Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 515 Ying Zheng: I am very worried about the safety of human beings in the world of The Adven

If humanity perishes, Su Han will definitely not die, but he will also be severely damaged...

Of course, regardless of whether the divine essence is connected to humans or not, Su Han has the idea of ​​protecting the continuation of humanity in the main world...

However, Su Han also knows that the situation in the main world is very special, and the water of the human race is very deep.

If he really wants to destroy the entire human race, it may cause a shocking wave and involve all the brilliant heroes in the history of the human race who have gone to unknown destinations...

Su Han thought about the flashes of heroes in human history that had appeared before, and felt a little nervous inside. Even if he faced that torrent, he would be easily crushed.

Huh? Conan's expression became weird, Why do the more I listen, the more I feel like you are a bit like Alaya from Weber's world?!

Alaya? What is that? Rick was a little confused.

Weber touched his nose, thought for a while, and then simply explained.

Rick's expression became strange as he listened, It's indeed very similar to...wait, could it be that what I drew before was the power of Alaya packaged in the form of human divine marrow?

All the members of the parliament immediately fell into thinking.

This angle of entry... is interesting. Aizen became interested and said with a smile, I just don't know if someone will get Gaia's authority in the future? Well, having said that, do you think Gaia's authority? What’s the use?”

Does it make you equal to the entire planet? Yako Busujima asked tentatively, The punch you threw has the weight of the entire planet. Is your defense equivalent to the planet's defense?

And you can freely control the earth to cause earthquakes, storms, or various natural disasters?

Is it amazing? Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows.

Mr. Madara, I know you are very strong. But you should consider the ordinary people in the parliament. Huang Rong glanced at Madara Uchiha silently, and then spoke enthusiastically, When you say this, I want to continue A random star has been drawn.”

According to what you said... Once you gain the authority of Gaia, ordinary people can reach heaven in one step. And the extraordinary abilities that the random star can draw are definitely not only the authority of Gaia, but also the human soul. indivual.

Madara Uchiha hesitated to speak, he wanted to complain about the deception of the Eye of the Ancients he had obtained. But after thinking about it, if these eyes were placed on ordinary people, they would indeed have god-like effects, so he simply choked on his words again.

By the way, Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament. Xiaoyu suddenly remembered something and raised her palm, My world over there is ready...

With the help of Uncle Long, I built the altar. The place is right in front of the place where the history books of the pyramid are placed in Australia.

The time you spent... was a bit beyond my expectation. Gu Xun'er said softly.

There is nothing we can do about this. Xiaoyu was discouraged, with a face full of helplessness, After all, the history books are too important. I, Uncle Long, and Dad... don't dare to tell others such things... Construction , all done by myself bit by bit.”

Your prudence is very reasonable. Conan nodded seriously and sighed, If you let Chief Black of District 13 know about it, it will be equivalent to letting Citigroup know. By then... …That’s a huge problem.”

Yes, I have no doubt that those Westerners will use that book to unify the world and do whatever they want. Fan Xian nodded with some fear.

I'm not optimistic about their use of that book, Horaishan Kaguya curled her lips, I've always felt that... although the History of Time book is powerful, its use has great limitations. Moreover, there will be extremely bad consequences. .”

In the original historical trajectory, the Holy Lord and those demon monarchs were not afraid of anything. But when facing the history books of the years, they were also very cautious...

And, again, the original historical trajectory only appeared once in the history books, and then it seemed to have completely disappeared... It's terrifying to think about it.

I think so too. Fengyuan nodded cautiously, If you use it once or twice, it will be fine if you are lucky. If you are really wanton...even if the book will cause the destruction of the world and the death of all living creatures, I will not do anything about it. It’s not a surprise.”

So, are you going to sacrifice to heaven now? Whitebeard looked at Xiaoyu with interest.

Okay... forget it, let's do it tomorrow. I'll ask Uncle Long to summon the members of the Dragon Team! Xiaoyu waved his little fist.

Team Dragon, in a battle of this level... that's all, just be happy. Sakata Gintoki struggled for a long time, and finally uttered a sentence dryly.

Since the Dragon Team can deal with the Holy Lord and the others, there shouldn't be any problems during the sacrifice, right? Sawada Tsunayoshi fell into deep thought, but was a little unsure.

In fact, he has always been strange. Although the Dragon Team is an outstanding person, in the final analysis, it is still not beyond the scope of human beings...

How do you deal with monsters like the Demon Lord? How do you deal with them for so long without killing anyone?

Congratulations, Conan did not participate in the discussion. He looked directly at Xiaoyu, pushed up his glasses, and said in an incomprehensible tone, The youngest spokesperson for Heaven is about to appear.

This description seemed to have some special magic power, and the parliament suddenly fell silent.

Tony Stark crossed his arms over his chest, looking a little confused. Aizen had a look of amusement on his face, his eyes scanning the entire audience. Illya had envy on her face. Xiaozhi blinked his eyes and glanced around, wondering why the scene suddenly became quiet...

After Ying Zheng thought for a moment, he suddenly spoke, Miss Chen Xiaoyu!

You are still young, and your three views have not really been fixed yet... Therefore, I hope you can accept a suggestion.

In the future, try not to use the power that belongs to the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao...or, in other words, discuss it with your Uncle Long before using it.

Ying Zheng said it very tactfully.

It is precisely because he is the spokesperson of Heaven that he understands how terrifying this kind of power is...

To put it bluntly, if you are not careful, Xiaoyu might start the prelude to the end of your world...

After all, Xiaoyu is too young. There is no essential difference between letting her successfully sacrifice to heaven and handing a nuclear bomb button to a child to play with.

On the one hand, Ying Zheng is really worried about the safety of Xiaoyu's world. But at the same time, he was more worried that if Xiaoyu really caused something irreversible, it might form a lifelong psychological shadow on Xiaoyu...

It's no problem, don't worry. Xiaoyu promised generously.

Su Han's expression was a little subtle. After thinking for a moment, he used the divination ability given by the foggy space.

Soon, Su Han came to the conclusion...

Well, Xiaoyu will indeed cause a lot of trouble in the future because of this power, but these troubles... will not cause the extinction of mankind.

Moreover, Xiaoyu has indeed grown up safely and healthily.

Nodding slightly, Su Han felt relieved and did not go into further divination.

As long as the general direction is okay... the small direction, all members of the parliament have the right to deal with their own world.

After all, he is not from that world. Interfering without authorization is not appropriate no matter what angle you analyze it from.

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