Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 503 The... characteristic acquired by Rick is the essence of human beings!

By the way, Conan pulled his tie, then looked at No. 10, who had been very silent, and spoke sincerely, I first want to apologize to No. 10... I always thought that No. 10 was the kind of person you are. The world-destroying demon was just tamed by the parliament president.

However, seeing that you still have the incarnation of the orthodox mythological system... I know that you also have a side of maintaining order under chaos, right?

No, you didn't misunderstand. As for the incarnation... what it will grow into after it is released will naturally have its own chance and experience! It has nothing to do with me. No. 10's voice did not waver at all.

Conan: ????

What the hell? What does your incarnation grow into, and it has nothing to do with your true body? It was still a hammer incarnation.

Conan's cheeks twitched slightly, and he wanted to speak several times. But in the end, he sighed and said nothing, feeling complicated.

I'm curious, is that incarnation... the Heavenly Emperor and Heavenly God of a certain world? Master Ancient One stared at No. 10 with bright eyes.

Maybe so. No. 10 spoke ambiguously.

Although there was no direct answer, in the eyes of many parliament members, this was no different than an admission.

What a contradiction! He obviously likes to destroy the world, but the incarnation acts as a god in the world and protects the world on the other hand... Moreover, the incarnation is not like the incarnation, and the body is not like the body! It is incomprehensible. Ying Zheng said with a strange expression. He looked at No. 10 repeatedly.

As the emperor, Ying Zheng knew very well that everyone has their own place in the world. Only by recognizing one's own position and performing one's responsibilities can society maintain stability to the greatest extent.

For example, if his ministers think about becoming an emperor and rebelling all day long...then the Qin Empire will never have peace...

However, the evil god's true body and evil god's incarnation were theoretically closer to each other than him and his ministers... but they did not appear to be true bodies or incarnations. This made Ying Zheng not know what to say.

This is the evil god! An existence that is completely opposite to order. Tony Stark sighed with emotion.

Rick glanced at No. 10 and found that he was very silent at the moment. He guessed that No. 10 did not want to discuss this issue and simply stopped paying attention.

If the evil power in my hand is used to strengthen myself! It won't increase my strength at all. Thoughts flashed in Rick's mind, and he finally made up his mind, Then let's take a gamble.

Even if it was wasted in the end, it doesn't hurt my muscles and bones. At most, I can make up for it by practicing for a while in the month of practice.

With a thought, all the evil power in Rick's palm was projected towards the random stars in the sky.

The next moment, there was a brilliant brilliance rising in the random star, and one world after another was evolving.

Immediately, a bright meteor shot out from a certain world and pierced through Rick's body.

It seems that Rick has drawn something very special. Yako Busujima sighed in a low voice after a long silence.

Weber glanced at Busujima Yaozi and shook his head slightly. He didn't agree with Busujima Yako's idea... Whether it was powerful or not had nothing to do with whether it could draw good things.

After all, the last time Aizen used Random Star, the momentum was also very huge. But the last thing he drew made people almost vomit blood.

After being silent for a long time, Rick slumped down on the chair. His face showed surprise and surprise, and he whispered, It's actually like this.

What is it? Conan suddenly became interested. Listening to Rick's words, he doesn't seem to be disappointed? So, you got something good?

It's the marrow! The marrow of the world I live in. Rick said softly, This marrow has no attributes! And after being integrated into my body, it will transform into the most powerful form due to my situation. Attributes that suit me.”

The Mist Hall fell into silence for a while.

After thinking for a short time, Horaishan Kaguya said with blazing eyes, Can you actually draw such a thing... Incredible! By the way, what is the essence that evolved in the end? It is the essence of Tetu, the God of Games. ?

After much thought, Horaishan Kaguya still felt that the essence of Tetu and Rick were the most compatible.

But Tetu's divine essence is very weak... In his original historical trajectory, he finally got the Star Cup because of Rick. Accelerator frowned. Although he looked down on Tetu a little, he also acknowledged Kaguya Horaisan's opinion that Rick might really have obtained the essence of the game...

No! The divine marrow I obtained is... human? Rick scratched his hair, his voice a little confused, The feedback the divine marrow gave me is that the characteristics of the divine marrow include wisdom, war, and forging... All kinds of characteristics! It’s very complicated...but there’s no reason for it.”

Rick's brain was a little confused and he couldn't understand it at all.

Wisdom is okay...but war, isn't that the divine attribute of Artho, the God of War? Blacksmithing should also be the marrow characteristic of the god behind the goblin race, right? Why are they mixed together...

Moreover, can’t the Divine Essence only have one characteristic?

Human marrow? Bruce Wayne murmured, and he suddenly laughed, Interesting...unexpected, but within reason.

As for the diversification of divine marrow characteristics...this is quite easy to understand.

Bruce Wayne spoke coldly, Human beings are such contradictory creatures! They like war, use wisdom to stand out from the original species, and forge and develop technology... If your divine characteristics are human characteristics, then your god These external exposures of the marrow are normal.”

Besides, Bruce Wayne spread his palms, The President of the Council is omniscient and omnipotent. With his ability, it is only natural to rewrite the only nature of the divine marrow characteristic, right? Since the information given to you by your divine marrow characteristic is like this , then just accept it calmly! This is a good thing, there is no need to shirk it.

Indeed. Rick thought for a moment, breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded seriously.

Wait a minute, if you also possess the divine essence of war! Doesn't it mean that you can now challenge the god Artesi alone? Fengyuan suddenly thought of something and became excited.

Emperor Qing's body froze. He had obviously challenged Artesiu, and although he was instantly killed in the end... he also learned about the terrifying strength of that monster.

If Rick could have that power, it wouldn't even be described as reaching the sky in one step...

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