Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 523 A history book? Xiaoyu holds the power to change the world!

Xiaoyu took one step forward and appeared directly beside Su Han. She bowed slightly to Su Han and others, and said in a sincere voice, Thank you all for your help.

It's reasonable. Zhang Sanfeng looked at Xiaoyu gently.

By the way, Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly lit up. She turned her palm and a thick book suddenly appeared. She tilted her head and stared at Gu Xun'er with a smile, What I hold in my hand is a history book.

Would you like me to write down Xun'er's breakthrough to Emperor Dou with a stroke of my pen? And also help others present?

Can you still do this? Yadou's brows twitched, causing waves in his heart.

Gu Xun'er was obviously moved, but she thought for a moment and smiled bitterly, I am a member of the parliament! The power of the world itself cannot be applied to me...well, it should be said to us.

Glancing in the direction of Chen Long and others, Gu Xun'er said softly, But having said that... the power of the history books can be given to your Dragon Team to try.

But I guess... even if your dragon team has all kinds of extraordinary powers with the help of history books, they can only be used in the world you live in.

Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and then rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, What you said makes sense... However, they cannot go to other worlds. The power they can use in this world is enough for them.

That's right. Gu Xun'er nodded with deep approval.

Su Han's expression remained unchanged. As soon as he had a thought, the surrounding divine space began to collapse on its own. Soon, a group of people reappeared in the Australian Pyramid.

Now that the matters here have been dealt with, we should go back. Su Han's voice did not waver at all. He looked at the other people at the scene, Who wants to stay?

Me. Gu Xun'er raised her hand calmly. She has a good relationship with Xiaoyu and has heard Xiaoyu mention this world many times. She is very curious about the world of Chen Long's Adventures, so naturally she is not ready to give up this opportunity.

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard and suddenly laughed, I suddenly thought that there are immortals and gods in this world. So I want to stay and see what the situation in this world is like.

Yadou raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhang Sanfeng strangely. But he thought about it and didn't say anything more.

Sakata Gintoki picked his nostrils and said casually, Then I'll go back first! I'm curious, how much can the evil power I gained this time improve my strength?

Anyway, the evil power gained this time is of no use to me. Uchiha Madara said expressionlessly, crossing his chest with his hands.

Su Han was noncommittal, and then a thought came to his mind, and the gorgeous seven-color brilliance suddenly enveloped the surroundings.

Soon, the light dissipated and all the members of the council disappeared.

Looking at the direction where Su Han and others were leaving with some melancholy, Xiaoyu patted her cheek, forced herself to cheer up, looked at Zhang Sanfeng and Gu Xun'er with interest, and glanced at Chen Long and others, That , let me take you back to Citiland first.

After the words fell, Xiaoyu waved her arm, and in the next moment, a group of people appeared out of thin air at Dad's Antique Shop in Citiland.

What...this?! Chen Long's expression changed drastically.

After a brief silence, he slowly moved forward and reached out to touch the antiques around him. After a brief silence, he swallowed hard and said, It's not an illusion... I really came back in an instant.

Teleport? However, you can bring so many people with you. Tohru was also very shocked.

After being silent for a moment, the father stared at the book in Xiaoyu's hand. He recalled the previous exchange between Xiaoyu and the members of Yiyi, and said softly, If Xiaoyu can write in the history book at will! Don't say let's go back to antiques in an instant. Now that she has a shop, even if she rewrites the current history with a single thought... to make the world what she imagined, it is only natural.

Is this the power of God? The little snake's expression changed.

After Zhang Sanfeng thought for a moment, he said with emotion, Xiaoyu, the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao you have achieved this time is very different from the ordinary spokespersons of Heavenly Dao in the parliament...

Zhang Sanfeng is also the spokesperson of Tiandao. However, he cannot do what Xiaoyu does in his own world.

It was precisely because of this that he felt quite complicated when he thought about it at the moment.

After all, I relied on the History Book of Time to become a demigod. Xiaoyu said calmly. She then touched her nose with some embarrassment, Of course, there are limitations. Although I can indeed use the History Book of Time to control the current situation. The world, however, the greater the scope of change, the greater the impact on me...

Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue, Theoretically, I can indeed overturn the whole world! But if this happens... the backlash from the world to me may cause me to die directly.

Also...actually, I was joking when I said that Gu Xun'er became the Dou Emperor before. Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed. She had not yet perfectly controlled the power of the History of Time before, so her heart was a little swollen. But now, she has tried using the History of Time to instantly Moving, I have a better understanding of the power and nature of the history books.

After hesitating for a while, Xiaoyu finally made a decision and explained calmly, The most I can do now is help her advance to a higher level and become a Dou Zun. If she goes up, it will cause devastating damage to me.

Is this so? Gu Xun'er was stunned for a moment, and a flash of understanding suddenly flashed in his eyes, That's right, the demon monarchs like the Holy Lord are very cautious in using the history books.

This shows that it is taboo to use the history books to rewrite the world... In addition, you are now the spokesperson of the world. As a spokesperson, you do things that go against the world. It would be strange not to be punished.

I think this has nothing to do with punishment. Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, Miss Gu didn't sacrifice to heaven, so I don't know. After becoming the spokesperson of the world, your connection with the world is closer than imagined.

Theoretically, the world has been hit hard! You will also be hit hard... Well, so using the history books to rewrite the world, Xiaoyu will be hit hard. It can only show that using the history books to rewrite the world is harmful to the world itself. And it’s not too small.”

Zhenzhen Zhang is right. Xiaoyu nodded seriously, Of course, it's still the same... There is still no problem in a small area.

If you say this, I can understand. Gu Xun'er's eyes flickered.

Xiaoyu shrugged at Gu Xun'er and Zhang Sanfeng, then turned around to comfort Chen Long and his party.

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