Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 54 OFA’s original successor is worth millions

The scene was quiet.

Zhang Sanfeng remained silent, Huang Rong was thoughtful, and Ying Zheng stood straight, his face expressionless and did not speak.

Gu la la la, why is the atmosphere so stiff?

Whitebeard suddenly laughed, with a hearty voice, I have been sailing on the sea for such a long time, and I have realized a truth. Well... it is what Zhang Sanfeng said, if you have wine today, you will get drunk today.

As long as you are alive, live happily.

Interesting. A faint voice suddenly sounded, attracting the attention of everyone present. They simultaneously turned to look at the highest bronze chair.

Su Han held his chin with one hand and looked at them with interest. His voice was calm and gentle, It seems that you guys get along well?

Huang Rong looked a little strange and recalled the previous scene! You call this getting along well? Should I say that he is worthy of being suspected of being an evil god? Thoughts are indeed not something ordinary people can fathom.

However, Huang Rong looked around and took a cautious look at Su Han. She felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere. After thinking about it, she still said something to Uchiha Madara.

I don't think Uchiha Madara is actually very malicious, Huang Rong gently scratched her cheek with a finger and said with some embarrassment, He just has a somewhat arrogant personality.

What tsundere? Uchiha Madara's voice suddenly rose, feeling that he had been greatly humiliated.

Look, teasing Uchiha Madara, look at his expression. It's so interesting! Whitebeard pinched his white crescent beard, his face full of fun.

After all, Uchiha Madara is still the only one showing his face at the scene.

Edward Newgate, Uchiha Madara stared at Whitebeard coldly, Are you provoking me?

It would be a pleasure to have a battle with you. Whitebeard clenched his fist, and his armed domineering energy wrapped around it, But your old body can still support you in a high-load battle. Fight?

Who do you think I am? Uchiha Madara's words were arrogant.

You...didn't you take my words to heart at all? Su Han's words did not waver at all. He had already said that fighting was prohibited in the foggy space, right? Immediately, he lightly patted the back of the chair with his palm.

With his palm as the center, waves rippled in the void, wrapping around Whitebeard and Uchiha Madara's bodies with a swishing sound.

Su Han said softly, Since you are provoking each other... then I will punish you. You will not be able to use your own power in the foggy space today.


This feeling... incredible!

The expressions of both of them changed. Because they felt that the power in their bodies was restricted at this moment.

Uchiha Madara's eyes changed from samsara eyes to ordinary eyes, and the armament-colored domineering energy covering Whitebeard's fists slowly converged.

Tony Stark looked at the two of them and muttered, If you don't seek death, you won't die.

He felt that the problem between Uchiha Madara and Whitebeard was that they had been invincible in the original world for too long. Although he knew that Su Han was powerful and unfathomable, he had never experienced the beatings of the world, so he would reveal his unruly nature from time to time.

Ying Zheng's eyes flashed slightly, and then he turned to look at All Might, The symbol of peace... maybe I should call you Yagi Toshinori! I want to ask you, what do you want to do after knowing the future of the original world? Woolen cloth?

Let it go. All Might said seriously, If I really see the persistence and light of my own soul shown by the Green Valley boy again, I may also give him my fire. .”

But if... we have never met, I will not deliberately search for it! Maybe I will choose to go step by step and give the fire to my originally intended heir.

Eh?! Xiaozhi was shocked, Did OFA originally have an heir?

No, Tony Stark complained, OFA, a force that can be said to support the backbone of peace, would be strange if there was no heir, right?

...What you said actually makes sense. Xiaozhi was choked.

So, when you gave your power to Izuku Midoriya in the original history, you never thought about your successor? Huang Rong's eyes glowed, and she felt the fire of gossip burning in her heart.

That guy is a very outstanding young man, All Might seemed to be recalling, with gentle emotion in his words, He has an excellent character, and his own strength is also extremely strong... However, the inheritance of OFA's fire is very difficult. To a large extent it depends on fate.”

Just like my teacher... resolutely passed on the power of OFA to me. Back then! I was definitely not the most suitable to carry the power of fire.

All Might's original heir is the millionaire who was born at the end of the plot, Su Han suddenly said leisurely, If the fire gave him a millionaire, he would instantly become as powerful as or even surpass All Might. By.

After all, even if he didn't inherit the power of fire, he is still infinitely close to the No. 1 powerhouse. The Big Three of the Eagle!

Everyone stopped talking. They looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, everyone looked at All Might. Although All Might couldn't be wrong when he said it depends on fate, Su Han's words showed that he did give up the best possibility.

So I'm not forcing it now, All Might's laughter was as hearty as ever, without any hint of embarrassment. We'll see how our side develops in the future.

Speaking of which, your stomach was removed. Uchiha Madara suddenly said, crossing his chest with his hands, Our world is quite accomplished in organ transplantation...

The scene fell silent. Uchiha Madara frowned, suddenly feeling that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Pfft, Huang Rong couldn't hold it back and laughed. She yelled at the white beard beside her, Sure enough, Master Ban is such a smartass. He obviously despises All Might on the surface, but in fact , I also want to help him in my heart.”

As I said before, I should have seen the shadow of Senju Hashirama in Mr. All Might. Tony Stark thought thoughtfully, but then made a final decision, But no matter what, ...It is a confirmed fact that Uchiha Madara is arrogant.

You guys! Uchiha Madara looked calm on the surface, but in fact his fists were clenched tightly and his heart was filled with fluctuations.

When had he experienced such a scene? If it weren't for the fact that Su Han had been blocked for a day because of his power, and coupled with the majesty and mystery displayed by Su Han...he would have already sent out the Shenluo Tianzheng and sent away the group of guys who were mocking him.

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