Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 545 Nayako has successfully joined the Mist Council

Su Han looked very calm. He lowered his eyes and sorted out what he had gained this time.

Suddenly, he felt something strange, which came from the feedback from the entire foggy space.

It seems like something strange is coming! Su Han's expression became serious. He used his omniscience and omnipotence, but he never discovered where the strange feedback from the foggy space came from.

The next moment, mist suddenly rose from the bronze chair closest to Su Han, and a slender figure gradually formed on it.

Are you new? Conan's eyes flickered, and he was not too surprised. I hope the newcomer this time will be stronger.

I think there is a high possibility that the newcomers will be strong. Yako Busujima pursed her lips and smiled. She turned to look at the three Emperor Wushi and spoke very seriously, The three people who joined the council last time, Directly occupying three of the top five seats in the parliament.”

Excluding the Speaker and Number 10... there are only three seats left in the top five.

The subtext of Yako Busujima is that the three Emperors are superior to Whitebeard, Madara Uchiha, and even veteran members of the council such as the Ancient One.

This is not necessarily the case. Tony Stark said with a smile, After the mage has sacrificed to heaven, his own strength has taken a step closer... No, although it seems to be just a step forward, in fact this step is Another realm.”

I got along with the mage before, and I could feel that the mage was getting stronger every moment... Even when I entered the parliament with the mage, I no longer knew what level the mage's strength had reached.

I have no doubt that when the mage becomes stronger, even if she is still not as good as Liu Shen at his peak. Her strength will be at least stronger than the current Wu Shi Emperor or even the ruthless Emperor.

There was a brief silence inside the parliament, and then there was an uproar.

Most of the members of the council turned their attention to Master Gu Yi, with surprise and uncertainty on their faces.

It's an exaggeration, Master Ancient One said calmly, I have indeed touched the threshold of the multiverse, but I have only touched it. All I can do is to travel freely in the multiverse... Others Yes, nothing more.

Edogawa Conan: ????

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched crazily, what the hell? Just touched the threshold of the multiverse? !

Look, is this human language? Being able to roam freely in the multiverse is not enough.

Besides, Mr. Stark, the future also has unlimited potential. The Ancient One Master looked at Tony Stark and changed the subject, The Infinity Stones... are not Mr. Stark's ultimate goal, right?

Tony Stark raised his eyebrows, but he didn't hide it, Yes, I really want the Heart of the Universe that No. 10 once mentioned... With that thing and the Infinity Stones, I should be able to reach the sky in one step! Break through that one Threshold...thereby making it possible to catch up with you.”

After a short pause, Tony Tucker shrugged, his words filled with helplessness, But in the final analysis...even if everything goes well, it's just a possibility of catching up with you.

Master Gu Yi smiled and said nothing.

Mr. Stark... you are too modest. Illya spoke with a subtle expression.

You already understand the way to go further, so what are you trying to do?

Have you ever considered the feelings of these people who have never thought about how to encounter people in that realm? !

Su Han ignored the discussions among the members of the parliament. He frowned and stared at the new members of the parliament.

This new member of parliament looked free and easy, leaning back on a bronze chair, crossing his legs, and scanning the surroundings with a casual expression. It wasn't that she was trying to be calm, but that she was really calm from the bottom of her heart, without any surprises.

The most important thing is that Su Han recognized this guy's identity.

Naiya...zi. Su Han muttered these three words in his heart.

This is the heroine in the anime Sneak, Naiko. Although she looks like a beautiful girl with long silver hair, super long hair and turquoise eyes, her true body is Naya, the evil god in the Cthulhu Mythos. Aratotip.

Yes, in this anime, the heroine is an evil god...that's the setting in that anime.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and Su Han felt a little stirred in his heart. He has come into contact with so many members of the parliament... For now, the setting in his mind has not gone wrong.

However, if this setting is true, then the situation is really serious...

After all, this is the real evil god. After sitting in the foggy space for so long, Su Han has already understood the true meaning of the evil god...

If this Nayak is really the evil god, or the incarnation of Nyarlathotep... the other party directly enters the mist space, then the consequences... huh? !

That's not right either. Su Han suddenly realized something and his expression became strange.

He is now completely integrated with the foggy space, so he also understands the operating mechanism of the foggy space.

There are actually strict restrictions on new members joining the foggy space...

That is, these new members of the parliament are absolutely unable to resist the foggy space with their own strength.

To put it simply, as long as he is in this foggy space, Su Han can suppress all members of the parliament with a flip of his hand. Including Liu Shen, Wu Shi Emperor...

The reason why they were able to enter was because the mist space had undergone a major evolution before they joined.

Perhaps Shi Hao, who finally became the Immortal Emperor in the perfect world, or even the saint in the prehistoric world, could easily destroy the current foggy space.

However, at the current stage, the foggy space will not bring in such an unusual existence...

Unless the foggy space evolves enough to suppress them in the future...

After thinking about it, Su Han's eyes narrowed slightly and he began to use his omniscience to peek into Nayako's thoughts. Then his expression became very strange.

I knew you would do this! However, I have absolutely no hostility towards you. Nayako looked into Su Han's eyes seriously and gently with a smile on her lips.

Please believe me! Or, you can also use your divination ability to calculate the good and bad luck first... It doesn't matter, I'm not in a hurry! You can wait until you eliminate all dangers before making a decision...

By the way, the purpose of my visit this time is just to communicate with you in private... Well, there are many things that are not suitable to be said in front of other people. You should understand what I mean!

Nayako did not speak, but had such thoughts in her mind. It was as if she knew from the beginning that Su Han would do this...and had this ability.

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