Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 509 Romance in the eyes of Tony Stark?

Listening to the words of the three, Taikangzi shook his head after a long silence. Immediately, it suddenly flew out and swooped towards Jinling.

This matter is so important. After all, the enlightened one is the West, and the East must shrink strategically! The reverse is also true.

The Holy Emperor in the Bagua Realm would not interfere in state affairs. For him, that would be a downgrade and it would be too much to use the big to bully the small. But the country in which he lived shaped his values, and there is no doubt that he had no good intentions towards other countries…

And the will of heaven must be implemented...

Even if it's just that he has ill intentions towards a country! It may lead to the collapse of that country's national destiny... If the self-strategy shrinks, it will just stabilize the downward national destiny. This is something that has actually happened before...

It is precisely because of various reasons that Taikangzi must confirm...whether it is who he guessed, whether it is that person...

Huh? Su Han sat cross-legged in his room, his brows suddenly raised, and he felt a lot about what he saw, heard, and felt, It's a bit interesting.

He has already withdrawn from the state where the human soul has been opened. However, the aura on his body has still improved. It is obvious that he has gained a lot of insights due to the previous sublimation, and has truly touched the ultimate realm of sage.

After thinking briefly, Su Han waved his sleeves, and the void in front of him suddenly distorted, and then Taikangzi's figure suddenly appeared.

...You. Taikangzi's expression changed slightly, and he was obviously startled by the changed scene around him. Then, he reacted and forced himself to calm down.

Sit down. Su Han smiled slightly, stood up and came to the table.

The shadow ninja then appeared and took several cups of tea before bringing them to Su Han and Taikangzi respectively.

It seems that the person who just achieved enlightenment is really you. Taikangzi looked complicated.

Why did you come to this conclusion? Su Han stared at the person in front of him with interest.

I can sense it, and you must be able to sense it, and your attitude is so casual... This is already obvious. Taikangzi drank the tea in one gulp, and he cupped his hands towards Su Han, Since I’m sure it’s not the West, nor is it a demon clan! Then I’ll be relieved.”

By the way, Taikangzi paused for a moment and looked at Su Han seriously, Mr. Su, please be sure to go to Kyoto during this time.

Now that your cultivation has reached your level... there is a lot of information that you must know. Otherwise, there will be big problems.

After hesitating for a moment, Taikangzi gritted his teeth and added, If you really don't want to go to the Imperial Capital, tell me... I can also enter the information you should know into the Tai Chi Bagua Chart and then send it to you.

Logically speaking, the secrets of the Great Library are not allowed to be entered into the electronic computer. After all, there is a risk of leakage...

But if Su Han really takes that step, it won't be a big deal to make an exception for him.

I will go to Kyoto. And... I also know a little bit about the problem you are going to talk about! Although I don't know the specific reason, but how to face that problem... I have an idea. Su Han said calmly.

After chatting for a few words, Taikangzi left first. Su Han sat there for a long time.

Su Han was thinking about the question Taikangzi hinted at. The time that a strong person in the Bagua realm can stay in this world is actually very limited...

Of course, Su Han didn't know the specific reason, but he just didn't panic. After all, to be precise, he is a strong man in the Five Elements Realm, and he has not even reached the peak of this realm.

What does the restriction of the Eight Trigrams Realm have to do with him as a practitioner of the Five Elements Realm?

Besides, even if he is capable of fighting in the Bagua realm, he still needs to activate his divine marrow...

Even if his divine marrow is not opened, he is still a sage. Even in this state, he cannot exercise the power of heaven. Even though the power of heaven is contained in his body...

Next, let's test a few things. Su Han fell into deep thought. He closed his eyes and entered the day of the decisive battle. Then, the world of the fox demon matchmaker began to be simulated.

Finally, he opened the divine marrow, and his eyes lit up for a moment, Now that I open the divine marrow, what I gain is still the power of the main world where I am. Not the power of humans in the world of the fox demon and the little matchmaker!

Well, this is reasonable... But in other words, that guy Rick can't go to other worlds and directly connect to that world because of the human soul, and reach the sky in one step... After all, he needs to slowly develop his own world.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, and across from Su Han appeared the third leader of the Aolai Kingdom. This was the enemy Su Han simulated on the day of the decisive battle.

The third master of the Aolai Kingdom was glowing with golden light, holding a golden cudgel in his hand, and showed a high-spirited fighting spirit towards Su Han.

In response, Su Han just waved his hand casually. The terrifying energy suddenly erupted, and the third master, and even the simulated world of the fox demon and the matchmaker on the day of the decisive battle, all collapsed.

Turning around and entering the Moon of Cultivation, Su Han sat cross-legged, entered the state of cultivation, and used the power of the evil god to assist himself.

After practicing until dinner time, Su Han returned to reality and had a meal, listened to Friday's report on the industry she had developed, and played games for a while. When the time was almost up, I fell asleep.

Early the next morning, after finishing washing and eating breakfast, Su Han closed his eyes and entered the misty space.

The fog is thick and the mystery remains.

The majestic palace stands, with strange-shaped bronze chairs seemingly scattered in all directions. There were members of the parliament sitting on many chairs. They looked serious at the moment and were discussing.

Amazing! It's really amazing. Tony Stark looked directly at Liu Peiqiang and said with emotion, Earth's civilization is twisted into a fist, and the power it can explode... is actually so strong.

Pushing the entire earth to wander... Especially at the end, the scene where the many rockets on the earth are ejected and push the earth is so beautiful and romantic... It even makes me a little bit longing for it...

After a brief silence, Bruce Wayne also recalled the scene and nodded slightly.

After a brief silence, Liu Peiqiang clenched his fists on the bronze armrest. He looked directly at Tony Stark and said seriously, Sir... please pay attention to your words! I don't think that the earth will suffer like that. The crisis of a wife is a romantic thing.

Rather than saying it is a romance, it is better to say that this is a disaster...

How prepared are the people on Earth in that world for the Wandering Earth Plan? How many died? How many sacrifices have been made... too many to describe clearly.

Such an extremely heavy thing. Liu Peiqiang does not allow others to be scornful of this matter, even if he knows that the other party has no ill intentions.

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