Spoilers for all the worlds

Chapter 293 Death of Yhwach? Aizen’s great courage and big plan (second update)

After all... Judging from the current situation, all the worlds that have not been sacrificed... are very likely to have problems. And you have both the top powerhouse and the villain. Accelerator's voice did not waver at all. .

Isn't it the same for you? Aizen asked with a smile.

For a moment, Accelerator was silent. Many members of parliament also fell silent.

Boros's eyes flickered, and he suddenly felt that if he had not joined the parliament, after learning about Saitama's strength...when circumstances permitted, he might have embarked on the path of the evil god...

After all, at that time, he must have wanted to become stronger and defeat the bald devil... No matter what the price, he was probably willing to pay...

If you calculate it this way, Zhang Sanfeng thought for a while, his eyes suddenly condensed, Maybe the next problem will arise... in the world of Death.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly realized something, No... maybe there is already a problem in the world of Death.

Yhwach. Tony Stark suddenly woke up.

I thought so too. Aizen nodded slightly and said casually, So I made countless preparations before and went to the Invisible Empire... Then, I killed Yhwach and devoured him ”

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Dagu's body suddenly tensed up. Waver stared at Aizen in disbelief. Tony Stark nodded slightly at first, then reacted and looked at Aizen in surprise.

Almost everyone in the parliament could not believe what they heard.

However, Aizen sat quietly in his seat, with a faint smile on his lips, as calm as ever.

Su Han stared at Aizen, he was not surprised.

Because of his power, he was allowed to see what Aizen had done...

He went to the headquarters of the Invisible Empire and used the power of his Zanpakutō to devour and absorb Yhwach, who had not yet returned to his peak. He also used Kyoka Suigetsu's control over the five senses to confuse many Quincy, making them think that Aizen was Yhwach. Habach...thereby naturally accepted the Quincy forces under Yhwach.

Thoughts flashed in Su Han's mind, and he suddenly controlled No. 10 to speak, However, Aizen... you found that Yhwach is not an evil thing?

Indeed. Aizen took a deep look at No. 10 and spoke calmly. He was not surprised that No. 10 told the truth. It is natural for a real evil god to know more.

There are two possibilities... One possibility is that Yhwach may embark on the path of the evil god when he is about to return to his peak in the future. And when I went to find him, he had not yet had time to transform... Aizen talked eloquently, Another possibility is that there may be other people in our world who have embarked on the path of evil gods.

Thoughts flashed in Tony Stark's mind. If someone really wanted to take the path of an evil god...who in their Marvel world would be the problem?

Tony Stark's first reaction was Thanos, and he subconsciously looked at the Ancient One.

I understand what you mean, Master Ancient One's voice was as calm as ever, But as far as the current situation is concerned, Thanos is still the Thanos of the plot stars. He is the overlord of the universe who wants to use extreme means to bring peace to the universe!

Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief, but after thinking about it for a while, his heart continued to worry. If not Thanos, who could it be?

When his head hurt from thinking about it, Tony Stark grinned, and finally sighed inwardly... If it was Thanos, it might be a good thing. After all, the enemy is locked in advance...

Of course, it is also possible that Thanos has not taken that path now, but may take it in the future... These are all uncertain.

The speed of power accumulation is still too slow. Tony Stark stared at his palms. The speed of his progress has exceeded imagination, far exceeding the original historical trajectory.

But when he thinks about the immeasurable depth of the universe, when he thinks about the power of the infinite stones, when he thinks about the overlord of the universe eyeing the earth...Tony Stark can't calm down.

Tony Stark is relatively good now. After all, the Ancient One is supporting him...

When he first learned about the future of his world and the Ancient One Master didn't appear, Tony Stark couldn't sleep at night...

Don't look at him being lazy in the Mist Palace. In fact, during that time, he spent most of that time simulating various dangerous situations and formulating countermeasures in the month of cultivation...

At that time, Tony Stark often spent more than half a year in the training month while studying technology and thinking about plans.

Wait a moment. The Sword Master said abruptly, What is Mr. Aizen planning to do after killing Yhwach?

Aizen raised his eyebrows. He took a deep look at Jiu Jianxian and said with a smile, You said... if I carry out a thorough reform of the entire world. Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, the present world, the Invisible Empire ...How about unifying these worlds?”

What do you mean? Zhang Sanfeng's eyes narrowed.

Song Que remained silent and straightened his back. He didn't understand many of the words spoken by everyone at the scene... so he kept a low profile at the moment and just listened.

For example, using your Eastern mythology, Aizen paused for a moment before continuing, the corpse is compared to the underworld, which further enhances the connection between reality and the Soul Society. There is no need for the Shinigami to go to the real world to guide you. ”

When a person dies, the soul directly enters the Soul Society and can complete reincarnation properly and efficiently...

After a moment's pause, Aizen continued, Then, I'm going to study the spread of the extraordinary power system in the real world, so that humans can also control the power of Quincy, Shinigami, and Hollows! Let this world become incomparably brilliant, let The boundaries between life and death are extremely blurred... making the human world truly become an extraordinary world.

Aizen's eyes flashed with interest, as if he had seen some very interesting toy, This should be considered a great achievement, right? By then, I can sacrifice it to heaven.

After a long silence, Weber stammered, What a crazy plan.

After a brief silence, Yako Busujima looked at Rukia Kuchiki, I'm surprised... Rukia Kuchiki didn't object violently to such a big move?

I did object, Rukia Kuchiki said in a calm voice, However, although this plan is extremely risky... if it is completely successful, it will be of great help to Soul Society.

Huh? Busushima Yako frowned. But before she could say anything, Conan thought about something and said suddenly, It's amazing, allowing the seeds of extraordinary power to take root and sprout in this world...

But, Aizen, Conan turned to stare at Aizen with an incomprehensible tone, Are you ready for the evil to fully invade your world?

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