Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 518 Yadou with a broken outlook on life? God of transcendent world concepts!

That's right, Conan nodded, It's not a good thing to place all your hopes on the Parliament.

In case, when your sun explodes, the parliament does not join the people related to the sun... Then your technology tree has climbed high enough, and you can at least guarantee a 100% escape from the solar system.

Actually, if two people in the council are willing to take action, maybe the problem of the wandering earth can be solved today. Tony Stark added faintly.

The scene fell into a brief silence. Conan first glanced at Su Han, and then cast his gaze on No. 10's body. Although the Speaker of the Council has this ability, he would never take action no matter what he thinks... But the same cannot be said for No. 10.

In this regard, No. 10 remained silent and calm as always.

It seems that this road is not feasible. Jiujianxian raised his eyebrows.

Of course. Liu Peiqiang rubbed his temples with a headache, but he was not too disappointed. He was mentally prepared before Tony Stark asked.

What about Ye Dou? Tu Shanhong asked coldly.

Ha...ah! Yadou was stunned for a moment, then looked around and found that the members of the parliament had focused their eyes on him, and then he realized that they were talking about him. He immediately touched his nose with some embarrassment and said, I'm still the same over there.

I was originally a god who just ate and waited to die. Now... the most I can think about is cultivating the special energy in the Cultivation Council, right?

That's right, Yadou suddenly remembered something, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face, Everyone... this council is super strong.

I found that now that I am in the real world, even if I don't build a shrine or be remembered by others, I will not disappear. This simply... violates the mechanism of the existence of our gods.

At this point, the joy on Yadou's face dissipated and was replaced by complexity. This was certainly a good thing for him, but it shook his outlook.

After all, this is equivalent to telling him that his previous common sense is wrong.

This is normal. Bruce Wayne nodded slightly and said in a low voice, After all, the moment you join the Council, you transcend your world...the laws and concepts of your world can no longer affect you.

A god who disappears when forgotten... Humph, the power does not belong to itself, there is just one problem or another. Luo Cuilian said coldly.

Moreover, I have been practicing various mysterious powers recently! Yadou didn't care about Luo Cuilian's hostility and stretched out his arm, with dark armed domineering covering it, I discussed it with Mr. Edward , after entering that month of cultivation for more than half a year, I condensed this thing.

It's beyond my expectation... A guy like me can actually cultivate the power of human cultivation in other worlds.

Yato is a god. Although he has a similar appearance to humans, his essence is completely different. Just as it is impossible for a human being to possess the power of gods and use divine weapons, he should also be unable to practice human methods.

Of course, Yadou remembered what Bruce Wayne had said before about transcending the laws of the world, and he could understand this aspect. He shook his head and said nothing more.

Su Han raised his brows, thoughts flashing in his mind, and he simply manipulated No. 10 to speak, Xiaoyu, did you say yesterday that you would officially sacrifice to heaven today?

...Of course. Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly lit up and she nodded quickly. Before, Xiaoyu was a little confused when she saw how lively the council members were discussing, whether or not to intervene in the topic, but now that No. 10 spoke, she naturally accepted it directly.

Su Han thought for a while, and this time he simply spoke, So, is there anyone willing to participate in this parliamentary mission?

Since it's a matter about Xiaoyu's world, naturally I have to be included. Gu Xun'er said calmly.

Rick was a little moved, but after thinking about how he didn't help much last time, his lips twitched, and he was still discouraged.

Add the old Taoist. Zhang Sanfeng said softly, The old Taoist cultivation has reached the final step. If we encounter the opportunity this time, we may be able to break through to the realm of Uchiha Madara and Accelerator.

Then I'll go too. Uchiha Madara said coldly, My strength is also stuck at the current level and I need council tasks to enhance it.

Master Gu Yi glanced at Madara Chiha and said bluntly, Mr. Madara, your strength has not improved during this time! It is normal. It would be strange if it improved by leaps and bounds.

The further you get to the later stages, the harder it is to make progress. This is the unchanging truth of the endless universe... Not to mention, after a rapid increase in strength, you should stay in the council for a period of time to stabilize your strength and learn to understand The concept of laws that should be controlled at this stage.”

If you blindly pursue strength improvement, you may taste bad consequences in the later stages.

In fact, many powerful people in the parliament can participate in missions continuously. Anyway, the speaker of the parliament has not made any restrictions in this regard... and there is no limit on the number of people who can participate in a mission.

However, many people have realized that the strength that the Parliament has brought to them has increased too much.

Therefore, faced with parliamentary tasks that can enhance their strength in a short period of time, they need to limit their greed... try to digest the last harvest before participating in the next task.

Of course, this also followed Zhang Sanfeng's words to a certain extent... giving more opportunities to the weaker members of the parliament.

I have finished digesting the last harvest. Uchiha Madara showed a noncommittal look. He touched his eyes, These eyes, the analysis of power, make me completely different from you.

...Madara, you really deserve a beating for what you said. Whitebeard said with emotion. However, after being together for such a long time, he also understood Uchiha Madara's character and knew that Uchiha Madara did not have any malicious intentions, so he didn't say much.

Besides, is there anyone else who wants to participate in the mission? Su Han's voice was as calm as ever, unhurried.

Add me as well. Yadou said with a playful smile, I haven't participated before, so I'm a little curious.

Ahem, Sakata Gintoki coughed several times. After attracting the attention of the council members, he also raised his hand and said seriously, And me.

Scanning the surroundings, he found that no one continued to speak. After thinking for a moment, Su Han said in a low voice, Uchiha Madara, Yadou, Zhang Sanfeng, Gu Xun'er, and Sakata Gintoki are participating in this mission.

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