Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 556 Liu Shen: Only now do I know that you were being modest when you said you were a quasi-i

The Immortal Emperor of Corpses was surrounded by the brilliance of the avenue, and he showed the ultimate killing power. Even a ray of afterglow from his attack could wipe out the vast sea of ​​​​stars composed of endless worlds.

However, he was never able to hurt Su Han. Even as time went by, he was gradually put at a disadvantage.

You guy! What kind of monster are you? the Immortal Emperor of the Corpse roared. He held a sword made of endless avenues of light and swung it in the direction of Su Han.

The sword embryo scratched Su Han's body, but there was mist rising from the wound. The moment the sword embryo left Su Han's body, Su Han returned to his original state, as if he had never been injured.

Su Han flicked his fingers gently, and suddenly dense cracks were shaken out of the void, and these cracks were like snakes, quickly wrapping around the body of the Corpse Immortal Emperor.

Then, a hole of rich mist shot out of the crack, wildly devouring the colorless threads wrapped around the arm of the Corpse Immortal Emperor and... the Corpse Immortal Emperor's body.

Ah! The Corpse Immortal Emperor's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes. He opened his hands and forcefully used the power of creation to once again evolve into boundless chaos. Wanting to push away the fog wrapped around his body.

But it's useless, the fog is like poison that clings to the bones. Once it's stuck, you can't break free.

Su Han looked indifferent, and the fog instantly affected the space. He took a step forward and appeared in front of the Corpse Immortal Emperor again. Then, he punched out again, the void shattered, and cracks appeared as before.

At this time, in the eyes of the Corpse Immortal Emperor, these cracks were no different from the God of Death.

Stop it. The Immortal Emperor of Corpse roared uncontrollably, his body retreating violently.

The Corpse Immortal Emperor no longer wanted to fight Su Han. He fled to the depths of the boundary sea, completely losing his courage.

However, no matter where he fled, Su Han would follow him in the next breath.

The most important thing is that Su Han's action is more like flying a kite, using the mist to devour the Corpse Immortal Emperor bit by bit, rather than fighting with the Corpse Immortal Emperor head-on.

This forced the Corpse Immortal Emperor to the extreme. Even if he wanted to die with Su Han, he simply couldn't do it.

Time passed bit by bit, and after a day and a night, most of the body of the Corpse Immortal Emperor was swallowed up by the fog, leaving only a head, in which the extremely dim soul fire was burning.

This battle should be over. Su Han calmly stared at the corpse emperor's head, and then opened his palms.

The terrifying suction force suddenly erupted, and all the worlds in the surrounding world were attracted by this suction force, fell into Su Han's palm, and were crushed to pieces.

The Corpse Immortal Emperor was struggling hard, but it was useless. His head was getting closer to Su Han little by little. In the end, it fell directly into it.

Huh! Su Han let out a long breath and lowered his eyes.

He could sense that the misty space was trembling at this moment... The entire misty space had a strong urge to extract and digest the evil power from the corpse of the Immortal Emperor...

Of course, Su Han also knew that this was just because the evil god's power was too attractive to the misty space, which caused him to misunderstand. After all, the mist space itself has no consciousness and is completely under his control.

Shaking his head, Su Han suddenly noticed something, his eyes narrowed, and he looked to his side.

Ah? Sure enough, I was discovered. Alas, I shouldn't have brought Liu Shen with me before! If I lurked here alone, Mr. No. 1 shouldn't be able to find it.

It was followed by Nayako's muttering. The void twisted, and the figures of Yanagami and Nayako emerged.

After Su Han glanced at the two for a week, he thought and plucked the space string composed of the concept of space in the mist world.

In the next breath, Su Han and the others reappeared in Stone Village.

Liu Shen's body tensed up at first, then relaxed, and some memories flashed through his eyes, I'm back.

It was obvious that he had only experienced one battle, and the battle was obviously not long...but Liu Shen felt as if he was in another world.

After forcing himself to calm down, Liu Shen stared at the two in front of him with a complicated expression. It had actually been following Nayako before... Even when Nayakko fought against several quasi-immortal emperors, he was still able to protect it with ease.

But it was precisely because he followed the whole process that Liu Shen clearly felt the power displayed by the two in front of him.

The energy level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor? Liu Shen thought of the previous exchange between Nayako and Su Han, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

You, the quasi-immortal emperors, can manipulate the quasi-immortal emperors and even the immortal emperors with applause. When you have the energy level of the Immortal Emperor, or even stronger, the energy level of the Old Ones... how strong will it be? !

It's unimaginable.

Now that the mission has been completed, we should go back. Su Han said gently.

After Liu Shen was silent for a long time, he nodded and said dryly, Bon voyage.

Su Han smiled hoarsely, and immediately, the thick mist spread from his body and wrapped around Nayako's body.

When the fog dissipated, the two figures also disappeared.

Liu Shen turned his head and looked outside Shicun.

Although the wilderness is still very quiet at this moment, the sun is shining on the earth, warm and peaceful.

Compared with the dead silence before... Although the current wilderness is still desolate, it has added more or less vitality...

With a faint sigh, the Willow God turned into a willow tree again and took root in the center of the stone village.

When Su Han opened his eyes again, he stood quietly on the bronze throne, overlooking the bottom.

The real illusions around him gradually turned into nothingness.

Perhaps this is the power of a powerful person of the level of the Old One. Conan took a few breaths, forced himself to calm down, and then reluctantly said, Their own realm is much higher than that of the Immortal Emperor. too much……

In fact, even if the power they use is only at the level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, they can easily suppress the Corpse Immortal Emperor with their understanding of the law.

Yes, although we have known before that we are still far from the peak! But we still have no idea how far we are. Aizen paused for a moment.

After giving a wry smile, he continued, Although, we still don't have an accurate concept! But compared to before, we have made a lot of progress.

Emperor Qing remained silent, just staring at Nayako closely.

He recalled the image of Nayako polluting and devouring the Quasi-Immortal Emperor with every move he made... and he shuddered subconsciously.

Su Han's fingers gently rubbed the armrests of the chair. He scanned the crowd while thoughts flashed in his mind.

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