Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 547 Gathering the stars of the plot of Sneak, Nayako

Conan sighed inwardly, We used to guess that the Speaker of the Council was one of the top chess players in the Sea of ​​Nothingness... But now it seems that he clearly has an absolute advantage! He can even defeat the ones behind him. One and two words were deleted.

After all, although Nayako said that they were not worthy of being enemies of the evil god... but on the other hand, it was also a disguised admission that the forces represented by the chairman of the council and the evil god in general may be hostile...

Nayakko is the first incarnation of Nyarlathotep...and according to Nayakko's previous words, this one can fully represent the three pillar gods...

In other words, what was in front of him was actually the three-pillar god himself.

The top beings in the enemy camp are now running over to surrender... The meaning behind this shocked Conan to the point where he didn't know what to say.

Mr. Council President, Whitebeard turned to look at Su Han and asked seriously, Is it possible for us to see the plot star of this new member? Or is it just like the plot star of No. 10? Even if he condenses Even if it comes out, we are not qualified to watch it?”

Su Han's thoughts kept flickering in his mind, and finally he took a deep look at Nayako and made a decision. He tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the chair.

The next moment, a brilliant brilliance rose from Nayako's body. It continued to condense in the mid-air, and finally turned into an extremely bright star.

Nayako, the situation is special! You can watch. Su Han spoke concisely and concisely.

Is that so? After a brief silence, Uchiha Madara rose into the sky and entered the bright stars. Not only him, Whitebeard, Ying Zheng and others also entered after a brief hesitation.

After all, this is the first time a member of the Council has been so close to the truth about the evil god.

Although what Nayako said before, saying that they were not worthy of being enemies, hurt their self-esteem a bit, they themselves admitted in their hearts that their strength was indeed far inferior to the evil god...

Or, let alone the evil god, even if it is the incarnation of the evil god, they may not be able to defeat it. In the past, to fight against the incarnations of the Old Ones, it was necessary to ask the Parliament Speaker to send out the incarnations of the numbered gods, which is enough to prove this point.

It is precisely because of the huge gap and precisely because they have never been exposed to information about the true identity of the Old Dominators before that their curiosity about them has already reached the point where they cannot be suppressed...

Soon, most of the people in the Mist Hall entered the stars of Sneak, Nayako.

After Su Han thought about it for a moment, his figure suddenly disappeared from where he was.

He appeared directly above the Mist Palace.

There are world trees standing here one after another, spreading their branches, exuding a unique charm.

With a gentle tap of Su Han's finger, the void in front of him suddenly became distorted, and Nayako's figure emerged from nothing, slowly condensing into shape.

...has it developed to this point? Nayako glanced at the surrounding World Tree with interest. Just when Su Han frowned, Nayako cast his gaze on Su Han at the next moment, his eyes As soon as he lit up, he rushed towards Su Han directly.

Huh?! Su Han's eyes suddenly widened, but before he could counterattack, Nayako hugged Su Han's body, and then rubbed Su Han's cheek desperately with her cheek.

Finally I see you! Ah, ah, it's really different from the past when I used my incarnation to fight against you... This is my first intimate contact. Hehehe, when the other guys find out, they will definitely be jealous! But He No matter how much we envy you, it’s useless, hahahahaha…”

Su Han: ???

What kind of nonsense is this? Su Han was shocked.

Wait a minute, in the past, I used the incarnation of hostility... Su Han's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly realized the key point of this sentence.

He thought of the Bloated Daughter he encountered in the real world, and the Black Pharaoh he encountered in the God Killer world...

...Is all this calculated? Su Han's voice was calm. He just had a thought, and Nayako instantly broke away from him and stood five meters away again.

Wow! I fed you so many incarnations and let you grow, but you treated me so coldly? I'm very sad. Nayako's face was full of grief.

However, when she saw Su Han staring at her calmly as always, Nayako suppressed her words, feeling a little bored herself, and her expression immediately became serious.

It's not a good idea... You should have noticed, right? The people you bring into this misty world are actually the people you subconsciously want to bring in. Therefore, the world you can enter in the future is actually only yours. Selected.

What I, and the other guys who are watching you, did... was to pick out some worlds, and then semi-deliberately let my incarnation be suppressed in them. The future can be swallowed by you, This will allow you to make progress in the shortest possible time, right? So, that time with the Black Dharma King, it was just a matter of luck.

After a pause, Nayako stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, But that time with the Swollen Girl was my intention... but it didn't bring you any trouble. You shouldn't be angry, right?

Su Han ignored Nayako's cuteness, and his eyes became serious, Then, what is the relationship between me, the mist space, and you evil gods?

Su Han's mind was a little messy. Since the beginning of time travel, he had always thought that his enemies were the old rulers and their families, but now he suddenly discovered that the real situation seemed not to be the case.

Well, part of the mist space is part of the body of Azathoth, the blind and foolish god! Well, as for the form of this mist... this is Yug's handiwork.

After thinking for a long time, Nayako said with some confusion, You can think that Yug built a machine, and then used Azathoth's crowned corpse as the raw material to drive the machine!

So, what is my relationship with Azathoth? Su Han stared at Nayako expressionlessly. He has vaguely realized that Azathoth himself may be the only one who can attract the attention of the three pillar gods and many evil gods, and even sacrifice his incarnation. In other words...

You may have misunderstood, you are not Azathoth! Nayako looked dumbfounded, and she could see Su Han's thoughts at a glance.

Su Han: !!!

WTF? no! Su Han was confused again.

Looking at Su Han with a smile, Nayako thought about it for a moment and said softly, Well... let me tell you a story.

That's a story that's so long that it can't be described in words. I hope you don't find me verbose!

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