Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 553 Nayako’s angry murderous intention? The true meaning of the realms of the ten directions

Well, that thing! It should be the divinity of Lord Azathoth. Nayako spoke, but there was a chill and evil spirit in her eyes, I didn't expect... there is such a number. Such a huge divinity fell into that world.

If you think about it, the number of divinities is somehow one-twentieth to one-tenth of the total number of divinities at Lord Azathoth's peak period, right?

Su Han's eyelids twitched, remembering the exchange with Nayako yesterday, and then thinking about this message... No matter how he looked at it, he felt that there was a big problem in the perfect world.

After thinking for a while, Su Han and Nayako looked at each other. Nayako nodded slightly. Su Han understood something and used the power of omniscience to read Nayako's current thoughts.

That strange world you call the perfect world is probably the most important part of the real mastermind's plan. But that's not important! What's important is that divinity.

That, um, should be the guy called the Corpse Immortal Emperor? His original life level is equivalent to the realm of ten directions.

Wait a minute, Su Han frowned. Although he didn't move his mouth, his meaning was naturally transmitted into Nayako's mind, The Corpse Immortal Emperor is Shifang? He is on the same level as the Old Dominator. ?”

Su Han suddenly remembered the plot of the Holy Ruins. Although the Holy Ruins had not yet ended when he traveled through time, he still knew that the Immortal Emperor was definitely not at its peak.

After that, there may be many more great realms...

If the Corpse Immortal Emperor is at the same level as the Old Dominators, wouldn't it mean that the world of the Holy Ruins can produce a bunch of existences that are comparable to, or even surpass, the Old Dominators?

Actually, the Shifang Realm is not a simple realm... you can regard it as the starting point of a new realm. Nayako held back her mouth. Although she was speechless, she still explained patiently.

However, because every person in the Shifang Realm has created his own path! Therefore, there is no way for the Shifang Realm to sort out a universal power system to evaluate each strong person in the Tenth Realm...

In other words, even if someone sums up the power level, if you use it to evaluate others, others will not be convinced. We have already reached that point, who is still behind?

Su Han: ...

Su Han thought for a while and realized that what Nayako said made sense, and he had no way to refute it.

So, although Shifang Realm is called the same realm, the gap is also extremely huge. It is possible that a strong person in Shifang Realm can kill another strong person in Shifang Realm with one move... Nayako was a little confused. Feeling.

The gap between two strong men from ten directions may even be greater than the gap between the peak of the Nine Palaces and the strong man at the one-dimensional realm of your world.

The Three Pillar Gods are Shifang, the ordinary old rulers are Shifang, Azathoth at his peak is Shifang, and the Pan of Pan Era is also Shifang... But you dare to say that these existences, their power is A level, or a level?

The ten directions symbolize infinity. No matter how strong you are, you are all ten directions! You may be able to plan a big realm for yourself in the power system you create. But no matter how you break through, even if you break through the big realm you planned, Breaking through ten... In the entire Void Sea certification system, you are still ten directions.

...Okay. Su Han said that he was speechless, and then motioned for Nayako to continue.

Ahem, where did you say just now? By the way, the Immortal Emperor of Corpses! Well, no matter what conspiracy that guy has... an acquired old ruler of the ten directions realm, coupled with a lot of divinity from Lord Azathoth, You have to swallow it all.”

When Nayako said this, her eyes sparkled, If you swallow it, you can break through to a new level again! You can truly move from the Nine Palaces to the Ten Directions.

Your Shifang is completely different from other people's Shifang! After all, if you set foot in Shifang, you can perfectly drive the foggy space, a weapon made by Yug. Then with the help of this weapon, you can indirectly possess Azathoth’s position as the Lord of the Era.”

For others, Shifang is the beginning, but for you! Entering the realm of Shifang... you will be truly invincible before the end of the old era of the Sea of ​​Nothingness.

Why don't you think about it, this might be the bait set by the man behind the scenes, just waiting for us to bite the hook? Su Han stared at Nayako expressionlessly.

So, I have now sent a message to my body, asking her to rush outside the world of the perfect world! By the way, I have also sent a message to Yug. With Yug and I protecting her, there will basically be no problem! Naiya Zi is confident and confident.

One thing to say, if that guy can pick on both of us at the same time, then after killing Lord Azathoth, he should attack us directly! If he didn't take action, it just means that he is not good... let's not talk about 100% now, It’s also 100% sure! If you don’t take action in this situation, when will you take action? You can’t wait until you are only 10 to 20% sure to take action.”

Su Han thought for a while and found that Nayako's logic was flawless.

After a brief moment of reflection, he made the decision to go.

He didn't think that Nayako was lying to him. After all, if a being of the level of the Three Pillar Gods really had ill intentions towards him... he would definitely die.

Even if there is a foggy space, it is useless.

In the final analysis, although Mist Space is strong, it must continue to evolve and become stronger as his strength improves.

Su Han scanned the other people at the scene again and found that the atmosphere was solemn and no one spoke. Apparently it was because he had not spoken before.

Who wants to participate in this mission? Su Han spoke, his words as simple and clear as ever.

Many members of the parliament, you look at me, I look at you, and finally Liu Shen silently raised his palm. She is a person in the perfect world, and she is destined to participate in this mission.

Ahem, Nayako coughed several times, and after attracting the attention of everyone present, he suddenly raised his hand, How could I be absent at this time? Dangdang, this But in my first battle after defecting, I have to perform well.

Su Han's expression was subtle and he hesitated to speak.

Nayako's weird spirit... makes it really difficult for him to understand what Nayako is thinking at the moment without using the power of omniscience...

Shaking his head, Su Han continued, Then this time, Nayako and Liu Shen will participate in the mission.

As soon as the words fell, a brilliant brilliance suddenly surrounded their bodies. The next moment, the two figures disappeared out of thin air.

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