Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 486 Uchiha Madara’s shocking joy? World stand-in!

Eye of Mianjigu...? Conan repeated the name and frowned. After thinking for a moment, he stared at Madara Uchiha seriously, May I ask, what is the use of these eyes?

Copy everything I saw! Madara Uchiha's words were concise and to the point. He was calm on the surface, but from his flashing eyes at this moment, you could see that there was a huge turmoil in his heart. No matter what it is! It's written text. ! The application of weapons! Or various strange martial arts, physical constitutions, and the genetic abilities of other races...

As long as the power of existence is seen through my eyes, I will be able to understand it. As long as I test it a few times... I will be able to use it skillfully.

The scene fell into dead silence.

As powerful as Aizen, his expression changed at this moment. He tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest, and after a long time, he said, Then my spiritual power, and even the Zanpakutō I hold in my hand, can be copied by your eyes?

Theoretically, this is true, Uchiha Madara breathed out faintly, If it were the original owner of these eyes, it might be easy to do this. But if it were me, if I wanted to reproduce the power you possess, I would have to It takes a long time.”

...What do you mean? Aizen's eyes flickered. He got a lot of information from Uchiha Madara's words, but he is not sure yet. He needs Uchiha Ban to reveal more information to confirm his judgment. .

The original owner of these eyes... I don't know much about it! But that guy seems to be an existence that is jealous of the sky. Uchiha Madara's voice was low.

She possesses talents and talents beyond anyone's imagination. The eyes she possesses are not used to copy all the powers in the world and become stronger...but to contain her own power?

Can you say more? Ying Zheng's voice suddenly shrank, and his heart couldn't be calm.

To put it simply! These eyes that can learn all abilities are the means used by that woman to restrain herself from becoming weak. As he spoke, Uchiha Madara's hand holding the armrest tightened uncontrollably. This incident shocked him so much.

Compared with the real owner of these eyes, what is Senju Hashirama? What is the Immortal of Six Paths? They have this kind of ability to easily learn all the powers in the world, but they only use it to make themselves weaker... Can it even be said to be courageous?

The Mist Hall fell into silence for a long time. You looked at me and I looked at you. It took a while for them to calm down.

In other words, these eyes allow you to learn everything! However, the original owner may learn instantly, but you can only learn slowly? Is this what you mean? Accelerator narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yes! However, his help to me is also extremely huge. The corners of Uchiha Madara's mouth raised slightly. These eyes allow him to understand the opponent's power system the first moment he fights with him, and even peek into the opponent's thinking to a certain extent...

After all, although he cannot learn instantly, he can see through it instantly. After all, seeing through and learning are not on the same level...

And this can increase his combat effectiveness by two to three percent...

Plus being able to learn all powers! Even if it takes a long time to learn other powers... but at least it means that his future path will be broader.

Su Han looked down with an inexplicable expression. He also had the eye to see ancient things at this moment, and sighed silently.

Amazing power.

Jianjigu's Eye was strong but Su Han thought about it and discovered that it had a weakness that was not a weakness. That is, the issue of level.

Madara Uchiha's ancient eyes can now analyze the mysteries of all semi-holy realms. As for the higher-level ones, those in the realm of sages... it cannot be said that they cannot be analyzed, but that it will take a lot of time. The more advanced the mystery, the more time it takes.

Of course, Su Han's eye for seeing ancient things has been assimilated by the Law of Great Harmony at the moment he possesses it. In other words, all the mysteries of the sage field cannot escape Su Han's eyes, and will be learned and mastered by him in an instant... Sage Above, it is consistent with Uchiha Madara's situation.

Unless Su Han's own strength level has been improved, the Eye of Jianji will be improved along with the law of great unity.

Of course, Su Han's eyes can be upgraded with the help of the Great One Law. If Uchiha Madara wants to upgrade, he can only strengthen them with the power of the evil god.

The increased strength is strong, but for Uchiha Madara, it is equivalent to having another powerful evil god.

Su Han's eyes flickered. Of course, although he knew this, many council members present did not know this, so they were now very envious of Uchiha Madara.

What if the random star appeared earlier. Accelerator's eyes flickered uncertainly. All his points were now used to strengthen himself. Although the progress was beyond imagination, there was inevitably some regret in his heart at this time.

Tokisaki Kurumi said with a bright smile, Ah, it's beyond imagination! I originally planned to use the power of the evil god to strengthen my own elf power, maybe I can break through the restrictions set by the ancestor elf... But now it seems that, There is another way.”

With almost no hesitation, Tokisaki Kuangsan stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly, pouring a large amount of evil power into it.

The next moment, time seemed to have stopped, and a torrent of time was released from it, penetrating Kurumi Tokisaki's body.

...What is this feeling? Tokisaki Kurumi's expression became very strange, and she did not speak for a long time.

What's going on here? Aizen asked. In fact, he still has a lot of evil power left in his hand. Although the evil power can make him stronger, Aizen's character is too cautious, so he always keeps some of it as his retreat.

Now, Aizen is thinking about whether he should invest the evil power into it.

If Tokisaki Kurumi also obtained something beyond imagination, then it can be explained in a certain sense... the random star born this time is also a gift given to them by the chairman of the parliament to make them stronger. , the probability of drawing good things is very high...

Then, Aizen will also invest in the power of the evil god and conduct a lottery.

I gained an ability called... a substitute? Kurumi Tokisaki organized his words and spoke in a low voice, The name of the substitute is World, and the ability is to pause time for five seconds.

After a brief silence, Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes narrowed, and behind her, a figure wearing a yellow helmet appeared.

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