Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 488 Using this to deduce... the true thoughts of the Speaker of Parliament! Scary to think a

I think... I'm happy to hear about this! Conan's mouth curved up.

You can say that in front of Aizen if you can. Sakata Gintoki rolled his eyes.

After Aizen left, if you said you have a hammer, just face it if you are a man.

Conan glanced at Sakata Gintoki speechlessly. He went crazy and deliberately offended Aizen... He was usually vigilant, after all, everyone was wary of Aizen, so it was okay.

But targeting it deliberately is another matter...

I always feel that this drug is very dangerous! He won't use it blindly... No, Aizen doesn't give people the impression that he will use it blindly. Fan Xian suddenly realized.

But Aizen might be able to conduct research on his own! What if something goes wrong with his research until the end... That would be really interesting. Sakata Gintoki smacked his mouth. It's useful for Accelerator and Boros, but is it also useful for Aizen?

Aizen, why are you studying this thing? Sawada Tsunayoshi was a little confused. He felt that the love potion did not match Aizen's style of painting at all.

Essentially! This love potion can actually be used as a weapon. Conan pushed up his glasses, looking a little serious, Think about it, if it is on the battlefield. A close battle... Aizen suddenly This thing was poured into the other party.”

Then, in theory, the opponent will go into heat... In this process, the opponent will lose the will to fight... In this way, Aizen can easily defeat his opponent.

Yes! Weapons and medicines can be useful as long as you know how to use them. Feng Yuan nodded with deep approval.

After a brief silence, Kuchiki Rukia nodded slightly. After confirming that Aizen will definitely study it, and even consider mass production... she said that she should stay away from Aizen in the future...

But having said that, Aizen somehow convinced Urahara Kisuke and forced him to study with him! In other words, it is very likely that the two of them will study together this time, right? What if something happens? The bottle broke...

Kuchiki Rukia suddenly felt her scalp numb and quickly shook off the distracting thoughts. The scene was so beautiful...she couldn't imagine it.

Of course, Rukia Kuchiki knew very well that the possibility of something happening was very small... After all, Aizen's character was too cautious...

On the other side, Tony Stark glanced at the random stars in the sky with a complicated expression, sighed, and finally used the evil power on his two-color domineering force.

With Aizen's lessons learned... he should now use the evil god's power in the areas that can best enhance his own strength...

Rick tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest. After thinking for a moment, he concluded in a concise and concise manner.

In general, if you want to become stronger quickly in a short period of time, you can use that star. Or, if you are confused about your future, you can also do the same... But if you are interested in points, Planning, forget it...is that right?

Yes! Yuuki Asuna whispered, It's similar to gambling and drawing cards. There may be unexpected surprises! But don't take it too seriously.

Master Gu Yi stared deeply at the Random Star. After being silent for a long time, he took a deep look at Su Han.

...Master, what are you doing? Axing was keenly aware of the change in Master Gu Yi's gaze, and immediately spoke with some confusion.

It's nothing, I just thought about the world just now... and I have some thoughts in my heart. Master Gu Yi said calmly.

One by one...worlds? Wait. Illya reacted, her expression changed drastically, and she spoke quickly, Teacher, are you saying that those illusory world projections just now? In fact, they are all real?

It's normal. If not, how could there be real objects extracted from those illusory worlds? Tang Hao's words seemed to be taken for granted.

Of course, Tang Hao looked calm on the surface, but he crossed his arms across his chest, and his left and right palms grasped the other arm... It could also be seen that he was in a state of turmoil inside.

It's not just that, Jiujianxian added, It's normal to have so many worlds... But the key is that those worlds may all be within the scope of the power of the Parliament Speaker.

Jiujianxian put a serious look on his face. If it is said that the world behind everyone present was all created by the Speaker of Parliament... then by inference, it is very likely that the endless illusory world was also created by the Speaker of Parliament...

This is really... shocking. Emilia's voice was very low. Although she was surprised, she did not question it.

Su Han also had no opinion on this. He scanned the audience for a week and found that no one had any intention of continuing the lottery. He immediately lost interest. As soon as he thought about it, his figure turned into mist and disappeared from the place.

The Mist Palace fell into silence again.

...Do you think the function of this random star is automatically derived from the evolution of the foggy space to a certain extent, or...is it deliberately guided in this direction by the chairman of the parliament and shaped into it? Gu Xun'er suddenly spoke.

After Emperor Qing considered it for a moment, he said word by word, If it is a coincidence, it would be too much of a coincidence.

Emperor Qing did not speak out. After all, as an emperor, he often said things by himself that seemed to have nothing to do with the real matter. Then, let the people below realize...

Even after joining the parliament, he recognized that everyone present was his equal, but this habit was difficult to change.

I also feel that this was done deliberately by the Chairman of the Council. Luo Cuilian's eyes were blazing, and her voice was filled with a little joy. Perhaps the Chairman of the Council hopes to use this... to enhance our strength in a short period of time.

In fact, if you are lucky and draw good things, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time... or even skyrocket?

Luo Cuilian has a deep understanding of this. She even doubted that the star could extract divine power... And once the divine power of the Godslayer World was obtained, even if you were an ordinary person, you could reach the sky in one step and become a demon king that mortals on earth could not resist...

Then the question arises, Ying Zheng said in a steady tone, but his words were as sharp as ever, President of the Parliament... why does he expect me to increase our strength in a short period of time?

The scene was quiet.

By reverse inference, it is actually easy to draw a conclusion... However, this conclusion is a bit hard to accept...

Rick looked thoughtful and murmured, In the near future, we will encounter more evil creatures with more powerful strength...or even some evil gods?

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