and Su Han's figure slowly formed in front of the two. He glanced at the two with admiration and emotion, Naya was deceived into that by the two of you... …When she finds out the truth, she may have complicated emotions.”

But, He will understand me! Yug's voice was as usual, as if Su Han's appearance was also not unexpected, New Lord, human thinking has restricted you! So you will be surprised...

When you truly understand our thinking, you will feel normal.

...Actually, I'm a little curious. Have you ever thought about what I will do next? Su Han stared at this omniscient and omniscient person with interest.

Sabu was extremely silent at this moment. Although he still felt unwilling in his heart, he also knew that there was no point in talking about those things now.

The moment he saw Su Han, he noticed that Su Han had a similar charm to Azathoth... It was precisely because he knew how strong Azathoth was that he gave up resistance at this moment.

You should be able to deduce and strengthen the mist space again! Finally expand it into a big world... Then, imprison all the old rulers into that big world, so that the old rulers can no longer influence In the sea of ​​​​emptiness, there is an endless universe, right? Yug's words were very certain.

Naiya is too naive. He has never thought that although you were trained by him, you also grew up as a human being.

And when you were growing up, you saw the chaos spread by the Old Ones! You saw the harm that this chaos caused to the world and the lives in those worlds... Even if you became the master of the Old Ones, , you are still hostile to the Old Ones.

Of course, Naiya is the most critical factor for you to get to this point. I'm kind to you! Your character has clear grudges... In this case, killing the tribe of the old rulers is called in your values ​​​​Repay kindness with hatred. You wouldn't do that.

So what you'd do... couldn't be more obvious.

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