Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 470 Star Cup, Infinity Stones, History of Time! An exceptional thing in an endless world?

If this could be done, it would be really awesome, Tony Stark smacked his lips. At that time, as long as he wanted to, he would be able to cultivate a group of strong men with medicine in a short time.

After a brief silence, Bruce Wayne looked at Rick, his voice low and hoarse, What are your thoughts after seeing the stars in your own world?

What I think is that Sora and Shiro's life is really exciting. Rick said softly.

Blank has never lost, and Rickhubi has never won! Yako Busujima murmured, The strong sharpen their claws, and the weak sharpen their wisdom.

Taking a deep breath, Busujima Yako calmed down her mood, but she tightened her grip on the katana at her waist.

Speaking of this, I suddenly thought of Mr. Conan. Sawada Tsunayoshi looked in Conan's direction, his voice carrying an inexplicable emotion.

Ah? Conan was stunned for a moment. After he realized what he was doing, the corner of his mouth twitched, You mean, I'm not strong enough! That's why I sharpen my wisdom?

This was indeed the case before joining the council, but it's inappropriate to compare this to who I am now. And based on this statement, wouldn't Aizen be crying?

Fengyuan thought about it and felt it made sense, and immediately moved his eyes to Aizen. There is no doubt that Aizen... is a strange being with both strength and wisdom.

In response, Aizen just smiled and did not answer.

Oh, I thought! Rick sacrificed countless things in exchange for a future that would be so glorious for mankind. But in the end, we were still at an absolute disadvantage. Accelerator suddenly said. There was a cold luster in his eyes, and he sneered.

The so-called God of Games, Tetu, obviously got to that position because of Rick... but he still has the same non-preferential and very fair attitude towards humans.

It's so ridiculous... This kind of justice is actually the greatest injustice.

Rick didn't speak, he lowered his head. In fact, he had more or less this idea in his heart.

After thinking about it, Accelerator turned his head and stared at Rick and said, Rick, otherwise... when you finally get the Star Cup, you might as well give it to the Council Chairman. I think this is at least better than giving it to That so-called Tetu is much more cost-effective.”

Weber froze on the spot, but after careful consideration, he looked at Rick with a strange expression. He felt that what Accelerator said made sense, and was a little curious about Rick's final choice.

Maybe it will be like this in the future. Rick did not agree directly. His eyes were a little deep, and he was obviously still thinking about the previous game life. His heart could not be calm. He sighed softly, In the final analysis, the Star Cup still contains too much. So much mystery!”

For example, I couldn't hold the Star Cup in the end... I watched it several times and couldn't figure out whether I couldn't hold the Star Cup because I was not a god, or because I couldn't control the elves... or some other reason.

Until I really understand these things! And I am sure that I can hold that cup... I am not qualified to give away that cup.

Speaking of this, Rick took a deep look at Su Han. He knew that the Speaker of Parliament should know this information, but the Speaker of Parliament had not appeared in the stars before... After opening his mouth, Rick hesitated, sighed, and did not ask.

Since the Speaker didn't say anything before, he must have his own thoughts... With this in mind, Rick forcibly suppressed his doubts.

Rick, this guy is really cautious to the extreme. Su Han glanced at Rick and sighed silently. This is actually a very normal thing. Rick has developed the habit of not allowing himself to make any mistakes in his own world...

After all, for him, any mistake may lead to disaster.

I'm quite curious, which one is stronger or weaker, the Star Cup or the Infinity Stones? Sakata Gintoki spoke with interest.

The Star Cup contains the power to create the world, and even allow living beings to directly become the only god... and the Infinity Stones can also easily rewrite the world with the snap of a finger.

If we really want to compare! Do we also need to add the history book by the way? Fan Xian rolled his eyes, thinking that Sakata Gintoki was just bored and looking for trouble.

Didn't I tell you all? It is very likely that a treasure of this level will only be useful in your own world. Yuki Asuna said very seriously and cautiously, Of course, if the speaker of the parliament gives the powerful blessing, it may also be useful in other worlds. use?

After all, I don't have a treasure of this level, so I can't be sure.

But speaking of foreign objects, I experimented with something before. Busujima Yako suddenly said, I discovered that the evil god's power can not only strengthen myself, but if I want, I can also use the evil god's power to strengthen weapons.

White beard:!!!!

Whitebeard's expression changed, and he looked at Busujima Yako with some surprise, Is your evil power... already rich enough?

It's just a simple experiment, dad. Yako Busujima smiled helplessly. She pulled out the sword from her waist and lightly traced the sword with her fingers. Now this sword is pure. In terms of strength, it’s already comparable to Hawkeye’s Supreme Knife Night.”

And the evil power I invested is very, very little. At most, it can only give me a few hundred more power, right? Overall, it's very, very cost-effective.

A few hundred Dao Power is really nothing, just in comparison, the value of a supreme sharp knife is terrifying. Whitebeard immediately fell into deep thought.

Conan became interested for a moment, and he sighed, It is indeed an almighty energy.

After Sawada Tsunayoshi was silent for a while, he looked at Tushan Honghong. Tushan Honghong even looked a little uncomfortable and asked, May I ask, what's the matter with you, sir?

I just simply thought that the Taoist priests in Miss Tushan's world valued magical weapons. Sawada Tsunayoshi said in an incomprehensible tone, Perhaps the parliament speaker figured everything out at the beginning...

The almighty evil god. Since it is said to be almighty, it is natural that no matter what path it takes, it can improve its own strength.

Zhang Sanfeng's brows twitched, and his eyes were simple and calm as he scanned the crowd. Focusing on Xiaozhi and Tushan Honghong, a lot of thoughts flashed in his mind, and he nodded thoughtfully. But there was no comment on this either.

Seeing that these people at the scene were almost discussing, Su Han controlled No. 10 and got to the point.

His voice was calm without any fluctuation, Everyone, I remember that yesterday, Mr. Uchiha was determined to sacrifice to God.

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