Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 496 No. 10: I just changed my number, why don’t you recognize me anymore?

At this rate, in one minute! The enemy will officially arrive. Whitebeard obtained extremely accurate information through seeing and hearing.

After a brief silence, Rick turned to look at Su Han, This new gentleman, may I ask...how should I call you?

Thinking of the demon god from last time... Rick murmured in his heart, this one wouldn't call himself a fairy god, would he?

Su Han glanced at Rick and said indifferently, I am No. 10.

Huh?! Tushan Honghong's expression changed drastically, and he almost doubted whether he heard it wrong.

Whitebeard no longer paid attention to the strange world above the sky. He turned his head and stared at Su Han, his brows furrowed. He now has the urge to use his knowledge to peek at Su Han...

However, he suddenly thought of the consequences of the last time he listened to No. 10 with the color of knowledge, and forcibly suppressed this impulse.

This...can you explain something? Master Gu Yi remained calm and calm on the surface, but there were some thoughts and doubts deep in his eyes.

In the final analysis, the gap between No. 10 and the person in front of him is too huge...

Number 10, a very typical evil god. It even made them wonder whether No. 10 was one of the Old Gods... It's just that he betrayed the God of the Old Gods and joined the Council of Ministers...

And the person in front of me, purely in terms of temperament and strength, is a truly top-notch immortal!

Or is it that the end point of the Eastern Xianxia system...is the God of the Old Ones? !

No, no matter how you think about it, this kind of thing is impossible, right? Master Gu Yi's eyelids twitched, and she suddenly thought of the Jiujianxian in the misty space... or even Zhang Sanfeng.

In the final analysis, the reason why Zhang Sanfeng was able to break through was because he incorporated the immortal way of Jiujianxian into martial arts. The immortal martial arts he is practicing now is also another form of immortality...

If the end of the immortal path is the gods of the past... their future, and even that of the council's immortal cultivators... is really worthy of consideration.

You think too much. Su Han glanced at Master Gu Yi. His voice was as ethereal as ever, with white mist lingering and fairy aura, as if it would break into the void at any time and leave. I am an incarnation of No. 10. .”

Hmm... you can think of him as someone who specializes in practicing immortality, martial arts, and fantasy, right?

After a pause, Su Han continued to speak, The incarnation of the old god has infinite possibilities! For example, the Black Dharma King is the incarnation of Naija, but the last time I was in a certain world, I also saw Naija. The female incarnation of Asia is the swollen daughter.”

Other incarnations, such as the Night Roarer, the Old Messenger, etc... they are all so strange! Of course... although the incarnations are split into the same body, they have their own wisdom and ideas. I remember that No. 10 should follow You said that even if they are the same incarnation of the old god, it is possible for them to fight in private, right?

Whitebeard and Master Gu Yi, you look at me and I look at you. All were speechless.

They had indeed heard No. 10 talk about this, but they didn't expect... No. 10's subtext at the time was that they also had such strange incarnations...

Evil God, Evil God. Whitebeard sighed, shook his head, and made no comment. In other words, he didn't know what to say about it.

The next moment, a loud bang sounded.

The illusory world above the sky has completely turned into reality. Countless monsters were gathered in another world, and then swept towards the mirror world.

Okay, let's end the discussion here. Bruce Wayne glanced at Su Han. Although he was shocked inside, he knew that now was not the time to care about this issue, Get ready to fight.

After the words fell, Bruce Wayne gently pointed his finger in the void.

The many cards in front of him were all in pieces, and densely packed Batman armor emerged in the void in front of him.

Test all the weapons of mass destruction that Iron Man and I have developed on these enemies. Bruce Wayne's voice did not waver. He does adhere to the no-kill principle, but if he is facing non-human creatures, the no-kill principle will naturally not be touched.

Follow your orders! A cold mechanical voice sounded.

Immediately, the Batman armor at the front suddenly soared into the sky. Nine bullet holes were split in the chest of the armor, and small missiles shot out of the holes.

With a loud bang, blazing light swept across the entire world, the earth was torn apart, and tall buildings collapsed completely under the shock wave.

A mushroom cloud rises slowly.

Master Gu Yi raised his palm and blocked the shock wave easily.

...This kind of thing. Yucheng Zhangsan subconsciously took a step back, but because his legs were weak, he sat directly on the ground.

He stared blankly at this scene. Even after being offset by the Ancient One Mage, this light still made his eyes sting...

Jie Chengzhangzo has already guessed what happened...

That is humanity's ultimate weapon, nuclear weapons.

Impossible! If it is true as I guessed before, then the game should not have nuclear weapons as a setting. Yusei Shozo muttered, his mind in confusion.

Suddenly something occurred to him, and his expression changed drastically, Wait a minute, you actually openly detonated this kind of weapon on... Japan's soil?!

Although the world was constantly changing before, he could still see a large number of pedestrians walking on the horizontal or vertical streets of the changed world...

Although he doesn't know what is going on in this world, it must be related to the world he lives in.

Don't panic! This is the mirror world...Father, you can understand that even if the mirror world is completely shattered, it will not have an impact on reality. Yusei Asuna comforted her in a low voice.

When the mushroom cloud dissipated, the Batman armor above the sky began a second wave of attacks.

The brilliant lasers flew away, densely packed with thousands of them.

Those monsters that were not at the center of the nuclear weapons and barely survived had their bodies penetrated by these laser benchmarks, and immediately their entire bodies were burned and vaporized due to the terrifying high temperature.

This is...after industrialization! Is this the power that humans can have?

Rick swallowed, looking at this scene with straight eyes, clenching his fists, feeling excited, excited, confused, and fearful in his heart.

This force is too strong!

Although there is a huge gap between them and the gods of their world. But looking at the entire world, this level of power can definitely be considered to be in the middle or upper reaches...

[PS: Recommend a book from a friend... I am really not a child of luck. This book is simply amazing. It kept me awake and forgetting to eat and sleep. It was so damn interesting...except for the inexplicable disappearance of time, it was pretty good...]

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