Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 499 The Clown King is shocked and frightened? The attention of the great powers of the world


There's something about this special effect! But having said that, the one in the sky looks a bit like an immortal from China? Could it be that this time it's a big movie from China, and the background is the current urban version of the immortal city tour?

Can China also have this level of special effects technology? I'm not good at learning! Don't deceive me.

Trouble! There are too many elements. I don't know where to start.

What nonsense are you talking about? This is a live broadcast. How can it be possible to have special effects in a live broadcast! In other words, how can such special effects be produced by an ordinary anchor.

Considering the news that was spread on the Internet in Japan, I'm really scared when I think about it... What a hammer! MMP, it exploded, and a news pop-up window popped up here. It's true, something big happened in Japan.

???? Worri, another world invades? And then Chinese immortals appear to protect it?

It's a hammer... All the well-known media in the world that I follow have started to report... Damn it, even the big Hollywood movies don't dare to shoot like this.

If it's a big Hollywood movie, the part about the Chinese Immortal can be changed to a British magician! Or maybe a Citizen superhero...and save the world alone?

Personal heroism is not bad...

It's so funny! I'm speechless.

Holy shit! I just saw two or three big black bats flying past... No, I just took a screenshot. It has a metallic luster! Is it a super armor that looks like a bat?


Fuck! This style...could it really be that of a superhero from Citiland? There actually is one!

Red and fiery, in a trance!

I'm stunned! After living for such a long time, I realized today... that the world we live in is an extraordinary world.

Oh my god, is it my imagination? Why do I feel that the illusory scene in the sky is becoming more and more real... Damn it, the illusory scene in the sky reflects another world? And in another world, I seem to I saw a giant with a white beard, beating dragons, lichs, devils and other things?!

I saw it too! What the hell happened to Japan? This doesn't seem to be an invasion from another world... It's more like a huge war involving several worlds.

Japan is cold... but this is more or less a good thing! After all, if there is a big change, Japan will obviously be the first to come into contact. Whether it is good or bad, it depends on the final result of Japan. A lot of conclusions can be drawn...Our country can definitely cross the river by touching Japan afterwards.

Six six six six six, if you want to be slutty, you better be slutty!

Asshole, that's Tokyo! Our absolute core urban group in Japan, if something happens in Tokyo, the entire Japan will be extremely affected... No, it's over! Japan's stocks have completely collapsed. I His wealth and life! It’s all over.”

???? Oh my god, maybe the end of the world has happened. Are you still in the mood to pay attention to stocks?

Japan is a capital country! For a capital country, money is more important than life! And... isn't it the end of the world yet? We also have immortals taking action here. In the end, it may be a fight between gods and gods, and we mortals will have a false alarm.

Some are worried, some are gloating, some are nervous, some are excited, and some have a vague glimpse of the undercurrent in the world from this incident.

All living things are fully revealed on the Internet at this moment.

The street anchor stared blankly at the scene in front of him. She just wanted to be popular before, but now, she was also frightened by what happened.

There are suspected existences of superheroes in Citiland, Chinese immortals in the sky, connected to other worlds, and even suspected to be connected to other worlds, another parallel world?

These things... whenever they appear, it is a major event that can shock the world! Not to mention that people are jumping out one after another without money now.

The situation in Japan is really too big... Currently, all countries with some strength in the world have set their sights on it.

Those powerful countries that stand at the top are directly in contact with Japan's current cabinet.

Although the cabinet generally knew that the illusory image in the sky should be the projection of Sword Art Online. However, they simply cannot understand who the Chinese Immortal is in the sky at this moment...

After realizing this, many top powers suspected that the Immortal was related to China, and immediately the foreign affairs department began to test the Chinese side... But it was very obvious that China knew no more than the other top powers...

Su Han looked indifferent and stared in the direction of the sky. What is reflected in the other world is the mirror world.

...Interesting. The corner of Su Han's mouth curled up. He gently touched the void in front of him with his finger, and the void kept twisting. Aren't you coming out yet?

With a crisp buzzing sound, the Clown Emperor appeared out of thin air.

He stared at Su Han with a cold and serious face, with heart palpitations and confusion in his eyes, Interesting existence... like the gods of the Yanhuang system, but that kind of essential distortion! It's a bit like me. The one I met once...

The Clown Emperor's voice suddenly stopped, and he stared at Su Han with uncertain eyes.

Are you using words to divert my attention? Su Han reached forward with his palm and caught a large number of fine silk threads.

His voice was cold, If that's all, then you can die.

The fist was clenched, the fine lines were erased, the fist was slowly pushed out, and the huge figure of the Moral God suddenly appeared behind Su Han.

The statue of Tianzun stands with the sky and the earth, sitting cross-legged, and the sound of the heaven and earth reverberates through the sky and the earth. At the same time, scenes of ancient ancestors appeared all around, listening to Laozi's teachings and worshiping him.

For example, the Tao is in the world, just like the rivers and valleys are in the rivers and seas!

This is a peerless killing technique recorded in Chapter 32 of the Tao Te Ching!

This punch contains the heavenly charm of the great road, just like the river and the sea, all rivers and streams flow into it, and it naturally has a terrifying aura that makes all things submissive.

The Clown Emperor's pupils suddenly shrank. He was completely locked and couldn't escape even if he wanted to. The terrifying fist power suddenly penetrated the Clown Emperor's body, like a big millstone, grinding him into powder.

But these powders also contain terrifying vitality and have no entity. Some of them try their best to bear the emperor's fist. The other part quickly fled into the distance.

...can you run away? Su Han was noncommittal. The clock pattern flashed in his pupils, which was caused by the activation of Kurumi Tokisaki's ability.

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