Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 48 Su Han: Huh? What are you thinking about?

This is what Su Han achieved by using the power of the evil god. This initially gives the foggy space the possibility to interfere with reality!

Although I feel a little sorry for the power of the evil god, there is actually nothing to say.

For one thing, Su Han has a considerable amount of evil power stored in his body, and he cannot carry it if it is stored in space. If he hadn't thought of storing it in the mist space before, and Lang Buwaste was still there...it might be that he himself would have big problems due to absorbing too much evil power.

Secondly, allowing the mist space to evolve will also be of great benefit to Su Han. After all, he is the master of the entire foggy space. Moreover, Su Han can also use this month of cultivation, which is equivalent to one year of cultivation.

Zhang Sanfeng stared at the blue moon above the mist, his expression changed several times, and he said in a low voice, Your Excellency, Speaker of the Parliament, I just want to ask, if you practice in this moon, will your lifespan pass at the same rate in the real world or in practice? Moon World? Also, does this moon only allow one person to practice?

The rate of lifespan loss is based on reality. Su Han's voice was soft. After all, if you waste your life as much as you practice for as long as you practice in the Month of Cultivation, then it is not considered cheating at all.

As for the number of cultivators... everyone will have an independent cultivation space when they enter. Even if new members join in the future, they will also be assigned a large and independent space.

Is it like this? Tony Stark looked up and stared at Su Han wordlessly, Why did you suddenly think of shaping such a moon? It's because we solved the problem of the One Piece world... No!

Tony Stark suddenly retorted. He realized something, and bitterness appeared on his face, The problems in the pirate world are solved by you sending your own gods. It has nothing to do with us... So, it's because Have we pleased you before?”

Uchiha Madara and the whitebeard beside him looked at each other in understanding.

The scene of them fighting against the enemy may be just a performance and game in Su Han's eyes. Are rewards given out of joy?

What a blow.

Uchiha Madara lowered his eyes, and his white beard looked a little strange.

The atmosphere in the foggy space suddenly became weird.

Su Han's eyelids twitched and he looked at the group of people below speechlessly.

How did you come up with this? I'm just making a fool of myself and giving you some benefits... Why do you just think of it as a reward to please me?

You are not my believers, and I am not a real god... I give you shitty rewards.

Although he was complaining crazily in his heart, Su Han didn't say a word on the surface. After all, the more you say, the more likely you are to make mistakes.

After a brief silence, he glanced at the silent crowd. After thinking about it, he simply stopped paying attention to them and cast his gaze into his body, preparing to use the evil power in his body to strengthen himself.

Although the amount of evil power in the body is far inferior to that poured into the mist space, there is no other way. I can only carry so much if I don't live up to my expectations.

Su Han sighed inwardly, but then he steeled himself, Become stronger as soon as possible, and then... let yourself be able to carry more power of the evil god. Kill more of the evil god's relatives... this will become a virtuous cycle.

Su Han thought for a moment and divided the evil god's power into ten parts.

He first used four of them to develop Hashirama cells in his body. After all, Hashirama's cells have been developed to the extreme, which is the immortal body...

If he really has a fairy body and makes it perfect, he will be able to possess Senju Hashirama's Chatara, which even Uchiha Madara cannot compare with.

After the strengthening was completed, Su Han closed his eyes slightly and sensed carefully.

Hmm... The amount of chakra in my body now should have touched the edge of the super shadow level, right? But more importantly, Hashirama cells are no longer just cells, they have begun to evolve, and derived from the original state of immortals. human body.

Su Han was very satisfied with this.

He felt that his physical fitness and even vitality had been greatly enhanced. Although there is still a long way to go before Dacheng is completed, Rome was not built in a day, so just take your time.

Then, Su Han divided it into two parts, which were used to strengthen the weapon-colored domineering power and the knowledge-colored domineering power. He could feel that his listening ability and his body began to evolve.

After the evolution was successful, Su Han began to think, My current level of domineering... is not easy to guess. Is it probably the level of a lieutenant general? Maybe it is still a relatively weak lieutenant general.

Although he was a little regretful, Su Han didn't say much and was already prepared. Finally, he devoted the remaining two portions to his own fantasy cultivation method.

At this moment, Su Han noticed that the spiritual energy in his body increased to the limit in an instant, as if every meridian in his body had spiritual energy running. The sea of ​​vitality expanded to the extreme, and finally exploded with a bang.

Just like the creation of the world, the chaos of one element burst apart, Yin and Yang were divided into two parts, the pure and the turbid were in opposition, and the two rites gradually evolved.

This looks...a bit familiar.

Su Han looked at the separation and opposition between Yin and Yang and Qingzhuo, and inexplicably recalled the Tai Chi sword and Tai Chi boxing given to him by Zhang Sanfeng.

Then, something seemed to make sense. In his sea of ​​vitality, a Tai Chi diagram gradually appeared.

at the same time.

In the foggy space, there were many members who were either meditating or feeling heavy-hearted, and their expressions all changed drastically. They suddenly raised their heads and looked in Su Han's direction.

At this moment, the fog on Su Han's body was surging crazily, and the unsightly and cold feeling under the fog spread outward. But unlike the last time, this time, in addition to the coldness and distortion that cannot be seen directly, there is also a vast brilliance.

It was a sacred and majestic atmosphere that was completely opposite to the weird darkness. It seems that at the turn of the sun and the moon, darkness and light coexist.

What's going on? What on earth is this! Uchiha Madara was stunned.

Is it... Tai Chi? Zhang Sanfeng lost his voice, but then rejected it, No, although it is somewhat similar in nature... but compared to the Tai Chi I created, it is much, much better.

In his perception, this is simply the sun and the moon embedded in the Tai Chi Diagram, each looking like a pair of fish eyes.

“Is this the true meaning of Tai Chi?”

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt moved in his heart, and he had a new understanding. At this moment, he suddenly realized that the bottleneck in front of him had disappeared.

If you ask questions in the morning, you will die in the evening!

Zhang Sanfeng sighed quietly. He stood up, bowed deeply to Su Han, and then stepped into the blue moon above the mist. Went to retreat to practice.

Su Han just regained consciousness, opened his eyes, and saw silence in front of him. And Zhang Sanfeng bowed and stepped on the moon of cultivation, all in one movement. A look of confusion appeared on his face.

Huh? What happened again?!

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